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Aquifer Codes

State Cd Aqfr Cd Aqfr Nm
00 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
01 000UMTL Unknown Material
01 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
01 110QRNR Quaternary System
01 110QRRT Quaternary-Tertiary Systems
01 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
01 111CSTL Coastal Deposits
01 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
01 111HLCN Holocene Series
01 111LTAV Low Terrace Deposits, Alluvium
01 111RGLT Regolith
01 111RSDM Residuum
01 111SPRL Saprolite
01 112HGTC High Terrace Deposits
01 112IMTC Intermediate Terrace Deposits
01 112LTRC Low Terrace Deposits
01 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
01 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
01 120TRCC Tertiary-Cretaceous Systems
01 120TRTR Tertiary System
01 120UTRTR Tertiary System
01 121CRNL Citronelle Formation
01 121PLCN Pliocene Series
01 122CTHL Catahoula Sandstone
01 122CTHLS Catahoula Sandstone
01 122MCEC Miocene-Eocene Series
01 122MOCN Miocene Series
01 122PHMK Paynes Hammock Sand
01 122RSDM Residuum-South Alabama
01 123BCTN Bucatunna Clay Member of Byram Formation
01 123BYRM Byram Formation
01 123CCKS Chickasawhay Limestone
01 123FRHL Forest Hill Sand
01 123GLND Glendon Limestone Member of Byram Formation
01 123MRNN Marianna Limestone
01 123OLGC Oligocene Series
01 123RDBF Red Bluff Clay
01 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
01 124BLDG Bells Landing Marl Member of Tuscahoma Sand
01 124BSHI Bashi Marl Member of Hatchetigbee Formation
01 124CLBR Claiborne Group
01 124COCO Cocoa Sand Member of Yazoo Clay
01 124EOCN Eocene Series
01 124GGLG Greggs Landing Marl Member of Tuscahoma Sand
01 124GMPH Grampian Hills Member of Nanafalia Formation
01 124GSPR Gosport Sand
01 124GVCK Gravel Creek Sand Member of Nanafalia Formation
01 124HCGB Hatchetigbee Formation
01 124JCKS Jackson Group
01 124LSBN Lisbon Formation
01 124MDBC Moodys Branch Formation
01 124MRDN Meridian Sand Member of Tallahatta Formation
01 124NSHB Neshoba Sand Member of Tallahatta Formation
01 124NTCK North Twistwood Creek Member of Yazoo Clay
01 124OCAL Ocala Limestone
01 124PCHT Pachuta Marl Member of Yazoo Clay
01 124SHBT Shubuta Member of Yazoo Clay
01 124TLLT Tallahatta Formation
01 124WLCX Wilcox Group
01 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
01 124YZOO Yazoo Clay
01 125CLBF Coal Bluff Marl Member of Naheola Formation
01 125CLTN Clayton Formation
01 125MCBD Mc Bryde Limestone Member of Clayton Formation
01 125MDWY Midway Group
01 125MLDG Matthews Landing Marl Member of Porters Creek Clay
01 125NHOL Naheola Formation
01 125NNFL Nanafalia Formation
01 125OKHL Oak Hill Member of Naheola Formation
01 125PLCN Paleocene Series
01 125PNBR Pine Barren Member of Clayton Formation
01 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
01 125SLMN Salt Mountain Limestone
01 125TSCM Tuscahoma Sand
01 125WLCX Wilcox Group
01 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
01 210CCJC Cretaceous-Jurassic Systems
01 210CRCS Cretaceous System
01 211ARCL Arcola Limestone Member of Mooreville Chalk
01 211BLFN Blufftown Formation
01 211BLFP Bluffport Marl Member of Demopolis Chalk
01 211COKR Coker Formation
01 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
01 211CSST Cusseta Sand Member of Rirley Formation
01 211CUST Cusseta Sand Member of Ripley Formation
01 211DMPL Demopolis Chalk
01 211EMCS Eutaw-Mc Shan Formations, Undifferentiated
01 211EOLN Eoline Member
01 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
01 211GORD Gordo Formation
01 211MCSN Mc Shan Formation
01 211MRVL Mooreville Chalk
01 211MSSV Massive Sand
01 211PBLF Prairie Bluff Chalk
01 211PROT Perote Member of Providence Sand
01 211PVDC Providence Sand
01 211RPLY Ripley Formation
01 211SELM Selma Group
01 211SRGR Stringer Sand
01 211TBGB Tombigbee Sand Member of Eutaw Formation
01 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Group
01 211TSCLL Tuscaloosa Group, Lower
01 211TSCLM Tuscaloosa Group, Middle
01 211TSCLU Tuscaloosa Group, Upper
01 211TUCL Tuscaloosa Group
01 211TUCLL Tuscaloosa Group, Lower Member
01 211TUCLM Tuscaloosa Group, Middle Member
01 211TUCLU Tuscaloosa Group, Upper Member
01 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
01 217VICK Vick Formation
01 220JCTC Jurassic-Triassic Systems
01 220JRSC Jurassic System
01 230TCPM Triassic-Permian Systems
01 230TRSC Triassic System
01 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
01 310PMPV Permian-Pennsylvanian Systems
01 310PRMN Permian System
01 320PRKD Parkwood Formation
01 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
01 320PVMP Pennsylvanian-Mississippian Systems
01 324PSLVL Middle-Lower Pennsylvanian Series
01 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
01 330MSSP Mississippian System
01 331BNGR Bangor Limestone
01 331FLYD Floyd Shale
01 331HRSL Hartselle Sandstone
01 331MNGL Monteagle Limestone
01 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
01 331PNNG Pennington Formation
01 331PRDM Pride Mountain Formation
01 331TCMB Tuscumbia Limestone
01 337FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
01 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
01 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
01 337MURY Maury Formation
01 340DVNM Devonian System
01 340DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
01 341CTNG Chattanooga Shale
01 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
01 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
01 344DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
01 344FRGM Frog Mountain Sandstone
01 350RDMN Red Mountain Formation
01 350SLRN Silurian System
01 354WYNE Wayne Group
01 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone
01 360ODVC Ordovician System
01 361FRVL Fernvale Limestone
01 361INMN Inman Formation
01 361LPRS Leipers Limestone
01 361MNNI Mannie Shale
01 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
01 361SQTC Sequatchie Formation
01 364ATNS Athens Shale
01 364ATTL Attalla Chert Conglomerate Member of Chickamauga Limestone
01 364BGBC Bigby and Cannon Limestones
01 364CKMG Chickamauga Limestone
01 364CLVM Colvin Mountain Sandstone
01 364CRRS Carters Limestone
01 364CTYS Catheys Limestone
01 364GEPR Greensport Formation
01 364HRMG Hermitage Formation
01 364LLOK Little Oak Limestone
01 364LNOR Lenoir Limestone
01 364NSVL Nashville Group
01 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
01 364SRVR Stones River Group
01 367CPPC Chepultepec Dolomite
01 367KNOX Knox Group
01 367KNOXG Knox Group
01 367LNGV Longview Limestone
01 367NEWL Newala Limestone
01 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
01 367ODVL Odenville Limestone
01 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
01 370CBPB Cambrian System-Precambrian Erathem
01 370CMBR Cambrian System
01 371BIBB Bibb Dolomite
01 371CMBRD Upper-Middle Cambrian Series
01 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
01 371CNSG Conasauga Formation
01 371CPRG Copper Ridge Dolomite
01 371KNOX Knox Group
01 374BFLD Brierfield Dolomite
01 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
01 374CNSG Conasauga Formation
01 374KTON Ketona Dolomite
01 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
01 377ROME Rome Formation
01 377SHDY Shady Dolomite
01 377WESR Weisner Quartzite
01 377WSNR Weisner Quartzite
01 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
01 BASEMENT Basement
01 BEDROCK Bedrock
02 000MCRL Mount Crillon Gabbro
02 000SELS St Elias Schist
02 000UMTL Unknown Material
02 000UNNB Union Bay Ultramafic Complex
02 100ILRK Ilyirak Gravel
02 100NLJN Nellie Juan Granite
02 100SGVK Saligvik Gravel
02 100WLCV Williwaw Cove Formation
02 110ARCP Arch Point Basalt
02 110ASSK Ashishik Basalt
02 110BCKP Black Point Basalt
02 110BLDR Buldir Volcanics
02 110BRRW Barrow Unit, Gubik Formation
02 110BSPP Bishop Point Volcanic Mudflow
02 110CHRT Chariot Gravel
02 110CRCK Crater Creek Basalt
02 110DSKN Dushkin Basalt
02 110EDRP Eider Point Basalt
02 110EGMB Edgecumbe Volcanics
02 110KNTN Kanaton Basalts
02 110LLSK Little Sitkin Dacite
02 110LPVF Little Pavlof Agglomerate
02 110MDRV Mead River Unit of Gubik Formation
02 110MEGB Mount Edgecumbe Ash Bed of Forest Creek Formation
02 110MEMS Mount Emmons Volcanics
02 110MGRG Mount Griggs Volcanics
02 110MNHG Mount Hague Volcanics
02 110NJCK New Jersey Creek Lava
02 110PCHN Pochnoi Volcanics
02 110PRPN Pratt Point Dacite Member, Little Sitkin Dacite
02 110PRSP Patterson Point Formation
02 110PVFS Pavlof Sisters Volcanics
02 110PVLF Pavlof Volcanics
02 110QRNR Quaternary System
02 110RDBL Ready Bullion Formation
02 110RDHD Round Head Basalts
02 110SGLF Sugarloaf Lava Flows
02 110SKCF Skull Cliff Unit, Gubik Formation
02 110SKNP Sitkin Point Formation
02 110TLVK Tlevak Basalt
02 110VLCB Volcano Bay Basalt Flow of Mount Hague Volcanics
02 110WRGL Wrangell Lava
02 110WSCV West Cove Member, Little Sitkin Dacite
02 111ADMS Adams Formation
02 111BERG Berg Formation
02 111BKRP Black Rapids Drift
02 111CHEN Chena Alluvium
02 111CLCK Clear Creek Drift
02 111CRQU Cirque Drift
02 111DBLP Double Point Dacite
02 111ENGR Engineer Loess
02 111FNMN Fan Mountain Drift
02 111FRBK Fairbanks Loess
02 111FRCK Forest Creek Formation
02 111FXHL Fox Hill Flow
02 111GLCB Glacier Bay Till
02 111JRVS Jarvis Ash Bed of Engineer Loess
02 111KMRV Katmai River Tuff Flow
02 111LSJM Lost Jim Lava Flow
02 111MTRD Mount Trident Andesite
02 111MUIR Muir Till
02 111OKMK Okmok Volcanics
02 111SLRV Seal River Formation
02 111TNNL Tunnel Drift
02 111TSMN Tustumena Drift
02 111WLBR Wilbur Ash Bed of Engineer Loess
02 111WRVR White River Ash Bed of Engineer Loess
02 112ADGK Adagdak Volcanics
02 112AKRK Anayaknaurak Drift
02 112AKVK Anaktuvuk River Drift
02 112ALEV Antler Valley Drift
02 112ALPM Alapah Mountain Drift
02 112ALVL Antler Valley Drift
02 112ANAL Anvil Formation
02 112ANDR Andrew Volcanics
02 112ANUK Anuk Sand
02 112AVKL Anivak Lake Drift
02 112BDDM Banded Mountain Drift
02 112BERG Bering Formation
02 112BGCV Bootlegger Cove Clay
02 112BKLK Brooks Lake Drift
02 112BRLB Bristol Bay Gravel
02 112BRNG Bering Formation
02 112BRWN Browne Drift
02 112CBHL Caribou Hills Drift
02 112CGVN Chagvan Drift
02 112CKIL Cook Inlet Gravel
02 112CLCK Clara Creek Drift
02 112CMBL Chamberlin Drift
02 112CMLL Camille Lava Flow
02 112CPRV Copper River Gravel
02 112CRLO Carlo Till
02 112CRPL Cripple Gravel
02 112CRTR Crater Creek Basalt
02 112CTNK Chatanika Ash Bed of Goldstream Formation
02 112DELT Delta Drift
02 112DELTD Delta Drift
02 112DFDB Driftwood Bay Lavas
02 112DGCK Darling Creek Drift
02 112DNLI Denali Drift
02 112DNLL Donnelly Drift
02 112DONE Dome Ash Bed of Gold Hill Loess
02 112DRCK Dry Creek Drift
02 112DSNC Dawson Cut Formation
02 112EGLK Eight Lake Drift
02 112EKLN Eklutna Drift
02 112ESTR Ester Ash Bed of Gold Hill Loess
02 112EVA Eva Formation
02 112FLCK Fluorite Creek Gravel
02 112FLXM Flaxman Formation
02 112FNTO Faneto Formation
02 112FOX Fox Gravel
02 112FRLL Farewell Drift
02 112FRPK Frosty Peak Volcanics
02 112GLDH Gold Hill Loess
02 112GLDM Goldstream Formation
02 112GRNC Granite Canyon Till
02 112GSLG Gosling Volcanics
02 112GUBK Gubik Formation
02 112HELY Healy Drift
02 112HMRV Home River Drift
02 112IKLK Itkillik Drift
02 112IMRK Imuruk Volcanics
02 112IRCK Iron Creek Drift
02 112JSHL Johnston Hill Drift
02 112KBUK Kobuk Drift
02 112KEMK Kemuk Drift
02 112KMUK Kemuk Drift
02 112KNIK Knik Drift
02 112KNKK Kanektok Gravels
02 112KOWK Kowak Clay
02 112MCRB Massacre Bay Formation
02 112MKHL Mak Hill Drift
02 112MKSN Makushin Volcanics
02 112MRZV Morzhovoi Volcanics
02 112NMRV Nome River Drift
02 112NNVK Nunivak Flows
02 112NPTN Naptowne Drift
02 112PTRS Peters Drift
02 112RLCK Riley Creek Drift
02 112SCRD Schrader Drift
02 112SLFK Slow Fork Drift
02 112SLTN Selatna Drift
02 112SMLK Salmon Lake Drift
02 112SRUK Siruk Creek Drift
02 112SVKK Sagavanirktok River Drift
02 112TANN Tanana Formation
02 112TOGK Togiak Gravels
02 112UNLK Unaluk Drift
02 112VNHR Van Horn Formation
02 112WLLR Weller Drift
02 112YKTG Yakataga Formation
02 120ADRB Andrew Bay Volcanics
02 120AGTT Agattu Beds
02 120AMCK Amchitka Formation
02 120ATTU Attu Formation
02 120BKFK Belkofski Tuff
02 120BLUG Beluga Formation
02 120BVDV Beaverhead Valley Volcanics
02 120CCKL Chickaloon Formation
02 120CDLV Cathedral Valley Agglomerate
02 120CHPN Chapin Bed
02 120CHTN Chuitna Member of Tyonek Formation
02 120CKPN Chitka Point Formation
02 120CKSK Chuniksak Formation
02 120COPR Cooper Bed of Kenai Formation
02 120CRKF Chirikof Formation
02 120CRTS Curtis Seam of Kenai Formation
02 120DKID Duke Island Ultramafic Complex
02 120FGRB Finger Bay Volcanics
02 120FRDK Frederika Formation
02 120FRPL Fairplay Syenite
02 120GKON Gakona Formation
02 120GTMN Getmuna Rhyolite Group
02 120HLKK Holokuk Basalt
02 120HMCK Hemlock Formation
02 120HRVR Hayes River Beds
02 120JSVL Jonesville Coal Group, Chickaloon Formation
02 120KENI Kenai Formation
02 120KGRKG Kougarok Gravel
02 120KGRKV Kugruk Volcanics
02 120KKHB Kiska Harbor Formation
02 120KLFP Kirilof Point Unit, Amchitka Formation
02 120KRGL Krugloi Formation
02 120MDGS Middle Ground Shoal Member, Tyonek Formation
02 120NSGK Nushagak Formation
02 120NUWK Nuwok Formation
02 120NVKV Nevidiskov Formation
02 120ORCA Orca Group
02 120PLSD Palisades Conglomerate
02 120RAT Rat Formation
02 120SNDB Sand Bay Volcanics
02 120SRLG Sterling Formation
02 120SVKK Sagavanirktok Formation
02 120TLVM Twelvemile Beds
02 120TOK Tok Sandstone
02 120TPSY Topsy Formation
02 120TYNK Tyonek Formation
02 120VGBY Vega Bay Formation
02 120WFLD West Foreland Formation
02 120ZRPN Zeto Point Basalt Porphyry
02 121ABRM Albert Rim Lavas
02 121NENN Nenana Gravel
02 121NLRY Nelroy Formation
02 121TCLN Tachilni Formation
02 121TGDK Tugidak Formation
02 121WTRB Waterboot Basalt
02 122BEVR Beaver Pluton
02 122BKFK Belkofski Tuff
02 122BRLK Bear Lake Formation
02 122CNTP Cenotaph Volcanics
02 122CPNS Captains Pluton
02 122GRBK Grubstake Formation
02 122HLCK Healy Creek Formation
02 122KTLL Katalla Formation
02 122KTZN Kootznahoo Formation
02 122LGCK Lignite Creek Formation
02 122MSHK Meshik Formation
02 122NRCP Narrow Cape Formation
02 122PFFY Puffy Member, Katalla Formation
02 122PLCK Poul Creek Formation
02 122SHLR Shaler Pluton
02 122SHMY Shemya Intrusive Complex
02 122SNCR Sanctuary Formation
02 122SNRN Suntrana Formation
02 122ULSK Unalaska Formation
02 122UNGA Unga Conglomerate Member, Bear Lake Formation
02 123ADMI Admiralty Island Volcanics
02 123BCRK Basin Creek Member, Katalla Formation
02 123BLCK Burls Creek Shale Member of Katalla Formation
02 123BNJP Banjo Point Formation
02 123BVRB Beaver Bay Group
02 123GRCV Gunners Cove Formation
02 123KLTT Kulthieth Formation
02 123KSTK Kushtaka Formation
02 123PNTH Point Hey Member, Katalla Formation
02 123RDWD Redwood Formation
02 123SKDK Sitkalidak Formation
02 123SKNK Sitkinak Formation
02 123SPCK Split Creek Sandstone Member, Katalla Formation
02 123SPVK Stepovak Formation of Beaver Bay Group
02 123TKUM Tokun Formation
02 123TSDK Tsadaka Formation
02 124ADRL Andrew Lake Formation
02 124BNDR Boundary Granodiorite
02 124BNDRG Boundary Granodiorite
02 124GRCK Ghost Rocks Formation
02 124HYDR Hyder Quartz Monzonite
02 124PRMR Premier Coal Group, Chickaloon Formation
02 124SHAW Shaw Coal Bed, Chickaloon Formation
02 124STLR Stillwater Formation
02 124TLST Tolstoi Formation of Beaver Bay Group
02 124WSBN Wishbone Formation
02 125CNTL Cantwell Formation
02 125DVID David Coal Bed of Chickaloon Formation
02 125EMRY Emery Coal Bed of Chickaloon Formation
02 125LLEK Little Eska Coal of Chickaloon Formation
02 125MLND Maitland Coal Bed of Chickaloon Formation
02 125MRTN Martin Coal Bed of Chickaloon Formation
02 200AMCK American Creek Granite
02 200APEX Apex Vein
02 200ASER Asses Ears Granite
02 200BDCK Boulder Creek Quartz Monzonite
02 200CDRB Cedar Bay Granite
02 200CPRM Copper Mountain Amphibolite Schist
02 200ESMY Eshamy Granite
02 200GKON Gakona Diorite
02 200GMUK Gemuk Group
02 200JDHB Judd Harbor Dunite-Peridotite
02 200LDCK Landslide Creek Granodiorite
02 200MCRS Monte Christo Diorite
02 200MDFK Middle Fork Granite
02 200SLCK Slate Creek Granodiorite
02 200WFRK West Fork Granodiorite
02 210BRCK Brine Creek Formation
02 210BRTR Brothers Volcanics
02 210GPCK Gypsum Creek Quartz Monzonite
02 210HLCV Hall Cove Peridotite
02 210HZLN Hazleton Group
02 210JULN Jualin Diorite
02 210KKKM Kuskokwim Group
02 210KLCK Klein Creek Batholith
02 210KLKN Klukwan Magnetite Pyroxenite
02 210KLTG Kaltag Formation
02 210KNPK Kane Peak Ultramafic Complex
02 210KODK Kodiak Formation
02 210MCHG Mc Hugh Complex
02 210MCRK Moonshine Creek Formation
02 210MLOZ Melozi Formation
02 210NULT Nulato Formation
02 210NZNM Natzotin Mountain Series
02 210OKPK Okpilak Granite
02 210RMZF Romanzof Granite
02 210VLDZ Valdez Group
02 211AKRG Arkose Ridge Formation
02 211AYYK Ayiyak Member, Seabee Formation
02 211BRTL Barrow Trail Member, Schrader Bluff Formation
02 211CDLR Chandler Formation
02 211CGNK Chignik Formation
02 211CLVL Colville Group
02 211CRWN Corwin Formation
02 211HOOD Hoodoo Formation
02 211IDRD Iditarod Basalt
02 211KGKK Kogosukruk Tongue, Prince Creek Formation
02 211KGYK Kaguyak Formation
02 211KKKM Kuskokwim Group
02 211MCRG Mac Coll Ridge Formation
02 211NKGN Niakogon Tongue, Chandler Formation
02 211NNLK Ninuluk Formation
02 211NNSK Nanushuk Group
02 211PCCK Prince Creek Formation
02 211RGCK Rogers Creek Member of Schrader Bluff Fm
02 211SCBF Schrader Bluff Formation
02 211SCLZ Schulze Formation
02 211SEBE Seabee Formation
02 211SLHL Sentinel Hill Member Schrader Bluff Formation
02 211SLWL Shale Wall Member, Seabee Formation
02 211SMGN Shumagin Formation
02 211TLVK Tuluvak Tongue, Prince Creek Formation
02 211UGLK Ungalik Conglomerate
02 217BDRM Biederman Argillite
02 217BKID Blashke Islands Ultramafic Complex
02 217BZCK Bonanza Creek Volcanics
02 217CHTT Chititu Formation
02 217DGID Douglas Island Volcanics
02 217FRRM Fortress Mountain Formation
02 217GLNN Glenn Shale
02 217GROD Grandstand Formation
02 217HRND Herendeen Limestone
02 217IPVK Ipevik Formation
02 217KASN Kasaan Greenstone
02 217KENN Keenan Quartzite
02 217KKPK Kukpowruk Formation
02 217KKRV Kuparuk River Sandstone
02 217KLLK Killik Tongue of Chandler Formation
02 217KMIK Kemik Sandstone Member, Okpikruak Formation
02 217KMLK Kisimilok Formation
02 217KNCT Kennicott Formation
02 217KNDK Kandik Formation
02 217KTHL Kathul Graywacke
02 217KYKK Koyukuk Group
02 217NLCN Nelchina Limestone
02 217OGRK Ogotoruk Formation
02 217OKKK Okpikruak Formation
02 217OMLK Oumalik Formation
02 217SITK Sitka Graywacke
02 217SKVC Staniukovich Formation
02 217SLTR Shelter Formation
02 217SMCL Seymour Canal Formation
02 217SPPG Stephens Passage Group
02 217TKPK Tingmerkpuk Formation
02 217TLVK Telavirak Formation
02 217TORK Torok Formation
02 217TPGK Topagoruk Formation
02 217TRDL Treadwell Formation
02 217TUKT Tuktu Formation
02 217YKTK Yakutat Group
02 220BCRK Bitter Creek Formation
02 220KHAZ Khaz Formation of Kelp Bay Group
02 220KLPB Kelp Bay Group
02 220KNGK Kingak Shale
02 220KTSN Kotsina Conglomerate
02 220ORDG Outlet Ridge Ultramafic Gabbro Complex
02 220TXCK Texas Creek Granodiorite
02 220VETA Veta Formation
02 221CHSK Chisik Conglomerate Member of Naknek Formation
02 221CNTN Chinitna Formation
02 221GVID Gravina Island Formation
02 221NKKL Naknek Lake Granite
02 221NKNK Naknek Formation
02 221NZNM Nizina Mountain Formation
02 221PMRY Pomeroy Arkose Member, Naknek Formation
02 221PVLF Paveloff Siltstone Member, Chinitna Formation
02 221RGLC Root Glacier Formation
02 221SGHB Snug Harbor Siltstone Member, Naknek Formation
02 221SLKF Shelikof Formation
02 221TONN Tonnie Siltstone Member, Chinitna Formation
02 224ALTS Aleuts Member of Kialagvik Formation
02 224BLKP Blankenship Formation
02 224BWSR Bowser Formation of Tuxedni Group
02 224CNFL Cynthia Falls Sandstone of Tuxedni Group
02 224FZCK Fitz Creek Siltstone of Tuxedni Group
02 224GIKM Gaikema Sandstone
02 224HZLN Hazelton Group
02 224KGVK Kialagvik Formation
02 224KLSH Kolosh Member, Kialagvik Formation
02 224RDGC Red Glacier Formation of Tuxedni Group
02 224TCRK Twist Creek Siltstone of Tuxedni Group
02 224THNE Thane Volcanic Group
02 224TICK Twist Creek Siltstone of Tuxedni Group
02 224TRCK Twist Creek Siltstone
02 224TRDL Tordrillo Formation
02 224TXDN Tuxedni Group
02 227BDRK Bidarka Formation
02 227BKNM Bokan Mountain Granite
02 227HRNM Horn Mountain Tuff Member, Talkeetna Formation
02 227LBCK Lubbe Creek Formation
02 227MCCR Mc Carthy Formation
02 227MRCK Marsh Creek Breccia Member, Talkeetna Formation
02 227PGCK Portage Creek Agglomerate Member, Talkeetna Formation
02 227SGRV Sag River Sandstone of Prudhoe Bay Group
02 227SKNN Skwentna Group
02 227TKLN Talkeetna Formation
02 230AMPR Amphitheatre Basalt
02 230BLCV Barlow Cove Formation
02 230GNDP Goon Dip Greenstone
02 230GSTN Gastineau Volcanic Group
02 230JACK Jack Limestone
02 230PCPK Pinnacle Peak Phyllite
02 230PRVC Perseverance Slate
02 230SBLK Shublik Formation
02 230TLRM Taylor Mountain Granodiorite
02 230UYAK Uyak Formation
02 230WRFL Waterfall Greenstone
02 230WSRP Whitestripe Marble
02 231BILD Burnt Island Conglomerate
02 231CPPK Chapin Peak Formation
02 231CRLS Cornwallis Limestone
02 231CTSN Chitistone Limestone
02 231HDID Hound Island Volcanics
02 231HMID Hamilton Island Limestone
02 231HYD Hyd Group
02 231KEKU Keku Volcanics
02 231KMSK Kamishak Formation
02 231KRCK Karen Creek Sandstone
02 231KSKL Kuskulana Formation
02 231NBSN Nabesna Limestone
02 231NHNT Nehenta Formation
02 231NIZN Nizina Limestone
02 231NKOL Nikolai Greenstone
02 237IVSK Ivishak Member, Sadlerochit Formation
02 237SDLC Sadlerochit Formation
02 300BDRK Bedrock Undifferentiated
02 300CCMN Cache Mountain Quartz Monzonite
02 300CDPG Casadepaga Schist
02 300CHSN Chisna Formation
02 300CLPK Clark Peak Schist
02 300ESTR Esther Granite
02 300KKRK Katakturuk Dolomite
02 300KLTN Klutina Group
02 300KNUT Kanuti Group
02 300KVPK Keevy Peak Formation
02 300NKOK Nikoka Group
02 300NKPK Neruokpuk Formation
02 300PPTS Puppets Formation
02 300SPBY Sheep Bay Granite
02 300WLES Wales Group
02 300WMHB William Henry Bay Marble
02 310CRCL Circle Volcanics
02 310ECHK Echooka Member, Sadlerochit Formation
02 310HCRK Hasen Creek Formation
02 310MNKM Mankomen Formation
02 310NUKA Nuka Formation
02 310NUKN Noukeen Formation
02 310PYBS Pybus Formation
02 310SCRK Station Creek Formation
02 310SKKK Siksikpuk Formation
02 310SKOL Skolai Group
02 310STEP Step Conglomerate
02 310TKND Tahkandit Limestone
02 317CNNR Cannery Formation
02 317GKGC Gulkana Glacier Formation
02 317GLDH Golden Horn Limestone Lentil, Hasen Creek Formation
02 317HLCK Halleck Formation
02 320ALPH Alapah Limestone of Lisburne Group
02 320KGRK Kogruk Formation of Lisburne Group
02 320LSBR Lisburne Group
02 320NSRK Nasorak Formation of Lisburne Group
02 320RCRK Rainy Creek Basalt
02 320RMPR Rampart Group
02 320RNBM Rainbow Mountain Sequence
02 320SGNB Saginaw Bay Formation
02 320TTLN Tetelna Volcanics
02 320TUPK Tupik Formation of Lisburne Group
02 320WCSM Wachsmuth Limestone of Lisburne Group
02 320WHOO Wahoo Limestone of Lisburne Group
02 324LDRS Ladrones Limestone
02 327KLWK Klawak Formation
02 330CCBF Calico Bluff Formation of Endicott Group
02 330CCRK Chute Creek Member of Totatlanika Schist
02 330CFCK California Creek Member, Totatlanika Schist
02 330ECMN Echo Mountain Formation
02 330ENDC Endicott Group
02 330FDLK Ford Lake Shale
02 330HFRK Hunt Fork Shale of Endicott Group
02 330IKLK Itkilyariak Formation
02 330IVGK Iviagik Formation
02 330IYKN Iyoukeen Formation
02 330KKKK Kekiktuk Conglomerate
02 330KNYT Kanayut Conglomerate of Endicott Group
02 330LVGD Livengood Chert
02 330MCCK Mystic Creek Member, Totatlanika Schist
02 330MCRK Moose Creek Member, Totatlanika Schist
02 330SPCK Sheep Creek Member, Totatlanika Schist
02 330SRLN Strelna Formation
02 330TLNK Totatlanika Schist
02 330WLSL Wellesley Formation
02 331KAYK Kayak Shale of Endicott Group
02 331PRVC Peratrovich Formation
02 337CPTP Cape Thompson Member of Nasorak Formation
02 337KPLK Kapaloak Formation
02 337NOTK Noatak Dandstone
02 337UTKK Utukok Formation
02 340BIRD Baird Group
02 340CDCV Cedar Cove Formation
02 340CLCK Cleary Creek Serpentinite
02 340ELI Eli Limestone of Baird Group
02 340FRRB Freshwater Bay Formation
02 340GMBR Gambier Bay Formation
02 340HLTN Holitna Group
02 340KLCK Kennel Creek Limestone
02 340MCCH Mc Cann Hill Chert
02 340MKDO Mikado Phyllite
02 340RTRT Retreat Group
02 340SJPI St Joseph Island Volcanics
02 340SKJT Skajit Limestone
02 340TGRH Tigaraha Schist
02 340TLVN Tolovana Limestone
02 340TNZN Tonzona Group
02 340WDCP Woodchopper Volcanics
02 341HDBY Hood Bay Formation
02 341KGRK Kugururok Formation
02 341NRVR National River Formation
02 341PRFG Port Refugio Formation
02 341STVR Stuver Member, Kanayut Conglomerate
02 341WDLG Wadeleigh Limestone
02 344AMDMB Amy Dome Metabasalt
02 344AMDMD Amy Dome Metadiorite
02 344AMDMP Amy Dome Metaperidotite
02 344BLCP Black Cap Limestone
02 344CRND Coronados Volcanics
02 344NNOK Nanook Limestone
02 344SLMR Salmontrout Limestone
02 344TKTN Takotna Formation
02 344VLNR Vallenar Formation
02 347KRHN Karheen Formation
02 347RDRV Road River Formation
02 350ANNH Anne He Pluton
02 350TTIN Tatina Group
02 351BPLR Bay of Pillars Formation
02 351HECT Heceta Limestone
02 351KUIU Kuiu Limestone
02 351PMPK Pyramid Peak Limestone
02 351RNDU Rendu Formation
02 351TIDL Tidal Formation
02 351WLGB Willoughby Limestone
02 357DSCN Descon Formation
02 361JRDG Jones Ridge Limestone
02 367FLCK Fossil Creek Volcanics
02 367HLRD Hillard Limestone
02 370SLMN Solomon Schist
02 377ADMS Adams Argillite
02 377FLCK Funnel Creek Limestone
02 400FRML Fortymile Granite
02 400HRRH Hurrah Slate
02 400KGLK Kigluaik Group
02 400NOME Nome Group
02 400PKMM Puckmummie Schist
02 400PLLY Pelly Gneiss
02 400TNDR Tindir Group
02 BASEMENT Basement
02 BEDROCK Bedrock
04 000UMTL Unknown Material
04 100VLFL Valley Fill
04 104LCMV Locomotive Fanglomerate, Mid-Cenozoic
04 104SLMK Silmurk Formation, Mid-Cenozoic
04 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
04 110QRNR Quaternary System
04 110VLFL Valley Fill
04 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
04 111HLCN Holocene Series
04 111LKBP Lakebeds and Playa Deposits
04 112ALVM Alluvium, Older
04 112ALVMO Alluvium, Older
04 112BLCF Basaltic Flows
04 112BSFL Basin Fill, Upper and Lower, Undifferentiated
04 112BSFLU Basin Fill, Upper
04 112FOLL Fort Lowell Formation, Pleistocene
04 112FRLL Fort Lowell Formation, Pleistocene
04 112GLCC Glacial Colluvium
04 112GLCL Glacial Colluvium
04 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
04 112SDGVU Sand and Gravel, Upper
04 112TERC Terrace (and Surficial) Deposits
04 112TRRC Terrace (and Surficial) Deposits
04 120CDSM Consolidated Sedimentary Rocks, Tertiary and Mesozoic Undifferentiated
04 120DTIL Datil Formation
04 120FCVC Felsic Volcanic Rocks
04 120IRSV Intrusive Rocks
04 120MFCV Mafic Volcanic Rocks
04 120MFFV Mafic and Felsic Volcanic Rocks
04 120SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
04 120TNJA Tinaja Beds, Undifferentiated Tertiary (Pliocene-Miocene)
04 120TNJAU Tinaja Beds, Upper Tertiary (Pliocene-Miocene)
04 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
04 121BDHC Bidahochi Formation
04 121BDHCL Bidahochi Formation, Lower
04 121BDHCM Bidahochi Formation, Middle
04 121BDHCU Bidahochi Formation, Upper
04 121BLCF Basaltic Flows
04 121BOUS Bouse Formation, Pliocene
04 121BSFLL Basin Fill, Lower
04 121CHSK Chuska Sandstone
04 121LBFM Lower Basin Fill and Miocene Sedimentary Rocks, Undifferentiated
04 121MDCK Muddy Creek Formation
04 121VERD Verde Formation
04 122ARLR Artillery Formation, Miocene
04 122BLAD Basalt-Andisite Flows
04 122BOUS Bouse Formation, Miocene
04 122CPWS Chapin Wash Formation
04 122HSPG Horse Spring, Miocene
04 122HULP Hualapai Limestone
04 122PNTN Pantano Formation, Miocene
04 122SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
04 122TNJAL Tinaja Beds, Lower Miocene
04 122VBAT Volcanic Breccias, Agglomerates or Tuffs
04 122VLCC Volcanic Rocks
04 123FFWT Felsic Flows or Welded Tuffs
04 123HSPG Horse Spring, Oligocene
04 123KDMR Sedimentary Rocks
04 123MFCF Mafic Flows
04 123PNTN Pantano Formation, Oligocene
04 123VBAT Volcanic Breccias, Agglomerates or Tuffs
04 123VLCC Volcanic Rocks
04 124FCVC Felsic Volcanic Rocks
04 124MFCV Mafic Volcanic Rocks
04 124SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
04 125NCMN Nacimiento Formation
04 125OJAM Ojo Alamo Sandstone
04 200FCIV Felsic Intrusive Rocks
04 200FCVC Felsic Volcanic Rocks
04 200MFCV Mafic Volcanic Rocks
04 200MFIV Mafic Intrusive Rocks
04 200SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
04 200VLCC Volcanic Rocks
04 211ALSN Allison Member of Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211BARB Bartlett Barren Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211BRLB Bartlett Barren Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211CLFH Cliff House Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
04 211CLRY Cleary Coal Member of Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211CRVC Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211DAKTS Dakota Sandstone
04 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone
04 211DLCO Dilco Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
04 211DLTN Dalton Sandstone Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Grp
04 211FRLD Fruitland Formation
04 211FRMG Farmington Sandstone Member of Kirtland Shale
04 211GLLP Gallup Sandstone
04 211HOST Hosta Tongue of Point Lookout Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
04 211JLPZ Juana Lopez Member of Mancos Shale
04 211KRLDU Kirtland Shale, Upper Shale Member
04 211LWIS Lewis Shale
04 211MENF Menefee Formation
04 211MLTT Mulatto Tongue of Mancos Shale
04 211MNCS Mancos Shale
04 211PCCF Pictured Cliffs Sandstone
04 211PNLK Point Lookout Sandstone
04 211PSCD Pescado Tongue of Mancos Shale
04 211SATN Satan Tongue of Mancos Shale
04 211SDMR Sedimentary Rocks, Undifferentiated
04 211TORV Toreva Formation
04 211WEPO Wepo Formation
04 211YLPN Yale Point Sandstone
04 217BRCN Burro Canyon Formation
04 220NAVJ Navajo Sandstone
04 220NVJO Navajo Sandstone
04 221BLFF Bluff Sandstone
04 221BRSB Brushy Basin Shale Member of Morrison Formation
04 221CAML Carmel Formation
04 221CRML Carmel Formation
04 221CSPG Cow Springs Sandstone
04 221ENRD Entrada Sandstone
04 221ENRDL Entrada Sandstone, Lower
04 221ENRDM Entrada Sandstone, Middle
04 221ENRDU Entrada Sandstone, Upper
04 221MRSN Morrison Formation
04 221RCPR Recapture Shale Member of Morrison Formation
04 221SLWS Salt Wash Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
04 221SMVL Summerville Formation
04 221SUMV Summerville Formation
04 221TDLT Todilto Limestone
04 221TODL Todilto Limestone
04 221WSRC Westwater Canyon Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
04 230HSKN Hoskinnini Member of Moenkopi Formation
04 230MNKP Moenkopi Formation
04 231CCRK Church Rock Member of Chinle Formation
04 231CHNL Chinle Formation
04 231CORO Correo Sandstone Bed of Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
04 231CORR Correo Sandstone Bed of Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
04 231CSPG Crane Spring Formation
04 231DSRC Dinosaur Canyon Sandstone Member of Moenave Formation
04 231KYNT Kayenta Formation
04 231LKCK Lukachukai Member of Wingate Sandstone
04 231MNRB Monitor Butte Member of Chinle Formation
04 231MOEV Moenave Formation
04 231MONV Moenave Formation
04 231MRDD Mesa Redondo Member of Chinle Formation
04 231ORCK Owl Rock Member of Chinle Formation
04 231PEFF Petrified Forest Member, Undifferentiated, of Chinle Formation
04 231PFDF Petrified Forest Member, Undifferentiated, of Chinle Formation
