Value Qualifier Codes
# National Water Information System
# 2024/12/22
# Date Retrieved: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help System
val_qual_cd val_qual_nm
1s 62s
$ incorrect sample container
& biological organism estimated as dominant
( blank greater than the sample-specific Critical Level
) sample-specific MDC (ssMDC) above contractual MDC
* sample was warm when received
+ improper preservation
/ matrix spike (MS) recovery outside of acceptable range
= negative result may indicate potential negative bias
@ holding time exceeded
a value extrapolated at high end
b value extrapolated at low end
c see result laboratory comment
d sample was diluted
e see result field comment
f sample field preparation problem
g count less than 0.5 percent
h compound identification verified by alternate method
i result may be affected by interference
j count greater than or equal to 15 percent (dominant)
k counts outside acceptable range
l sample preparation problem
m value is highly variable by this method
n below the reporting level but at or above the detection level
o result determined by alternate method
p value reported is preferred
q insufficient sample received
r value verified by rerun, same method
s instrument sensitivity problem
t below the detection level
u value reported not confirmable, interference
v analyte detected in laboratory blank
w high variability, questionable precision and accuracy
x interference from sample matrix
y sample variability described in comment
z value verified by rerun, alternate method
\ lab control sample (LCS) recovery outside of range or criteria
^ yield outside of contractually acceptable range
~ duplicates do not check (not within the acceptance limits)