04 231PFDFL Petrified Forest Member, Lower, of Chinle Formation
04 231PFDFU Petrified Forest Member, Upper, of Chinle Formation
04 231RCKP Rock Point Member of Wingate Sandstone
04 231SNSL Sonsela Sandstone Bed of Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
04 231SPGD Springdale Sandstone Member of Moenave Formation
04 231SRMP Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation
04 231WNGT Wingate Sandstone
04 234HLBK Holbrook Sandstone Member of Moenkopi Formation
04 237MOQU Moqui Member of Moenkopi Formation
04 237WPTK Wupatki Member of Moenkopi Formation
04 300LMSN Limestone
04 300QRTZ Quartzite
04 300SNDS Sandstone
04 310ABO Abo Formation
04 310CCNN Coconino Sandstone
04 310CDRM Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
04 310CLVL Callville Limestone (Permian-Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
04 310COCN Coconino Sandstone
04 310CTLR Cutler Formation
04 310DCLL De Chelly Sandstone
04 310DECL De Chelly Sandstone
04 310GLRT Glorieta Sandstone
04 310HLGT Halgaito Tongue of Cutler Formation
04 310HRMT Hermit Shale
04 310KIBB Kaibab Limestone
04 310MBLC Meseta Blanca Sandstone Member of Yeso Formation
04 310NACO Naco Formation
04 310OARK Organ Rock Tongue of Cutler Formation
04 310OGRK Organ Rock Tongue of Cutler Formation
04 310PKON Pakoon Limestone
04 310RICO Rico Formation
04 310SCBH Schnebly Hill Formation
04 310SUPI Supai Formation
04 310SUPIL Supai Formation, Lower
04 310SUPIM Supai Formation, Middle
04 310SUPIU Supai Formation, Upper
04 310SYDR San Ysidro Member of Yeso Formation
04 310TRWP Toroweap Formation
04 310YESO Yeso Formation
04 313SADR San Andres Limestone
04 317QNTP Queantoweap Sandstone
04 319EPLD Esplanade Sandstone
04 320HRMS Hermosa Formation
04 320MOLS Molas Formation
04 327SRPC Suprise Canyon Formation
04 330RDLL Redwall Limestone
04 340TMPB Temple Butte Limestone, of Devonian Age
04 341MRTN Martin Limestone
04 374BGAG Bright Angel Shale
04 374MUAV Muav Limestone
04 374TPTS Tapeats Sandstone
04 400GRCG Granitic Gneiss
04 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
04 400SCST Schist
04 400SDMR Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks
04 BASEMENT Basement
04 BEDROCK Bedrock
05 000UMTL Unknown Material
05 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
05 100RGLT Regolith
05 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
05 110QRNR Quaternary System
05 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
05 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
05 111HLCN Holocene Series
05 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
05 112ALVM Alluvium
05 112MRVA Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifers
05 112MRVAA Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifers
05 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
05 112PRARC Pleistocene Prairie Complex
05 112PRIR Pleistocene Prairie Complex
05 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
05 112VLTR Valley Trains, Pleistocene
05 120TRTR Tertiary System
05 121PLCN Pliocene Series
05 12405MP 500-foot Sand (Memphis Aquifer)
05 12414WX 1400-foot Sand (Lower Wilcox Aquifer)
05 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
05 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
05 124CLBR Claiborne Group
05 124CRRZ Carrizo Sand
05 124CRVR Cane River Formation
05 124EOCN Eocene Series
05 124JCKS Jackson Group
05 124RDFD Redfield Formation
05 124SPRT Sparta Sand
05 124WBLF White Bluff Formation
05 124WLCX Wilcox Group
05 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
05 125CLTN Clayton Formation
05 125MDWY Midway Group
05 125PLCN Paleocene Series
05 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
05 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
05 210CRCS Cretaceous System
05 211AKDP Arkadelphia Marl
05 211ANNN Annona Chalk
05 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
05 211MLBK Marlbrook Marl
05 211NCTC Nacatoch Sand
05 211NPLS Nepheline Syenite
05 211SRTG Saratoga Chalk
05 212BRNS Brownstown Marl
05 212OZAN Ozan Formation
05 212TOKO Tokio Formation
05 212WDBN Woodbine Formation
05 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
05 217DLGT Delight Sand
05 217DQUN De Queen Limestone
05 217DRKS Dierks Limestone
05 217PIKE Pike Gravel
05 217ULMT Ultima Thule Gravel Member of Holly Creek Formation
05 218GDLD Goodland Limestone
05 218HLCK Holly Creek Formation
05 218PLXY Paluxy Sand
05 218TRNT Trinity Group
05 220JRSC Jurassic System
05 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
05 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
05 325BGGY Boggy Shale
05 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
05 325HRSR Hartshorne Sandstone
05 325MCAL McAlester Shale
05 325SVNN Savanna Sandstone
05 326ATKN Atokan Series
05 326ATOK Atoka Formation
05 328BLVD Bloyd Shale
05 328BLYD Bloyd Shale
05 328BRND Brentwood Limestone Member of Bloyd Shale
05 328BRTD Brentwood Limestone Member of Bloyd Shale
05 328CNHL Cane Hill Member of Hale Formation
05 328HALE Hale Formation
05 328JKFK Jackfork Sandstone
05 328JSVL Johns Valley Shale
05 328KSLR Kessler Limestone Member of Bloyd Shale
05 328MRRN Morrowan Series
05 328MRRW Morrowan Series
05 328PRGV Prairie Grove Member of Hale Formation
05 328WLSY Woolsey Sandstone Member of Bloyd Shale
05 330ARKS Arkansas Novaculite
05 330BOON Boone Formation
05 330CTNG Chattanooga Shale
05 330HNTF Hatton Tuff Lentil of Stanley Shale
05 330HSPG Hot Springs Sandstone
05 330MSSP Mississippian System
05 330STNL Stanley Shale
05 331BSVL Batesville Sandstone
05 331HDVL Hindsville Limestone
05 331MFLD Moorefield Formation
05 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
05 331PTKN Pitkin Limestone
05 331RDDL Ruddell Shale
05 331WDNG Wedington Sandstone Member of Fayetteville Shale
05 332FTVL Fayetteville Shale
05 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
05 337STJO St Joe Limestone Member of Boone Formation
05 340DVNN Devonian System
05 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
05 341SLMR Sylamore Sandstone Member of Chattanooga Shale
05 341SYMR Sylamore Sandstone Member of Chattanooga Shale
05 344CLFT Clifty Limestone
05 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
05 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
05 347PNRS Penters Chert
05 350BLCK Blaylock Sandstone
05 350MSRM Missouri Mountain Slate
05 350SCLR St Clair Limestone
05 350SLRN Silurian System
05 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone
05 357LFRT Lafferty Limestone
05 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
05 360ODVC Ordovician System
05 361CSON Cason Shale
05 361FRVL Fernvale Limestone
05 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
05 361PKCK Polk Creek Shale
05 364BGFK Bigfork Chert
05 364EVRN Everton Formation
05 364JCHM Joachim Dolomite
05 364KMCK Kimmswick Limestone
05 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
05 364PLTN Plattin Limestone
05 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
05 367BKRK Black Rock Formation
05 367BLKL Blakely Sandstone
05 367CRLM Crystal Mountain Sandstone
05 367CTTR Cotter Dolomite
05 367GNTR Gunter Sandstone Member of Van Buren Formation
05 367GSCD Gasconade Dolomite
05 367GUNR Gunter Sandstone Member of Van Buren Formation
05 367MZRN Mazarn Shale
05 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
05 367RBDX Roubidoux Formation
05 367SMVL Smithville Formation
05 367VNBR Van Buren Formation
05 367WMBL Womble Shale
05 368JFRC Jefferson City Dolomite
05 368PWLL Powell Dolomite
05 370CLLR Collier Shale
05 370CMBR Cambrian System
05 371BNTR Bonneterre Dolomite
05 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
05 371DRBD Derby-Doerun Formations
05 371DVIS Davis Formation
05 371ELVS Elvins Group
05 371EMNC Eminence Dolomite
05 371LMTT Lamotte Sandstone
05 371POTS Potosi Dolomite
05 400IGNS Precambrian Igneous Rocks
05 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
05 BASEMENT Basement
05 BEDROCK Bedrock
06 000UMTL Unknown Material
06 100CLDD Consolidated Rocks
06 100CNTL Cenezoic continental deposit
06 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
06 100MRIN Cenezoic marine deposits
06 100SCMV Sacramento Valley Aquifer
06 100VLFL Valley-Fill Deposits
06 110A A-Clay
06 110ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
06 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
06 110MRIN Quaternary marine deposits
06 110QRNR Quaternary System
06 110VLFL Valley Fill
06 1110008 80-foot Gravel
06 111A A-Clay
06 111ALCR Alluvium of the Coast Range (Pliocene-Holocene)
06 111ALCRY Alluvium of the Coast Range, Younger (Pleistocene-Holocene)
06 111ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
06 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
06 111ALVMO Alluvium, Older
06 111ALVMY Alluvium, Younger
06 111ATSE Alluvium of the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains
06 111ATSEY Alluvium of the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mts, Younger (Plei-Holo)
06 111AVSN Alluvium of the Sierra Nevada
06 111AVSNY Alluvium of the Sierra Nevada, Younger (Pleistocene-Holocene)
06 111B B-Clay (Holocene-Pleistocene)
06 111BTVL Butte Valley Basalt
06 111CLVM Colluvium
06 111CNTL Holocene continental deposits
06 111CSTL Coastal Deposits
06 111D D-Clay (Holocene-Pleistocene)
06 111DUNE Dune Sand
06 111FLDB Flood-Basin Deposits
06 111FVGC Fluvioglacial Deposits
06 111GSPR Gaspur Water-Bearing Zone
06 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
06 111HLCN Holocene Series
06 111LCRM Lacustrine and Marsh Deposits (Holocene-Pliocene)
06 111LDLD Landslide Deposits
06 111LKBP Lakebeds and Playa Deposits
06 111MJRV Mojave River Channel Deposits
06 111MRNL Morainal Deposits
06 111PLAY Playa Deposits
06 111PLCV Plutos Cave Basalt
06 111RSDM Residuum
06 111RVCL River Channel Deposits
06 111RVTC River Terrace Deposits
06 111SDLK Sand, Lakeshore Deposits
06 111SLPN Salt Pan
06 111TLBR Talbert Water-Bearing Zone
06 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
06 111VHGC Volcanic Rocks of High Cascades
06 111WSKN Whiskeytown Unconsolidated Deposits
06 112ALABE Alluvium Above and Below E-Clay (Miocene-Pleistocene)
06 112ALAEC Alluvium Above E-Clay
06 112ALBEC Alluvium Below E-Clay (Miocene-Pleistocene)
06 112ALVFO Alluvial-Fan Deposits, Older
06 112ALVM Alluvium
06 112ALVMO Alluvium, Older
06 112ARMS Aromas Red Sand
06 112ARSC Arroyo Seco Gravel
06 112BCKK Blackhawk Breccia
06 112BSFL Basin Fill, Upper and Lower, Undifferentiated
06 112BSHP Bishop Tuff
06 112BSLT Basalt
06 112BTTR Battery Formation
06 112C C-Clay
06 112CASS Cass Formation (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
06 112CBZN Cabazon Fanglomerate
06 112CCHE Cache Formation
06 112CNTC Continental Terrace Deposits - Pleistocene
06 112CNTL Continental Deposits (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
06 112CONL Continental Deposits (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
06 112CRCR Corcoran Clay Member of Tulare Formation
06 112CRLT Carlotta Formation
06 112CSTS Casitas Formation
06 112DPSP Dripping Springs Formation
06 112ECC E-Clay or Corcoran Clay Member of Tulare Formation
06 112F F-Clay (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
06 112FROK Fair Oaks Formation
06 112GLEL Glen Ellen Formation
06 112HCHC Huichica Formation
06 112HKTN Hookton Formation
06 112LAKE Lake Deposits
06 112LCSRO Lacustrine Deposits, Older
06 112LHBR La Habra Formation
06 112LKSRO Lakeshore Deposits, Older
06 112LVRM Livermore Gravel
06 112MDST Modesto Formation - Pleistocene
06 112MLRN Millerton Formation
06 112MNZM Montezuma Formation
06 112MRCD Merced Formation
06 112MRTC Marine Terrace Deposits
06 112MXLK Manix Lake Beds
06 112ORCT Orcutt Formation
06 112PALA Pala Conglomerate
06 112PAUB Pauba Formation
06 112PCKD Packwood Gravel
06 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
06 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
06 112PLVD Palos Verdes Sand
06 112PRBL Paso Robles Formation
06 112PUMC Pumice Cones (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
06 112RVBK Riverbank Formation - Pleistocene
06 112SBRB Santa Barbara Formation
06 112SCLR Santa Clara Formation
06 112SDDSO Sand Dune Deposits, Older
06 112SDMS San Dimas Formation
06 112SLIN Saline Deposits
06 112SLVD Silverado Water-Bearing Zone
06 112SNBN San Benito Gravels
06 112SPDR San Pedro Formation
06 112SUGS Saugus Formation
06 112TKLK Turlock Lake Formation - Pleistocene
06 112TLLK Turlock Lake Formation - Pleistocene
06 112TMCL Temecula Arkose
06 112TMSP Timms Point Silt
06 112TUCRL Tulare Formation, Lower
06 112TUCRU Tulare Formation, Upper
06 112TULA Tulare Formation
06 112TULR Tulare Formation
06 112VCTR Victor Formation
06 112VLCC Volcanic Rocks
06 120CNNL Continental Rocks
06 120CNTL Continental Rocks
06 120MRIN Marine Deposits
06 120SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
06 120SVCC Sedimentary Rocks of Volcanic Origin
06 120TRTR Tertiary System
06 120VCWC Volcanic Rocks, Western Cascades
06 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
06 121AVRD Anaverde Formation
06 121BOUS Bouse Formation, Pliocene
06 121BSFLL Basin Fill, Lower
06 121CHNC Chanac Formation
06 121CREG Careaga Formation
06 121DURT Duarte Conglomerate
06 121ECGN Etchegoin Formation
06 121FOXN Foxen Mudstone
06 121FRND Fernando Formation
06 121HGVL Hungry Valley Formation
06 121KRRV Kern River Formation
06 121LAKE Lake Deposits
06 121LBFM Lower Basin Fill and Miocene Sedimentary Rocks, Undifferentiated
06 121LGUN Laguna Formation
06 121LSMD Los Medanos Formation
06 121LWLR Lawlor Tuff
06 121MCOG Miocene-Oligocene Series
06 121MLLD Mulholland Formation
06 121MRTN Merten Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
06 121NGUL Niguel Formation
06 121NMLK Nomlaki Tuff Member of Tehama and Tuscan Formations
06 121ORND Orinda Formation
06 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
06 121PICOU Pico Formation, Upper
06 121PLCN Pliocene Series
06 121PNOL Pinole Tuff
06 121PRSM Purisima Formation
06 121PRSML Purisima Formation, Lower Member
06 121PRSMM Purisima Formation, Middle Member
06 121PRSMU Purisima Formation, Upper Member
06 121PTLM Petaluma Formation - Pliocene
06 121PUCB Punchbowl Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
06 121RCRD Ricardo Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
06 121SBVC Sutter Buttes Volcanic Rocks
06 121SCRZ Santa Cruz Mudstone
06 121SGRG St George Formation
06 121SNDS Sandstone, Unnamed
06 121SNJQ San Joaquin Formation
06 121SNMT San Mateo Formation
06 121SNTM San Timoteo Beds
06 121SONM Sonoma Volcanics
06 121SSQC Sisquoc Formation
06 121TEHM Tehama Formation
06 121TSCN Tuscan Formation
06 122BENA Bena Gravel
06 122BOUS Bouse Formation, Miocene
06 122BPST Bopesta Formation
06 122BRNS Briones Sandstone
06 122CLRM Claremont Shale
06 122CNTL Continental Deposits
06 122CPSR Capistrano Formation
06 122CRBO Cierbo Sandstone
06 122EMDN El Modena Volcanics
06 122ESCD Escudo Sandstone
06 122FISS Fiss Fanglomerate
06 122FRMJ Freeman Silt-Jewett Sand
06 122GMHL Gem Hill Formation
06 122HMBR Hambre Formation
06 122ILMN Ilmon Basalt
06 122LMPC Lompico Sandstone
06 122LVID La Vida Member of Puenta Formation
06 122MCOG Miocene-Oligocene Series
06 122MGNS Meganos Formation
06 122MNTR Monterey Shale
06 122MOCN Miocene Series
06 122MODL Modelo Formation
06 122NRLY Neroly Formation
06 122OLCS Olcese Sand
06 122ORSN Oursan Formation
06 122PGML Page Mill Basalt
06 122PLTO Pleito Formation
06 122PMDH Pyramid Hill Sand Member of Jewett Sand
06 122PNCR Pancho Rico Formation - Miocene
06 122POTT Potato Sandstone of Vaughn
06 122PUNT Puente Formation
06 122QNSB Quien Sabe Volcanics
06 122RFRG Reef Ridge Shale
06 122RNDM Round Mountain Silt
06 122RODO Rodeo Shale
06 122SBRN Sobrante Sandstone
06 122SCMC Sycamore Canyon Member of Puente Formation
06 122SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
06 122SESP Sespe Formation
06 122SMLR Simmler Formation
06 122SMRG Santa Margarita Formation
06 122SNRM San Ramon Sandstone
06 122SOFR San Onofre Breccia
06 122SPBL San Pablo Group
06 122SQUL Soquel Member of Puente Formation
06 122TICE Tice Formation
06 122TMBL Temblor Formation
06 122TPNG Topanga Formation
06 122TRPC Tropico Group
06 122VDDR Vedder Sands
06 122VLCC Volcanic Rocks
06 122VQRS Vaqueros Formation or Sandstone
06 122VSPG Valley Springs Formation
06 122VSQZ Vasquez Formation (Miocene-Oligocene)
06 122YORB Yorba Member of Puente Formation
06 122ZYNT Zayante Sandstone
06 123IGLS Ingalls Formation
06 123KRKR Kirker Tuff
06 123KRNG Kreyenhagen Shale or Formation
06 123OGCE Oligocene-Eocene Series
06 123OLGC Oligocene Series
06 123PNCT Pinecate Formation
06 123RDCK Reeds Creek Andesite
06 123SJBS San Juan Bautista Formation
06 123SLRZ San Lorenzo Formation
06 123TSCN Titus Canyon Formation
06 123TUMY Tumey Formation
06 123WLND Wheatland Formation
06 123WVVL Weaverville Formation
06 124AVNL Avenal Sandstone
06 124BUTN Butano Sandstone
06 124CAPY Capay Shale
06 124CZDL Cozy Dell Formation
06 124DMNG Domengine Sandstone
06 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
06 124EOCN Eocene Series
06 124FRCC Franciscan Complex - Ecoene, Cretaceous, Jurassic
06 124INDR Indart Sandstone
06 124IONE Ione Formation
06 124JOLL La Jolla Formation
06 124LGSC Laguna Seca Formation
06 124LMBR Lambert Shale
06 124LODO Lodo Formation
06 124MGCK Montgomery Creek Formation
06 124MNDG Mindego Basalt
06 124MRKL Markley Formation
06 124NRVL Nortonville Shale
06 124POWY Poway Group
06 124SNTG Santiago Formation
06 124TESL Tesla Formation
06 124TJON Tejon Formation
06 124TLMN Tolman Formation
06 124TRCK The Rocks Sandstone
06 124UMPQ Umpqua Formation
06 124YKUT Yokut Sandstone
06 125GOLX Golex Formation
06 125LCTL Locatelli Formation
06 125MRNZ Martinez Formation
06 125PLCN Paleocene Series
06 125SLVD Silverado Formation
06 200BMCX Basement Complex of Pretertiary Age
06 200MLMN Mule Mountain Granite
06 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
06 210BRRS Berryessa Shale
06 210CCJC Cretaceous-Jurassic Systems
06 210CHCO Chico Formation
06 210CLDD Consolidated Cretaceous Rocks Undivided
06 210CRCS Cretaceous System
06 210LKVM Lakeview Mountain Tonalite
06 210SCVG Scott Valley Granodiorite
06 210SMRC San Marcos Gabbro
06 210TRBC Trabuco Formation
06 210WDSM Woodson Mountain Granodiorite
06 211CHCO Chico Formation
06 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
06 211DLVL Del Valle Formation
06 211DRVL Deer Valley Sandstone
06 211JQRG Joaquin Ridge Sandstone Member of Panoche Formation
06 211MRGD Moreno Grande Formation
06 211MRLF Marliff Shale
06 211OKLD Oakland Conglomerate
06 211PGNP Pigeon Point Formation
06 211PNCH Panoche Formation
06 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
06 217HRSN Horsetown Formation
06 217NLSC Niles Canyon Formation
06 217ONO Ono Formation
06 217RCTR Rector Formation
06 217SHST Shasta Series
06 217SPUF Serpentine and Ultramafic Rock Undivided
06 217SRPN Serpentine
06 217WSNR Wisenor Formation
06 220BDFC Bedford Canyon Formation
06 220JRSC Jurassic System
06 220SSBL Shasta Bally Quartz Diorite
06 221JRSCD Upper-Middle Jurassic Series
06 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
06 221MRPS Mariposa Formation
06 221SVSP Scott Valley Serpentine
06 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
06 227JRSCL Lower Jurassic Series
06 230TRSC Triassic System
06 300ABRM Abrams Mica Schist
06 300CLVR Calaveras Group
06 300CRBN Carbonate Rocks
06 300MMPC Metamorphic Rocks
06 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
06 300SLMN Salmon Hornblende Schist
06 310PRMN Permian System
06 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
06 330BRGD Bragdon Formation
06 330MSSP Mississippian System
06 340CCLL Chanchelulla Formation
06 340CPLY Copley Greenstone
06 340DVNN Devonian System
06 340SCVG Scott Valley Greenstone
06 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
06 344BLKL Balaklala Rhyolite
06 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
06 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
06 BASEMENT Basement
06 BEDROCK Bedrock
08 000UMTL Unknown Material
08 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
08 100CZMZ Cenozoic-Mesozoic Erathems
08 110QRNR Quaternary System
08 111ALFP Alluvium, Flood Plain
08 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
08 111AVMT Alluvium and Terrace Deposits
08 111DUNE Dune Sand
08 111HLCN Holocene Series
08 111VLFL Valley-Fill Deposits
08 112ALMS Alamosa Formation
08 112GLCL Glacial Deposits
08 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
08 112SANF Santa Fe Formation
08 112TERC Terrace Deposits
08 120TRCC Tertiary-Cretaceous Systems
08 120TRTR Tertiary System
08 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
08 121DRUN Dry Union Formation
08 121NRPK North Park Formation
08 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
08 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
08 121PLCN Pliocene Series
08 121SNTF Santa Fe Formation
08 122ARKR Arikaree Formation
08 122BRPK Browns Park Formation
08 122MOCN Miocene Series
08 123BRUL Brule Formation of White River Group
08 123CDRN Chadron Formation of White River Group
08 123CLRK Castle Rock Conglomerate
08 123CRCK Castle Rock Conglomerate
08 123OLGC Oligocene Series
08 123WRVR White River Formation
08 124CCHR Cuchara Formation
08 124CLMN Coalmont Formation
08 124DVLH Devils Hole Formation
08 124DWSN Dawson Arkose
08 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
08 124EOCN Eocene Series
08 124FRST Farasita Conglomerate
08 124GRRV Green River Formation
08 124HRFN Huerfano Formation
08 124IRSV Intrusive Rocks
08 124SJNM San Jose and Nacimiento Formations, Undifferentiated (Eocene-Paleocen
08 124SNJS San Jose Formation
08 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
08 125ANMS Animas Formation (Paleocene-Upper Cretaceous)
08 125DNVR Denver Formation
08 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
08 125KRLD Kirtland Shale
08 125MDPK Middle Park Formation
08 125NCMN Nacimiento Formation
08 125OJAM Ojo Alamo Sandstone
08 125PLCN Paleocene Series
08 125PSNC Poison Canyon Formation
08 125RTON Raton Formation
08 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
08 200MZPZ Mesozoic-Paleozoic Erathems
08 210CRCS Cretaceous System
08 210DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation or Group
08 211A A Sandstone Member of Laramie Formation
08 211ARPH Arapahoe Conglomerate Member of Laramie Formation
08 211BGCK Bridge Creek Limestone Member of Greenhorn Limestone
08 211BLHL Blue Hill Shale Member of Carlile Shale
08 211BLRM B Sandstone Member of Larrimie Formation
08 211BNTN Benton Shale
08 211CDLL Codell Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
08 211CLFH Cliff House Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
08 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
08 211CRLL Carlile Shale
08 211FRHS Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation
08 211FRLD Fruitland Formation
08 211FRNR Frontier Sandstone
08 211FROR Frontier Sandstone
08 211FRPR Fairport Chalky Shale Member of Carlile Shale
08 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
08 211GRNR Greenhorn Formation
08 211GRRS Graneros Shale
08 211HRLD Hartland Shale Member of Greenhorn Limestone
08 211HYGN Hygiene Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
08 211ILES Iles Formation
08 211LFXH Laramie - Fox Hills Aquifer
08 211LNCE Lance Formation
08 211LNCL Lincoln Member of Greenhorn Limestone
08 211LRMI Laramie Formation
08 211LRMR Larimer Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
08 211LWIS Lewis Shale
08 211MCDM Mcdermott Member of Animas Formation
08 211MENE Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group
08 211MENF Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group
08 211MLKN Milliken Sandstone Member of Fox Hills Sandstone
08 211MNCS Mancos Shale
08 211MVRD Mesaverde Group
08 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
08 211PCCF Pictured Cliffs Sandstone
08 211PIRR Pierre Shale
08 211PNLK Point Lookout Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Group
08 211POLK Point Lookout Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Group
08 211RCRD Richard Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
08 211RKRG Rocky Ridge Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
08 211SMKH Smoky Hill Marl Member of Niobrara Formation
08 211SOKHN Smoky Hill Marl Member of Niobrara Formation
08 211TRDD Trinidad Sandstone
08 211TRNS Transition Zone
08 211TRRY Terry Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
08 211VRMJ Vermejo Formation
08 217BRCN Burro Canyon Formation
08 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
08 217CYNN Cheyenne Sandstone Member of Purgatorie Formation
08 217KIOW Kiowa Shale
08 217LYTL Lytle Formation of Dakota Group
08 217MWRY Mowry Shale
08 217PLNV Plainview Sandstone Member of South Platte Formation
08 217PRGR Purgatoire Formation
08 217STPL South Platte Formation of Dakota Group
08 220GLNC Glen Canyon Group
08 220JCTC Jurassic-Triassic Systems
08 220JRSC Jurassic System
08 220NVJO Navajo Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
08 221BRSB Brushy Basin Shale Member of Morrison Formation
08 221CRTS Curtis Formation of San Rafael Group
08 221ENRD Entrada Sandstone
08 221JCCK Junction Creek Sandstone of San Rafael Group
08 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
08 221MOAB Moab Member of Entrada Sandstone
08 221MRSN Morrison Formation
08 221RCPR Recapture Shale Member of Morrison Formation
08 221RLCK Ralston Creek Formation
08 221SKRK Slick Rock Member of Entrada Sandstone
08 221SLWS Salt Wash Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
08 221SMVL Summerville Formation of San Rafael Group
08 221SRFL San Rafael Group
08 221WSRC Westwater Canyon Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
08 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
08 227JRSCL Lower Jurassic Series
08 230LKNS Lykins Formation
08 230TCPM Triassic-Permian Systems
08 230TRSC Triassic System
08 231CHNL Chinle Formation of Dockum Group
08 231CINL Chinle Formation of Dockum Group
08 231DCKM Dockum Group
08 231JELM Jelm Formation
08 231KAYN Kayenta Formation of Glen Canyon Group
08 231KYNT Kayenta Formation of Glen Canyon Group
08 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
08 231WIGT Wingate Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
08 231WNGT Wingate Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
08 234TRSCM Middle Triassic Series
08 237TRSCL Lower Triassic Series
08 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
08 310CTLR Cutler Formation
08 310LYNS Lyons Formation
08 310PMPV Permian-Pennsylvanian Systems
08 310PRMN Permian System
08 310SGRC Sangre De Cristo Formation
08 310STNK Satanka Shale
08 310WBER Weber Formation
08 311BGBS Big Basin Formation
08 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
08 311TOLG Taloga Formation of Cragin
08 317FNTN Fountain Formation
08 317IGLD Ingleside Formation
08 317MRON Maroon Formation
08 317MROR Maroon Formation
08 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
08 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
08 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
08 324HRMS Hermosa Formation
08 324MNRN Minturn Formation
08 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
08 327BLDN Belden Formation
08 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
08 330MSSP Mississippian System
08 331LDVL Leadville Limestone
08 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
08 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
08 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
08 340DVNN Devonian System
08 341CHFF Chaffee Formation
08 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
08 341PRTG Parting Quartzite Member of Chaffee Formation
08 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
08 350SLRN Silurian System
08 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
08 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
08 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
08 360ODVC Ordovician System
08 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
08 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
08 367MNTU Manitou Formation
08 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
08 370CMBR Cambrian System
08 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
08 371SWCH Sawatch Sandstone Formation
08 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
08 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
08 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
08 400PCMBC Precambrian Crystalline Rocks
08 BASEMENT Basement
08 BEDROCK Bedrock
09 000UMTL Unknown Material
09 110AVTN Alluvium, Terrace, Non-Glacial
09 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
09 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
09 112DFSF Drift, Stratified
09 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
09 112TILL Till
09 231EBRL East Berlin Formation
09 231HLYK Holyoke Basalt
09 231HMPD Hampden Basalt
09 231IGNSE Igneous Extrusives
09 231IGNSI Igneous Intrusives
09 231NHVN New Haven Formation
09 231PRLD Portland Formation
09 231SDMN Sedimentary Bedrock
09 231SLMD Shuttle Meadow Formation
09 231TLCT Talcott Basalt
09 300CBCL Carbonate Crystalline Bedrock
09 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
09 300NCBC Non-Carbonate Crystalline Bedrock
09 400NCBC Non-Carbonate Crystalline Bedrock
09 BASEMENT Basement
09 BEDROCK Bedrock
10 000UMTL Unknown Material
10 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
10 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
10 110QRNR Quaternary System
10 111ALVL Alluvial Deposits
10 111CPSP Cypress Swamp Formation
10 111CRLB Carolina Bay Deposits
10 111DUNE Dune Deposits
10 111DUNED Dune Deposits
10 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
10 111HLCN Holocene Series
10 111MRSH Marsh Deposits
10 111SPIT Spit Deposits
10 111SRLN Shoreline Deposits
10 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
10 111UPBG Upland Bog Deposits
10 111UPLD Upland Deposits
10 112CLMB Columbia Group
10 112DLBY Delaware Bay Group
10 112KILD Kent Island Formation
10 112LCHG Lynch Heights Formation
10 112NTCK Nanacoke Deposits
10 112OMAR Omar Formation
10 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
10 112PNSK Pensauken Formation
10 112SCCR Scotts Corners Formation
10 112SNVL Staytonville Unit of Columbia Formation
10 120TRTR Tertiary System
10 121BRDN Brandywine Formation
10 121BRMR Bryn Mawr Formation
10 121BRND Brandywine Formation
10 121BVDM Beaverdam Sand
10 121CSPK Chesapeake Group
10 121PLCN Pliocene Series
10 121YRKN Yorktown Formation
10 122BTNY Bethany Formation
10 122CLVR Calvert Formation
10 122CPNK Choptank Formation
10 122CSLD Cheswold Aquifer
10 122CSPK Chesapeake Group
10 122FDBG Federalsburg Aquifer
10 122FRDC Frederica Aquifer
10 122MLFD Milford Aquifer
10 122MNKN Manokin Aquifer
10 122MOCN Miocene Series
10 122OCNC Ocean City Aquifer
10 122PCMK Pocomoke Aquifer
10 122SMRS St Marys Formation
10 123GLCN Glauconitic Unit
10 123OLGC Oligocene Series
10 124DEAL Deal Formation
10 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
10 124EOCN Eocene Series
10 124GLCN Glauconitic Unit
10 124MNSQ Manasquan Formation
10 124NNJM Nanjemoy Formation
10 124PMNK Pamunkey Group
10 124PNPN Piney Point Formation
10 124PPNJ Piney Point-Nanjemoy Aquifer
10 124SAKR Shark River Formation
10 124SKRV Shark River Formation
10 125AQRC Aquia and Rancocas Aquifer
10 125HRRS Hornerstown Formation
10 125PLCN Paleocene Series
10 125RCCS Rancocas Formation
10 125VNCN Vincentown Formation
10 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
10 210CRCS Cretaceous System
10 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
10 211EGLS Englishtown Formation
10 211MCVL Merchantville Formation
10 211MGTY Magothy Formation
10 211MLRL Mount Laurel Sand
10 211MNMT Monmouth Formation
10 211MRSL Marshalltown Formation
10 211MTWN Matawan Formation
10 211NVSK Navesink Formation
10 211RRTN Raritan Formation
10 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
10 217NNMR Nonmarine Cretaceous Aquifer
10 217PTMC Potomac Formation
10 217PTMCL Lower Potomac Formation
10 217PTMCM Middle Potomac Formation
10 217PTMCU Upper Potomac Formation
10 300CCKV Cockeysville Marble
10 300GLRM Glenarm Series
10 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
10 300PRDP Port Deposit Gneiss
10 300WLMG Wilmington Complex
10 300WSCK Wissahickon Formation
10 BASEMENT Basement
10 BEDROCK Bedrock
11 000UMTL Unknown Material
11 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
11 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
11 110QRNR Quaternary System
11 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
11 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
11 111HLCN Holocene Series
11 111LLND Lowland Deposits
11 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
11 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
11 112PMLC Pamlico Formation
11 112SDLD Sunderland Formation
11 112UPLD Upland Deposits
11 120TRTR Tertiary System
11 121BRDN Brandywine Formation
11 121BRMR Bryn Mawr Gravel
11 121BRMRG Bryn Mawr Gravel
11 121BRND Brandywine Formation
11 121PLCN Pliocene Series
11 122CLVR Calvert Formation
11 122CSPK Chesapeake Group
11 122MOCN Miocene Series
11 210CRCS Cretaceous System
11 217ARDL Arundel Formation
11 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
11 217POMC Potomac Group
11 217PPSC Patapsco Formation
11 217PTMC Potomac Group
11 217PTXN Patuxent Formation
11 300BLDR Boulder Gneiss
11 300BOLD Boulder Gneiss
11 300GRGN Georgetown Mafic Complex
11 300LPELC Lower Pelitic Schist
11 300LPLC Lower Pelitic Schist
11 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
11 377SKVL Sykesville Formation
11 400GBGG Granodiorite and Biotite Granite Gneiss
11 400KNSG Kensington Quartz Diorite
11 BASEMENT Basement
11 BEDROCK Bedrock
12 000UMTL Unknown Material
12 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
12 110NRSD Nonartesian Sand Aquifer
12 110QRNR Quaternary System
12 110SAQS Surficial Aquifer System
12 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
12 111HLCN Holocene Series
12 111LKFL Lake Flirt Marl
12 111NRSD Nonartesian Sand Aquifer
12 111TLME Terrace Deposits, Lower, Marine and Estuarine
12 112ALDG Ayers Landing Marl Member of Caloosahatchee Formation
12 112ANSS Anastasia Formation
12 112BBRC Bee Branch Member of Caloosahatchee Formation
12 112BRDN Brandywine Formation
12 112BSCNN Biscayne Limestone Aquifer
12 112BSCNS Biscayne Sandy Limestone Aquifer
12 112CEMH Coffee Mill Hammock Marl Member of Ft. Thompson Formation
12 112CLSC Caloosahatchee Aquifer
12 112CLSCR Caloosahatchee Formation
12 112COHR Coharie Formation
12 112CQUN Coquina Aquifer
12 112FDND Fort Denaud Member of Caloosahatchee Formation
12 112FTMP Fort Thompson Formation
12 112KLRG Key Largo Limestone
12 112LBLL La Belle Clay Member of Tamiami Formation
12 112LMSN Limestone Aquifer
12 112MIMI Miami Oolite
12 112MLBR Melbourne Bed of Pamlico Formation
12 112NRSD Nonartesian Sand Aquifer
12 112OKKC Okaloakoochee Member of Ft. Thompson Formation
12 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
12 112PMLC Pamlico Formation
12 112PNLY Penholoway Formation
12 112SAND Sand Aquifer
12 112SANDA Sand Aquifer
12 112SDGV Sand and Gravel Aquifer
12 112SDGVA Sand and Gravel Aquifer
12 112SDLD Sunderland Formation
12 112SNDS Sandstone Aquifer
12 112SVBF Silver Bluff Formation
12 112TCMR Terrace Deposits, Marine
12 112TLBT Talbot Formation
12 112WCMC Wicomico Formation
12 120FAQS Floridan Aquifer System
12 120FLRD Floridan Aquifer System
12 120FLRDL Lower Floridan Aquifer
12 120FLRDU Upper Floridan Aquifer
12 120NFSG Northwestern Florida Sand-and-Gravel Aquifer
12 120NRSD Nonartesian Sand Aquifer
12 120TRTR Tertiary System
12 120UFAQ Upper Floridan Aquifer
12 121ADHL Alluvium and Deltaic Deposits, High Level
12 121ALVA Alva Clay Member of Tamiami Formation
12 121BKGM Buckingham Limestone of Tamiami Formation
12 121BYSR Bay Shore Member of Tamiami Formation
12 121CRNL Citronelle Formation
12 121DPLN Duplin Marl
12 121IAQS Intermediate Aquifer System
12 121LBLL La Belle Formation
12 121MCKS Murdock Station Member of Tamiami Formation
12 121OCHP Ochopee Limestone Member of Tamiami Formation
12 121ORTN Ortona Sand Member of Tamiami Formation
12 121PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
12 121PLCN Pliocene Series
12 121TMIM Tamiami Formation
12 121TMIMN Tamiami Formation, Limestone Aquifer
12 121TMIMR Tamiami Formation, Shell-Marl Aquifer
12 122ALCH Alachua Formation
12 122ALVA Alva Clay Member of Tamiami Formation
12 122AMBF Alum Bluff Group
12 122BKGM Buckingham Limestone of Tamiami Formation
12 122BNVL Bone Valley Formation
12 122BYSR Bay Shore Member of Tamiami Formation
12 122CHPL Chipola Formation
12 122CRLN Charlton Formation
12 122CTTC Chattahoochee Formation
12 122ECMB Escambia Sand Member of Pensacola Clay
12 122FRPR Fort Preston Formation
12 122HTRN Hawthorn Formation
12 122HTRNN Hawthorn Limestone Aquifer
12 122HTRNS Hawthorn Sand and Gravel Aquifer
12 122ICGU Intermediate Confining Unit
12 122JKBF Jackson Bluff Formation
12 122LMSN Limestone Aquifer
12 122MCKS Murdock Station Member of Tamiami Formation
12 122MCSK Miccosukee Formation
12 122MOCN Miocene Series
12 122MOCNC Miocene Coarse Clastics
12 122MOCNU Upper Miocene Series
12 122OCHP Ochopee Limestone Member of Tamiami Formation
12 122OKGV Oak Grove Sand Member of Shoal River Formation
12 122ORTN Ortona Sand Member of Tamiami Formation
12 122PCRS Pinecrest Sand
12 122PSCL Pensacola Clay
12 122PSCLL Pensacola Clay, Lower Member
12 122PSCLU Pensacola Clay, Upper Member
12 122RDBY Red Bay Formation
12 122SDGV Sand and Gravel Aquifer
12 122SLML Shell-Marl Aquifer
12 122SLRV Shoal River Formation
12 122SMRK St. Marks Formation
12 122SNDS Sandstone Aquifer
12 122TAMP Tampa Limestone
12 122TMIM Tamiami Formation
12 122TMIMN Tamiami Formation, Limestone Aquifer
12 122TMIMR Tamiami Formation, Shell-Marl Aquifer
12 122TRRY Torreya Formation
12 122YLRV Yellow River Formation
12 123BCTN Bucatunna Clay Member of Byram Formation
12 123BYRM Byram Formation
12 123CKTP Chickasawhay Limestone and Tampa Formation, Undifferentiated
12 123DCCC Duncan Church Beds Member of Suwannee Limestone
12 123LMSN Limestone Aquifer
12 123MRNN Marianna Limestone
12 123OLGC Oligocene Series
12 123SWNN Suwannee Limestone
12 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
12 124AVPK Avon Park Limestone
12 124BSHI Bashi Marl Member of Hatchetigbee Formation
12 124CLBR Claiborne Group
12 124CLRV Crystal River Formation
12 124EOCN Eocene Series
12 124HCGB Hatchetigbee Formation
12 124IGLS Inglis Formation
12 124JCKS Jackson Group
12 124LFAQ Lower Floridan Aquifer
12 124LKCT Lake City Limestone
12 124LSBN Lisbon Formation
12 124MCGU Middle Confining Unit
12 124OCAL Ocala Limestone
12 124OCALG Ocala Group
12 124OCALL Ocala Limestone, Lower Member
12 124OCALN Ocala Limestone
12 124OCALU Ocala Limestone, Upper Member
12 124OLDM Oldsmar Limestone
12 124OLDMN Oldsmar Limestone Aquifer
12 124STNC Steinhatchee Dolomite Member of Crystal River Formation
12 124TLLS Tallahassee Limestone
12 124TLLT Tallahatta Formation
12 124WLCX Wilcox Group
12 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
12 124WLSN Williston Formation
12 125CDRK Cedar Keys Limestone
12 125CDRKN Cedar Keys Limestone Aquifer
12 125MDWY Midway Formation
12 125MIDY Midway Formation
12 125PLCN Paleocene Series
12 125SFCU Sub-Floridan Confining Unit
12 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
12 210CCJC Cretaceous-Jurassic Systems
12 210FPRC Fort Pierce Formation
12 211AKNS Atkinson Formation
12 211ASTN Austin Group
12 211AUSN Austin Group
12 211CDSD Card Sound Dolomite
12 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
12 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
12 211LCRS La Crosse Sandstone
12 211LWSN Lawson Limestone
12 211NVRR Navarro Group
12 211PLOT Pilot Sandstone Member of Tuscaloosa Formation
12 211SELM Selma Group
12 211TALR Taylor Group
12 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Group
12 211TSCLL Tuscaloosa Formation, Lower Member
12 211TSCLM Tuscaloosa Formation, Middle Member
12 211TSCLS Massive Sandstone Member of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation
12 211TSCLU Tuscaloosa Formation, Upper Member
12 211TUCL Tuscaloosa Group
12 211TYLR Taylor Group
12 217BGCP Big Cypress Group
12 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
12 217DLRB Dollar Bay Formation
12 217FKBG Fredericksburg Group
12 217FRLK Ferry Lake Anhydrite
12 217GLDS Glades Group
12 217HSTN Hosston Formation
12 217LKTF Lake Trafford Formation
12 217NPLB Naples Bay Group
12 217OCRF Ocean Reef Group
12 217PGRD Punta Gorda Anhydrite
12 217RDSS Rodessa Formation
12 217SDGV Sands and Gravels, Undifferentiated
12 217SNLD Sunniland Limestone
12 217TRNT Trinity Group
12 217TRNTL Lower Trinity
12 217TRNTU Upper Trinity
12 217WSHT Washita Group
12 221CNVL Cotton Valley Group
12 221COVL Cotton Valley Group
12 221DNKM Denkman Sandstone
12 221HSVL Haynesville Formation
12 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
12 221LUNN Louann Salt
12 221NOPL Norphlet Sandstone
12 221NRPL Norphlet Sandstone
12 221SMKV Smackover Formation
12 221WERR Werner Anhydrite
12 221WRNR Werner Anhydrite
12 230BSLT Basalt
12 230DIBS Diabase
12 230RYLT Rhyolite
12 230TRSC Triassic System
12 230TUFF Tuff
12 231NWRK Newark Group
12 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
12 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
12 340DVNN Devonian System
12 350SLRN Silurian System
12 360ODVC Ordovician System
12 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
12 370CMBR Cambrian System
12 400BCGR Biotitic Granite
12 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
12 400HBDD Hornblende Diorite
12 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
12 BASEMENT Basement
12 BEDROCK Bedrock
13 000UMTL Unknown Material
13 110QRNR Quaternary System
13 110SFCL Surficial Aquifer
13 110SPRL Saprolite
13 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
13 111HLCN Holocene Series
13 112CLMB Columbia Group
13 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
13 120CNNL Channel Sand
13 120FDDB Floridan, Millers Pond, and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 120FDMP Floridan, and Millers Pond Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 120FDMV Floridan, Millers Pond, Dublin and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 120FLRD Floridan Aquifer System
13 120FLRDL Lower Floridan Aquifer
13 120FLRDU Upper Floridan Aquifer
13 120FRND Lower Floridan Aquifer-Fernandina Permeable Zone
13 121CRLN Charlton Formation
13 121DPLN Duplin Marl
13 121PLCN Pliocene Series
13 122AMBF Alum Bluff Group
13 122BRCK Brunswick Aquifer System
13 122BRCKL Lower Brunswick Aquifer
13 122BRCKU Upper Brunswick Aquifer
13 122HTRN Hawthorn Formation
13 122MOCN Miocene Series
13 122MOCNL Lower Miocene
13 122MOCNM Middle Miocene
13 122TAMP Tampa Limestone
13 123BYRM Byram Formation
13 123COPR Cooper Marl
13 123FLRV Flint River Formation
13 123MRNN Marianna Limestone
13 123OLGC Oligocene Series
13 123SWNN Suwannee Limestone
13 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
13 124AVPK Avon Park Limestone
13 124BAKM Black Mingo Group
13 124BKMG Black Mingo Group
13 124BRNL Barnwell Formation
13 124CCFD Clinchfield Sand
13 124CLBR Claiborne Group
13 124CNGR Congaree Formation
13 124EOCN Eocene Series
13 124FSBR Fishburne Formation
13 124GDDB Gordon, Millers Pond, and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 124GDMP Gordon and Millers Pond Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 124GDMV Gordon, Millers Pond, Dublin and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 124GRDN Gordon Aquifer System
13 124HCGB Hatchetigbee Formation
13 124IRNN Irwinton Sandstone Member of Barnwell Formation
13 124JCKS Jackson Group
13 124LKCT Lake City Limestone
13 124LSBN Lisbon Formation
13 124MCBN Mc Bean Formation
13 124NNFL Nanafalia Formation
13 124OCAL Ocala Limestone
13 124OLDM Oldsmar Limestone
13 124SDVL Sandersville Limestone Member of Barnwell Formation
13 124SNTE Santee Limestone
13 124TGGS Twiggs Clay Member of Barnwell Formation
13 124TLLT Tallahatta Formation
13 124TSCM Tuscahoma Formation
13 124UPTR Upper Three Runs Aquifer
13 124WLCX Wilcox Group
13 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
13 124WLHL Warley Hill Marl
13 125BKMG Black Mingo Formation
13 125CDRK Cedar Keys Formation
13 125CLTN Clayton Formation
13 125DBLN Dublin Aquifer System
13 125DBLNL Dublin Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
13 125DBLNU Dublin Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
13 125DBMV Dublin-Midville Aquifer System
13 125ELNN Ellenton Formation
13 125LNGS Lang Syne Member of Rhems Formation
13 125MDWY Midway Group
13 125MPDB Millers Pond and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 125MPMV Millers Pond, Dublin, and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
13 125MRBC Meyers Branch Confining System
13 125MSPD Millers Pond Aquifer
13 125PLCN Paleocene Series
13 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
13 125RHMS Rhems Formation
13 125SDLG Sawdust Landing Member of Rhems Formation
13 125TMSI Tamesi Equivalent
13 125WMBG Williamsburg Formation
13 211AKNS Atkinson Formation
13 211BKCK Black Creek Formation
13 211BLFN Blufftown Formation
13 211CPFR Cape Fear Formation
13 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
13 211CSST Cusseta Sand
13 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
13 211LWSN Lawson Limestone
13 211MDDF Middendorf Formation
13 211MDVL Midville Aquifer System
13 211MDVLL Midville Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
13 211MDVLU Midville Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
13 211PEED Peedee Formation
13 211PROT Perote Member of Providence Sand
13 211PVDC Providence Sand
13 211RPLY Ripley Formation
13 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
13 211TSCLL Tuscaloosa Formation, Lower Member
13 211TSCLM Tuscaloosa Formation, Middle Member
13 211TSCLU Tuscaloosa Formation, Upper Member
13 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
13 218CMNC Comanchean Series
13 230NWRK Newark Group
13 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
13 320CRSL Crystalline Rocks
13 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
13 320TLDG Talladega Formation
13 327CBOM Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
13 327GZRD Gizzard Formation
13 327NWTN Newton Sandstone Member of Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
13 327RCNM Raccoon Mountain Member of Gizzard Formation
13 327SEWN Sewanee Member of Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
13 327SGLP Signal Point Shale Member of Gizzard Formation
13 327SWNE Sewanee Member of Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
13 327VDVR Vandever Member of Crab Orchard Mountains Formatiion
13 327WRNP Warren Point Sandstone Member of Gizzard Formation
13 327WTLL Whitwell Shale Member of Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
13 331BNGR Bangor Limestone
13 331FLYD Floyd Shale
13 331GLCD Golconda Formation
13 331HRSL Hartselle Sandstone
13 331PNNG Pennington Shale
13 331SGVV Ste Genevieve Limestone
13 331STLS St Louis Limestone
13 337FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
13 337LVDR Lavender Shale Member
13 337MURY Maury Formation
13 344ARMC Armuchee Chert
13 344FRGM Frog Mountain Sandstone
13 345CTNG Chattanooga Shale
13 350RDMN Red Mountain Formation
13 361SQTC Sequatchie Formation
13 364CKMG Chickamauga Limestone
13 364RCKM Rockmart Slate
13 367KNOX Knox Dolomite or Group
13 367KNOXG Knox Group
13 367NEWL Newala Limestone
13 371CNSG Conasauga Formation
13 371MDVL Maynardville Limestone
13 374MRVL Maryville Limestone
13 377ROME Rome Formation
13 377SHDY Shady Dolomite
13 377WSNR Weisner Formation
13 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
13 BASEMENT Basement
13 BEDROCK Bedrock
15 000UMTL Unknown Material
15 100CLRB Coralline Rubble Deposits
15 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
15 100LMSN Limestone
15 100VLCC Volcanic Rocks
15 110KAU Kau Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 110PUNA Puna Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 110QRNR Quaternary System
15 111AFCF Artificial Fill
15 111ALVD Alluvium and Landslide Deposits, Unconsolidated
15 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
15 111AVLD Alluvial and Landslide Deposits, Unconsolidated
15 111BECH Beach Deposits
15 111DUNC Dune Sand, Calcareous, Unconsolidated
15 111DUNN Dune Sand, Noncalcareous, Unconsolidated
15 111HLCN Holocene Series
15 111HULLH Hualalai Volcanic Series, Historic Volcanic Rocks
15 111HV75 Historic Volcanic Rocks (Lava Flows of 1750?)
15 111KUAV Kau Volcanic Series, Historic Volcanic Rocks
15 111LKUC Lake Deposit, Unconsolidated Calcareous Sand
15 111LPHHU Laupahoehoe Volcanic Series, Lava Flows and Cinder of Upper Member
15 111PNCCH Puna Volcanic Series, Historic Cinder Cones
15 111PNLCH Puna Volcanic Series, Historic Littoral Cones
15 111PNLFH Puna Volcanic Series, Historic Lava Flows
15 111UCCD Unconsolidated Calcareous Dune Sand
15 112ALVM Alluvium, Older
15 112ALVMO Alluvium, Older
15 112ANON Ainoni Volcanics
15 112AVLD Alluvium and Landslid Deposits, Consolidated
15 112BCKP Black Point Basalt
15 112BGFL Big Falls Picritic Basalts, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112CCCM Calcareous Marine Deposits (Limestone), Consolidated
15 112CDCC Calcareous Deposits (Limestone), Consolidated
15 112CDDM Marine Deposits (Limestone), Consolidated
15 112CSTL Castle Volcanics
15 112DMHD Diamond Head Tuff
15 112DUNC Dune Sand, Calcareous, Consolidated
15 112FVPG Fluvial, Periglacial, and Glacial Conglomerates
15 112HANA Hana Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112HAWI Hawi Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112HIKU Haiku Volcanics
15 112HILN Hilina Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112HKCC Hamakua Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112HKLF Hamakua Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112HLAC Hualalai Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Ash and Cinder Deposits
15 112HLCC Hualalai Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Cinder Cones
15 112HLLF Hualalai Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Lava Flows
15 112HMKU Hamakua Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112HNCC Hana Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112HNDC Hana Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 112HNFF Hana Volcanic Series, Firefountain Deposits of Ash and Pumice
15 112HNKV Hana Volcanic Series, In Kipahulu Valley
15 112HNLF Hana Volcanic Series, Lava Flows, Undifferentiated
15 112HNLL Honolulu Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112HNWI Hanawi Basaltic Andesite, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112HULL Hualalai Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Volcanic Rocks, Undifferentiated
15 112HWCC Hawi Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112HWDC Hawi Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 112HWLF Hawi Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112HWLO Hawaiiloa Volcanics
15 112KAAU Kaau Volcanics
15 112KENE Keanae Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112KHCC Kahuku Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112KHLC Kahuku Volcanic Series, Littoral Cones
15 112KHLF Kahuku Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112KHUK Kahuku Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112KIKI Kiekie Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112KILF Kiekie Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112KITF Kiekie Volcanic Series, Tuffaceous Deposits
15 112KKFF Koko Volcanics, Firefountain Deposits
15 112KKLF Koko Volcanics, Lava Flows
15 112KKTF Koko Volcanics, Tuff Deposits
15 112KLCC Kula Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112KLDC Kula Volcanic Seres, Dike Compartments
15 112KLIH Kalihi Volcanics
15 112KLLF Kula Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112KLPP Kalaupapa Basalt (Lava Flows)
15 112KLTF Kula Volcanic Series, Tuff Deposits
15 112KMNK Kamanaiki Basalt
15 112KMUK Kaimuki Basalt
15 112KNOH Kaneohe Volcanics
15 112KOAT Koloa Volcanic Series, Ash and Tuffaceous Soil Beds
15 112KOCC Koloa Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112KOKO Koko Volcanics, Undifferentiated
15 112KOLF Koloa Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112KOLO Koloa Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112KOTC Koloa Volcanic Series, Tuff Cone At Kilauea Bay
15 112KPUL Kapaula Basaltic Andesite, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112KUCC Kau Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Cinder Cones
15 112KUHW Kuhiwa Basaltic Andesite, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112KULA Kula Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112KULC Kau Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Littoral Cones
15 112KULF Kau Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Lava Flows
15 112KUPO Kaupo Mud Flow
15 112LGMP Lagoon Deposits of Mana Plain
15 112LHIN Lahaina Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112LNCC Lahaina Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 112LNLF Lahaina Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112LPAS Laupahoehoe Volcanic Series, Ash Deposits
15 112LPCC Laupahoehoe Volcanic Series, Lower Member, Cinder Cones
15 112LPHHL Laupahoehoe Volcanic Series, Lower Member Undifferentiated
15 112LPLF Laupahoehoe Volcnnic Series, Lower Member, Lava Flows
15 112MKMN Moku Manu Volcanics
15 112MKNO Makaino Basaltic Andesite, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112MKPP Makapipi Basalts, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112MKPU Mokapu Basalt
15 112MKWO Makawao Breccia
15 112MNWL Maunawili Volcanics
15 112MOKL Mokolea Basalt
15 112MSMN Mossman Picritic Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112MUUM Mauumae Volcanics
15 112NNOL Ninole Volcanic Series
15 112NUUN Nuuanu Volcanics
15 112OHIA Ohia Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112PAHL Pahala Ash
15 112PAKE Paakea Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112PALI Pali Volcanics
15 112PBLF Punchbowl Volcanics, Lava Flows
15 112PBTF Punchbowl Volcanics, Tuff Deposits
15 112PCBL Punchbowl Volcanics, Undifferentiated
15 112PINU Piinaau Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112PLCC Pololu Volcanic Series, Cinder Cone
15 112PLCF Pololu Volcanic Series, Crater-Filling Lava and Breccia
15 112PLDC Pololu Volcanic Series, Dike Compartment
15 112PLIK Palikea Formation, Koloa Volcanic Series
15 112PLLF Pololu Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 112PLLU Pololu Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
15 112PNAS Puna Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Ash Deposits
15 112PNCC Puna Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Cinder Cones
15 112PNLC Puna Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Littoral Cones
15 112PNLF Puna Volcanic Series, Prehistoric Lava Flows
15 112PUWL Puuwalu Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112RCKH Rocky Hill Volcanics
15 112SDMR Sedimentary Deposits, Undifferentiated
15 112SLMA Salt Lake-Makalapa-Aliamanu Tuff Deposits
15 112TGSC Training School Volcanics
15 112TSGL Tantalus-Sugar Loaf Volcanic Rocks, Undifferentiated
15 112TSLF Tantalus-Sugar Loaf Volcanic Rocks, Firefountain Deposits
15 112TSLL Tantalus-Sugar Loaf Volcanic Rocks, Lava Flows
15 112ULUP Ulupau Tuff
15 112WAIK Waiaaka Basaltic Andesite, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112WAWA Waawaa Volcanics
15 112WKML Waiokamilo Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 112WLUN Wailuanui Basalt, Hana Volcanic Series
15 120KILU Kailua Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 120KLBC Koolau Volcanic Series, Breccia
15 120KLDK Koolau Volcanic Series, Dike Complex
15 120KLLF Koolau Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 120KLTF Koolau Volcanic Series, Tuff
15 120KNPU Kanapou Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 120KOLU Koolau Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 120KPCF Kanapou Volcanic Series, Caldera-Filling Volcanics
15 120KPEC Kanapou Volcanic Series, Extra-Caldera Volcanics
15 120KUDK Kailua Volcanic Series, Dike Complex
15 120KULF Kailua Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 120TRTR Tertiary System
15 120WINE Waianae Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 120WNBC Waianae Volcanic Series, Breccia
15 120WNDK Waianae Volcanic Series, Dike Complex
15 120WNLF Waianae Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 120WNPY Waianae Volcanic Series, Pyroclastic Deposits
15 121EMCCL East Molokai Volcanic Series, Lower Member, Cinder Cones
15 121EMCCU East Molokai Volcanic Series, Upper Member, Cinder Cones
15 121EMCD East Molokai Volcanic Series, Caldera Complex
15 121EMDC East Molokai Volcanic Series, Dike Compartment
15 121EMDMU East Molokai Volcanic Series, Upper Member, Domes
15 121EMLFL East Molokai Volcanic Series, Lower Member, Lava Flows
15 121EMLFU East Molokai Volcanic Series, Upper Member, Lava Flows
15 121EMLK East Molokai Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121HLCL Honolua Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones and Lava Domes
15 121HLDC Honolua Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 121HLLF Honolua Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121HMDC Honomanu Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 121HMFC Honomanu Volcanic Series, Firefountain and Cone Deposits
15 121HMLF Honomanu Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121HNLU Honolua Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121HNMN Honomanu Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121HUPU Haupu Formation, Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series, Crater-Filling Lava
15 121LANI Lanai Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121LNDC Lanai Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 121LNLF Lanai Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121MKUN Mokuone Member of Makaweli Formation, Breccia and Conglomerate
15 121MKWL Makaweli Formation, Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121NPDC Napali Formation, Dike Compartments, Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series
15 121NPLI Napali Formation, Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series
15 121OLKL Olokele Formation, Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series
15 121PLCN Pliocene Series
15 121PNDC Paniau Volcanic Series, Dike Compartments
15 121PNIU Paniau Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121PNLF Paniau Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121WKCC Wailuku Volcanic Series, Cinder Cones
15 121WKCD Wailuku Volcanic Series, Dike Compartment (Not Part of Dike Complex)
15 121WKDK Wailuku Volcanic Series, Dike Complex
15 121WKFF Wailuku Volcanic Series, Firefountain Deposits of Tuff
15 121WKLF Wailuku Volcanic Series, Lava Flows
15 121WKLV Wailuku Volcanic Series, Lava Cones
15 121WKPC Wailuku Volcanic Series, Pit Crater Deposits, Breccia and Conglomerate
15 121WLUK Wailuku Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121WMCC West Molokai Volcanic Series, Basalt Cinder Cones
15 121WMCN Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 121WMDC West Molokai Volcanic Series, Dike Compartment
15 121WMLF West Molokai Volcanic Series, Basalt Lava Flows
15 121WMLK West Molokai Volcanic Series, Undifferentiated
15 BASEMENT Basement
15 BEDROCK Bedrock
16 000UMTL Unknown Material
16 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
16 100VLFL Valley Fill
16 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
16 110QRNR Quaternary System
16 110SDMS Sediments
16 110SKRV Snake River Group
16 110TRVN Travertine
16 110VLCC Volcanic Rocks
16 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
16 111HLCN Holocene Series
16 111TRRCY Terrace Gravel, Younger
16 111TRVN Travertine
16 112ALVM Alluvium
16 112AMCF American Falls Lake Beds
16 112BCKM Black Mesa Gravel of Idaho Group
16 112BGHL Big Hole Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112BPFV Basalt of Portneuf Valley
16 112BRLY Burley Lake Beds
16 112BRUN Bruneau Formation
16 112BSPG Bancroft Springs Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112CDRB Cedar Butte Basalt
16 112CRSS Crowsnest Gravel of Snake River Group
16 112FLRV Falls River Basalt
16 112GLFR Glenns Ferry Formation of Idaho Group
16 112GRRT Gerrit Basalt
16 112HKBR Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
16 112IDHO Idaho Group
16 112LITL Little Creek Formation
16 112LLCK Little Creek Formation
16 112LVCK Lava Creek Tuff
16 112MALD Malad Member of Thousand Springs Basalt
16 112MCHD Michaud Gravel
16 112MCKN Mckinney Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112MDSN Madison Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112MENN Menan Tuff
16 112MEON Melon Gravel of Snake River Group
16 112MFLS Mesa Falls Tuff
16 112MNDK Minidoka Basalt
16 112OTSH Outwash
16 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
16 112PLTU Plateau Rhyolite
16 112PLUS Palouse Formation
16 112RAFT Raft Formation
16 112SGBL Sugar Bowl Gravel of Snake River Group
16 112SNBM Sunbeam Formation
16 112SSPG Sand Springs Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112TRRCO Terrace Gravel, Older
16 112TRVN Travertine
16 112TSPG Thousand Springs Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112TUAN Tuana Gravel of Idaho Group
16 112WDGD Wendell Grade Basalt of Snake River Group
16 112YLSN Yellowstone Group
16 120SDMS Sediments
16 120TRTR Tertiary System
16 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
16 121BNBR Banbury Formation Basalt of Idaho Group
16 121CGRP Cougar Point Welded Tuff
16 121CLKH Chalk Hills Formation of Idaho Group
16 121DNKY Donkey Fanglomerate
16 121EGRK Eagle Rock Tuff
16 121HGRM Hagerman Lake Beds
16 121IDVD Idavade Volcanics
16 121MSCR Massacre Volcanics
16 121NELY Neeley Formation
16 121PCRK Poison Creek Formation of Idaho Group
16 121PLCN Pliocene Series
16 121PYTT Payette Formation
16 121RCKV Rockland Valley Basalt
16 121SLLK Salt Lake Formation
16 121SRLG Starlight Formation
16 121WLCT Walcott Tuff
16 122CBRV Columbia River Basalt Group
16 122GRMR Germer Tuffaceous Member of Challis Volcanics
16 122LATH Latah Formation
16 122MOCN Miocene Series
16 122OWYH Owyhee Basalt
16 122SCCK Succor Creek Formation
16 122YKFK Yankee Fork Rhyolite Member of Challis Volcanics
16 123CHLS Challis Volcanics
16 123OLGC Oligocene Series
16 124EOCN Eocene Series
16 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
16 125PLCN Paleocene Series
16 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
16 210BYVW Bayview Granodiorite
16 210CRCS Cretaceous System
16 210GRCK Granite Creek Granodiorite
16 210GRNC Granitic Rocks
16 210PCKM Packsaddle Mountain Granodiorite
16 210TYGE Tygee Sandstone of Gannett Group
16 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
16 211FRNR Frontier Sandstone
16 211FROR Frontier Sandstone
16 211IDAH Idaho Batholith
16 211WAYN Wayan Formation
16 217ASPN Aspen Shale
16 217BCLR Bechler Formation of Gannett Group
16 217BRRV Bear River Formation
16 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
16 217DRNY Draney Limestone of Gannett Group
16 217EPRM Ephraim Conglomerate of Gannett Group
16 217GNNT Gannett Group
16 217HOMR Homer Limestone Member of Wayan Formation
16 217KOTN Kootenai Formation
16 217PRSN Peterson Limestone of Gannett Group
16 217TMPL Thermopolis Shale
16 220JRSC Jurassic System
16 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
16 221LDCK Leeds Creek Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 221MRRS Morrison Formation
16 221PRSS Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds
16 221STMP Stump Sandstone
16 221TCRK Twin Creek Limestone or Formation
16 221WLVC Wolverine Canyon Limestone Member of Preuss Sandstone
16 221WNCN Watton Canyon Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 224BDRG Boundary Ridge Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 224ELLS Ellis Group
16 224GFCK Giraffe Creek Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
16 224RICH Rich Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 224SDCK Sliderock Member of Twin Creek Limestone
16 227JRSCL Lower Jurassic Series
16 227NGGT Nugget Sandstone
16 230HGHM Higham Grit
16 230LNES Lanes Tongue of Ankareh Formation
16 230TRSC Triassic System
16 231AKAR Ankareh Formation
16 231ANKR Ankareh Formation
16 231DDMN Deadman Limestone
16 231LULL Lucile Slate
16 231SVDV Seven Devils Volcanics
16 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
16 231WOOD Wood Shale Tongue of Ankareh Formation
16 234TRSCM Middle Triassic Series
16 237DNDY Dinwoody Formation
16 237FRHL Fort Hall Formation of Thaynes Group
16 237PRNF Portneuf Limestone Member of Thaynes Group
16 237RFRK Ross Fork Limestone of Thaynes Group
16 237TMTY Timothy Sandstone
16 237TRSCL Lower Triassic Series
16 237TYNS Thaynes Limestone, Formation or Group
16 237WDSD Woodside Formation, Siltstone and/or Redbeds
16 300BGCK Berg Creek Amphibolite of Riggins Group
16 300CLSC Clastic Rocks
16 300CRBN Carbonate Rocks
16 300FDCK Fiddle Creek Schist of Riggins Group
16 300LGCK Lightning Creek Schist of Riggins Group
16 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
16 300RGNS Riggins Group
16 300RMRG Ramey Ridge Complex
16 300SQCK Squaw Creek Schist of Riggins Group
16 310FRNS Franson Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
16 310GPKC Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
16 310GRADT Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
16 310GRDR Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
16 310MDPK Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
16 310PRKC Park City Formation or Group
16 310PRMN Permian System
16 310PSPR Phosphoria Formation
16 310REX Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
16 310RPHP Retort Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
16 310RTRT Retort Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
16 310RXPP Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
16 310SDRN Shedhorn Sandstone
16 310WDRV Wood River Formation
16 310WLLS Wells Formation
16 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
16 317OQRR Oquirrh Group
16 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
16 320AMSD Amsden Formation
16 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
16 320QDRN Quadrant Sandstone
16 320QUDR Quadrant Sandstone
16 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
16 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
16 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
16 330BRZR Brazer Limestone or Dolomite
16 330DPCK Deep Creek Formation
16 330MLGN Milligen Formation
16 330MSSP Mississippian System
16 331CFRG Chesterfield Range Group
16 331GRBL Great Blue Limestone or Formation
16 331LLFL Little Flat Formation of Chesterfield Range Group
16 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
16 331MNRC Monroe Canyon Limestone of Chesterfield Range Group
16 331MSNC Mission Canyon Limestone
16 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
16 331WKNB White Knob Limestone
16 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone of Madison Group
16 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
16 340DVNN Devonian System
16 341DRBY Darby Formation
16 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
16 341GRDV Grand View Dolomite
16 341TRFK Three Forks Shale
16 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
16 344JFFR Jefferson Formation
16 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
16 350SLRN Silurian System
16 350TLCK Trial Creek Formation
16 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
16 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
16 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
16 360ODVC Ordovician System
16 361BGRN Bighorn Dolomite
16 361FSHV Fish Haven Dolomite
16 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
16 361SRDM Saturday Mountain Formation
16 364GRDC Garden City Formation
16 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
16 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
16 367PKPP Phi Kappa Formation
16 367RMSR Ramshorn Slate
16 370BYRS Bayhorse Dolomite
16 370CMBR Cambrian System
16 370GDCK Garden Creek Phyllite
16 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
16 371GALN Gallatin Limestone
16 371GLTN Gallatin Limestone
16 371GRVK Grove Creek Limestone Member of Snowy Range Formation
16 371NUNN Nounan Limestone
16 371PLGM Pilgrim Limestone
16 371SCRL St Charles Limestone
16 371SNRG Snowy Range Formation
16 371WMCK Worm Creek Quartzite Member of St Charles Limestone
16 374BLMG Bloomington Formation
16 374BRGM Brigham Quartzite
16 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
16 374FLAD Flathead Limestone
16 374FLTD Flathead Limestone
16 374GDCK Gold Creek Quartzite
16 374GRVR Gros Ventre Formation
16 374LKVW Lakeview Limestone
16 374LNGS Langston Limestone
16 374MGHR Meagher Limestone
16 374PARK Park Shale
16 374RNNI Rennie Shale
16 374SPNC Spence Shale Member of Ute Limestone
16 374UTE Ute Limestone
16 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
16 400ABRG Albion Range Group
16 400BELT Belt Series
16 400BLCK Blacktail Formation
16 400BLSB Boehls Butte Formation of Belt Series
16 400BRVB Burke Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Series
16 400BURK Burke Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Series
16 400EFRK East Fork Formation
16 400HCKB Huckleberry Formation
16 400HNDM Hyndman Formation
16 400HOOD Hoodoo Quartzite
16 400LEOL Leola Volcanics
16 400LMHI Lemhi Quartzite
16 400MONK Monk Formation
16 400MUTL Mutual Formation
16 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
16 400PICD Prichard Slate Formation of Belt Series
16 400PRCD Prichard Slate Formation of Belt Series
16 400RVLL Ravalli Group of Belt Series
16 400RVTT Revett Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Series
16 400SRGS St Regis Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Series
16 400SWGR Swauger Quartzite
16 400WLLC Wallace Formation
16 400YJCK Yellowjacket Formation
16 BASEMENT Basement
16 BEDROCK Bedrock
17 000UMTL Unknown Material
17 100CEZC Cenozoic
17 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
17 110CLAY Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110GRAV Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110GRVL Gravel - Holocene and Pleistocene Series
17 110GVCL Gravel and Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110HRDP Hardpan (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110MARL Marl (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110PEAT Peat (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110QRNR Quaternary System
17 110SAND Sand - Holocene and Pleistocene Series
17 110SANDP Sand (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110SDCL Sand Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110SDGV Sand and Gravel - Holocene and Pleistocene Series
17 110SDGVP Sand and Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110SGVC Sand, Gravel, and Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 110SILT Silt (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
17 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
17 111FILL Fill
17 111HLCN Holocene Series
17 111LKFR Lake Michigan Formation-Lake Forest Member
17 111LKMG Lake Michigan Formation
17 111RVIN Lake Michigan Formation-Ravinia Sand Member
17 111SOIL Soil
17 111WKGN Lake Michigan Formation-Waukegan Member
17 111WNTK Lake Michigan Formation-Winnetka Member
17 112ARGL Winnebago Formation-Argyle Till Member
17 112BLGM Banner Formation-Belgium Member
17 112BNNR Banner Formation
17 112BRRY Glasford Formation-Berry Clay Member
17 112BTSN Wedron Formation-Batestown Till Member
17 112BTVI Henry Formation-Batavia Member
17 112CPRN Winnebago Formation-Capron Till Member
17 112CRMI Equality Formation-Carmi Member
17 112DCML Glasford Formation-Duncan Mills Member
17 112DLTN Equality Formation-Dolton Member
17 112DLVN Wedron Formation-Delavan Till Member
17 112ENON Enion Formation
17 112EQLD Equality Formation-Dolton Member
17 112EQLT Equality Formation
17 112ESMD Wedron Formation-Esmond Till Member
17 112GLBR Wedron Formation-Glenburn Till Member
17 112GLFD Glasford Formation
17 112GRVR Grover Gravel
17 112HEGR Wedron Formation-Haeger Till Member
17 112HGLR Banner Formation-Hegeler Till Member
17 112HGRS Glasford Formation-Hagarstown Member
17 112HLCK Glasford Formation-Hulick Till Member
17 112HLLR Banner Formation-Hillery Till Member
17 112HMCK Henry Formation-Mackinaw Member
17 112HNRY Henry Formation
17 112HRKS Banner Formation-Harkness Silt Member
17 112HRMN Banner Formation-Harmatton Till Member
17 112KLVL Glasford Formation-Kellerville Till Member
17 112LCNR Wedron Formation-Lee Center Till Member
17 112LIRL Banner Formation-Lierle Clay Member
17 112LKMGW Lake Michigan Formation-Wilmette Bed of the Sheboygan Member
17 112LOVD Loveland Silt
17 112LVLD Loveland Silt
17 112MBGV Glasford Formation-Mulberry Grove Silt Member
17 112MCDG Roxana Silt-Mcdonough Loess Member
17 112MCKN Henry Formation-Mackinaw Member
17 112MDOW Roxana Silt-Meadow Loess Member
17 112MHMT Banner Formation-Mahomet Sand Member
17 112MLDN Wedron Formation-Malden Till Member
17 112MNDS Mounds Gravel
17 112MORT Morton Loess
17 112MRKM Roxana Silt-Markham Member
17 112MRTN Morton Loess
17 112OGLE Glasford Formation-Ogle Till Member
17 112OKLD Wedron Formation-Oakland Till Member
17 112PDCD Peddicord Formation
17 112PEBG Petersburg Silt
17 112PEOR Peoria Loess
17 112PERL Pearl Formation
17 112PLNO Winnebago Formation-Plano Silt Till Member
17 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
17 112PORI Peoria Loess
17 112PRBG Petersburg Silt
17 112RCLD Richland Loess
17 112RDNR Glasford Formation-Radnor Till Member
17 112ROBN Robein Silt
17 112ROBY Glasford Formation-Roby Silt Member
17 112ROXN Roxana Silt
17 112SBGN Lake Michigan Formation-Sheboygan Member
17 112SHVN Lake Michigan Formation-South Haven Member
17 112SMBR Glasford Formation-Smithboro Till Member
17 112SNDR Wedron Formation-Snider Till Member
17 112SNKT Banner Formation-Sankoty Sand Member
17 112SRLG Glasford Formation-Sterling Till Member
17 112TILL Till
17 112TLTN Banner Formation-Tilton Till Member
17 112TNRF Teneriffe Silt
17 112TSKL Wedron Formation-Tiskilwa Till Member
17 112TULN Glasford Formation-Toulon Member
17 112VNDL Glasford Formation-Vandalia Till Member
17 112WDRN Wedron Formation
17 112WDRNE Wedron Formation-Esmond Till Member
17 112WDRNW Wedron Formation-Wadsworth Till Member
17 112WDSR Wedron Formation-Wadsworth Till Member
17 112WLMT Lake Michigan Formation-Wilmette Bed of the Sheboygan Member
17 112WNBG Winnebago Formation
17 112WNSL Glasford Formation-Winslow Till Member
17 112WSCO Henry Formation-Wasco Member
17 112YKVL Wedron Formation-Yorkville Till Member
17 124WICX Wilcox Formation
17 124WLCX Wilcox Formation
17 125CLTN Clayton Formation
17 125PORC Porters Creek Formation
17 125PRCK Porters Creek Formation
17 211BYLS Baylis Formation
17 211HDLY Baylis Formation-Hadley Gravel Member
17 211KCRK Baylis Formation-Kiser Creek Member
17 211LVGS McNairy Formation-Levings Member
17 211MCNR McNairy Formation
17 211MCNRV McNairy Formation-Levings Member
17 211OLCK Owl Creek Formation
17 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
17 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
17 320PELV Pennsylvanian
17 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
17 322MCLB Mcleansboro Group
17 322MTTN Mattoon Formation of Mcleansboro Group
17 322VGMD Virgilian, Missourian, Desmoinesian Series
17 323BOND Bond Formation of Mcleansboro Group
17 323MDST Modesto Formation of Mcleansboro Group
17 325CBDL Carbondale Formation of Kewanee Group
17 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
17 325KEWN Kewanee Group
17 325SPON Spoon Formation of Kewanee Group
17 326ABBT Abbott Formation of Mccormick Group
17 326ATKN Atokan Series
17 326ATOK Atokan Series
17 326MCMK Mccormick Group
17 328CSVL Caseyville Formation of Mccormick Group
17 328MRWN Morrowan Series
17 330MISP Mississippian
17 330MSSP Mississippian System
17 332CDBL Cedar Bluff Group
17 332CSTR Chesterian Series
17 332DBLF Downeys Bluff Limestone of Cedar Bluff Group
17 332GLCD Golconda Group
17 332GOLC Golconda Group
17 332OKAW Okaw Group
17 332PCRK Paint Creek Group
17 332RENLC Renault Limestone of Cedar Bluff Group
17 332RNLT Renault Limestone of Cedar Bluff Group
17 332WSBD West Baden Group
17 332YNKN Yankeetown Sandstone
17 333AXVS Aux Vases Sandstone
17 333BRDN Borden Siltstone
17 333BRLG Burlington Limestone
17 333FRGL Fern Glen Formation
17 333FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
17 333KKKB Keokuk-Burlington Limestone
17 333KKUK Keokuk Limestone
17 333MPPN Meppen Formation
17 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
17 333SLEM Salem Limestone
17 333SNOR Sonora Formation
17 333SPGV Springville Shale
17 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
17 333ULIN Ullin Limestone
17 333VLMR Valmeyeran Series
17 333WARSS Warsaw Shale
17 333WRSW Warsaw Shale
17 339CHUT Chouteau Limestone
17 339GLPK 'glen Park' Formation of New Albany Group
17 339HABL Hannibal Shale
17 339HNBL Hannibal Shale of New Albany Group
17 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
17 339MCCR Mccraney Limestone of North Hill Group
17 339MCRA Mccraney Limestone of North Hill Group
17 339NALB New Albany Group
17 339NTHL North Hill Group
17 339POPH Prospect Hill Siltstone
17 339PPCH Prospect Hill Siltstone of North Hill Group
17 339SRCV Starrs Cave Limestone of North Hill Group
17 340DEVN Devonian
17 340DVNN Devonian System
17 340DVSL Devonian-Silurian System
17 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
17 341GACK Grassy Creek Shale of New Albany Group
17 341GRCK Grassy Creek Shale of New Albany Group
17 341LOSN Louisiana Limestone
17 341LUSN Louisiana Limestone of New Albany Group
17 341NALB New Albany Group
17 341NEAB New Albany Group
17 341SAVR Saverton Shale
17 341SDCK Sweetland Creek Shale of New Albany Group
17 341SLMR Sylamore Sandstone of New Albany Group
17 341SVRN Saverton Shale of New Albany Group
17 344CDVL Cedar Valley Limestone
17 344DVNNM Middle Devonian Series of New Albany Group
17 344HNTN Hunton Megagroup
17 344NALB Middle Devonian Series of New Albany Group
17 344WPPC Wapsipinicon Limestone
17 347BCKB Backbone Limestone
17 347BILY Bailey Limestone
17 347CLCK Clear Creek Chert
17 347DVVNL Lower Devonian Series
17 347GRKB Grassy Knob Chert
17 350SIDO Silurian Dolomite
17 350SLRN Silurian System
17 355JOLT Joliet Formation
17 355MNSP Moccasin Springs Formation
17 355NIGR Niagaran Series
17 355RCIN Racine Formation
17 358ALXD Alexandrian Series
17 358EDGD Edgewood Formation
17 358KNKK Kankakee Formation
17 360ODVC Ordovician System
17 362BRRD Brainerd Shale of Maquoketa Group
17 362CAPE Cape Limestone
17 362CLRM Clermont Shale Member of Scales Shale
17 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
17 362ELGN Elgin Shale Member of Scales Shale
17 362FRAK Fort Atkinson Formation of Maquoketa Group
17 362FTAK Fort Atkinson Formation
17 362MQKS Maquoketa Shale
17 362MQKT Maquoketa Group
17 362MQKTG Maquoketa Group
17 362NEDA Neda Formation of Maquoketa Group
17 362OCCK Orchard Creek Shale Member of Scales Shale
17 362SCAL Scales Shale
17 362SCLS Scales Shale of Maquoketa Group
17 362SSOC Scales Shale-Orchard Creek Shale Member
17 362SSTS Scales Shale-Thebes Sandstone Member
17 362THBS Thebes Sandstone Member of Scales Shale
17 365ANCE Ancell
17 365ANCL Ancell Group
17 365CMPL Champlainian Series
17 365DCRH Decorah Subgroup of Galena Group
17 365DECR Decorah Subgroup of Galena Group
17 365DNLT Dunleith Formation of Kimmswick Subgroup
17 365DTCN Dutchtown Limestone of Ancell Group
17 365DUBQ Dubuque Formation of Kimmswick Subgroup
17 365DUBUQ Dubuque Formation
17 365DUCN Dutchtown Limestone
17 365EVRN Everton Dolomite
17 365GALE Galena Group
17 365GBRG Guttenberg Formation of Decorah Subgroup
17 365GDDR Grand Detour Formation of Plattin Subgroup
17 365GLEN Galena Group
17 365GLND Glenwood Formation
17 365GLPV Galena-Platteville Groups
17 365JCHM Joachim Dolomite of Ancell Group
17 365KGLK Kings Lake Formation of Decorah Subgroup
17 365KMCK Kimmswick Subgroup of Galena Group
17 365MFLN Mifflin Formation of Plattin Subgroup
17 365NCHS Nachusa Formation of Plattin Subgroup
17 365PCNC Pecatonica Formation of Platteville Group
17 365PECC Pecatonica Formation
17 365PLAV Platteville Group
17 365PLTN Plattin Subgroup of Platteville Group
17 365PLVL Platteville Group
17 365PRDC Prairie Du Chien Group
17 365QMBM Quimbys Mill Formation of Plattin Subgroup
17 365SPCF Spechts Ferry Formation of Decorah Subgroup
17 365STPR St. Peter Sandstone
17 365WSLK Wise Lake Formation of Kimmswick Subgroup
17 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
17 368CNDN Canadian Series
17 368CRJF Cotter-Jefferson City Dolomites
17 368CTTR Cotter Dolomite
17 368GNTR Gunter Sandstone of Prairie Du Chien Group
17 368JFRC Jefferson City Dolomite
17 368NRCM New Richmond Sandstone
17 368ONOT Oneota Dolomite
17 368PRAD Prairie Du Chien
17 368PWLL Powell Dolomite
17 368RBDX Roubidoux Formation
17 368SAKP Shakopee Dolomite
17 368SHKP Shakopee Dolomite of Prairie Du Chien Group
17 368SMVL Smithville Formation
17 368SMVP Smithville-Powell Formations
17 370CMBR Cambrian System
17 372DRBD Derby-Doerun Member of Franconia Formation
17 372DVIS Davis Member of Franconia Formation
17 372ECLR Eau Claire Formation
17 372ELMR Elmhurst Sandstone Member of Eau Claire Formation
17 372ELMS Elmhurst-Mt. Simon
17 372EMCP Emience-Potosi Formations
17 372EMNC Eminence Formation
17 372EMPT Eminence-Potosi
17 372FRAN Franconia
17 372FRNC Franconia Formation
17 372GLVL Galesville Sandstone
17 372IRGL Ironton-Galesville
17 372IRNN Ironton Sandstone
17 372IRON Ironton Sandstone
17 372JRDN Jordan Sandstone
17 372LMBD Lombard Dolomite Member of Eau Claire Formation
17 372MMNC Momence Sandstone Member of Eminence Formation
17 372MNSM Mount Simon Sandstone
17 372MNSN Mount Simon Sandstone
17 372POTS Potosi Formation
17 372PRVS Proviso Siltstone Member of Eau Claire Formation
17 372SCRX St. Croixan Series
17 400BCPX Basement Complex
17 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
17 BASEMENT Basement
17 BEDROCK Bedrock
18 000UMTL Unknown Material
18 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
18 110DUNE Dune Deposit
18 110DUNED Dune Deposit
18 110QRNR Quaternary System
18 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
18 110VLTR Valley Train Deposits
18 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
18 111CLVM Colluvium
18 111GOB Gob Pile
18 111HLCN Holocene Series
18 111RCOV Reclaimed Cast Overburden
18 111UCOV Unreclaimed Cast Overburden
18 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
18 112LAKE Lake Deposits
18 112LFTT Lafayette Gravel
18 112LOSS Loess
18 112OTSH Outwash
18 112OTWS Outwash
18 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
18 112TILL Till
18 120LFTT Lafayette Gravel
18 120ORVR Ohio River Formation
18 120TRTR Tertiary System
18 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
18 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
18 321BOND Bond Formation
18 321MCLB Mcleansboro Group
18 321MTTN Mattoon Formation
18 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
18 321PTOK Patoka Formation
18 321SLBR Shelburn Formation
18 324BRZL Brazil Formation
18 324CABD Carbondale Group
18 324CBDL Carbondale Formation
18 324DGGR Dugger Formation
18 324LNTN Linton Formation
18 324MFLD Mansfield Formation
18 324PRBG Petersburg Formation
18 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
18 324RCCK Raccoon Creek Group
18 324STNN Staunton Formation
18 330MSSP Mississippian System
18 331POLI Paoli Limestone
18 332BCCK Beech Creek Limestone
18 332BECK Beech Creek Limestone - Golconda Formation
18 332BETL Bethel Formation West Baden Group
18 332BFWL Buffalo Wallow Group
18 332BGCF Big Clifty Formation
18 332BRVL Branchville Formation of Buffalo Wallow Group
18 332BTHL Bethel Formation
18 332BVBD Beaver Bend Limestone
18 332CLOR Clore Limestone
18 332CSTR Chesterian Series
18 332DGON Degonia Sandstone
18 332ELWR Elwren Formation
18 332GLCD Colconda Limestone
18 332GLND Glen Dean Limestone
18 332HANY Haney Limestone of Stephensport Group
18 332HDBG Hardinsburg Sandstone
18 332KNKD Kinkaid Limestone
18 332MNRD Menard Limestone
18 332PLSN Palestine Sandstone
18 332RLVL Reelsville Limestone
18 332SAMP Sample Formation of West Baden Group
18 332SMPL Sample Sandstone
18 332SPPR Stephensport Group
18 332TBPR Tobinsport Formation of Buffalo Wallow Group
18 332TSPG Tar Springs Sandstone
18 332VINN Vienna Limestone
18 332WSBD West Baden Group
18 333BLRV Blue River Group
18 333HDBG Harrodsburg Limestone
18 333MRMC Meramecian Series
18 333SDRS Sanders Group
18 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
18 333SLEM Salem Limestone
18 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
18 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
18 338BORD Borden Formation
18 338BRDN Borden Formation
18 338CRWD Carwood Formation
18 338LCSP Locust Point Formation
18 338MLDG Muldraugh Formation
18 338NPVC New Providence Shale
18 338OSGE Osagean Series
18 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
18 339RCKF Rockford Limestone
18 340DVNN Devonian System
18 340NRVR North Vernon Limestone
18 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
18 341NALB New Albany Shale
18 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
18 344GENV Geneva Dolomite
18 344JFVL Jeffersonville Limestone
18 344PNDL Pendleton Sandstone
18 350SLRN Silurian System
18 351SALN Salina Group
18 351SLIN Salina Formation
18 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
18 354LSVL Louisville Limestone
18 354SLMN Salamonie Dolomite
18 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
18 354WBSH Wabash Formation
18 354WLDR Waldron Shale
18 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone
18 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
18 360ODVC Ordovician System
18 361DLBR Dillsboro Formation
18 361KOPE Kope Formation
18 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
18 361SLUD Saluda Member of Whitewater Formation
18 361WTTR Whitewater Formation
18 364JCHM Joachim Dolomite
18 364LXNG Lexington Limestone
18 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
18 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
18 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
18 365BKRV Black River Formation
18 365BKRVG Black River Group
18 367KNOX Knox Dolomite
18 367KNOXS Knox Supergroup
18 370CMBR Cambrian System
18 370MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
18 371ECLR Eau Claire Formation
18 371MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
18 BASEMENT Basement
18 BEDROCK Bedrock
19 000UMTL Unknown Material
19 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
19 110QRCU Quaternary - Cretaceous Undifferentiated
19 110QRNR Quaternary System
19 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
19 111BRRV Boyer River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111BRVT Boyer River Terrace Aquifer
19 111ENRV East Nishnabotna River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111HLCN Holocene Series
19 111LOSS Loess
19 111LSRD Little Sioux River Alluvial Aquifer and Dakota Aquifer
19 111LSXR Little Sioux River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111MPRV Maple River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111MRRP Middle Raccoon River Alluvial Aquifer and Pleistocene Aquifer
19 111MRRV Middle Raccoon River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111MRVT Maple River Terrace Aquifer
19 111NRRT North Raccoon River Terrace Aquifer
19 111NRRV North Raccoon River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111SDRV Soldier River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111SRRD South Raccoon River Terrace Aquifer and Dakota Aquifer
19 111SRRV South Raccoon River Alluvial Aquifer
19 111WNRV West Nishnabotna River Alluvial Aquifer
19 112ADZC Adaza Channel Aquifer
19 112AFIG Aftonian Interglacial Deposits
19 112AFNN Aftonian Interglacial Deposits
19 112ANCL Anthon Channel Aquifer
19 112BDCL Buried Channel Aquifer
19 112BGLC Bagley Channel Aquifer
19 112BLPC Basal Pleistocene Aquifer
19 112BPDK Basal Pleistocene Aquifer and Dakota Aquifer
19 112BVCL Beaver Channel Aquifer
19 112DNCL Denison Channel Aquifer
19 112DRFT Drift
19 112DSCL Dawson Channel Aquifer
19 112FMCL Fremont Channel Aquifer
19 112HCKC Hardin Creek Channel Aquifer
19 112ILNN Illinoian Deposits
19 112KANS Kansan Glacial Deposits
19 112KNSN Kansan Glacial Deposits
19 112NBRK Nebraskan Glacial Deposits
19 112NEBG Nebraskan Glacial Deposits
19 112OTSH Outwash
19 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
19 112RLCL Ralston Channel Aquifer
19 112SAGM Sangamon Interglacial Deposits
19 112SNGM Sangamon Interglacial Deposits
19 112WICG Wisconsin Glacial Deposits
19 112WSCS Wisconsin Glacial Deposits
19 112YAMT Yarmouth Interglacial Deposits
19 112YRMT Yarmouth Interglacial Deposits
19 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
19 210CRCS Cretaceous System
19 211CLRD Colorado Group
19 211CRLL Carlile Shale
19 211GRER Greenhorn Limestone
19 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone
19 211GRRS Graneros Shale
19 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
19 217DAKT Dakota Group
19 217DKOT Dakota Group
19 217DKPV Dakota Aquifer and Pennsylvanian Aquifer
19 217DKPZ Dakota-Paleozoic
19 220FDDG Fort Dodge Formation
19 220JRSC Jurassic System
19 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
19 320CBUF Carboniferous Undifferentiated
19 320CDVU Carboniferous - Devonian Undifferentiated
19 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
19 322DGLS Douglas Group
19 322SHWN Shawnee Group
19 322VRGL Virgilian Series
19 322WBNS Wabaunsee Group
19 323KSSC Kansas City Group
19 323LNSG Lansing Group
19 323MSSR Missourian Series
19 323PLSN Pleasanton Group
19 325CHRK Cherokee Group
19 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
19 325MRMN Marmaton Group
19 330MDVU Mississippian - Devonian Undifferentiated
19 330MSSP Mississippian System
19 333MRMC Meramecian Series
19 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
19 333SPRG Spergen Formation
19 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
19 338BRLG Burlington Limestone
19 338CDFK Cedar Fork Member of Burlington Limestone
19 338DBCK Dolbee Creek Member of Burlington Limestone
19 338HGCK Haight Creek Member of Burlington Limestone
19 338KEKK Keokuk Formation
19 338KKUK Keokuk Formation
19 338OSGE Osagean Series
19 338WRSW Warsaw Formation
19 339CHPN Chapin Member of Hampton Formation
19 339EGLC Eagle City Member of Hampton Formation
19 339GLMC Gilmore City Limestone
19 339HMPN Hampton Formation
19 339IFLS Iowa Falls Member of Hampton Formation
19 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
19 339MCCR Mccraney Limestone
19 339MCRK Mayne Creek Member of Hampton Formation
19 339NRHL North Hill Member of Hampton Formation
19 339PPCH Prospect Hill Formation
19 339WSVL Wassonville Member of Hampton Formation
19 340DVNN Devonian System
19 340DVSL Devonian-Silurian System
19 341APLG Aplington Formation
19 341CRGD Cerro Gordo Member of Lime Creek Formation
19 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
19 341EGRV English River Formation
19 341ERPH English River and Prospect Hill Formations
19 341IDPC Independence Shale
19 341JPHL Juniper Hill Member of Lime Creek Formation
19 341LMCK Lime Creek Formation
19 341MPLM Maple Mill Shale
19 341MSNC Mason City Member of Shell Rock Formation
19 341NORA Nora Member of Shell Rock Formation
19 341OWEN Owen Member of Shell Rock Formation
19 341RKGV Rock Grove Member of Shell Rock Formation
19 341SFLD Sheffield Formation
19 341SLCK Shell Rock Formation
19 341YSPG Yellow Springs Group
19 344BRRM Bertram Member of Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344CDVL Cedar Valley Limestone
19 344CGGN Coggon Member of Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344CLVL Coralville Member of Cedar Valley Formation
19 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
19 344DVPR Davenport Member of Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344KNWD Kenwood Member of Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344OTIS Otis Member of Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344RPID Rapid Member of Cedar Valley Formation
19 344SOLN Solon Member of Cedar Valley Formation
19 344SPGV Spring Grove Member of Wapsipinicon Limestone
19 344WAPC Wapsipinicon Formation
19 344WPPC Wapsipinicon Formation
19 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
19 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
19 347LPRC La Porte City Chert
19 350SLRN Silurian System
19 355GOWR Gower Dolomite
19 355GOWRD Gower Dolomite
19 355HOPK Hopkinton Dolomite
19 355HPKN Hopkinton Dolomite
19 355NIGR Niagaran Series
19 358ALXD Alexandrian Series
19 358EDGD Edgewood Formation
19 358KNKK Kankakee Formation
19 360ODVC Ordovician System
19 360OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
19 361BRRD Brainerd Member of Maquoketa Formation
19 361CLRM Clermont Shale Member of Maquoketa Formation
19 361ELGN Elgin Member of Maquoketa Formation
19 361FRAK Fort Atkinson Member of Maquoketa Formation
19 361MAQK Maquoketa Formation
19 361MQKT Maquoketa Formation
19 361NEDA Neda Member of Maquoketa Formation
19 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
19 364DCPV Decorah-Platteville Formations
19 364DCRH Decorah Formation
19 364DUBQ Dubuque Member of Galena Formation
19 364GALN Galena Formation
19 364GBRG Guttenberg Member of Decorah Formation
19 364GLEN Galena Formation
19 364GLNDH Glenwood Shale Member of Platteville Formation
19 364GLNDS Glenwood Sandstone Member of Platteville Formation
19 364ION Ion Member of Decorah Formation
19 364MCGG Mcgregor Member of Platteville Formation
19 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
19 364PCNC Pecatonica Member of Platteville Formation
19 364PLVL Platteville Formation
19 364PRSR Prosser Member of Galena Formation
19 364SPCF Spechts Ferry Member of Decorah Formation
19 364SRVL Stewartville Member of Galena Formation
19 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
19 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
19 367ONET Oneota Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 367ONOT Oneota Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
19 367PRDC Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 367RTVL Root Valley Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 367WILR Willow River Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 367WLRV Willow River Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
19 370CMBR Cambrian System
19 371BDAX Bad Axe Member of Franconia Sandstone
19 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
19 371DRBC Dresbach Group
19 371ECLR Eau Claire Formation
19 371FRNC Franconia Sandstone
19 371GDNG Goodenough Member of Franconia Sandstone
19 371GLVL Galesville Sandstone
19 371HDSN Hudson Member of Franconia Sandstone
19 371IGLV Ironton Sandstone Member of Franconia Ss.-Galesville Ss.
19 371IOGV Ironton Sandstone Member of Franconia Ss.-Galesville Ss.
19 371IRNN Ironton Member of Franconia Sandstone
19 371JRDN Jordan Sandstone
19 371MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
19 371SLRC St Lawrence Formation
19 371TEMP Trempealeau Group
19 371TMPL Trempealeau Group
19 400IGNS Precambrian Igneous Rocks
19 400MMPC Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks
19 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
19 400SDMR Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks
19 400SOUX Sioux Quartzite
19 BASEMENT Basement
19 BEDROCK Bedrock
20 000UMTL Unknown Material
20 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
20 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
20 110QRNR Quaternary System
20 110QRRT Quaternary-Tertiary Systems
20 111CLVM Colluvium
20 111HLCN Holocene Series
20 111RCNT Recent Stage
20 112ACSN Atchison Formation
20 112AFNN Aftonian Stage
20 112AFTN Afton Soil
20 112ALFV Eolian-Fluvial Deposits
20 112ALVM Alluvium
20 112ANGL Angell Member of Ballard Formation
20 112ATTR Atwater Member of Crooked Creek Formation
20 112BGNL Bignell Formation
20 112BKCK Buckcreek Terrace Deposits
20 112BLRD Ballard Formation
20 112BRDN Bradyan Sandstone
20 112BRDY Brady Soil
20 112CDBF Cedar Bluffs Till
20 112CKCK Crooked Creek Formation
20 112CRET Crete Formation
20 112CRYN Caryan Sandstone
20 112DRFT Drift
20 112DVDC David City Formation
20 112EOLN Eolian Deposits
20 112FLRN Fullerton Formation
20 112FLVL Fluvial Deposits
20 112GDID Grand Island Formation
20 112HLDG Holdrege Formation
20 112ILNN Illinoian Deposits
20 112IOWN Iowan Stage
20 112IWPN Iowa Point Till
20 112KANSS Kansan Stage
20 112KGFV Kansan Glaciofluvial Deposits
20 112KGSD Kingsdown Formation
20 112KNSN Kansan Stage
20 112KSTL Kansan Till
20 112LOSS Loess
20 112LVLD Loveland Formation
20 112MCPR Mcpherson Formation
20 112MEDE Meade Group
20 112MNKN Mankatoan Substage
20 112MSLR Missler Member of Ballard Formation
20 112NBFV Nebraskan Fluvioglacial Deposits
20 112NBRK Nebraskan Deposits
20 112NCKR Nickerson Till
20 112NOVL Nortonville Clay
20 112NRVL Nortonville Clay
20 112NWMN Newman Terrace Deposits
20 112OTSH Outwash
20 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
20 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
20 112PLSCL Pleistocene Series, Lower
20 112PLSCU Pleistocene Series, Upper
20 112PORI Peoria Formation
20 112PRLT Pearlette Ash Bed
20 112RCIS Recent-Illinoisan Stages
20 112RGLT Regolith, Unmapped
20 112SAPP Sappa Formation
20 112SMPA Stump Arroyo Member of Crooked Creek Formation
20 112SNBR Sanborn Group
20 112SNGM Sangamon Soil
20 112TILL Till
20 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
20 112TZLN Tazewellian Substage
20 112UPCH Upland Chert Grav
20 112VNHM Vanhem Formation
20 112WSCS Wisconsinan Stage
20 112YNBK Yarmouthian-Nebraskan Stages
20 112YRMN Yarmouthian Stage
20 112YRMT Yarmouth Soil
20 120TRTR Tertiary System
20 121ASHL Ash Hollow Formation
20 121BLNC Blanco Formation
20 121CLVR Calvert Ash Bed of Valentine Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121DLMR Delmore Formation
20 121DLVL Dellvale Ash Bed of Ash Hollow Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121FWLC Fort Wallace Ash Bed of Ash Hollow Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121GLMC Gilman Canyon Formation
20 121KMBL Kimball Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121LVRN Laverne Formation
20 121NGCC Neogene-Cretaceous Systems
20 121NOGN Neogene System
20 121OCJT Ogallala-Cheyenne-Jurassic-Triassic Formations and Systems
20 121ODCJ Ogallala-Dakota-Cheyenne-Jurassic-Triassic Formations and Systems
20 121ODKC Ogallala-Dakota-Cheyenne Formations
20 121OGDK Ogallala-Dakota Formations
20 121OGLC Ogallala-Cheyenne Formations
20 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
20 121PCCN Pliocene Series
20 121REGR Reager Ash Bed of Ash Hollow Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121RLNS Rawlins Ash Bed of Ash Hollow Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121RMVL Reamsville Ash Bed of Ash Hollow Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121RXRD Rexroad Formation
20 121VALN Valentine Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121VLNN Valentine Member of Ogallala Formation
20 121XI Xi Member of Rexroad Formation
20 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
20 210CRCS Cretaceous System
20 210DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation or Group
20 211BCID Beecher Island Shale Member of Pierre Shale
20 211BGCK Bridge Creek Limestone Member of Greenhorn Limestone
20 211BLHL Blue Hill Shale Member of Carlile Shale
20 211CDLL Codell Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
20 211CLRD Colorado Group
20 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
20 211CRLL Carlile Shale
20 211FCPS Fencepost Limestone Bed of Pfeiffer Shale Member of Greehorn Limestone
20 211FRHS Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation
20 211FRPR Fairport Chalky Shale Member of Carlile Shale
20 211GRER Greenhorn Limestone
20 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone or Formation
20 211GRRS Graneros Shale
20 211HPDP Hills Pond Peridot
20 211HRLD Hartland Shale Member of Greenhorn Limestone
20 211JTMR Jetmore Chalk Member of Greenhorn Limestone
20 211LKCK Lake Creek Shale Member of Pierre Shale
20 211LNCL Lincoln Member of Greenhorn Limestone
20 211MNTN Montana Group
20 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
20 211PFFR Pfeifer Shale Member of Greenhorn Limestone
20 211PIRR Pierre Shale
20 211SLGR Salt Grass Shale Member of Pierre Shale
20 211SMKH Smoky Hill Chalk Member of Niobrara Formation
20 211SSPG Sharon Springs Member of Pierre Shale
20 211WSKN Weskan Shale Member of Pierre Shale
20 212GLFN Gulfian Series
20 217CCKM Cockrum Sandstone
20 217CENN Cheyenne Sandstone
20 217CMPN Champion Shell Bed of Kiowa Shale
20 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
20 217CRUS Cruise Sandstone Member of Omadi Formation
20 217CYNN Cheyenne Sandstone
20 217GRLY Gurley Sandstone Member of Omadi Formation
20 217HNSM Huntsman Shale Member of Omadi Formation
20 217JNSN Janssen Clay Member of Dakota Formation
20 217KIOW Kiowa Shale
20 217OMDI Omadi Formation
20 217TRCT Terra Cotta Clay Member of Dakota Formation
20 218CMNC Comanchean Series
20 220JCTC Jurassic-Triassic Systems
20 220JRSC Jurassic System
20 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
20 221MRSN Morrison Formation
20 230TRSC Triassic System
20 231DCKM Dockum Group
20 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
20 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
20 310JSVL Janesville Shale
20 310MFLD Matfield Shale
20 310NLNS Nolans Limestone
20 310NNSC Ninnescah Shale
20 310ONAG Onaga Shale
20 310PRMN Permian System
20 310QRRM Quartermaster Formation
20 310WLNG Wellington Formation
20 310WTRS Whitehorse Sandstone or Group
20 311BGBS Big Basin Formation
20 311DCRK Day Creek Dolomite
20 311KIGR Kiger Shale Member of Whitehorse Formation
20 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
20 311RLCK Relay Creek Dolomite Member of Whitehorse Formation
20 311TLOG Taloga Formation
20 313BLIN Blaine Gypsum
20 313DGCK Dog Creek Shale
20 313FLRP Flowerpot Shale
20 313GDLP Guadalupian Series
20 313MRLW Marlow Formation
20 317ADMR Admire Group
20 317AMRC Americus Limestone Member of Foraker Limestone
20 317ASPL Aspinwall Limestone Member of Onaga Shale
20 317BDER Bader Limestone
20 317BNNT Bennett Shale Member of Red Eagle Limestone
20 317BRNS Barneston Limestone
20 317BSPG Blue Springs Shale Member of Matfield Shale
20 317BTTI Beattie Limestone
20 317BURR Burr Limestone Member of Grenola Limestone
20 317BUSP Blue Springs Shale Member of Matfield Shale
20 317CFLD Crisfield Sandstone Bed of Salt Plain Formation
20 317CKSK Chikaskia Sandstone Member of Harper Sandstone
20 317CMRN Cimarronian Stage
20 317CRLN Carlton Limestone Member of Wellington Formation
20 317CRSL Cresswell Limestone Member of Winfield Limestone
20 317CRUS Crouse Limestone
20 317CTTN Cottonwood Limestone Member of Beattie Limestone
20 317DOYL Doyle Shale
20 317EISS Eiss Limestone Member of Bader Limestone
20 317ELCK Easly Creek Shale
20 317FLRC Florence Limestone Member of Barnestown Formation
20 317FLRN Florena Shale Member of Beattie Limestone
20 317FLSC Falls City Limestone
20 317FNSN Funston Limestone
20 317FRRL Fort Riley Limestone Member of Barneston Limestone
20 317FVPN Five Point Limestone Member of Janesville Shale
20 317GAGE Gage Shale Member of Doyle Shale
20 317GLCK Glenrock Limestone Member of Red Eagle Limestone
20 317GRNT Grant Shale Member of Winfield Limestone
20 317GRYN Gearyan Stage
20 317HCCK Houchen Creek Limestone Member
20 317HCNS Hutchinson Salt Member of Wellington Formation
20 317HGCK Hughes Creek Shale Member of Foraker Limestone
20 317HLBG Hollenberg Limestone Member of Wellington Formation
20 317HLMV Holmesville Shale Member of Doyle Shale
20 317HMLN Hamlin Shale Member of Janesville Shale
20 317HOSR Hooser Shale Member of Bader Limestone
20 317HOWE Howe Limestone Member of Red Eagle Limestone
20 317HRNG Herington Limestone Member of Nolan Limestone
20 317HRPR Harper Sandstone
20 317HSKW Haskew Gypsum Member of Blaine Gypsum
20 317HVVL Havensville Shale Member of Wreford Limestone
20 317HXBY Hawxby Shale Member of Onaga Shale
20 317IDCV Indian Cave Sandstone Bed of Towle Shale Member of Onaga Shale
20 317KNNY Kinney Limestone Member of Matfield Shale
20 317KRDR Krider Limestone Member Nolans Limestone
20 317LGCK Long Creek Limestone Member of Foraker Limestone
20 317LGON Legion Shale Member of Grenola Limestone
20 317MCLG Medicine Lodge Gypsum Member of Blaine Gypsum
20 317MDBG Middleburg Limestone Member of Bader Limestone
20 317MILN Milan Dolomite Member of Wellington Formation
20 317MRRL Morrill Limestone Member of Beattie Limestone
20 317NEVA Neva Limestone Member of Grenola Limestone
20 317NPPL Nippewalla Group
20 317NSCG Nescatunga Gypsum Member of Blaine Gypsum
20 317OAKS Oaks Shale Bed of Hamlin Member of Janesville Shale
20 317OKET Oketa Shale Member of Barneston Limestone
20 317PDCK Paddock Shale Member of Nolans Limestone
20 317PMPV Lower Permian-Upper Pennsylvanian Series
20 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
20 317RNMD Runnymede Sandstone Member of Ninnescah Shale
20 317SCRL Stone Corral Formation
20 317SCRR Schroyer Limestone Member of Wreford Limestone
20 317SHMR Shimer Gypsum Member of Blaine Gypsum
20 317SLMP Salem Point Shale Member of Grenola Limestone
20 317SLRD Sallyards Limestone Member of Grenola Limestone
20 317SMNR Sumner Group
20 317SPSR Speiser Shale
20 317SRNS Stearns Shale
20 317STIN Stine Shale Bed of Hamlin Shale Member of Janesville Shale
20 317STVL Stovall Limestone Member of Winfield Limestone
20 317TOWL Towle Shale Member of Onaga Shale
20 317TRML Threemile Limestone Member of Wreford Limestone
20 317TWND Towanda Limestone Member of Doyle Shale
20 317WBRC West Branch Shale Member of Janesville Shale
20 317WFLD Winfield Limestone
20 317WRFD Wreford Limestone
20 317WYMR Wymore Shale Member of Matfield Shale
20 318CDHL Cedar Hills Sandstone
20 318CEDH Cedar Hills Sandstone
20 318KNGM Kingman Sandstone Member of Harper Sandstone
20 318LNRD Leonardian Series
20 318SLPL Salt Plain Formation
20 319BRPD Blue Rapids Shale
20 319CCGV Council Grove Group
20 319CHSE Chase Group
20 319EKDG Eskridge Shale
20 319FRCK Foraker Limestone
20 319GRNL Grenola Limestone
20 319JNSN Johnson Shale
20 319ODEL Odell Shale
20 319RDEG Red Eagle Limestone
20 319ROCA Roca Shale
20 319WFMP Wolfcampian Series
20 320GRWS Granite Wash
20 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
20 320PVCB Pennsylvanian-Cambrian Systems
20 321AMZN Amazonia Limestone Member of Lawrence Formation
20 321ARDE Aarde Shale Member of Howard Limestone
20 321ARGN Argentine Limestone Member of Wyandotte Limestone
20 321AVOC Avoca Limestone Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321BCCK Bachelor Creek Limestone Member of Howard Limestone
20 321BEIL Beil Limestone Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321BERN Bern Limestone
20 321BFLS Bethany Falls Limestone Member Swope Formation
20 321BGSP Big Springs Limestone Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321BLCK Block Limestone Member of Cherryvale Shale
20 321BLGM Burlingame Limestone Member of Bern Limestone
20 321BRVL Brownville Limestone Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321CACK Clay Creek Limestone Member of Kanwaka Shale
20 321CDVL Cedar Vale Shale Member of Scranton Shale
20 321CFVL Coffeyville Formation
20 321CGGV Cottage Grove Sandstone of Chanute Shale
20 321CHNT Chanute Shale
20 321CHRC Church Limestone Member of Howard Limestone
20 321CLCK Clay Creek Limestone Member of Kanwaka Shale
20 321CMNC Cement City Limestone Member of Drum Limestone
20 321CNVL Canville Limestone Member of Dennis Limestone
20 321CPCK Captain Creek Limestone Member of Stanton Limestone
20 321CRBC Corbin City Limestone Member of Drum Limestone
20 321CRVL Cherryvale Shale
20 321CRZN Curzon Limestone Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321CRZR Critzer Limestone Member of Hertha Limestone
20 321DDCK Dodds Creek Sandstone Member of Galesburg Shale
20 321DEWY Dewey Limestone Member of Drum Limestone
20 321DNPN Doniphan Shale Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321DOVR Dover Limestone Member of Stotler Limestone
20 321DRY Dry Shale Member of Stotler Limestone
20 321DUBS Du Bois Limestone Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321ELMN Elmont Limestone Member of Emporia Limestone
20 321ELMO Elmo Coal Bed of Cedar Vale Shale Member of Scranton Shale
20 321EUDR Eudora Shale Member of Stanton Limestone
20 321EVCK Ervine Creek Limestone Member of Deer Creek Limestone
20 321FCCK French Creek Shale Member of Root Shale
20 321FRDC Friedrich Shale Member of Root Shale
20 321FRLY Farley Limestone Member of Wyandotte Limestone
20 321FRSB Frisbie Limestone Member Wyandotte Limestone
20 321GRDV Grandhaven Limestone Member of Stotler Limestone
20 321GRRS Grayhorse Limestone Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321HBNR Heebner Shale Member of Oread Limestone
20 321HKCK Hickory Creek Shale Member of Plattsburg Limestone
20 321HMDR Heumader Shale Member of Oread Limestone
20 321HOLT Holt Shale Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321HPCK Hushpuckney Shale Member of Swope Limestone
20 321HPHL Happy Hollow Limestone Member of Scranton Shale
20 321HPLR Hepler Sandstone Member of Seminole Formation
20 321HRFD Hartford Limestone Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321HSKL Haskell Limestone Member of Lawrence Formation
20 321HVVL Harveyville Shale Member of Emporia Limestone
20 321IDCK Island Creek Shale Member of Wyandotte Limestone
20 321IPNT Iowa Point Shale Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321IRLD Ireland Sandstone Member of Lawrence Shale
20 321JKPK Jackson Park Shale Member of Kanwahka Shale
20 321JMCK Jim Creek Limestone Member of Root Shale
20 321JNSP Jones Point Shale Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321KGHL King Hill Shale Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321KNBN Knobtown Sandstone
20 321KRFD Kereford Limestone Member of Oread Limestone
20 321LBOK Larsh-Burr Oak Shale Members of Deer Creek Limestone
20 321LBSP Lane-Bonner Springs Shale
20 321LNGD Langdon Shale
20 321LVLS Lane-Vilas Shales
20 321LVNR Leavenworth Limestone Member of Oread Limestone
20 321MCCK Muncie Creek Shale Member of Iola Limestone
20 321MDCK Middle Creek Limestone Member of Swope Limestone
20 321MNDC Mound City Shale Member of Hertha Limestone
20 321MPLH Maple Hill Limestone Member of Zeandale Limestone
20 321MRRM Merriam Limestone Member of Plattsburg Limestone
20 321MSRN Missourian Series
20 321NBKC Nebraska City Limestone Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321NDCL Nodaway Coal Bed of Aarde Shale Member of Howard Limestone
20 321NEMH Nemaha Subgroup
20 321OSKL Oskaloosa Shale Member of Deer Creek Limestone
20 321OZWK Ozawkie Limestone Member of Deer Creek Limestone
20 321PAOL Paola Limestone Member of Iola Limestone
20 321PCRK Pony Creek Shale Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321PLMB Plumb Shale Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321POCK Pony Creek Shale Member of Wood Siding Formation
20 321PRSP Pierson Point Shale
20 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
20 321QNDR Quindaro Shale Member of Wyandotte Limestone
20 321QNHL Queen Hill Shale Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 321RBNS Robbins Shale Member of Lawrence Shale
20 321RDNG Reading Limestone Member of Emporia Limestone
20 321RKBF Rock Bluff Limestone Member of Deer Creek Limestone
20 321RKLK Rock Lake Shale Member of Stanton Limestone
20 321RULO Rulo Limestone Member of Scranton Shale
20 321RYTN Raytown Limestone Member of Iola Limestone
20 321SBLYL Lower Sibley Coal Bed of Tonganoxie Sandstone Member of Stranger Fm
20 321SBLYU Upper Sibley Coal Bed of Tonganoxie Sandstone Member of Stranger Fm
20 321SBND South Bend Limestone Member of Stanton Limestone
20 321SDCK Soldier Creek Shale Member of Bern Limestone
20 321SDVL Snyderville Shale Member of Oread Limestone
20 321SLDN Sheldon Limestone Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321SMND South Mound Shale Member of Seminole Formation
20 321SNBR Sniabar Limestone Member of Hertha Limestone
20 321SPGH Spring Hill Limestone Member of Plattsburg Limestone
20 321SRMN Stormont Limestone Bed of Wamego Shale Member of Zeandale Limestone
20 321STLL Stull Shale Member of Kanwaka Shale
20 321STNR Stoner Limestone Member of Stanton Limestone
20 321STRK Stark Shale Member of Dennis Limestone
20 321SVLK Silver Lake Shale Member of Scranton Shale
20 321TCKT Tacket Formation
20 321THYR Thayer Coal Bed of Unnamed Shale Member of Noxie Sandstone Member
20 321TNCK Turner Creek Shale Member of Topeka Limestone
20 321TNGX Tonganoxie Sandstone Member of Stranger Formation
20 321TRKO Tarkio Limestone Member of Zeandale Limestone
20 321TRNT Toronto Limestone Member of Oread Limestone
20 321UTOP Utopia Limestone Member of Howard Limestone
20 321VNLD Vinland Shale Member of Stranger Formation
20 321WCLD Whtie Cloud Shale Member of Scranton Shale
20 321WDSG Wood Siding Formation
20 321WEA Wea Shale Member of Cherryvale Shale
20 321WKRS Wakarusa Limestone Member of Bern Limestone
20 321WMBG Williamsburg Coal Bed of Amazonia Limestone Member of Lawrence Fm
20 321WMGO Wamego Shale Member of Zeandale Limestone
20 321WNRS Winterset Limestone Member of Dennis Limestone
20 321WQVR Wea-Quivira Shale Members of Cherryvale Shale
20 321WRVL Westerville Limestone Member of Cherryville Shale
20 321WSPL Westphalia Limestone Member of Stranger Formation
20 321WSTN Weston Shale Member of Stranger Formation
20 321WTHN Wathena Shale Member of Oread Limestone
20 321WZLR Winzeler Shale Member of Howard Limestone
20 322ABRN Auburn Shale
20 322CLHN Calhoun Shale
20 322DGLS Douglas Group
20 322DRCK Deer Creek Limestone
20 322ELGN Elgin Sandstone Member of Vamoosa Formation
20 322EMPR Emporia Limestone
20 322HWRD Howard Limestone
20 322KNWK Kanwaka Shale
20 322LCMP Lecompton Limestone
20 322LRNC Lawrence Shale
20 322ORED Oread Limestone
20 322PLBR Pillsbury Shale
20 322PLSM Plattsmouth Limestone Member of Oread Limestone
20 322RCRD Richardson Subgroup
20 322ROOT Root Shale
20 322SCFX Sacfox Subgroup
20 322SCRN Scranton Shale
20 322SHWN Shawnee Group
20 322SPGB Spring Branch Limestone Member of Lecompton Limestone
20 322SRGR Stranger Formation
20 322STLR Stotler Limestone
20 322SVRY Severy Shale
20 322TCMS Tecumseh Shale
20 322TOPK Topeka Limestone
20 322VIGL Virgilian Stage
20 322VRGL Virgilian Stage
20 322WBNS Wabaunsee Group
20 322WLRD Willard Shale
20 322ZNDL Zeandale Limestone
20 323BRNS Bronson Subgroup
20 323BSPG Bonner Springs Shale
20 323CCKB Checkerboard Limestone
20 323DNNS Dennis Limestone
20 323DRUM Drum Limestone
20 323FNTN Fontana Shale Member of Cherryvale Shale
20 323GLBG Galesburg Shale
20 323HRTH Hertha Limestone
20 323IATN Iatan Limestone
20 323IOLA Iola Limestone
20 323KSSC Kansas City Group
20 323LANE Lane Shale
20 323LDOR Ladore Shale
20 323LINN Linn Subgroup
20 323LNSG Lansing Group
20 323NOXI Noxie Sandstone Member of Chanute Shale
20 323PEDE Pedee Group
20 323PLBG Plattsburg Limestone
20 323PLSN Pleasanton Group
20 323QUVR Quivira Shale Member of Cherryvale Shale
20 323SMNL Seminole Formation
20 323STNN Stanton Limestone
20 323SWOP Swope Limestone
20 323VILS Vilas Shale
20 323WNDT Wyandotte Limestone
20 323ZARH Zarah Subgroup
20 324AKBD Atokan (Bendian) Stage
20 324ALMN Altamont Limestone
20 324AMRT Amoret Limestone Member of Altamont Limestone
20 324ANNA Anna Shale Member of Pawnee Limestone
20 324BRKA Broken Arrow Coal
20 324BVIR Bevier Coal Bed of Cabanics Formation
20 324BZHL Breezy Hill Limestone Member of Cabaniss Formation
20 324CBNS Cabaniss Formation
20 324CHAT Chat
20 324CRBG Croweburg Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324DRYD Drywood Coal Bed of Krebs Formation
20 324DSMS Desmoinesian Stage
20 324EGLV Englevale Sandstone Member of Labette Shale
20 324EXCL Excello Shale
20 324FLMG Fleming Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324HLDV Holdenville Shale
20 324HOUX Houx Limestone Bed of Little Osage Shale Member of Fort Scott Ls
20 324IDBR Idenbro Limestone Member of Lenapah Limestone
20 324IRPS Iron Post Coal
20 324KNFN Knifeton Coal
20 324LBRD Laberdie Limestone Member of Pawnee Limestone
20 324LKNS Lake Neosho Shale Member of Altamount Limestone
20 324MCKS Myrick Station Limestone Member of Pawnee Limestone
20 324MCRK Mine Creek Shale Member of Pawnee Limestone
20 324MLBR Mulberry Coal Bed of Bandera Shale
20 324MLKY Mulky Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324MNRL Mineral Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324NRFL Norfleet Limestone Member of Lenapah Limestone
20 324NTRL Neutral Coal Bed of Krebs Formation
20 324PRFM Perry Farm Shale Member of Lenapah Limestone
20 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
20 324ROWE Rowe Coal Bed of Krebs Formation
20 324RVRN Riverton Coal Bed of Krebs Formation
20 324SCMN Scammon Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324SMMT Summit Coal Bed of Little Osage Shale Member of Fort Scott Limestone
20 324STIC Stice Coal
20 324TEBO Tebo Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324TINA Tina Limestone Member of Altamount Limestone
20 324TIWH Tiawah Limestone Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324WHLR Wheeler Coal of Verdigris Formation
20 324WLRJ Walt Johnson Sandstone Member of Nowata Shale
20 324WPBG Wier Pittsburg Coal Bed of Cabaniss Formation
20 324WRBG Warrensburg Sandstone
20 324WRLD Worland Limestone Member of Altamount Limestone
20 324WRNR Warner Sandstone Member of Krebs Formation
20 325ALMN Altamont Limestone
20 325BDRQ Bandera Quarry Sandstone Member of Bandera Shale
20 325BJCK Bluejacket Sandstone Member of Krebs Formation
20 325BKJC Blackjack Creek Limestone Member of Fort Scott Limestone
20 325BNDR Bandera Shale
20 325CELS Chelsea Sandstone Member of Cabaniss Formation
20 325CHLS Chelsea Sandstone Member of Cabaniss Formation
20 325CHRK Cherokee Group
20 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
20 325FRSC Fort Scott Limestone
20 325HGVL Higginsville Limestone Member of Fort Scott Limestone
20 325HLDV Holdenville Shale
20 325KRBS Krebs Formation
20 325KREB Krebs Formation
20 325LBTT Labette Shale
20 325LLOG Little Osage Member of Fort Scott Limestone
20 325LNPH Lenapah Limestone
20 325MRMN Marmaton Group
20 325NOWT Nowata Shale
20 325PWNE Pawnee Limestone
20 325SVLL Seville Limestone Member of Krebs Formation
20 325VRDG Verdigris Limestone Member of Cabaniss Formation
20 325WRNR Warner Sandstone Member of Krebs Formation
20 326ATKN Atokan Series
20 327KRNY Kearney Formation
20 327MRRN Morrowan Stage
20 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
20 327PVMP Pennsylvanian-Mississippian Series
20 328MRRN Morrowan Series
20 330CTNG Chattanooga Shale
20 330MSSP Mississippian System
20 331CWLY Cowley Formation
20 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
20 332CRSN Chesteran Stage
20 332CSRN Chesterian Series
20 333MRMC Meramecian Series
20 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
20 333SLEM Salem Limestone
20 333SPRG Spergen Limestone
20 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
20 333WARS Warsaw Limestone
20 333WRSW Warsaw Limestone
20 337BOIC Boice Shale
20 337CHUT Chouteau Limestone
20 337CMPN Compton Limestone
20 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
20 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
20 337SDLI Sedalia Dolomite
20 337STJO St Joe Limestone Member of Boone Formation
20 338BRLG Burlington Limestone
20 338FRGL Fern Glen Limestone
20 338KKUK Keokuk Limestone
20 338OSGE Osagean Series
20 338OSGEO Osagean Stage
20 338RSPG Reeds Spring Limestone
20 339GLMC Gilmore City Limestone
20 339KNDR Kinderhookian Series
20 339NRTV Northview Shale
20 340DVNN Devonian System
20 340HNTN Hunton Group
20 340MSNR Misener Sandstone Member of Chattanooga Shale
20 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
20 344DVSL Middle Devonian-Lower Silurian Series
20 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
20 350SLRN Silurian System
20 357CMNL Chimney Hill Dolomite
20 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
20 360ODVC Ordovician System
20 361MQKT Maquoketa Shale
20 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
20 361VKMK Viola Limestone
20 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
20 364PLVL Platteville Formation
20 364SMPS Simpson Group
20 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
20 367ABCK Arbuckle Group
20 367CRJF Cotter-Jefferson City Dolomite
20 367CTTR Cotter Dolomite
20 367GNTR Gunter Sandstone Member of Gasconade Dolomite
20 367GSCD Gasconade Dolomite
20 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
20 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
20 367RBDX Roubidoux Formation
20 367VNBR Van Buren Formation
20 368JFRC Jefferson City Dolomite
20 370CMBR Cambrian System
20 371BNTR Bonneterre Dolomite
20 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
20 371EMNC Eminence Dolomite
20 371HCRK Honey Creek Limestone
20 371LMRG Lamotte-Reagan Sandstone
20 371LMTT Lamotte Sandstone
20 371REGN Reagan Sandstone
20 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
20 400RICE Rice Formation
20 BASEMENT Basement
20 BEDROCK Bedrock
21 000UMTL Unknown Material
21 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
21 110QRNR Quaternary System
21 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
21 111AMOT Alluvium Along Mississippi River and Ohio River Tributary Streams
21 111CLVM Colluvium
21 111HLCN Holocene Series
21 112CNTL Continental Deposits
21 112CNTLS Continental Deposits Silt and Sand
21 112HLFV High-Level Fluvial Deposits
21 112LAKE Lake Deposits
21 112LFTT Lafayette Gravel
21 112LOSS Loess
21 112ORLT Ohio River Deposits, Lower Terrace
21 112ORUT Ohio River Deposits, Upper Terrace
21 112OTSH Outwash
21 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
21 112TILL Till
21 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
21 120TRTR Tertiary System
21 124CBWX Claiborne and Wilcox Formations (Groups) Undifferentiated
21 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
21 124CCKFJ Cockfield Through Jackson Formations
21 124CKFJ Cockfield Through Jackson Formations
21 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation of Claiborne Group
21 124CKMNG Cook Mountain Formation of Claiborne Group
21 124CLBR Claiborne Group
21 124EOCN Eocene Series
21 124JCKS Jackson Group
21 124SPRT Sparta Sand of Claiborne Group
21 124SPRTC Sparta Sand of Claiborne Group
21 124TLLT Tallahatta Formation of Claiborne Group
21 124TLLTC Tallahatta Formation of Claiborne Group
21 124WLCX Wilcox Formation (Group)
21 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
21 125COCK Clayton and Owl Creek Formations, Paleocene-Cretaceous
21 125PLCN Paleocene Series
21 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
21 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
21 210CRCS Cretaceous System
21 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
21 211MCNR McNairy Formation
21 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
21 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
21 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
21 321HNSH Henshaw Formation
21 321HSLM Henshaw and Lisman Formations Undifferentiated
21 321LSMN Lisman Formation
21 321MGCG Monongahela and Conemaugh Formations
21 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
21 321STRG Sturgis Formation
21 324BRTT Breathitt Formation
21 324CBDL Carbondale Formation
21 324CBDT Carbondale and Tradewater Formations Undifferentiated
21 324CRBN Corbin Sandstone Member of Lee Formation
21 324CSVL Caseyville Formation
21 324HNCE Hance Formation
21 324LEE Lee Formation
21 324MGHC Mingo and Hance Formations
21 324MNGO Mingo Formation
21 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
21 324TDCV Tradewater-Caseyville Formations, Undifferentiated
21 324TRDR Tradewater Formation (Anvil Rock Sandstone)
21 325WEIR Weir Formation
21 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
21 330CHRT Chert Rubble
21 330MSSP Mississippian System
21 331BNGR Bangor Limestone
21 331HARL Hartselle Formation
21 331HRSL Hartselle Formation
21 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
21 331PNNG Pennington Formation
21 332AXVS Aux Vases Sandstone
21 332BCCK Beech Creek Limestone Member of Golconda Formation
21 332BFLW Buffalo Wallow Formation
21 332BGCF Big Clifty Limestone Member of Golconda Formation
21 332BIGC Big Clifty Limestone Member of Golconda Formation
21 332BTHL Bethel Sandstone
21 332BVBD Beaver Bend Limestone
21 332BVBM Beaver Bend Limestone and Mooretown (Bethel) Formation
21 332BVBP Beaver Bend and Paoli Limestones
21 332CLOR Clore Limestone
21 332CPRS Cypress Sandstone (Elwren Sandstone)
21 332CSTR Chesterian Series
21 332DGON Degonia Sandstone
21 332GLCD Golconda Formation (Big Lime of W Ky)
21 332GLCDB Golconda Formation (Big Lime of W Ky)
21 332GLND Glen Dean Limestone
21 332GRKN Girkin Formation
21 332HABG Hardinsburg Sandstone (Jones Sand)
21 332HDBG Hardinsburg Sandstone (Jones Sand)
21 332HNEY Haney Limestone Member of Golconda Formation
21 332KDDR Kidder Limestone Member of Monteagle Limestone
21 332KNKD Kinkaid Limestone
21 332LCFD Leitchfield Formation
21 332MNGL Monteagle Limestone
21 332MNRD Menard Limestone
21 332MXON Maxon Sandstone
21 332PACK Paint Creek Shale (Limestone)
21 332PCRK Paint Creek Shale (Limestone)
21 332PLSN Palestine Sandstone
21 332POLI Paoli Limestone
21 332PRGN Paragon Formation
21 332RENL Renault Formation (Limestone)
21 332RLVL Reelsville Limestone
21 332RNLT Renault Formation (Limestone)
21 332RVCF Ravencliff Sandstone
21 332SDSM Surficial Deposits of Slumped Material
21 332SLDE Slade Formation
21 332SLDEL Slade Formation (Lower)
21 332SLDEU Slate Formation (Upper)
21 332SMPL Sample Sandstone
21 332TSPG Tar Springs Sandstone
21 332VINN Vienna Limestone
21 332WLBG Waltersburg Sandstone
21 333FRDN Fredonia Limestone Member of Ste. Genevieve Limestone
21 333HDBG Harrodsburg Limestone
21 333LRVR Lost River Chert Bed of Fredonia Limestone Mbr of Ste. Genevieve Ls.
21 333LVIS Levias Limestone Member of St Genevieve Limestone
21 333MCCK Mcclosky Sand
21 333MRMC Meramecian Series
21 333RCLR Rosiclare Sandstone Member of Ste. Genevieve Limestone
21 333RNFR Renfro Member of Slade Formation
21 333SGSL Ste. Genevieve-St Louis Limestones, Undifferentiated
21 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
21 333SLEM Salem Limestone
21 333SLSM St Louis and Salem Limestones Undifferentiated
21 333SMST Somerset Shale Member of Warsaw Limestone
21 333SMWR Salem and Warsaw Formations
21 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
21 333STLSL Lower Limestone Member of St. Louis Limestone
21 333STLSU Upper Limestone Member of St. Louis Limestone
21 333WARS Warsaw Limestone
21 333WRSW Warsaw Limestone
21 337BBDF Berea Sandstone and Bedford Shale
21 337BDFD Bedford Shale
21 337BERE Berea Sandstone
21 337CBLL Cowbell Member of Borden Formation
21 337CNVL Cane Valley Limestone Member of Fort Payne Formation
21 337FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
21 337GRGR Grainger Formation
21 337HLGP Halls Gap Member of Borden Formation
21 337KNFL Knifley Sandstone Member of Fort Payne Formation
21 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
21 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
21 337NNCY Nancy Member of Borden Formation
21 337NWMN Newman Limestone (Big Lime of E. Ky)
21 337SNBR Sunbury Shale
21 337WILD Wildie Member of Borden Formation
21 338BORD Borden Formation (Fort Payne and New Providence)
21 338BRDN Borden Formation (Fort Payne and New Providence)
21 338INJN Injun Sand
21 338NPVC New Providence Shale
21 338OSGE Osagean Series
21 338WEIR Weir Sand
21 338WVRL Waverly Group
21 340DVNN Devonian System
21 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
21 341KBLH Knob Lick and Hardin Sandstones
21 341NALB New Albany Shale
21 344BCBO Boyle Limestone and Crab Orchard Formation
21 344BOYL Boyle Limestone
21 344CLCK Clear Creek Limestone
21 344DCCK Dutch Creek Sandstone
21 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
21 344SBJV Sellersburg and Jeffersonville Limestones Equivalents (Onondaga Ls.)
21 347BAKB Backbone Limestone (Subsurface)
21 347BCKB Backbone Limestone (Subsurface)
21 347BILY Bailey Limestone
21 350SLRN Silurian System
21 354BRPR Brownsport Formation
21 354BSHR Bisher Limestone
21 354CBOB Crab Orchard and Brassfield Formations
21 354CBOC Crab Orchard Formation
21 354CLNN Clinton Formation
21 354DXON Dixon Formation (Subsurface)
21 354LEGO Lego Limestone Member of Wayne Formation
21 354LOGD Laurel Dolomite and Osgood Formation
21 354LURL Laurel Dolomite
21 354LVLG Louisville Limestone and Lego Ls Member of Wayne Fm (Big Six Sand)
21 354LVLL Louisville Limestone and Laurel Dolomite
21 354OGBF Osgood Formation and Brassfield Dolomite
21 354OSGD Osgood Formation
21 354SLDR Waldron Shale
21 354SLIN Salina Formation
21 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
21 355LCKP Lockport Dolomite
21 355NIGR Niagaran Series
21 357BAFD Brassfield Limestone (Dolomite)
21 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone (Dolomite)
21 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
21 360ODVC Ordovician System
21 361ALCK Ashlock Formation
21 361ALCKL Lower Ashlock Formation
21 361ALCKU Upper Ashlock Formation
21 361BLFK Bull Fork Formation
21 361CLCK Calloway Creek Limestone
21 361CLFR Clays Ferry Formation
21 361CMBD Cumberland Formation (Richmond Group)
21 361DKAK Drakes and Ashlock Formations
21 361DKBF Drakes and Bull Fork Formations
21 361DRKS Drakes Formation
21 361EDEN Eden Group (Million Shale)
21 361EDENS Eden Group (Million Shale)
21 361FRVW Fairview Formation
21 361GLBR Gilbert Member of Ashlock Formation
21 361GRLK Grant Lake Limestone
21 361GRRD Garrard Siltstone
21 361KOPE Kope Formation
21 361KPCF Kope and Clays Ferry Formations
21 361LPRS Leipers Limestone
21 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
21 361PCVL Preachersville Member of Drakes Formation
21 361PPLS Point Pleasant Formation or Tongue of Clays Ferry Formation
21 361REBA Reba Member of Ashlock Formation
21 361RLND Rowland Member of Drakes Formation
21 361SGCK Stingy Creek Member of Ashlock Formation
21 361TATE Tate Member of Ashlock Formation
21 361TRRL Terrill Member of Ashlock Formation
21 364BRNN Brannon Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364CDVL Curdsville Limestone Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364CMPN Camp Nelson Limestone
21 364CNTN Cynthiana Formation (Granville)
21 364DVLH Devil's Hollow Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364EVER Everton Formation (Subsurface)
21 364EVRN Everton Formation (Subsurface)
21 364GCDV Grier and Curdsville Limestone Members of Lexington Limestone
21 364GRIR Grier Limestone Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364HGBG High Bridge Group
21 364LGCV Logana and Curdsville Limestone Members of Lexington Limestone
21 364LOGN Logana Limestone Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364LXNG Lexington Limestone
21 364MLBG Millersville Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364MRFB Murfreesboro Limestone
21 364OCPN Oregon and Camp Nelson Limestones
21 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
21 364PRVL Perryville Limestone Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364SLPW Sulphur Well Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364SRVR Stones River (Black River) Group
21 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
21 364TGDG Tanglewood and Grier Limestone Members of Lexington Limestone
21 364TGLD Tanglewood Limestone Member of Lexington Limestone
21 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
21 364TYRN Tyrone Limestone
21 367CPRR Chepultepec Dolomite and Rose Run Sandstone
21 367KNOX Knox Dolomite
21 367NLGV Newala-Longview Dolomite
21 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
21 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
21 370AMER Antietam-Erwin Quartzites, Undifferentiated
21 370CMBR Cambrian System
21 370TMSN Tomstown Dolomite
21 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
21 371CPRG Copper Ridge Dolomite
21 371MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
21 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
21 377ROME Rome Formation
21 BASEMENT Basement
21 BEDROCK Bedrock
22 000UMTL Unknown Material
22 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
22 100PNCL Ponchatoula Aquifer, Undifferentiated
22 110LMYN Le Moyen Formation
22 110QRNR Quaternary System
22 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
22 111DLTCY Deltaic Deposits, Younger
22 111HLCN Holocene Alluvium
22 111MRMN Mermentau Member of Le Moyen Formation
22 111NLLV Natural Levee Deposits
22 111NORLC New Orleans Aquifer System Surficial Confining Unit
22 111PNBR Point-Bar Deposits
22 111SLNO Shallow Aquifers of New Orleans Area
22 11202LC 200-foot Sand of Lake Charles Area
22 11202NO 200-foot Sand of New Orleans Area
22 11204BR 400-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 11204NO 400-foot Sand of New Orleans Area
22 11205BR 400- and 600-ft Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 11205LC 500-foot Sand of Lake Charles Area
22 11206BR 600-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 11207BR 600 and 800 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 11207LC 700-foot Sand of Lake Charles Area
22 11207NO 700-foot Sand of New Orleans Area
22 11212NO 1200-foot Sand of New Orleans Area
22 112ABVL Abbeville Aquifer, Pleistocene Age
22 112ACFL Atchafalaya Aquifer
22 112ALVL Alluvial Aquifers, Undifferentiated
22 112ALVLC Alluvial Aquifers Surficial Confining Units
22 112BNTL Bentley Formation
22 112CHCT Chicot Aquifer, undifferentiated
22 112CHCTC Chicot Aquifer System Surficial Confining Unit
22 112CHCTE Chicot Equivalent Aquifer System (Southeast Louisiana)
22 112CHCTL Chicot Aquifer, Lower
22 112CHCTS Chicot Aquifer, Shallow Sand
22 112CHCTU Chicot Aquifer, Upper
22 112DDMRO Deltaic Deposits of Mississippippi River Valley, Older
22 112GRMC Gramercy Aquifer
22 112GZLS Gonzales Aquifer
22 112GZNO Gonzales-New Orleans Aquifer
22 112LEBU Lebeau Member of Le Moyen Formation
22 112MGMR Montgomery Aquifer
22 112MOGM Montgomery Aquifer
22 112MRVA Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer
22 112MRVAC Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 112NORC Norco Aquifer
22 112NORL New Orleans Aquifer System
22 112ORVA Ouachita River Alluvial Aquifer
22 112ORVAC Ouachita River Alluvial Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 112PLQM Plaquemine Aquifer, Pleistocene Age
22 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
22 112PNCLU Upper Ponchatoula Aquifer
22 112PRAR Prairie Aquifer
22 112PRIR Prairie Formation
22 112RRVA Red River Alluvial Aquifer
22 112RRVAC Red River Alluvial Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 112SANDB Shallow Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 112SESC Southeast Louisiana Aquifer System Surficial Confining Unit
22 112SLBR Shallow Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 112SLGZ Shallow Aquifer of Gonzales Area
22 112SRVA Sabine River Alluvial Aquifer
22 112UPTC Upland Terrace Aquifer
22 112UPTCC Upland Terrace Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 112VLTR Valley Trains, Pleistocene
22 112WLBN Williana-Bentley Aquifer
22 112WLLN Williana Formation
22 120ABIT Abita Aquifer
22 120CVGN Covington Aquifer
22 120KNTD Kentwood Aquifer
22 120SLDL Slidell Aquifer
22 120TRTR Tertiary System
22 12101FP Zone 1 Florida Parishes and Point Coupee Parish
22 12102FP Zone 2 Florida Parishes and Point Coupee Parish
22 12108BR 800-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12109BR 800 and 1200 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 12110BR 1000-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12111BR 1000 and 1200 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 12112BR 1200-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12113BR 1200 and 1500 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 12115BR 1500-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12116BR 1500- and 1700-ft Sands of Baton Rouge Area, Pliocene Age
22 12117BR 1700-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 121BGBC Big Branch Aquifer
22 121BLCK Blounts Creek Aquifer
22 121EVAG Evangeline Aquifer (Pliocene-Miocene)
22 121EVGL Evangeline Aquifer
22 121EVGLC Evangeline Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 121EVGLE Evangeline Equivalent Aquifer System (Southeast Louisiana)
22 121FOLY Foley Formation
22 121MMOU Mamou Member of Foley Formation
22 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
22 121PLCN Pliocene Series
22 121PNCLL Lower Ponchatoula Aquifer
22 121SPGL Steep Gully Member of Foley Formation
22 12203FP Zone 3 Florida Parishes and Point Coupee Parish
22 12219BR 1700 and 2000 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 12220BR 2000-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12223BR 2000- and 2400-ft Sands of Baton Rouge Area, Miocene Age
22 12224BR 2400-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 12226BR 2400 and 2800 Foot Sands of Baton Rouge Area
22 12228BR 2800-foot Sand of Baton Rouge Area
22 122AMIT Amite Aquifer
22 122CACK Castor Creek Aquifer
22 122CARB Carnahan Bayou Aquifer
22 122CATL Catahoula Aquifer
22 122CRCK Castor Creek Aquifer
22 122CRCKC Castor Creek Confining Unit
22 122CRNB Carnahan Bayou Member of Fleming Formation
22 122CTHL Catahoula Formation
22 122CTLHE Catahoula Equivalent Aquifer System (Southeast Louisiana)
22 122DGHL Dough Hills Member of Fleming Formation
22 122DGHLC Dough Hills Confining Unit
22 122DOGH Dough Hills Aquifer
22 122FLMG Fleming Formation
22 122FRKL Franklinton Aquifer
22 122HMND Hammond Aquifer
22 122JAPR Jasper Aquifer System
22 122JSPR Jasper Aquifer
22 122JSPRC Jasper Aquifer System Surficial Confining Unit
22 122JSPRE Jasper Equivalent Aquifer System (Southeast Louisiana)
22 122LENAC Lena Confining Unit
22 122MOCN Miocene Series
22 122RMSY Ramsay Aquifer
22 122TCFC Tchefuncta Aquifer, Miocene Age
22 122WICK Williamson Creek Aquifer
22 122WMCK Williamson Creek Member of Fleming Formation
22 123OGCE Oligocene-Eocene Series
22 123OLGC Oligocene Series
22 123SNDL Sandel Formation
22 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
22 123VKBJC Vicksburg-Jackson Confining Unit
22 124CANR Cane River Aquifer
22 124CARZ Carrizo Aquifer
22 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
22 124CCKFC Cockfield Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
22 124CKMNC Cook Mountain Confining Unit
22 124CLBR Claiborne Group
22 124COKF Cockfield Aquifer
22 124COOK Cook Mountain Aquifer
22 124CRRZ Carrizo Sand
22 124CRVR Cane River Formation
22 124CRVRC Cane River Confining Unit
22 124CRWL Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer
22 124CRWLC Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer System Surficial Confining Unit
22 124DLHL Dolet Hills Aquifer
22 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
22 124EOCN Eocene Series
22 124JCKS Jackson Group
22 124NBRN Naborton Aquifer
22 124NBRNC Naborton Confining Unit
22 124SPAR Sparta Aquifer
22 124SPARC Sparta Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 124SPRT Sparta Sand
22 124SPRTC Sparta Aquifer Surficial Confining Unit
22 124WLCX Wilcox Group
22 124WLCXU Wilcox Aquifer, Upper
22 125CLTN Clayton Formation
22 125MDWY Midway Group
22 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
22 210CRCS Cretaceous System
22 BASEMENT Basement
22 BEDROCK Bedrock
23 000UMTL Unknown Material
23 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
23 111BECH Beach Deposits
23 111CDBC Coastal Dune and Beach Deposits
23 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
23 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
23 112BECH Beach Deposits
23 112DFSFE Drift, Stratified, Early
23 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
23 112LKGC Lake Deposits, Glacial
23 112MRIN Marine Deposits
23 112OTSH Outwash
23 112OVTR Outwash, Valley Train
23 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
23 112TILL Till
23 112TMLM Terminal Moraine Deposits
23 300BDRK Bedrock Undifferentiated
23 320PEVB Pennsylvanian-Cambrian Systems, Undivided
23 320PVCB Pennsylvanian (?)-Cambrian (?) Systems, Undivided
23 340BLBK Bell Brook Formation
23 340DVNN Devonian System
23 340GRNC Granitic Rocks
23 344MPLN Mapleton Sandstone
23 347CPMN Chapman Sandstone
23 347DCKF Dockendorff Group
23 347EDMH Edmunds Hill Andesite
23 347HDGG Hedgehog Formation
23 350PRHM Perham Formation
23 350SLRN Silurian System
23 350SMML Smyrna Mills Formation
23 350SPGV Spragueville Formation
23 354FCVL Frenchville Formation
23 357CRML Carys Mills Formation
23 360CDRG Chandler Ridge Formation
23 360ODVC Ordovician System
23 361PLMN Pyle Mountain Argillite
23 BASEMENT Basement
23 BEDROCK Bedrock
24 000SPRL Saprolite
24 000UMTL Unknown Material
24 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
24 110AFCL Artifical Fill
24 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
24 110CLVF Colluvial Fan Deposits
24 110CLVM Colluvium
24 110MNWS Mountain Wash
24 110QRNR Quaternary System
24 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
24 111BRRR Barrier Sand
24 111HLCN Holocene Series
24 111LLND Lowland Deposits
24 111SPOL Spoil
24 111TDLM Tidal Marsh Deposits
24 112BRDN Brandywine Formation
24 112BRND Brandywine Formation
24 112BVDM Beaverdam Sand
24 112CLMB Columbia Group
24 112COLB Columbia Formation
24 112IRSR Ironshire Formation
24 112KILD Kent Island Formation
24 112MTCV Minor Terrace Deposit and Colluvium
24 112OMAR Omar Formation
24 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
24 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
24 112PMLC Pamlico Formation
24 112PRBG Parsonsburg Formation
24 112RDGV Red Gravelly Facies
24 112SALB Salisbury Aquifer
24 112SDLD Sunderland Formation
24 112SLBR Salisbury Aquifer
24 112SNPX Sinepuxent Formation
24 112TLBT Talbot Formation
24 112UPLD Upland Deposits
24 112WCML Wicomico Formation
24 112WLSN Walston Silt
24 120TRTR Tertiary System
24 120UPLD Upland Gravel
24 121BRMR Bryn Mawr Formation
24 121BVDM Beaverdam Sand
24 121PLCN Pliocene Series
24 121WLSN Walston Silt
24 122CLVR Calvert Formation
24 122CPNK Choptank Formation
24 122CSLD Cheswold Aquifer
24 122CSPK Chesapeake Group
24 122FDBG Federalsburg Aquifer
24 122FRDC Frederica Aquifer
24 122MNKN Manokin Aquifer
24 122MOCN Miocene Series
24 122OCNC Ocean City Aquifer
24 122PCMK Pocomoke Aquifer
24 122PNSK Pensauken Formation
24 122SMRS St Marys Formation
24 122YRKN Yorktown Formation
24 123OLGC Oligocene Series
24 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
24 124EOCN Eocene Series
24 124NNJM Nanjemoy Formation
24 124PMNK Pamunkey Group
24 124PNPN Piney Point Formation
24 125AQRC Aquia and Rancocas Aquifer
24 125AQUI Aquia Formation
24 125BRGS Brightseat Formation
24 125HRRS Hornerstown Formation
24 125MAPN Mattaponi Aquifer
24 125MRLB Marlboro Clay
24 125MTPN Mattaponi (?) Aquifer
24 125PLCN Paleocene Series
24 125RCCS Rancocas Formation
24 125VNCN Vincentown Formation
24 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
24 210CRCS Cretaceous System
24 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
24 211EGLS Englishtown Formation
24 211MCVL Merchantville Formation
24 211MGTY Magothy Formation
24 211MLEG Marshalltown and Englishtown Formations, Undivided
24 211MLRL Mount Laurel Sand
24 211MNMT Monmouth Formation
24 211MRSL Marshalltown Formation
24 211MTWN Matawan Formation
24 211RRTN Raritan Formation
24 211SVRN Severn Formation
24 217ARDL Arundel Formation
24 217CLCK Canal Creek Aquifer In the Patapsco Formation
24 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
24 217LPLT La Plata Aquifer
24 217NNMR Nonmarine Cretaceous Aquifer
24 217POMC Potomac Group
24 217PPSC Patapsco Formation
24 217PPSCL Lower Patapsco Aquifer In the Patapsco Formation
24 217PPSCU Upper Patapsco Aquifer In the Patapsco Formation
24 217PTMC Potomac Group
24 217PTXN Patuxent Formation
24 217WLDF Waldorf Aquifer
24 217WSTD Westwood Aquifer
24 220DIBS Jurassic Diabase
24 230TCBM Triassic Basement Rocks, Undifferentiated
24 230TRSC Triassic System
24 231BALB Balls Bluff Siltstone
24 231BLBF Balls Bluff Siltstone
24 231BLRN Bull Run Formation
24 231DIBS Diabase Dikes and Sills
24 231GBRG Gettysburg Shale
24 231LBRG Leesburg Limestone Conglomerate Member of Bull Run Formation
24 231MANS Manassas Sandstone
24 231MNSS Manassass Sandstone
24 231NOXF New Oxford Formation
24 231NOXFB New Oxford Formation Basal Conglomerate
24 231NWRK Newark Group
24 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
24 300AMPB Amphibolite Lithofacies of the Wissahickon Formation, Undivided
24 300BCMV Bachman Valley Formation
24 300BLDR Boulder Gneiss of Wissahickon Formation
24 300BLMR Baltimore Gabbro Complex
24 300CCKV Cockeysville Marble
24 300DDHL Druid Hill Amphibolite Member of James Run Formation
24 300ELCC Ellicott City Granodiorite
24 300GBRC Gabbroic Rock, Undifferentiated
24 300GBSP Gabbro and Serpentinite At Gray Hill
24 300GEMR Gneisses, On Garret Island, Near Elk Milles, & Rolling Mill, Undivided
24 300GLFD Guilford Quartz Monzonite
24 300GLLS Gillis Formation
24 300GLPF Gilpins Falls Member of James Run Formation
24 300GLRM Glenarm Series
24 300GPDR Gunpowder Granite
24 300GRGN Georgetown Mafic Complex
24 300GRNC Granitic Rock, Undifferentiated
24 300IJMV Ijamsville Formation
24 300IJVM Ijamsville Formation-Marburg Schist, Undifferentiated
24 300JMSR James Run Formation
24 300KNSG Kensington Quartz Diorite
24 300LBRN Libertytown Metarhyolite
24 300LFPF Little Northeast Cr., Frenchtown, Principio Furnace Mbrs, James Run Fm
24 300LPLC Lower Pelitic Schist of Wissahickon Formation
24 300MBAB Metagabbro and Amphibolite
24 300MCGM Metaconglomerate of Wissahickon Formation
24 300MFIC Mafic Breccia
24 300MGAB Metagraywacke With Amphibolites of Wissahickon (?) Formation
24 300MGCK Metagraywacke of Wissahickon Formation
24 300MQMG Muscovite Quartz Monzonite Gneiss
24 300MRBG Marburg Formation
24 300MWSG Mount Washington Amphibolite
24 300NBCK Norbeck Quartz Diorite
24 300OELL Oella Formation
24 300PCSC Pelitic Shist of Wissahickon (?) Formation
24 300PGMT Pegmatite Dikes
24 300PLCG Pelitic Gneiss of Wissahickon (?) Formation
24 300PLGV Pleasant Grove Schist
24 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
24 300PMZA Pegmatite Quartz, Monzonite Gneiss and Alaskite Gneiss
24 300PNRN Piney Run Formation
24 300PRDP Port Deposit Gneiss
24 300PRTB Prettyboy Schist
24 300PSAB Pelitic Schist With Amphibolites of Wissahickon (?) Formation
24 300PZPC Early Paleozoic-Late Precambrian Erathems, Undifferentiated
24 300QZQZ Quartz Gabbro and Quartz Diorite Gneiss
24 300RELY Relay Gneiss Member of James Run Formation
24 300SGFM Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite
24 300SLVR Silver Run Limestone
24 300SMCK Sams Creek Metabasalt
24 300STRS Setters Formation
24 300UFGB Ultramafic and Gabbroic Rocks
24 300UHBP Felsite, Happy Valley Br., Big Elk Cr., Principio Cr.mbrs, James Run F
24 300UMFC Ultramafic Rocks
24 300UPPC Upper Pelitic Schist of Wissahickon Formation
24 300URBN Urbana Formation
24 300VLCC Volcanic Complex of Cecil County
24 300WDCK Woodstock Quartz Monzonite
24 300WKFD Wakefield Marble
24 300WSCK Wissahickon Formation
24 307JMSR James Run Formation
24 307RELY Relay Gneiss Member of James Run Formation
24 310DNKD Dunkard Group
24 310PRMN Permian System
24 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
24 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
24 321CNMG Conemaugh Formation
24 321MNGL Monongahela Formation
24 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
24 324ALGN Allegheny Formation
24 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
24 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
24 324PVAG Pottsville-Allegheny Formations, Undifferentiated
24 330MSSP Mississippian System
24 331GRBR Greenbrier Formation
24 331GREB Greenbrier Formation
24 331MCCK Mauch Chunk Formation
24 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
24 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
24 337POCN Pocono Group
24 337POCO Pocono Group
24 337PRSL Purslane Sandstone
24 337RCKL Rockwell Formation
24 340DVNN Devonian System
24 341BRLR Brallier Formation
24 341CMNG Chemung Formation
24 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
24 341HMPR Hampshire Formation
24 341HRRL Harrell Shale
24 341JNGS Jennings Formation
24 341PRKD Parkhead Sandstone
24 341WDMN Woodmont Formation
24 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
24 344HMLN Hamilton Group
24 344MNNG Mahantango Formation
24 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
24 344NDMR Needmore Shale
24 344RMNY Romney Formation
24 344TIOG Tioga Metabentonite
24 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
24 347HDBG Helderberg Group
24 347KYSR Keyser Limestone
24 347ORIK Oriskany Group
24 347ORSK Oriskany Group
24 347RDGL Ridgeley Sandstone
24 347SRVR Shriver Chert
24 350SLRN Silurian System
24 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
24 351TNLY Tonoloway Limestone
24 351WICK Wills Creek Shale
24 351WLCK Wills Creek Shale
24 352BMBG Bloomsburg Formation
24 354CLIN Clinton Group
24 354CLNN Clinton Group
24 354KEEF Keefer Sandstone
24 354KEFR Keefer Sandstone
24 354MCKZ Mc Kenzie Formation
24 354RCSR Rochester Shale
24 354ROCR Rochester Shale
24 354RSHL Rose Hill Formation
24 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
24 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
24 357TCRR Tuscarora Sandstone
24 360CRDF Cardiff Metaconglomerate
24 360MRGR Morgan Run Formation
24 360ODVC Ordovician System
24 360PCBM Peach Bottom Slate
24 360SKVL Sykesville Formation
24 360SKVLG Sykesville Formation, Gneiss Member
24 360SKVLS Sykesville Formation, Schist Member
24 361JUNT Juniata Formation
24 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
24 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
24 364CABB Chambersburg Limestone
24 364CBBG Chambersburg Limestone
24 364NMRK New Market Limestone
24 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
24 364RPRK Row Park Limestone
24 364STPL St Paul Group
24 367BKMN Beekmantown Group
24 367GROV Grove Limestone
24 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
24 367PBGS Pinesburg Station Dolomite
24 367RCKR Rockdale Run Formation
24 367SNNG Stonehenge Limestone
24 367SONG Stonehenge Limestone
24 370ARBY Araby Formation
24 370CMBR Cambrian System
24 370DDHL Druid Hill Amphibolite Member of James Run Formation
24 370GPDR Gunpowder Gneiss
24 370HLFD Holofield Layered Ultramafite
24 370LCRV Loch Raven Schist
24 370PRCK Peters Creek Schist
24 370PRHL Perry Hall Gneiss
24 370RPBG Raspeburg Amphibolite
24 371CCCG Conococheague Limestone
24 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
24 371CONG Conococheague Limestone
24 371ELBK Elbrook Formation
24 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
24 377ANTM Antietam Formation
24 377CHLH Chilhowee Group
24 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
24 377FDCK Frederick Limestone
24 377HRPR Harpers Formation
24 377LUDN Loudoun Formation
24 377SKVL Sykesville Formation
24 377SKVLG Gneiss Member, Sykesville Formation
24 377SKVLS Schist Member, Sykesville Formation
24 377TMSN Tomstown Dolomite
24 377WSBR Waynesboro Formation
24 377WVRN Weverton Formation
24 400BLMR Baltimore Gneiss
24 400CATC Catoctin Metabasalt
24 400CTCN Catoctin Metabasalt
24 400GBGG Granodiorite and Biotite Granite Gneiss
24 400GNSS Gneiss Complex
24 400GNSSC Gneiss Complex
24 400MTRL Metarhyolite and Associated Pyroclastic Sediments
24 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
24 400SFRN Swift Run Formation
24 400SGTS Slaughterhouse Gneiss
24 400SMCK Sams Creek Formation
24 410SKVL Sykesville Formation
24 BASEMENT Basement
24 BEDROCK Bedrock
25 000UMTL Unknown Material
25 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
25 111BECH Beach Deposits
25 111CLVM Colluvium
25 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
25 111FILL Fill
25 111MRIN Marine Deposits
25 111SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated
25 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
25 112DELT Delta Deposits
25 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
25 112ICCCE Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
25 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
25 112MORN Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
25 112MORND Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
25 112MRIN Marine Deposits
25 112OTSH Outwash
25 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
25 112TILL Till
25 120SDMS Sediments
25 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
25 210SDMS Sediments, Undifferentiated
25 230IGNSE Igneous Rocks, Extrusive
25 230IGNSI Igneous Rocks, Intrusive
25 230SDMR Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
25 231EBRL East Berlin Formation
25 231HLYK Holyoke Basalt
25 231HMPD Hampden Basalt
25 231NHVN New Haven Formation
25 231PRLD Portland Formation
25 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 300CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 300CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 320CRSL Crystalline Rocks
25 320SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
25 330CRSL Crystalline Rocks
25 330SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
25 340CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 340CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 340CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 350CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 350CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 350CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 360CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 360CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 360CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 370CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 370CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 370CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 400CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
25 400CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
25 400CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
25 BASEMENT Basement
25 BEDROCK Bedrock
26 000UMTL Unknown Material
26 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
26 110QRNR Quaternary System
26 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
26 111CLVM Colluvium
26 111FILL Fill
26 111HLCN Holocene Series
26 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
26 112CLAY Clay
26 112DLTC Deltaic Deposits
26 112DNSD Dune Sand
26 112DRML Drumlins
26 112ESKR Eskers
26 112GLCL Glacial Deposits, Undifferentiated
26 112GLCLR Glacial Deposits, Reworked
26 112GLCU Glacial Deposits, Undifferentiated
26 112GRDM Ground Moraine
26 112GRVL Gravel
26 112HRDP Hardpan
26 112KAME Kame, Pleistocene
26 112LKBD Lake Beds
26 112LKBDC Lake Bed Clay
26 112LKBDS Lake Bed Sand
26 112MORN Moraine
26 112MRTL Moraine and Till
26 112OTSH Outwash
26 112PEAT Peat
26 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
26 112SAND Sand
26 112SDCL Sand and Clay
26 112SDGV Sand and Gravel
26 112SGVC Sand, Gravel, and Clay
26 112SNDD Sand Dune Deposits
26 112SWMP Swamp Deposits
26 112TILL Till
26 112WKDM Waterworked Morainal Material
26 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
26 220JRSC Jurassic System
26 220RDBD Jurassic Red Beds
26 221KMDG Kimeridgian Series
26 300DLMT Dolomite
26 300EVPR Paleozoic Evaporites
26 300LMSN Limestone
26 300LNSL Paleozoic Limestone and Shale
26 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
26 300SADS Paleozoic Sandstone and Shale
26 300SDSL Paleozoic Sandstone and Shale
26 300SHLE Paleozoic Shale
26 300SNDS Paleozoic Sandstone
26 320DLMT Pennsylvanian Dolomite
26 320EVPR Pennsylvanian Evaporites
26 320LMSN Pennsylvanian Limestone
26 320LNSL Pennsylvanian Limestone and Shale
26 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
26 320PSLVR Pennsylvanian Rocks
26 320SDSL Sandstone and Shale
26 320SHLE Pennsylvanian Shale
26 320SNDS Pennsylvanian Sandstone
26 321ETON Eaton Sandstone
26 321GDRV Grand River Formation
26 321IONI Ionia Sandstone Member of Grand River Formation
26 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
26 321WDVL Woodville Sandstone
26 324PARM Parma Sandstone
26 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
26 324SGMG Saginaw-Michigan Formations
26 324SGML Saginaw-Marshall Formations
26 324SGNW Saginaw Formation
26 324VERN Verne Limestone Member of Saginaw Formation
26 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
26 327PVMP Pennsylvanian-Mississippian Series
26 328MRWN Morrowan Series
26 328PARM Parma Sandstone
26 328PSVL Pottsville Series
26 330DLMT Mississippian Dolomite
26 330EVPR Mississippian Evaporites
26 330LMSN Mississippian Limestone
26 330LNSL Mississippian Limestone and Shale
26 330MSSP Mississippian System
26 330MSSPR Mississippian Rocks
26 330SDSL Mississippian Sandstone and Shale
26 330SHLE Mississippain Shale
26 330SNDS Mississippian Sandstone
26 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
26 333BPMG Bayport-Michigan Formations
26 333BPRT Bayport Limestone
26 333GDRP Grand Rapids Group
26 333MCGN Michigan Formation
26 333MRMC Meramecian Series
26 337ANRM Antrim Shale
26 337BDFD Bedford Shale
26 337BERE Berea Sandstone
26 337CLDR Coldwater Shale
26 337ELSR Ellsworth Shale
26 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
26 337MRSL Marshall Formation
26 337MRSLL Marshall Sandstone, Lower
26 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
26 337NPLN Napoleon Sandstone Member of Marshall Formation
26 337RCMV Richmondville Sandstone Member of Coldwater Shale
26 337SBBB Sunbury Shale, Berea and Bedford Formations
26 337SNBR Sunbury Shale
26 338OSGE Osagean Series
26 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
26 340DLMT Devonian Dolomite
26 340DVNN Devonian System
26 340DVNNR Devonian Rocks
26 340EVPR Devonian Evaporites
26 340LMSN Devonian Limestone
26 340LNSL Devonian Limestone and Shale
26 340SDSL Devonian Sandstone and Shale
26 340SHLE Devonian Shale
26 340SNDS Devonian Sandstone
26 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
26 341TRVR Traverse Group
26 342CTQN Chautauquan Series
26 343SNCN Senecan Series
26 343SQBY Squaw Bay Limestone
26 344ALPN Alpena Limestone
26 344BELL Bell Shale
26 344CLVX Charlevoix Limestone
26 344DCKS Dock Street Shale
26 344DUND Dundee Formation
26 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
26 344FMDM Four Mile Dam Formation
26 344FRNP Ferron Point Formation
26 344GNSH Genshaw Formation
26 344GVLP Gravel Point Formation
26 344KHLR Koehler Limestone
26 344KLNS Killians Limestone
26 344LGLK Long Lake Limestone
26 344LUCS Lucas Formation
26 344NNCK Newton Creek Limestone
26 344NRPN Norway Point Formation
26 344PDGP Partridge Point Formation
26 344PRFM Potter Farm Formation
26 344PTSK Petoskey Limestone
26 344RGRC Rogers City Limestone
26 344RKPQ Rockport Quarry Limestone
26 344SILC Silica Formation
26 344SNPN Stony Point Formation
26 344TDRB Thunder Bay Limestone
26 344TMCK Ten Mile Creek Dolomite
26 345ERIN Erian Series
26 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
26 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
26 348ADRD Anderdon Formation
26 348AMBG Amherstburg Formation
26 348BBLC Bois Blanc Formation
26 348DRRV Detroit River Group
26 348FILR Filer Sandstone Lentil of Amherstburg Formation
26 348FRCK Flat Rock Dolomite
26 348GDID Garden Island Formation
26 348MCKC Mackinac Breccia
26 348ONDG Onondaga Limestone
26 348RCFD Richfield Member of Lucas Limestone
26 348SLVN Sylvania Sandstone
26 348ULSR Ulsterian Series
26 350DLMT Silurian Dolomite
26 350EVPR Silurian Evaporites
26 350LMSN Silurian Limestone
26 350LNSL Silurian Limestone and Shale
26 350SDSL Silurian Sandstone and Shale
26 350SHLE Silurian Shale
26 350SLRN Silurian System
26 350SLRNR Silurian Rocks
26 350SNDS Silurian Sandstone
26 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
26 352BILD Bass Islands Dolomite
26 352CYGN Cayugan Series
26 352CYUG Cayuga Group
26 352GFLD Greenfield Dolomite
26 352PAXC Point Aux Chenes Shale
26 352PINB Put-In-Bay Dolomite
26 352RRVR Raisin River Dolomite
26 352SIGC St Ignace Dolomite
26 352SLIN Salina Group
26 352SLINC Salina Group C Unit
26 352SLIND Salina Group D Evaporite
26 352SLINE Salina Group E Unit
26 352SLINF Salina Group F Evaporites
26 352SLING Salina Group G Unit
26 352SLINT Salina Formation
26 352TMCT Tymochtee Shale
26 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
26 355BBLF Burnt Bluff Group
26 355BURNT Bluff Formation
26 355BYRN Byron Dolomite
26 355CLNN Clinton Shale
26 355CRDL Cordell Dolomite
26 355ENGD Engadine Dolomite
26 355FBRN Fiborn Limestone
26 355GLPH Guelph Dolomite
26 355HDCK Hendricks Dolomite
26 355LCKP Lockport Dolomite
26 355LMID Lime Island Dolomite
26 355MNSQ Manistique Dolomite
26 355MVLL Mayville Dolomite
26 355NGRN Niagaran Series
26 355NGRNB Brown Niagaran
26 355NGRNG Niagara Group
26 355SA1C Salina Group A-1 Carbonate
26 355SA1E Salina Group A-1 Evaporite
26 355SA2C Salina Group A-2 Carbonate
26 355SA2E Salina Group A-2 Evaporite
26 355SCCF Schoolcraft Dolomite
26 355SLINB Salina Group B Evaporite
26 357SLOV Silurian-Ordovician System
26 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
26 358ALXD Alexandrian Series
26 358CBHD Cabot Head Shale
26 358CTRC Cataract Formation
26 358MNLN Manitoulin Dolomite
26 360DLMT Ordovician Dolomite
26 360EVPR Ordovician Evaporites
26 360LMSN Ordovician Limestone
26 360LNSL Ordovician Limestone and Shale
26 360ODVC Ordovician System
26 360ODVCR Ordovician Rocks
26 360SDSL Ordovician Sandstone and Shale
26 360SHLE Ordovician Shale
26 360SNDS Ordovician Sandstone
26 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
26 362BDNC Bay De Noc Shaly Limestone
26 362BGHL Big Hill Limestone
26 362BLCK Bills Creek Shale
26 362CLGD Collingwood Formation
26 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
26 362DEEN Edenian Stage
26 362EDEN Eden Group
26 362MSVL Maysvillian Stage
26 362OGNZ Ogontz Cherty Limestone
26 362QNSN Queenston Shale
26 362RCMD Richmondian Stage
26 362SNNG Stonington Formation
26 362UTIC Utica Shale
26 364BFLS Bony Falls Member of Black River Formation
26 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
26 365ATRN Au Train Formation
26 365BKRV Black River Formation
26 365CDLF Chandler Falls Formation
26 365CMPL Champlainian Series
26 365GLND Glenwood Formation
26 365GRQR Groos Quarry Formation
26 365MHKN Mowawkian Series
26 365TBRV Trenton-Black River Group
26 365TRNN Trenton Group
26 365TRNNL Trenton Limestone
26 367CHZN Chazyan Series
26 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
26 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
26 367SRVR Stones River Limestone
26 367STPR St Peter Sandstone
26 368CNDN Canadian Series
26 368HMVL Hermansville Limestone
26 368NRCM New Richmond Sandstone
26 368ONOT Oneota Dolomite
26 368PCTP Prairie Du Chien Group-Trempealeau Formation
26 368PRDC Prairie Du Chien Group
26 368SAKP Shakopee Dolomite
26 368SHKP Shakopee Dolomite
26 370CBPB Cambrian System-Precambrian Erathem
26 370CMBR Cambrian System
26 370CMBRR Cambrian Rocks
26 370DLMT Cambrian Dolomite
26 370EVPR Cambrian Evaporites
26 370LMSN Cambrian Limestone
26 370LNSL Cambrian Limestone and Shale
26 370SDSL Cambrian Sandstone and Shale
26 370SHLE Cambrian Shale
26 370SNDS Cambrian Sandstone
26 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
26 372CPRK Chapel Rock Sandstone
26 372CRXN Croixian Series
26 372DRBC Dresbach Group
26 372ECLR Eau Claire Formation
26 372FDBC Franconia Group-Dresbach Sandstone
26 372FRAC Franconia Sandstone
26 372FRNC Franconia Sandstone
26 372GLVL Galesville Sandstone
26 372JRDN Jordan Sandstone
26 372LKSP Lake Superior Sandstone
26 372LODI Lodi Member of St. Lawrence Formation
26 372MNSG Munising Sandstone
26 372MNSM Mount Simon Sandstone
26 372MRCL Miners Castle Sandstone
26 372SLRC St. Lawrence Formation
26 372TMPL Trempealeau Formation
26 372TPMG Trempealeau-Munising Formations
26 374CMBRL Cambrian, Lower
26 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
26 377CBPB Cambrian-Precambrian Rocks
26 400BSMN Precambrian Basement
26 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
26 400IGNS Precambrian Igneous Rocks
26 400IRBG Precambrian Iron-Bearing Unit
26 400MMPC Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks
26 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
26 400PCMBR Precambrian Rocks
26 400PRZC Proterozoic
26 400SDMR Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks
26 400VLCC Volcanic Rocks
26 420 Precambrian Precambrian Y
26 420ALGM Algoman Granite
26 420CPHB Copper Harbor Conglomerate
26 420FRED Freda Sandstone
26 420JCBV Jacobsville Sandstone
26 420KWNW Keweenawan Supergroup
26 420MLLN Mellen Granite
26 420NNSC Nonesuch Shale
26 420PCMBY Precambrian Y
26 420PGLK Portage Lake Volcanics
26 420PRZCM Proterozoic, Middle
26 430 Precambrian Precambrian X
26 430AJBK Ajibik Formation
26 430AMAS Amasa Formation
26 430ANVL Anvil Member of Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 430BARG Baraga Group
26 430BDRV Bad River Dolomite
26 430BIJK Bijik Iron-Formation Member of Michigamme Slate
26 430BIRD Bird Iron-Bearing Member of Hemlock Formation
26 430BRIR Brier Slate Member of Vulcan Iron-Formation
26 430CCLY Chocolay Group
26 430CKBG Clarksburg Volcanics Member of Michigamme Slate
26 430CRRY Curry Iron-Bearing Member of Vulcan Iron-Formation
26 430DCRK Dunn Creek Slate
26 430FCRV Fence River Formation
26 430FLCH Felch Formation
26 430FRCK Fern Creek Formation
26 430FRLK Fortune Lakes Slate
26 430GDRC Goodrich Quartzite
26 430HMCK Hemlock Formation
26 430HWTH Hiawatha Graywacke
26 430IRND Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 430KFLK Knife Lake Group
26 430KONA Kona Dolomite
26 430LRTT Loretto Slate Member of Vulcan Iron-Formation
26 430MCGM Michigamme Slate
26 430MFLD Mansfield Iron-Bearing Slate Member of Hemlock Formation
26 430MNMN Menominee Group
26 430MQRG Marquette Range Supergroup
26 430MSRD Mesnard Quartzite
26 430NGNE Neqavnee Iron-Formation
26 430NORR Norrie Member of Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 430NRLK Norway Lake Gneiss
26 430PBCP Pabst Member of Tyler Formation
26 430PCMBX Precambrian X
26 430PENC Pence Member of Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 430PLMS Palms Formation
26 430PLMT Plymouth Member of Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 430PRVR Paint River Group
26 430PRZCL Proterozoic, Lower
26 430PVPD Peavey Pond Complex
26 430RDVL Randville Dolomite
26 430RPBC Republic Granite
26 430RVRN Riverton Iron-Formation
26 430SDRS Saunders Formation
26 430SIMO Siamo Slate
26 430SMBG Stambaug Formation
26 430SNDY Sunday Quartzite
26 430SRGN Sturgeon Quartzite
26 430TRDR Trader's Iron-Bearing Member of Vulcan Iron-Formation
26 430TYLR Tyler Formation
26 430VLCN Vulcan Iron-Formation
26 430WEWE Wewe Slate
26 430WUSC Wauseca Pyritic Member of Dunn Creek Slate
26 430YALE Yale Member of Ironwood Iron-Formation
26 440 Precambrian Precambrian W
26 440ARCN Archean
26 440DCKS Dickinson Group
26 440EBRC East Branch Arkose
26 440KTCH Kitchi Schist
26 440LGSP Lighthouse Point Member of Mona Schist
26 440LRNN Laurentian Series
26 440MONA Mona Schist
26 440PCMBW Precambrian W
26 440PLMR Palmer Gneiss
26 440PQIL Presque Isle Granite
26 440SLBG Solberg Schist
26 440SXML Six Mile Lake Amphibolite
26 BASEMENT Basement
26 BEDROCK Bedrock
27 000UMTL unknown material
27 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
27 110QRNR Quaternary System
27 110SDGV Sand and Gravel - Holocene and Pleistocene Series
27 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
27 111HLCN Holocene Series
27 111SOIL Soil
27 112BECH Beach Deposits
27 112BRDO Buried Outwash Deposits
27 112BRRD Brainerd Till
27 112CLAY Clay
27 112DMDF Des Moines Drift
27 112DSMO Des Moines Outwash
27 112GBSG Glacial Buried Sand and/or Gravel
27 112GSSG Glacial Surficial Sand and/or Gravel
27 112KTHO Kathio Aquifer
27 112LKGZ Lake Agassiz Clay
27 112LKOM Lake Onamia Aquifer
27 112NULM New Ulm Till
27 112OTSH Surficial Sand (Outwash)
27 112OTSHS Outwash, Surficial Sand
27 112PEAT Peat
27 112PIRZ Pierz Till
27 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
27 112PRWC Pre-Wisconsin Deposits
27 112RNDF Rainy Drift
27 112RNOS Rainy Outwash
27 112RVFL River Falls Formation
27 112SPDF Superior Drift
27 112SPRO Superior Outwash
27 112TILL Till
27 112WDDF Wadena Drift
27 112WDNO Wadena Outwash
27 112WSCS Wisconsinan Stage
27 120TRTR Tertiary System
27 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
27 210CRCS Cretaceous System
27 211BLFC Belle Fourche Formation
27 211CLRN Coleraine Formation
27 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
27 211CRLL Carlile Shale
27 211GRNR Greenhorn Formation
27 211GRRS Graneros Shale
27 211IRHL Iron Hill Member of Windrow Formation
27 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
27 211PIRR Pierre Shale
27 211WNDR Windrow Formation
27 217ORDR Ostrander Member of Dakota Formation
27 220JRSC Jurassic System
27 224AMRN Amaranth Formation
27 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
27 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
27 340CVMD Cedar Valley-Maquoketa-Dubuque Formations
27 340CVMDG Cedar Valley-Maquoketa-Dubuque-Galena Aquifer
27 340CVMQ Cedar Valley-Maquoketa Formations
27 340DVNN Devonian System
27 340DVOV Devonian-Ordovician Systems
27 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
27 341SRCK Shell Rock Formation
27 344CDVL Cedar Valley Limestone
27 344CRVL Coralville Member of Cedar Valley Formation
27 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
27 344RPID Rapid Member of Cedar Valley Formation
27 344SOLN Solon Member of Cedar Valley Formation
27 357SODV Silurian-Ordovician Systems
27 357STNL Stonewall Formation
27 360ODVC Ordovician System
27 361CLRM Clermont Shale Member of Maquoketa Formation
27 361ELGN Elgin Member of Maquoketa Formation
27 361MQKG Maquoketa Shale-Galena Dolomite
27 361MQKT Maquoketa Shale
27 361RDRV Red River Formation
27 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
27 362DBQG Dubuque Formation-Galena Dolomite
27 364CMGV Cummingsville Member of Galena Dolomite
27 364DCRH Decorah Formation
27 364DUBQ Dubuque Formation
27 364DUBU Dubuque Formation
27 364GLEN Galena Dolomite
27 364GLND Glenwood Formation
27 364PLVL Platteville Formation
27 364PROR Prosser Member of Galena Group
27 364PRSR Prosser Member of Galena Dolomite
27 364SEVL Stewartville Member of Galena Group
27 364SRVL Stewartville Member of Galena Dolomite
27 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
27 364WNPG Winnipeg Formation
27 365CMPL Champlainian Series
27 365CRMN Carimona Member of Platteville Formation
27 365MCGG Mcgregor Member of Platteville Formation
27 365PCNC Pecatonica Member of Platteville Formation
27 365PECC Pecatonica Member of Platteville Formation
27 367NRCM New Richmond Sandstone
27 367ONET Oneota Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
27 367ONOT Oneota Member of Prairie Du Chien Formation
27 367PADC Prairie Du Chien Group
27 367PRDC Prairie Du Chien Group
27 367SHKP Shakopee Dolomite
27 367WLRV Willow River Member of Shakopee Formation
27 368CNDN Canadian Series
27 368NRCM New Richmond Sandstone of Prairie Du Chien Group
27 368NRCMP New Richmond Sandstone of Prairie Du Chien Group
27 368SAKPP Shakopee Dolomite of Prairie Du Chien Group
27 368SHKP Shakopee Dolomite of Prairie Du Chien Group
27 370CMBR Cambrian System
27 371BRKM Birkmose Member of Franconia Formation
27 371CBPB Cambrian System-Precambrian Erathem
27 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
27 371DRBC Dresbach Group
27 371ECLR Eau Claire Sandstone
27 371ECMS Eau Claire-Mt. Simon Formations
27 371FIGV Franconia-Ironton-Galesville Formations
27 371FRNC Franconia Sandstone
27 371GLVL Galesville Sandstone
27 371IGEC Ironton-Galesville-Eau Claire Formations
27 371IGLV Ironton Sandstone Member of Franconia Ss.-Galesville Ss.
27 371IRNT Ironton Sandstone Member of Franconia Sandstone
27 371JIGV Jordan-Ironton-Galesville Sandstones
27 371JRDN Jordan Sandstone
27 371JSLC Jordan-St. Lawrence Formations
27 371JSTF Jordan-St. Lawrence-Franconia Formations
27 371LODI Lodi Member of St Lawrence Formation
27 371MSHK Mt. Simon-Hinckley Aquifer
27 371MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
27 371MSRC Mt. Simon Sandstone-Red Clastics Series
27 371MZMN Mazomanie Sandstone
27 371MZMR Mazomanie-Reno Members of Franconia Formation
27 371NRLK Norwalk Member of Jordan Sandstone
27 371RENO Reno Member of Franconia Formation
27 371SLCF St Lawrence-Franconia Formations
27 371SLRC St Lawrence Formation
27 371SNSP Sunset Point Member of Jordan Sandstone
27 371TOMH Tomah Member of Franconia Formation
27 371VOSR Van Oser Member of Jordan Sandstone
27 372ECLR Eau Claire Formation
27 372FRNC Franconia Formation
27 372IRGLS Ironton-Galesville Sandstones
27 372IRON Ironton Sandstone
27 378PDCJ Prairie Du Chien-Jordan Aquifer
27 400AGGK Argillite-Graywacke
27 400BBKF Biwabik Iron Formation
27 400BLPL Belle Plaine Formation
27 400BSLT Basalt
27 400DCPX Duluth Complex
27 400ELY Ely Greenstone
27 400FDLC Fond Du Lac Formation
27 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
27 400GSSC Gneiss-Schist
27 400HCKL Hinckley Formation
27 400KFLK Knife Lake Group
27 400MDMR Metasedimentary Rocks
27 400MSVL Minnesota Valley Granite Series
27 400MVCC Metavolcanic Rocks
27 400NRSR North Shore Volcanic Group
27 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
27 400RDCC Red Clastics Series
27 400SOUX Sioux Quartzite
27 400VLCC Volcanic Rocks
27 400VRGN Virginia Formation
27 430TMSN Thomson Formation
27 BASEMENT Basement
27 BEDROCK Bedrock
28 000UMTL Unknown Material
28 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
28 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
28 110QRNR Quaternary System
28 110QRRT Quaternary-Tertiary Systems
28 110SAND Sand
28 110SDGV Sand and Gravel - Holocene and Pleistocene Series
28 110TRCS Terrace Deposits, Undifferentiated
28 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
28 111CSTL Coastal Deposits
28 111CSTLP Coastal Deposits
28 111HCPC Holocene-Pleistocene Series
28 111HLCN Holocene Series
28 111LTAVP Low Terrace Deposits and Alluvium
28 111NLMR Natural Levee Deposits of Mississippi River
28 111TERC Terrace Deposits, Undifferentiated
28 111TRCS Terrace Deposits, Undifferentiated
28 112ALVM Alluvium
28 112HGTC High Terrace Deposits
28 112IMTC Intermediate Terrace Deposits
28 112LOSS Loess
28 112LTRC Low Terrace Deposits
28 112MRVA Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer
28 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
28 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
28 112TRCS Terrace Deposits, Undifferentiated
28 112VLTR Valley Trains, Pleistocene
28 120TRCC Tertiary-Cretaceous Systems
28 120TRTR Tertiary System
28 121CRNL Citronelle Formation
28 121GRMF Graham Ferry Formation
28 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
28 121PLCN Pliocene Series
28 122CTHL Catahoula Formation, Lower
28 122CTHLL Catahoula Formation, Lower
28 122CTHLM Catahoula Formation, Middle
28 122CTHLU Catahoula Formation, Upper
28 122FADM Fort Adams Member of Pascagowa Formation
28 122HBRG Hattiesburg Formation
28 122HMCT Homochitto Member of Pascagoula Formation
28 122HRSG Heterostegina Zone
28 122MCOG Miocene-Oligocene Series
28 122MOCN Miocene Series
28 122PCGL Pascagoula Formation
28 122PCGLL Lower Pascagoula
28 122PHMK Paynes Hammock Sand
28 122TTUM Tatum Limestone Member of Catahoula Formation
28 123BCTN Bucatunna Clay Member of Byram Formation
28 123BYRM Byram Formation
28 123BYRMM Middle Marl Member of Byram Formation
28 123CCKS Chickasawhay Limestone
28 123FRHL Forest Hill Sand
28 123GLND Glendon Limestone Member of Byram Formation
28 123MRNN Marianna Limestone
28 123MSPG Mint Spring Marl Member of Marianna Limestone
28 123OGCE Oligocene-Eocene Series
28 123OLGC Oligocene Series
28 123RDBF Red Bluff Clay
28 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
28 123WSBR Waynesboro Sand Lentil (Informal Usage) of Byram Formation
28 124ARCS Archusa Marl Member of Cook Mountain Limestone
28 124BSCC Basic City Shale Member of Tallahatta Formation
28 124BSHI Bashi Marl Member of Hatchetigbee Formation
28 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
28 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
28 124CKMNR Cook Mountain Limestone
28 124CLBR Claiborne Group
28 124CMRN Camerina Limestone
28 124COCO Cocoa Sand Member of Yazoo Clay
28 124CRVR Cane River Formation
28 124EOCN Eocene Series
28 124FSPG Fearn Springs Member of Nanafalia Formation
28 124GDCK Gordon Creek Shale Member of Cook Mountain Formation
28 124HCGB Hatchetigbee Formation
28 124HCGBN Hatchetigbee Formation, Unnamed Member
28 124JCKS Jackson Group
28 124MDBC Moodys Branch Formation
28 124MDBCR Moodys Branch Limestone
28 124MRDN Meridian Sand Member of Tallahatta Formation
28 124MUWX Meridian-Upper Wilcox Aquifer
28 124MWCX Minor Wilcox Aquifer
28 124NNFL Nanafalia Formation
28 124NNFLN Nanafalia Formation, Unnamed Member
28 124NSHB Neshoba Sand Member of Tallahatta Formation
28 124NTCK North Twistwood Creek Member of Yazoo Clay
28 124OCAL Ocala Limestone
28 124PCHT Pachuta Marl Member of Yazoo Clay
28 124PTRC Potterchitto Sand Member of Cook Mountain Formation
28 124SHBT Shubuta Member of Yazoo Clay
28 124SLMN Salt Mountain Limestone Equivalent
28 124SPCK Shipps Creek Shale Member of Wautubbee Formation
28 124SPRT Sparta Sand
28 124SPRTL Sparta Sand, Lower
28 124SPRTM Sparta Sand, Middle
28 124SPRTU Sparta Sand, Upper
28 124TLLT Tallahatta Formation
28 124TSCM Tuscahoma Formation
28 124WLCX Wilcox Group
28 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
28 124WLCXL Wilcox Aquifer, Lower
28 124WLCXM Wilcox Aquifer, Middle
28 124WLCXU Wilcox Aquifer, Upper
28 124WNON Winona Sand
28 124WNSB Winona-Neshoba Aquifer
28 124YZOO Yazoo Clay
28 124ZAMA Zama Member of Zilpha Formation
28 124ZLPH Zilpha Clay
28 125CLTN Clayton Formation
28 125MDWY Midway Group
28 125MLDG Matthews Landing Marl Member of Porters Creek Clay
28 125NHOL Naheola Formation
28 125PLCN Paleocene Series
28 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
28 125PRCKN Porters Creek Clay, Unnamed Member
28 125TPPH Tippal Sand Lentil of Porters Creek Clay
28 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
28 210CCJC Cretaceous-Jurassic Systems
28 210CRCS Cretaceous System
28 211ARCL Arcola Limestone Member of Mooreville Chalk
28 211BLFP Bluffport Marl Member of Demopolis Chalk
28 211CCRK Coon Creek Tongue of Ripley Formation
28 211CHWP Chiwapa Member of Ripley Formation
28 211COFF Coffee Sand
28 211COKR Coker Formation
28 211COKRU Upper Unnamed Member of Coker Formation
28 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
28 211DMPL Demopolis Chalk
28 211DMPLN Demopolis Chalk, Unnamed Member
28 211EOLN Eoline Member
28 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
28 211EUTWL Eutaw Formation, Lower
28 211EUTWN Eutaw Formation, Unnamed Member
28 211EUTWR Eutaw Formation (Restricted)
28 211GORD Gordo Formation
28 211MCNR McNairy Formation
28 211MCSN Mc Shan Formation
28 211MRVL Mooreville Chalk
28 211MRVLN Mooreville Chalk, Unnamed Member
28 211MSSV Massive Sand
28 211OLCK Owl Creek Formation
28 211PBLF Prairie Bluff Chalk
28 211RPLY Ripley Formation
28 211SELM Selma Group
28 211TBGB Tombigbee Sand Member of Eutaw Formation
28 211TRSL Transitional Clay of Ripley Formation
28 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Group
28 211TSCLL Tuscaloosa Group, Lower
28 211TSCLM Tuscaloosa Group, Middle
28 211TSCLU Tuscaloosa Group, Upper
28 211TUCL Tuscaloosa Group
28 211TUCLL Tuscaloosa Group, Lower Member
28 211TUCLM Tuscaloosa Group, Middle Member
28 211TUCLU Tuscaloosa Group, Upper Member
28 217ANDR Andrew Formation
28 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
28 217DZLR Dantzler Formation
28 217FRLK Ferry Lake Anhydrite
28 217HSTN Hosston Formation
28 217MRGP Mooringsport Formation
28 217RDSS Rodessa Formation
28 217RJPI Rodessa Formation James Limestone and Pine Island Shale Undiff
28 217SLGO Sligo Formation
28 218PALX Paluxy Formation
28 218PLXY Paluxy Formation
28 220JRSC Jurassic System
28 221BCKR Buckner Member of Haynesville Formation
28 221CNVL Cotton Valley Formation
28 221HSVL Haynesville Formation
28 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
28 221LUNN Louann Salt
28 221NRPL Norphlet Formation
28 221SMKV Smackover Formation
28 221WRNR Werner Formation
28 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
28 310EGLM Eagle Mills Formation
28 310PRMN Permian System
28 320PRKD Parkwood Formation
28 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
28 320PVMP Pennsylvanian-Mississippian Systems
28 324MRHS Moorehouse Formation
28 324PSLVL Middle-Lower Pennsylvanian Series
28 324PSLVM Middle-Lower Pennsylvanian Series
28 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
28 330MSSP Mississippian System
28 331ALBK Alsobrook Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331BNGR Bangor Limestone
28 331GRHL Green Hill Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331HRSL Hartselle Sandstone
28 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
28 331MYNT Mynot Sandstone Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331PNNG Pennington Formation
28 331PRDM Pride Mountain Formation
28 331SDFL Sandfall Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331SSPG Southward Spring Sandstone Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331TCMB Tuscumbia Limestone
28 331TDBC Tanyard Branch Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 331WGNN Wagnon Member of Pride Mountain Formation
28 337FORP Fort Payne Chert
28 337FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
28 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
28 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
28 337MURY Maury Formation
28 340DVNN Devonian System
28 341CTNG Chattanooga Shale
28 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
28 344CMDN Camden Chert
28 344DVVNM Middle-Lower Devonian Series
28 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
28 350SLRN Silurian System
28 BASEMENT Basement
28 BEDROCK Bedrock
29 000UMTL Unknown Material
29 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
29 110QRNR Quaternary System
29 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
29 111HLCN Holocene Series
29 111SPOL Holocene Spoil
29 112DRFT Drift
29 112ILNN Illinoian Deposits
29 112KNSN Kansan Deposits
29 112LFTT Lafayette Gravel
29 112NBRK Nebraskan Deposits
29 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
29 112VLTR Valley Trains, Pleistocene
29 112WISC Wisconsinan Deposits
29 112WSCS Wisconsinan Deposits
29 120TRTR Tertiary System
29 121PLCN Pliocene Series
29 124ACKM Ackerman Formation
29 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
29 124CCKFJ Cockfield Through Jackson, Undivided
29 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
29 124CKMNJ Jackson Through Cook Mountain, Undivided
29 124CLBR Claiborne Group
29 124EOCN Eocene Series
29 124FLID Flour Island Formation of Wilcox Group
29 124FRPL Fort Pillow Sand of Wilcox Group
29 124HLPG Hollysprings Formation
29 124JCKS Jackson Group
29 124MMPS Memphis Sand
29 124WLCX Wilcox Formation
29 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
29 125CLTN Clayton Formation
29 125MDWY Midway Group
29 125PLCN Paleocene Series
29 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
29 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
29 210CRCS Cretaceous System
29 211MCNR McNairy Formation
29 211OLCK Owl Creek Formation
29 212CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
29 212GLFN Gulfian Series
29 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
29 310PRMN Permian System
29 317IDCV Indian Cave Sandstone
29 317IICV Indian Cave Sandstone
29 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
29 320IICV Indian Cave Sandstone
29 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
29 322ABRN Auburn Shale
29 322BERN Bern Limestone
29 322CLHN Calhoun Shale
29 322DECK Deer Creek Formation
29 322DGLS Douglas Group
29 322DRCK Deer Creek Formation
29 322EMPR Emporia Limestone
29 322HWRD Howard Limestone
29 322KANK Kanwaka Formation
29 322KNWK Kanwaka Formation
29 322LCMP Lecompton Limestone
29 322LRNC Lawrence Shale
29 322NEMH Nemaha Subgroup or Formation
29 322ORED Oread Limestone
29 322PLBR Pillsbury Shale
29 322RCRD Richardson Subgroup
29 322SCFX Sacfox Subgroup
29 322SCRN Scranton Shale
29 322SHWN Shawnee Group
29 322SRGR Stranger Formation
29 322STLR Stotler Limestone
29 322SVRY Severy Shale
29 322TCMS Tecumseh Shale
29 322TOEK Topeka Formation
29 322TOPK Topeka Formation
29 322VRGL Virgilian Series
29 322WBNS Wabaunsee Group
29 322WLRD Willard Shale
29 322ZNDL Zeandale Limestone
29 323BRNS Bronson Subgroup
29 323BSPG Bonner Springs Shale
29 323CHNT Chanute Shale
29 323CRVL Cherryvale Shale
29 323DENS Dennis Formation
29 323DNNS Dennis Formation
29 323DRUM Drum Limestone
29 323GLBG Galesburg Shale
29 323HRTH Hertha Limestone
29 323IATN Iatan Limestone
29 323IOLA Iola Limestone
29 323KSSC Kansas City Group
29 323LANE Lane Shale
29 323LDOR Ladore Shale
29 323LINN Linn Subgroup
29 323LNSG Lansing Group
29 323MSSR Missourian Series
29 323PEDE Pedee Group
29 323PLBG Plattsburg Limestone
29 323PLSN Pleasanton Group
29 323STNN Stanton Limestone
29 323SWOP Swope Formation
29 323SWOPE Swope Formation
29 323VILS Vilas Shale
29 323WNDT Wyandotte Limestone
29 323WSTN Weston Shale
29 323ZARH Zarah Subgroup
29 325ALAM Altamont Formation
29 325ALMN Altamont Formation
29 325APNS Appanoose Subgroup
29 325BJCK Bluejacket Sandstone Member
29 325BJKC Blackjack Creek Formation
29 325BKJC Blackjack Creek Limestone Member of Fort Scott Limestone
29 325BNDR Bandera Shale
29 325BUJK Bluejacket Formation
29 325BVIR Bevier Formation
29 325CBNS Cabaniss Subgroup
29 325CHRK Cherokee Group
29 325CRBG Croweburg Formation
29 325DRYD Drywood Formation
29 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
29 325EXCL Excello Formation
29 325FLMG Fleming Formation
29 325FRSC Fort Scott Limestone
29 325HGVL Higginsville Limestone Member of Fort Scott Limestone
29 325HLDV Holdenville Shale
29 325HRSR Hartshorne Sandstone
29 325KRBS Krebs Group
29 325LBTT Labette Shale
29 325LGND Lagonda Formation
29 325LLOG Little Osage Member of Fort Scott Limestone
29 325LNPH Lenapah Limestone
29 325MLKY Mulky Formation
29 325MNRL Mineral Formation
29 325MRMN Marmaton Group
29 325NOWT Nowata Shale
29 325PWNE Pawnee Limestone
29 325RBBC Robinson Branch Formation
29 325ROWE Rowe Formation
29 325SCMN Scammon Formation
29 325SVLL Seville Limestone Member of Krebs Formation
29 325TEBO Tebo Formation
29 325VRDG Verdigris Limestone Member of Cabaniss Formation
29 325WEIR Weir Formation
29 325WRNR Warner Sandstone Member of Krebs Formation
29 326ATCK Atoka Formation
29 326ATKN Atokan Series
29 326ATOK Atokan Series
29 326BRGR Burgner Formation
29 326CLNM Cheltenham Formation
29 326MCLT Mc Louth Formation
29 326RVRN Riverton Formation
29 328HALE Hale Formation
29 328MRRN Morrowan Series
29 328MRRW Morrowan Series
29 330CTNG Chattanooga Shale
29 330MSSP Mississippian System
29 331BSVL Batesville Sandstone
29 331HDVL Hindsville Limestone
29 332AXVS Aux Vases Sandstone
29 332BSVL Batesville Sandstone
29 332CPRS Cypress Formation
29 332CRVL Carterville Formation
29 332CSTR Chesterian Series
29 332CYPR Cypress Formation
29 332FTVL Fayetteville Shale
29 332GLCD Golconda Formation
29 332GLND Glen Dean Limestone
29 332HDBG Hardinsburg Sandstone
29 332PNCK Paint Creek Formation
29 332RNLT Renault Formation
29 332TSPG Tar Springs Sandstone
29 332VINN Vienna Limestone
29 332YNKN Yankeetown Sandstone
29 333MRMC Meramecian Series
29 333SALM Salem Formation
29 333SGSL Ste. Genevieve-St Louis Limestones, Undifferentiated
29 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
29 333SLEM Salem Formation
29 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
29 333WRSW Warsaw Formation
29 337CHUT Chouteau Limestone
29 337CMPN Compton Limestone
29 338BRLG Burlington Limestone
29 338ELSY Elsey Formation
29 338FRGL Fern Glen Limestone
29 338GDFL Grand Falls Formation
29 338KKKB Keokuk-Burlington Limestones, Undifferentiated
29 338KKUK Keokuk Limestone
29 338OSGE Osagean Series
29 338PRSN Pierson Formation
29 338RSPG Reeds Spring Limestone
29 338SRCK Short Creek Oolite
29 339BCLR Bachelor Sandstone
29 339HNBL Hannibal Formation
29 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
29 339NRTV Northview Shale
29 339SDLI Sedalia Formation
29 340DVNN Devonian System
29 341BBRG Bushberg Sandstone
29 341CTNG Chattanooga Shale
29 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
29 341GLPK Glen Park Limestone
29 341GRCK Grassy Creek Shale
29 341LUSN Louisiana Formation
29 341SDCK Snyder Creek Formation
29 341SSPG Sulfur Springs Group
29 341SVRN Saverton Formation
29 341SYCK Snyder Creek Shale
29 344BUVS Beauvais Sandstone
29 344CLCK Clear Creek Chert
29 344CLLY Callaway Formation
29 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
29 344FRTN Fortune Formation
29 344GRDT Grand Tower Limestone
29 344SLRN St Laurent Formation
29 347BILY Bailey Limestone
29 347CLCK Clear Creek Chert
29 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
29 347LLSL Little Saline Limestone
29 350SLRN Silurian System
29 355BBDG Bainbridge Limestone
29 355NGRN Niagaran Series
29 358ALXD Alexandrian Series
29 358BLGG Bowling Green Dolomite
29 358CYRN Cyrene Limestone Member of Edgewood Formation
29 358EDGD Edgewood Formation
29 358GRRD Girardeau Limestone
29 358SXCK Sexton Creek Limestone
29 360ODVC Ordovician System
29 361MQKT Maquoketa Shale
29 362CAPE Cape Limestone
29 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
29 362OCCK Orchard Creek Shale
29 362THBS Thebes Sandstone
29 364DCRH Decorah Formation
29 364EVRN Everton Formation
29 364JCHM Joachim Dolomite
29 364KMCK Kimmswick Limestone
29 364PLTN Plattin Limestone
29 364SPEV St Peter Sandstone-Everton Formation, Undifferentiated
29 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
29 365CMPL Champlainian Series
29 365DTCN Dutchtown Formation
29 365RKLV Rock Levee Formation
29 367CRJF Cotter-Jefferson City Dolomite
29 367CTTR Cotter Dolomite
29 367GNTR Gunter Sandstone Member of Gasconade Dolomite
29 367GSCD Gasconade Dolomite
29 367GSCDL Gasconade Dolomite, Lower
29 367GSCDU Gasconade Dolomite, Upper
29 367RBDX Roubidoux Formation
29 367SMVL Smithville Formation
29 367SMVP Smithville Formation-Powell Limestone
29 368CNDN Canadian Series
29 368JFRC Jefferson City Dolomite
29 368PLCR Powell-Cotter Dolomites
29 368PWLL Powell Dolomite
29 368SCRK Swan Creek Member of Cotter Formation or Dolomite
29 370CMBR Cambrian System
29 371BCKE Black Earth Member of St. Lawrence Formation
29 371BDDD Bonneterre-Davis Formations and Davis-Derby Dolomites
29 371BNTR Bonneterre Formation
29 371BONR Bonneterre Formation
29 371BRKM Birkmose Member of Franconia Formation
29 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
29 371DEBD Derby-Doerun Dolomite
29 371DRBD Derby-Doerun Dolomites
29 371DVIS Davis Formation
29 371ECLR Eau Claire Formation
29 371ELVS Elvins Group
29 371EMCP Eminence-Potosi Dolomites
29 371EMNC Eminence Dolomite
29 371IGLV Ironton and Galesville Sandstones
29 371LMTT Lamotte Sandstone
29 371MMNC Momence Sandstone Member of Eminence Dolomite
29 371MSMN Mount Simon Sandstone
29 371POTS Potosi Dolomite
29 371REGN Reagan Sandstone
29 371RENO Reno Member of Franconia Formation
29 371SLRCL St. Lawrence Formation-Lower Part
29 371TOMH Tomah Member of Franconia Formation
29 371TRAK Transition Arkose
29 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
29 BASEMENT Basement
29 BEDROCK Bedrock
30 000UMTL Unknown Material
30 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
30 110ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
30 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
30 110PDMN Pediment Deposits
30 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
30 111ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
30 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
30 111DDGP Dredge Pilings
30 111MTLG Mine Tailings
30 111PDMN Pediment Deposits
30 111SPBK Spoil Banks
30 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
30 112ALMN Altamont Moraine-Wisconsin Stage
30 112ALVM Alluvium
30 112AMWC Altamont Moraine-Wisconsin Stage
30 112DRFT Drift
30 112GCLO Glacial Outwash
30 112GFLK Great Falls Lake Sands
30 112GLCC Glaciolacustrine Deposits
30 112LKML Lake Missoula Beds
30 112OTSH Outwash
30 112TILL Till
30 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
30 112WIOT Wiota Gravels
30 120BLMN Belmont Porphyry
30 120BZMN Bozeman Group
30 120CPCK Carpenter Creek Granite Porphyry
30 120DMLM Drumlummon Porphyry
30 120LNLY Linley Conglomerate
30 120PLNC Plutonic Rocks
30 120PNTO Pinto Diorite
30 120SDMS Sediments
30 120SFRD Stanford Conglomerate
30 120TRTR Tertiary System
30 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
30 121CSTL Castle Granite
30 121FLXV Flaxville Formation
30 121FREL Fort Ellis Beds
30 121LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
30 121SDMS Sediments
30 121VLCC Volcanic Rocks
30 122ARKR Arikaree Formation
30 122DPRVM Deep River Beds (Middle Miocene)
30 122FRLGL Fort Logan Beds (Lower Miocene)
30 122LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
30 122SDMS Sediments
30 122VLCC Volcanic Rocks
30 122WDMN Wood Mountain Gravels
30 123CBGA Climbing Arrow Formation of Bozeman Group (Oligocene-Eocene)
30 123CHLS Challis Volcanics
30 123CKRC Cook Ranch Formation
30 123CPHL Cypress Hills Beds
30 123DBCK Dunbar Creek Formation of Bozeman Group
30 123LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
30 123SDMS Sediments
30 123VLCC Volcanic Rocks
30 123WIRV White River Formation or Group
30 123WRVR White River Formation or Group
30 124BVRD Beaverhead Formation (Eocene-Paleocene)
30 124CRDL Crandall Conglomerate
30 124GLDV Golden Valley Formation
30 124KGBG Kingsburg Conglomerate Member of Wasatch Formation
30 124PLNC Plutonics, Volcanics and Intrusives (Tertiary)
30 124PVIV Plutonics, Volcanics and Intrusives (Tertiary)
30 124REES Reese Formation
30 124SDMS Sediments
30 124SGCK Sage Creek Formation
30 124SPNX Sphinx Conglomerate
30 124VLCC Volcanic Rocks
30 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
30 125BEAR Bear Formation
30 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
30 125HRMN Harmon Lignite Aquifer, Paleocene
30 125LDLW Ludlow Member of Fort Union Formation
30 125LEBO Lebo Member of Fort Union Formation
30 125SNLB Sentinel Butte Member of Fort Union Formation
30 125TGRV Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation
30 125TLCK Tullock Member of Fort Union Formation
30 125WLCK Willow Creek Formation (Paleocene-Late Cretaceous)
30 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
30 210CRCS Cretaceous System
30 211ACRK Ash Creek Sandstone Member of Steel Shale
30 211ADLM Adel Mountain Volcanics
30 211ASPN Aspen Shale
30 211BEFCS Belle Fourche Shale Member of Graneros Shale
30 211BENN Benton Shale of Colorado Group
30 211BGEK Big Elk Sandstone Member of Colorado Shale
30 211BLCK Bull Creek Sandy Limestone Member of Greenhorn Formation
30 211BLDR Boulder Batholith Intrusives
30 211BLFC Belle Fourche Shale Member of Graneros Shale
30 211BMCK Billman Creek Formation (Upper Cretaceous)
30 211BNTN Benton Shale of Colorado Group
30 211BRPW Bearpaw Shale
30 211BSIN Basin Shale
30 211BVCK Beaver Creek Chalky Member of Niobrara Formation
30 211CKDL Cokedale Formation (Upper Cretaceous)
30 211CLGG Claggett Shale of the Montana Group
30 211CLGT Colgate Sandstone Member of Fox Hills Formation
30 211CLRD Colorado Group
30 211CODY Cody Shale
30 211CONE Cone Calcareous Member of Marias River Formation
30 211CRLL Carlile Shale
30 211EGLE Eagle Sandstone
30 211ELKB Elk Basin Sandstone Member of Telegraph Creek Formation
30 211ELKM Elkhorn Mountains Volcanics
30 211FHHC Fox Hills-Hell Creek Aquifer
30 211FLWR Floweree Member of Marias River Formation
30 211FRDG Ferdig Shale Member of Marias River Formation
30 211FRHS Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation
30 211FRNR Frontier Formation
30 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
30 211GMMN Gammon Ferruginous Member of Pierre Shale
30 211GRERC Greenhorn Limestone of Colorado Group
30 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone of Colorado Group
30 211GROT Groat Sandstone Bed of Pierre Shale
30 211GROTP Groat Sandstone Bed of Pierre Shale
30 211GRRS Graneros Shale of Colorado Group
30 211GRRSC Graneros Shale of Colorado Group
30 211HLCK Hell Creek Formation
30 211HPRS Hoppers Formation (Upper Cretaceous)
30 211HRSF Horsethief Sandstone of Montana Group
30 211JDRV Judith River Formation of Montana Group
30 211KVIN Kevin Shale Member of Marias River Formation
30 211LNCE Lance Formation
30 211LNNP Lennep Sandstone of Montana Group
30 211LVGS Upper Cretaceous Livingston Group
30 211LVIG Livingston Igneous Series of Livingston Group
30 211MAVL Marysville Intrusives
30 211MEVD Mesaverde Formation or Group
30 211MMHL Monument Hill Bentonitic Member of Pierre Shale
30 211MNTN Montana Group
30 211MRCK Miner Creek Formation (Upper Cretaceous)
30 211MRRV Marias River Formation of Colorado Group
30 211MRVL Marysville Intrusives
30 211MSBY Mosby Sandstone Member of Warm Creek Shale
30 211MTTN Mitten Black Shale Member of Pierre Shale
30 211MTTS Meeteetse Formation
30 211MVRD Mesaverde Formation or Group
30 211NBRR Niobrara Formation of Colorado Group
30 211NBRRC Niobrara Formation of Colorado Group
30 211PDRO Pedro Bentonite Bed of Pierre Shale
30 211PEAY Peay Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
30 211PIER Pierre Shale of Montana Group
30 211PINY Piney Formation
30 211PIRR Pierre Shale of Montana Group
30 211PLNC Plutonic Rocks Upper Cretaceous
30 211PRKM Parkman Sandstone of Montana Group
30 211SABK Sage Breaks Shale Member of Niobrara Formation
30 211SGBK Sage Breaks Shale Member of Niobrara Shale
30 211SGHN Sage Hen Limestone of Colorado Shale
30 211SGVH Scratchgravel Hills Intrusives
30 211SLPF Member of Miner Creek Formation (Sulphur Flats Sandstone)
30 211SMKH Smoky Hill Chalk Member of Niobrara Formation
30 211SMRV St Mary River Formation
30 211SMSM Slim Sam Formation
30 211SNNN Shannon Sandstone Member of Cody Shale
30 211SPCK Soap Creek Bentonite Bed Member of Frontier Formation
30 211SSSX Sussex Sandstone Member of Cody Shale
30 211STEL Steele Shale
30 211SVLF Stoneville Flats Limestone Member of Belle Fourche Shale
30 211TCLG Torchlight Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
30 211TECK Telegraph Creek Formation of Montana Group
30 211TMBS Tombstone Sandstone
30 211TMDC Two Medicine Formation of Montana Group
30 211TPCK Telegraph Creek Formation of Montana Group
30 211TPOT Teapot Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Formation
30 211TRNR Turner Sandy Member of Carlile Shale
30 211VRGL Virgelle Sandstone Member of Eagle Sandstone
30 211WLCK Wall Creek Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
30 211WMCK Warm Creek Shale of Colorado Group
30 217AMFK American Fork Formation
30 217BCKF Blackleaf Formation of Colorado Group
30 217BIDD Birdhead Sandstone Member
30 217BILD Bow Island Sandstone
30 217BLGR Bootlegger Member of Blackleaf Formation
30 217BRDD Birdhead Sandstone Member
30 217CBNK Cut Bank Sandstone
30 217CLSN Chilson Member of Lakota Formation
30 217CLSP Clay Spur Bentonite Bed of Mowry Shale
30 217CLVL Cloverly Formation
30 217DAKO Dakota Sandstone or Formation
30 217DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
30 217DRLG Darling Sandstone
30 217FCCK First Cat Creek Sandstone of Colorado Group
30 217FLOD Flood Shale Member of Black Leaf Formation
30 217FLRV Fall River Formation of Inyan Kara Group
30 217FLRVI Fall River Formation of Inyan Kara Group
30 217FUSN Fuson Member of Lakota Formation
30 217GRBL Greybull Sandstone Member of Cloverly Formation
30 217HINS Hines Member of Cloverly Formation
30 217INKR Inyan Kara Group
30 217KOTN Kootenai Formation
30 217LAKT Lakota Sandstone of Inyan Kara Group
30 217LKOT Lakota Sandstone of Inyan Kara Group
30 217LLSP Little Sheep Member of Cloverly Formation
30 217LPTN Lupton Sand of Kootenai Formation (2 Nd Cat Creek Sand)
30 217MDDY Muddy Sandstone Member of Thermopolis Shale
30 217MLTN Moulton Sandstone
30 217MSSR Mosser Sandstone
30 217MWRY Mowry Shale
30 217NCSL Newcastle Sandstone Member of Graneros Shale
30 217NECL Newcastle Sandstone Member of Graneros Shale
30 217PRYR Pryor Conglomerate Member of Cloverly Formation
30 217SBRS Sunburst Sandstone
30 217SCCK Second Cat Creek Sandstone of Kootenai Formation
30 217SKCK Skull Creek Shale Member of Graneros Shale
30 217SKUC Skull Creek Shale Member of Graneros Shale
30 217TCCK Third Cat Creek Sandstone of Kootenai Formation
30 217TFHL Taft Hill Member of Blackleaf Formation
30 217TMPL Thermopolis Shale
30 217VGHN Vaughn Member of Blackleaf Formation
30 220ELLS Ellis Group
30 220JRSC Jurassic System
30 221CSPGS Canyon Springs Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
30 221HLTT Hulett Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
30 221LAK Lak Member of Sundance Formation
30 221MRSN Morrison Formation
30 221RDTR Redwater Shale Member of Sundance Formation
30 221RIRD Rierdon Formation of Ellis Group
30 221RRDN Rierdon Formation of Ellis Group
30 221SKBV Stockade Beaver Shale Member of Sundance Formation
30 221SNDC Sundance Formation
30 221SWFT Swift Formation of Ellis Group
30 221SWIF Swift Formation of Ellis Group
30 224BOWS Bowes Member of Piper Formation
30 224FRMN Firemoon Limestone Member of Piper Formation
30 224GPSP Gypsum Spring Formation
30 224KLIN Kline Member of Nesson Formation
30 224NSSN Nesson Formation
30 224PCRD Picard Member of Nesson Formation
30 224PIPR Piper Formation
30 224POE Poe Member of Nesson Formation
30 224STTH Sawtooth Formation of Ellis Group
30 224TMPC Tampico Member of Piper Formation
30 230ALCV Alcova Limestone Member of Chugwater Formation
30 230BWLR Bowler Formation Triassic and Permian
30 230CGTR Chugwater Formation
30 230CRMN Crow Mountain Sandstone Member of Chugwater Formation
30 230GSEG Goose Egg Formation
30 230RDPK Red Peak Member of Chugwater Formation
30 230SPRF Spearfish Formation (Triassic-Permian)
30 230TRSC Triassic System
30 231PPAG Popo Agie Member of Chugwater Formation
30 237DNDY Dinwoody Formation
30 237SPRF Spearfish Formation
30 237TYNS Thaynes Limestone, Formation or Group
30 237WDSD Woodside Formation, Siltstone and/or Redbeds
30 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
30 310FRNS Franson Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
30 310GPKC Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
30 310GRAD Grandeur Member of Park City Formation
30 310GRDR Grandeur Member of Park City Formation
30 310MDPK Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
30 310MNLS Minnelusa Formation (Permian andPennsylvanian)
30 310PRKC Park City Formation or Group
30 310PRMN Permian System
30 310PSPR Phosphoria Formation
30 310REX Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
30 310RPHP Retort Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
30 310RTRT Retort Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
30 310RXPP Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
30 310SDRN Shedhorn Sandstone
30 310TOSI Tosi Chert Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
30 317MNKT Minnekahta Limestone Member of Goose Egg Formation
30 317OPCH Opeche Shale
30 317TSLP Tensleep Sandstone
30 320AKBC Alaska Bench Limestone of Amsden Group
30 320AMSD Amsden Formation
30 320DRWN Darwin Sandstone of Amsden Group
30 320DVPK Devils Pocket Formation of Amsden Group
30 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
30 320QDRN Quadrant Quartzite or Formation
30 320TYLR Tyler Formation of Amsden Group
30 320TYLRA Tyler Formation of Amsden Group
30 330BKKN Bakken Formation (Mississippian-Devonian)
30 330CLRF Castle Reef Dolomite of Madison Group
30 330EGLD Englewood Formation
30 330HNNH Hannah Limestone
30 330MDLC Middle Canyon Formation of White Knob Group
30 330MLGN Milligen Formation
30 330MSSP Mississippian System
30 330SCPK Scott Peak Formation of White Knob Group
30 330SCRK South Creek Formation of White Knob Group
30 330SRCN Surrett Canyon Formation of White Knob Group
30 330SRVR Sun River Member of Castle Reef Dolomite
30 330WKNB White Knob Group
30 331A A Zone of Charles Formation
30 331B B Zone of Charles Formation
30 331BGSN Big Snowy Group
30 331C C Zone (Berentson Zone) of Charles Formation
30 331CARL Charles Formation of Madison Group
30 331CRLS Charles Formation of Madison Group
30 331HETH Heath Formation or Shale of Big Snowy Group
30 331KBBY Kibbey Sandstone of Big Snowy Group
30 331KIBB Kibbey Sandstone of Big Snowy Group
30 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
30 331MIDL Midale Zone of Charles Formation
30 331MSNC Mission Canyon Limestone
30 331OTTR Otter Formation of Big Snowy Group
30 337ALMN Allen Mountain Limestone of Madison Group
30 337D D Zone of Mission Canyon Formation
30 337DNLK Dean Lake Chert Member of Madison Limestone
30 337LCFC Little Chief Canyon Member of Lodgepole Limestone
30 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone of Madison Group
30 337MNRM Monitor Mountain Limestone Member of Madison Limestone
30 337PHSP Pahasapa Limestone
30 337PINE Paine Shale Member of Lodgepole Formation
30 337RONY Rooney Chert Member of Madison Limestone
30 337SLVP Silvertip Conglomerate Member of Madison Limestone
30 337SPNG Sappington Sandstone Member of Three Forks Shale
30 337SYPO Saypo Limestone Member of Madison Limestone
30 337WDRS Woodhurst Limestone Member of Lodgepole Formation
30 340DVNN Devonian System
30 341BRDB Birdbear Formation
30 341BVLK Beaverhill Lake Group or Formation
30 341CPLK Coopers Lake Limestone Member of Jefferson Limestone
30 341DPRW Duperow Formation of Jefferson Group
30 341DRBY Darby Formation
30 341DUPR Duperow Formation of Jefferson Group
30 341EXSH Exshaw Shale
30 341GLCK Glen Creek Shale Member of Jefferson Limestone
30 341GRDV Grand View Dolomite
30 341JEFF Jefferson Limestone, Dolomite, Formation or Group
30 341JFRS Jefferson Limestone Dolomite Formation or Group
30 341LNBT Lone Butte Limestone Member of Jefferson Limestone
30 341NSKU Nisku Formation
30 341PTLC Potlatch Formation or Anhydrite
30 341SPDB Spotted Bear Limestone Member of Jefferson Limestone
30 341SRRV Souris River Formation
30 341TRFK Three Forks Shale
30 341UNON Union Shale
30 341WDBD Woodbend Formation
30 341WRDG White Ridge Limestone Member of Jefferson Limestone
30 344ASRN Ashern Formation
30 344BRTB Beartooth Butte Formation
30 344DSNB Dawson Bay Formation
30 344ELKP Elk Point Group
30 344MYWD Maywood Formation
30 344PRAR Prairie Evaporite Formation of Elk Point Group
30 344PRIR Prairie Evaporite Formation of Elk Point Group
30 344WPGS Winnipegosis Formation
30 350IRLK Interlake Formation
30 350LKTN Laketown Dolomite
30 350SLRN Silurian System
30 360DDWD Deadwood Formation
30 360ODVC Ordovician System
30 361BGRN Bighorn Dolomite
30 361GNTN Gunton Member of Stony Mountain Formation
30 361HRDG Harding Sandstone of Bighorn Dolomite
30 361LIGH Leigh Dolomite Member of Bighorn Dolomite
30 361LNDR Lander Sandstone Member of Bighorn Dolomite
30 361RDRV Red River Formation of Bighorn Group
30 361RERV Red River Formation of Bighorn Group
30 361SNMN Stony Mountain Formation
30 361SONM Stony Mountain Formation of Bighorn Group
30 361STGN Stoughton Member of Stony Mountain Formation
30 361WHTD Whitewood Dolomite
30 364ALDN Aladdin Sandstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
30 364ICBX Icebox Shale Member of Winnipeg Formation
30 364KNKC Kinnikinic Quartzite
30 364RGCK Roughlock Siltstone
30 364WNPG Winnipeg Formation
30 367EMRS Emerson Formation
30 370BKSP Buck Spring Formation
30 370CMBR Cambrian System
30 370TLDN Tilden Formation
30 371CMBR Cambrian System, Upper
30 371DRBR Dearborn Limestone
30 371DRCK Dry Creek Shale
30 371DUNR Du Noir Limestone Member of Gallatin Limestone
30 371DVLG Devils Glenn Dolomite
30 371GLTN Gallatin Limestone or Formation
30 371GVCK Grove Creek Member of Snowy Range Formation
30 371HMRK Hasmark Formation or Dolomite
30 371OPDR Open Door Limestone
30 371PIGM Pilgrim Limestone or Dolomite
30 371PLGM Pilgrim Limestone or Dolomite
30 371RDLN Red Lion Formation
30 371SCBK Switchback Shale
30 371SNRG Snowy Range Formation of Gallatin Group
30 371SORG Snowy Range Formation of Gallatin Group
30 371YOGO Yogo Limestone
30 374ALPR Alpreston Quartzite
30 374DCNN Death Canyon Limestone Member of Gros Ventre Formation
30 374DETC Death Canyon Limestone Member of Gros Ventre Formation
30 374DMNN Damnation Limestone
30 374FLTD Flathead Quartzite or Sandstone
30 374GRDN Gordon Shale
30 374GRVR Gros Ventre Formation
30 374MGHR Meagher Limestone
30 374PARK Park Shale or Argillite
30 374PARKA Park Shale or Argillite
30 374PGOD Pagoda Limestone
30 374PNGN Pentagon Shale
30 374SLVL Silver Hill Formation
30 374WLSY Wolsey Shale or Formation
30 377EMRS Emerson Formation
30 377GRDN Gordon Shale
30 377PGOD Pagoda Limestone
30 377PNGN Pentagon Shale
30 377SCBK Switchback Shale
30 377SLVH Silver Hill Formation
30 377STMB Steamboat Limestone
30 400AHRN Ahorn Quartzite
30 400ALTN Altyn Limestone
30 400APKN Appekunny Formation
30 400BCRD Bouchard Formation of Missoula Group
30 400BELT Belt Supergroup
30 400BELTG Belt Supergroup
30 400BNNR Bonner Quartzite of Missoula Group
30 400BURK Burke Formation of Ravalli Group
30 400CMBL Chamberlain Shale
30 400COOK Cook Granite
30 400CRCK Cherry Creek Group (Pre-belt)
30 400CYUS Cayuse Limestone
30 400EMPR Empire Formation
30 400GCRK Goose Creek Granite
30 400GRNL Grinnell Formation of Ravalli Group
30 400GRRG Garnet Range Quartzite or Formation of Missoula Group
30 400GRRM Greenhorn Mountain Quartzite
30 400GRSN Greyson Shale
30 400GTWY Gateway Formation
30 400HDLY Hoadley Formation
30 400HELN Helena Dolomite
30 400HLGT Hellgate Quartzite Member of Miller Peak Argillite
30 400KNTL Kintla Argillite of Missoula Group
30 400LBBY Libby Formation of Missoula Group
30 400LHOD Lahood Formation
30 400LMHI Lemhi Quartzite
30 400LUPN Lupine Quartzite of Missoula Group
30 400MCMR Mcnamara Argillite or Formation of Missoula Group
30 400MLPK Miller Peak Argillite or Formation of Missoula Group
30 400MRSH Marsh Formation of Missoula Group
30 400MSSL Missoula Group
30 400NHRT Neihart Quartzite
30 400NLND Newland Formation or Limestone
30 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
30 400PIGN Piegan Group
30 400PLCR Pilcher Quartzite of Missoula Group
30 400PONY Pony Series (Pre-belt)
30 400PRBL Pre-Belt Rocks
30 400PRCD Prichard Formation or Slate
30 400PRCL Purcell Basalt of Missoula Group
30 400RVLL Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400RVLLG Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400RVTT Revett Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400RVTTG Revett Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400SIYH Siyeh Limestone of Piegan Group
30 400SLWY Sloway Formation of Missoula Group
30 400SPKN Spokane Shale
30 400SPPK Striped Peak Formation of Missoula Group
30 400SPRC Spruce Formation of Missoula Group
30 400SPRD Shepard Formation of Missoula Group
30 400SRGS St Regis Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400SRGSG St Regis Formation of Ravalli Group of Belt Supergroup
30 400STLR Stillwater Complex (Pre-belt)
30 400SWGR Swauger Quartzite
30 400WALC Wallace Formation of Piegan Group
30 400WLLC Wallace Formation of Piegan Group
30 420EMPR Empire Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420GRSN Greyson Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420HELN Helena Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420MSLD Mount Shields Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420SPKN Spokane Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420SPRD Shepard Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 420SSLP Snowslip Formation (Middle Proterozoic)
30 BASEMENT Basement
30 BEDROCK Bedrock
31 000UMTL Unknown Material
31 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
31 10DUNE Dune, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
31 110DUNE Dune Sand
31 110QRNR Quaternary System
31 110SAGR Sand and Gravel Deposits, Undifferentiated
31 110SDGV Sand and Gravel Deposits, Undifferentiated
31 110WDBS Windblown Sand Deposits, Undifferentiated
31 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
31 111HLCN Holocene Series
31 112LOSS Loess
31 112PLPL Plio-Pleistocene, Sand and Gravel Deposits, Undifferentiated
31 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
31 112SDGV Sand and Gravel Deposits
31 112SDGVD Sand and Gravel Deposits
31 112SDHL Sandhills Deposits
31 112TILL Till
31 120TRTR Tertiary System
31 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
31 121PLCN Pliocene Series
31 122ARIK Arikaree Group
31 122ARKR Arikaree Group
31 122GRNG Gering Formation
31 122HMGF Hemingford Group
31 122HRSN Harrison Sandstone
31 122MOCN Miocene Series
31 122MRCK Monroe Creek Formation
31 122MRLD Marsland Formation
31 122SPCK Sheep Creek Formation
31 123BRUL Brule Formation of White River Group
31 123CDRN Chadron Formation of White River Group
31 123CDRNB Chadron Formation, Basal Sand and Gravel
31 123OLGC Oligocene Series
31 123WRVR White River Group
31 123WRVRG White River Group
31 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
31 210CRCS Cretaceous System
31 211BLHL Blue Hill Shale Member of Carlile Shale
31 211CDLL Codell Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
31 211CLRD Colorado Group
31 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
31 211CRLL Carlile Shale
31 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
31 211FRPR Fairport Chalky Shale Member of Carlile Shale
31 211FTHS Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation
31 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
31 211GRER Greenhorn Limestone
31 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone or Formation
31 211GRRS Graneros Shale
31 211LNCE Lance Formation
31 211MNTN Montana Group
31 211MNTNU Montana Group, Upper (Lance Formation-Fox Hills Sandstone)
31 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
31 211PIRR Pierre Shale
31 211SMHI Smoky Hill Shale Member of Niobrara Formation
31 211SMKH Smoky Hill Shale Member of Niobrara Formation
31 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
31 217D D Sand
31 217FARV Fall River Sandstone
31 217FLRV Fall River Sandstone
31 217INKR Inyan Kara Group
31 217J J Sand
31 217LKOT Lakota Formation
31 217NCSL Newcastle Sandstone
31 217SKCK Skull Creek Shale
31 217SKCKS Skull Creek Shale of the Dakota Group
31 220JRSC Jurassic System
31 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
31 221MRSN Morrison Formation
31 221SNDC Sundance Formation
31 230SPRF Spearfish Formation (Triassic-Permian)
31 230TRSC Triassic System
31 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
31 310BMCK Broom Creek Group
31 310BMCKG Broom Creek Group
31 310CASA Cassa Group
31 310CASS Cassa Group
31 310JSLV Janesville Shale
31 310MFLD Matfield Shale
31 310NLNS Nolans Limestone
31 310NNSC Ninnescah Shale
31 310ONAG Onaga Shale
31 310PRMN Permian System
31 311ERVY Ervay Equivalent
31 311FRLL Forelle Limestone
31 311GLND Glendo Shale
31 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
31 317FLSC Falls City Limestone
31 317FNSN Funston Limestone
31 317OPCH Opeche Shale
31 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
31 318LNRD Leonardian Series
31 318MNKT Minnekahta Limestone
31 318SCRL Stone Corral Formation
31 319ADMR Admire Group
31 319BDER Bader Limestone
31 319BRNS Barneston Limestone
31 319BRPD Blue Rapids Shale
31 319BTTI Beattie Limestone
31 319CCGV Council Grove Group
31 319CHSE Chase Group
31 319CRUS Crouse Limestone
31 319DOYL Doyle Shale
31 319EKDG Eskridge Shale
31 319ELCK Easley Creek Shale
31 319FRCK Foraker Limestone
31 319GRNL Grenola Limestone
31 319JNSN Johnson Shale
31 319ODEL Odell Shale
31 319RDEG Red Eagle Limestone
31 319ROCA Roca Shale
31 319SPSR Speiser Shale
31 319SRNS Sterns Shale
31 319WFLD Winfield Limestone
31 319WFMP Wolfcampian Series
31 319WRFR Wreford Limestone
31 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
31 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
31 322ABRN Auburn Shale
31 322BERN Bern Limestone
31 322CASS Cass Limestone
31 322CLHN Calhoun Shale
31 322DGLS Douglas Group
31 322DRCK Deer Creek Limestone
31 322EMPR Emporia Limestone
31 322HWRD Howard Limestone
31 322KNWK Kanwaka Shale
31 322LCMP Lecompton Limestone
31 322LRNC Lawrence Shale
31 322ORED Oread Limestone
31 322PLBR Pillsbury Shale
31 322PLFD Plattford Shale
31 322ROOT Root Shale
31 322SCRN Scranton Shale
31 322SHWN Shawnee Group
31 322SRGR Stranger Formation
31 322STLR Stotler Limestone
31 322SVRY Severy Shale
31 322TCMS Tecumseh Shale
31 322TOPK Topeka Limestone
31 322VRGL Virgilian Series
31 322WBNS Wabaunsee Group
31 322WDSG Wood Siding Shale
31 322WLRD Willard Shale
31 322ZNOL Zeandale Limestone
31 323BSPG Bonner Springs Shale
31 323CANT Chanute Shale of the Kansas City Group
31 323CHNT Chanute Shale
31 323DNNS Dennis Limestone
31 323DRUM Drum Limestone
31 323FNTN Fontana Shale
31 323FONT Fontana Shale
31 323GLBG Galesburg Shale
31 323HRTH Hertha Limestone
31 323IATN Iatan Limestone
31 323IOLA Iola Limestone
31 323KSSC Kansas City Group
31 323LANE Lane Shale
31 323LDOR Ladore Shale
31 323LNSG Lansing Group
31 323MSSR Missourian Series
31 323PEDE Pedee Group
31 323PLBG Plattsburg Limestone
31 323PLSN Pleasanton Group
31 323QUIV Quivira Shale Member of Cherryvale Formation
31 323QUVR Quivira Shale Member of Cherryvale Formation
31 323SRPY Sarpy Formation
31 323STNN Stanton Limestone
31 323SWOP Swope Limestone
31 323VILS Vilas Shale
31 323WNDT Wyandotte Limestone
31 323WSTN Weston Shale
31 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
31 325ALMN Altamont Limestone
31 325ARDM Ardmore Limestone
31 325BNDR Bandera Shale
31 325CHRK Cherokee Group
31 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
31 325FRSC Fort Scott Limestone
31 325LBTT Labette Shale
31 325MRMN Marmaton Group
31 325NOWT Nowata Shale
31 325PWNE Pawnee Limestone
31 330CTNG Chattanooga Shale
31 330MSSP Mississippian System
31 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
31 333MRMC Meramecian Series
31 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
31 333SLEM Salem Limestone
31 333SPRG Spergen Limestone
31 333SPRGT Spergen Limestone
31 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
31 333WRSW Warsaw Formation
31 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
31 338KKKB Keokuk-Burlington Limestones, Undifferentiated
31 338OSGE Osagean Series
31 339BOIC Boice Shale
31 339GLMC Gilmore City Limestone
31 339HMPN Hampton Formation
31 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
31 340DVNN Devonian System
31 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
31 341LMCK Lime Creek Formation
31 344CDVL Cedar Valley Limestone
31 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
31 344WPPC Wapsipinicon Limestone
31 350SLRN Silurian System
31 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
31 355GOWR Gower Formation
31 355HPKN Hopkinton Formation
31 355NGRN Niagaran Series
31 357KNKK Kankakee Formation
31 360ODVC Ordovician System
31 361MQKT Maquoketa Shale
31 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
31 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
31 364DCRH Decorah Formation
31 364GLEN Galena Dolomite
31 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
31 364PLVL Platteville Formation
31 364STPR St Peter Sandstone
31 365CMPL Champlainian Series
31 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
31 367PRDC Prairie Du Chien Group
31 367PRDCG Prairie Du Chien Group
31 368CNDN Canadian Series
31 370CMBR Cambrian System
31 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
31 371DRBC Dresbach Group
31 371FRNC Franconia Sandstone
31 371TMPL Trempealeau Formation
31 400IGNS Precambrian Igneous Rocks
31 400MMPC Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks
31 400MMRP Metamorphic Rocks Undifferentiated
31 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
31 400SOUX Sioux Quartzite
31 BASEMENT Basement
31 BEDROCK Bedrock
32 000UMTL Unknown Material
32 100CLDD Consolidated Rocks
32 100VFRV Valley-Fill Reservoir
32 100VLFL Valley Fill
32 110CLDD Consolidated Deposits
32 110LSVG Las Vegas Formation
32 110QRNR Quaternary System
32 110UCDD Unconsolidated Deposits
32 110VLCC Volcanic Rocks
32 110VLFL Valley Fill
32 111ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
32 111ALVFY Alluvial-Fan Deposits, Younger
32 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
32 111ALVMY Alluvium, Younger
32 111CLVM Colluvium
32 111CNNL Channel Deposits
32 111DUNE Dune Sand
32 111FLDP Flood-Plain Deposits
32 111GVLB Gravel-Bar Deposits
32 111HLCN Holocene Series
32 111LDLD Landslide Deposits
32 111LKBP Lakebeds and Playa Deposits
32 111PLAY Playa Deposits
32 111SNTR Sinter Deposits
32 111TUFF Tuffa Deposits
32 112ALVFO Alluvial-Fan Deposits, Older
32 112ALVM Alluvium, Older
32 112ALVMO Alluvium, Older
32 112BBRG Basalt of Basalt Ridge
32 112BRGR Brougher Dacite
32 112DUNE Dunes, Pleistocene
32 112FGLM Fanglomerate
32 112GLCL Glacial Deposits
32 112HCMP Horse Camp Formation
32 112LKBD Lakebed Deposits
32 112LKBDD Lake Bed Deposits
32 112LKBP Lakebeds and Playa Deposits
32 112ODDI Oddie Rhyolite
32 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
32 112RBSP Rabbit Spring Formation
32 112SNTR Sinter Deposits
32 112TUFF Tuffa Deposits
32 112VLCC Volcanic Rocks
32 120CCOV Charcoal Oven Tuff
32 120CLDD Consolidated Deposits
32 120CRNT Currant Tuff
32 120GLHL Gale Hills Formation (Possibly Cretaceous)
32 120GRNC Granitic Rocks
32 120HSPG Horse Spring Formation
32 120IDVD Ida Vada Volcanics
32 120JPRD Jasperoid Breccia
32 120KNSC Kinsey Canyon Formation
32 120OVRN Overton Formation (Possibly Cretaceous)
32 120PANC Panaca Beds
32 120PKSM Pancake Summit Tuff
32 120PNSL Pansy Lee Conglomerate
32 120SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
32 120SGLP Shingle Pass Tuff
32 120SNCB Stone Cabin Tuff
32 120TRTR Tertiary System
32 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
32 120WDSB Windous Butte Formation
32 121ALVFO Alluvial-Fan Deposits, Older
32 121ALVMO Alluvium, Older
32 121AMTK Ammonia Tanks Member
32 121CNDC Cottonwood Canyon Formation
32 121EMLD Esmeralda Formation
32 121GLDF Gold Flat Member
32 121HDCF Hidden Cliff Trachyte
32 121HGRK High Rock Sequence
32 121HMBD Humboldt Formation
32 121KTPK Kate Peak Formation
32 121LBRC Labyrinth Canyon Member
32 121MDCK Muddy Creek Formation
32 121PANC Panaca Formation
32 121PLCN Pliocene Series
32 121PSPG Pillar Spring Rhyolite
32 121RBCF Ribbon Cliff Rhyolite
32 121RRMS Rainier Mesa Member
32 121SBRT Siebert Tuff
32 121SLLK Salt Lake Formation
32 121SNLM Stonewall Mountain Basalt
32 121TMBM Timber Mountain Rhyolite
32 121TRCK Truckee Formation
32 121TRSC Thirsty Canyon Tuff
32 121TRSR Trail Ridge, Spearhead and Rocket Wash Members of Thirsty Canyon Tuff
32 121YLCF Yellow Cleft Trachyte
32 122ALTA Alta Formation
32 122APSP Antelope Springs Tuffs
32 122AR20 Tuffs and Rhyolites of Area 20
32 122BCKR Buckwheat Rim Tuff
32 122BDRG Belted Range Tuff
32 122BKBM Black Beauty Mesa Tuff
32 122BSMN Bates Mountain Tuff
32 122BSSV Big Sand Springs Valley Rhyolite
32 122CCPK Cactus Peak Rhyolite
32 122CHSP Chispa Andesite
32 122CNON Canon Rhyolite
32 122CRFL Crater Flat Tuff
32 122DDHF Lava and Tuff of Dead Horse Flat
32 122EDCK Edwards Creek Tuff
32 122EMLD Esmeralda Formation
32 122FCKM Fish Creek Mountains Tuff
32 122FRCN Fraction Tuff
32 122GLDF Gold Flat Tuff and Rhyolite
32 122GRSC Grouse Canyon Member
32 122HFDH Hartford Hill Rhyolite Tuff
32 122HULP Hualapai Limestone
32 122IDTL Indian Trail Formation
32 122KCVL Kawich Valley Rhyolite
32 122KNDL Kendall Tuff
32 122LRCS Lunar Cuesta Tuff
32 122MIRA Mira Basalt
32 122MLTN Milltown Andesite
32 122MOCN Miocene Series
32 122MORN Morena Rhyolite
32 122NPSS New Pass Tuff
32 122OBKB O Briens Knob Rhyolite
32 122ORBP Ocher Ridge and Belted Peak Rhyolite
32 122PBRS Paintbrush Tuff
32 122PCNN Pah Canyon Member
32 122PEMD Pre-Esmeralda Volcanic Rocks
32 122PRMD Pyramid Sequence
32 122QRDM Quartet Dome Rhyolite
32 122QRZM Quartz Mountain Rhyolite
32 122SCKW Stockade Wash Member
32 122SCRM Saucer Mesa Trachyte
32 122SDRM Sandstorm Rhyolite
32 122SLFL Stonewall Flat Andesite
32 122SLYR Salyer Formation
32 122TBSP Tub Springs Member
32 122TCPK Tolicha Peak Tuff
32 122TPPS Topopah Spring Member
32 122TVCN Tiva Canyon Member
32 122VDCR Vindicator Rhyolite
32 122VLCC Volcanic Rocks
32 122WBSP White Blotch Spring Tuff
32 122WCMP Wilsons Camp Tuff
32 122WHMN Wahmonie Formation
32 122WRDG White Ridge Rhyolite
32 123BGRV Big Round Valley Tuff
32 123BKRS Black Rock Summitt Tuff
32 123CLWL Calloway Well Formation
32 123CTNO Caetano Tuff
32 123GMGC Gilmore Gulch Formation
32 123HCKC Hot Creek Canyon Tuff
32 123HFDH Hartford Hill Rhyolite
32 123HLGM Halligan Mesa Tuff
32 123MNTN Monotony Tuff
32 123MRSB Moores Station Butte Tuff
32 123MZPH Mizpah Trachyte
32 123NDLS The Needles Tuff
32 123NDRG Needles Range Formation
32 123OLCK Orange Lichen Creek Tuff
32 123OLGC Oligocene Series
32 123PCDS Prichards Station
32 123PHLV Pott Hole Valley Tuff
32 123PHRH Pah Rah Formation
32 123PLDM Palisade Mesa Tuff
32 123RRKC Red Rock Canyon Tuff
32 123STWL South Willow Formation
32 123TNPH Tonopah Formation
32 123TPKS Twin Peaks Tuff
32 123TSCN Titus Canyon Formation
32 123WRMP Williams Ridge and Morey Peak Tuff
32 124SPPS Sheep Pass Formation
32 200GRNC Granitic Rocks
32 200MMPC Metamorphic Rocks
32 200SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
32 210CKCC Chokecherry Canyon Formation
32 210GDVL Garden Valley Formation
32 210GRNC Granitic Rocks
32 210IRSV Intrusive Rocks
32 210KGLR King Lear Formation
32 210NRKC Newark Canyon Formation
32 210THMB Thumb Formation
32 210WLTK Willow Tank Formation
32 210WVRC Weaver Canyon Breccia
32 220AZTC Aztec Sandstone
32 220GRNC Granitic Rocks
32 220NGGL Nightingale Sequence
32 220PVIN Peavine Sequence
32 227DNLP Dunlap Formation
32 230AGST Augusta Sequence
32 230CSPG Cane Spring Formation
32 230DNGL Dun Glen Formation
32 230DXVL Dixie Valley Formation
32 230EXCL Excelsior Formation
32 230MNKP Moenkopi Formation
32 230NCZP Natchez Pass Formation
32 230PRID Pride Formation
32 230RSPB Raspberry Formation
32 230SRPK Star Peak Group
32 230TOBN Tobin Formation
32 230WNMC Winnemucca Formation
32 231CHNL Chinle Formation
32 231CSPG Crane Spring Formation
32 231GBBS Gabbs Formation
32 231GRVL Grass Valley Formation
32 231LNNG Luning Formation
32 231OSBB Osobb Formation
32 231SNRS Sunrise Formation
32 231SUNR Sunrise Formation
32 234AGSM Augusta Mountain Formation
32 234CNMN China Mountain Formation
32 234FVRT Favret Formation
32 234GRVL Grantsville Formation
32 234PNRC Panther Canyon Formation
32 237CDLR Candelaria Formation
32 237QRVR Quinn River Formation
32 300CCSM Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
32 300CRBN Carbonate Rocks
32 300MMPC Metamorphic Rocks
32 300RGWS Regional Groundwater System
32 310ALPK Antler Peak Limestone
32 310ANLR Antler Sequence
32 310ARCR Arcturus Formation
32 310BTTL Battle Formation
32 310CBRG Carbon Ridge Formation
32 310CCNN Coconino Formation
32 310DBLO Diablo Formation
32 310EDNM Edna Mountain Formation
32 310GRDR Grandeur Formation
32 310GRSR Gerster Formation
32 310HGHY Highway Limestone
32 310HPCK Happy Creek Volcanic Series
32 310HVLL Havallah Sequence
32 310KIBB Kaibab Limestone
32 310KOPT Koipata Group
32 310LORY Loray Formation
32 310MDPK Meade Peak Formation
32 310MEAD Meade Peak Formation
32 310PBLO Pablo Formation
32 310PLMP Plympton Formation
32 310PQUP Pequop Formation
32 310PRKC Park City Group
32 310PRKCG Park City Group
32 310PSPR Phosphoria Formation
32 310RBHL Rib Hill Formation
32 310RPSP Riepe Spring Formation
32 310TPPP Tippipah Limestone
32 310TRWP Toroweap Formation
32 313GDLP Guadalupian Rocks
32 313GUDP Guadalupian Rocks
32 317BSPG Bird Spring Formation
32 317CLVL Callville Limestone
32 320BCKC Brock Canyon Formation
32 320ELY Ely Limestone
32 320HVLL Havallah Formation
32 320ISKP Inskip Formation
32 320KOPT Koipato Formation
32 320PMPK Pumpernickel Formation
32 320WCPK Wildcat Peak Formation
32 324ELY Ely Limestone
32 327ELEN Eleana Formation
32 330JOAN Joana Limestone
32 330LECH Leach Formation
32 330RGSP Rogers Spring Limestone
32 331CNMN Chainman Shale
32 331DMPK Diamond Peak Formation
32 331MCRS Monte Cristo Limestone
32 331MKLJ Meiklejohn Formation
32 337PLOT Pilot Shale
32 340DVMP Mississippian-Devonian Systems
32 340DVNN Devonian System
32 340SLVN Slaven Chert
32 341GLMT Guilmette Formation
32 341SLTNM Sultan Limestone
32 344FLPC Fluorspar Canyon Formation
32 344MDPK Muddy Peak Limestone
32 344NEVD Nevada Formation
32 344SEVY Sevy Dolomite
32 344SMNS Simonson Dolomite
32 350ELDR Elder Sandstone
32 350ESPG Ely Springs Dolomite
32 350HCRK Hanson Creek Dolomite
32 350LKTN Laketown Dolomite
32 350LNMN Lone Mountain Dolomite
32 350MCMG Mc Monnigal Limestone
32 350SLRN Silurian System
32 350TOR Tor Limestone
32 354RBRM Roberts Mountain Formation
32 360ALPV Antelope Valley Limestone
32 360BRDC Broad Canyon Formation
32 360CLPC Clipper Canyon Sequence
32 360CMUS Comus Formation
32 360GCLF Gatecliff Formation
32 360MSKT Masket Shale
32 360NNML Ninemile Formation
32 360ODVC Ordovician System
32 360PLMT Palmetto Formation
32 360PNCN Pinecone Sequence
32 360SMRG Sonoma Range Formation
32 360VINN Vinini Formation
32 360VLMY Valmy Formation
32 360WLCN Willow Canyon Sequence
32 361EURK Eureka Quartzite
32 361FSHV Fish Haven Dolomite
32 364ALPV Antelope Valley Limestone
32 364ESPG Ely Springs Dolomite
32 364PGNP Pogonip Group
32 367GDWN Goodwin Limestone
32 367NNML Nine Mile Formation
32 370CBPB Cambrian System-Precambrian Erathem
32 370CMBR Cambrian System
32 370GDPG Goodsprings Dolomite
32 370GLDH Gold Hill Formation
32 370HRMN Harmony Formation
32 370LCPK Lincoln Peak Formation
32 370LMSN Cambrian Limestone
32 370OGDM Osgood Mountain Quartzite
32 370PDBG Post-Dunderburg Shale
32 370PLCN Pole Canyon Limestone
32 370PRBL Preble Formation
32 370SBCK Swarbrick Formation
32 370SLLK Stella Lake Quartzite
32 370TYBO Tybo Shale
32 370WDCN Wood Canyon Formation
32 370WDFL Windfall Limestone
32 371BZKG Bonanza King Formation
32 371CRNCM Crane Canyon Formation
32 371CSPG Corset Spring Shale
32 371DDBG Dunderburg Shale
32 371EMGRM Emigrant Formation
32 371HLES Hales Limestone
32 371HLFP Halfpint Member of Nopah Formation
32 371HMBG Hamburg Dolomite
32 371NCPK Notch Peak Limestone
32 371NOPH Nopah Formation
32 371SHWN Shwin Formation
32 371SMKM Smoky Member of Nopah Formation
32 374CRRR Carrara Formation
32 374CSLM Chisholm Shale
32 374ELDDL Eldorado Dolomite
32 374HGPK Highland Peak Limestone
32 374LNDN Lyndon Limestone
32 374POCH Pioche Shale
32 374TPTSL Lower Tapeats Sandstone
32 377CRRR Carrara Formation
32 377HRKL Harkless Formation
32 377MLRM Miller Mountain Formation
32 377MSPG Mule Spring Formation
32 377POLT Poleta Formation
32 377PPCM Prospect Mountain Quartzite
32 377SCCN Scott Canyon Formation
32 377ZBRK Zabriskie Quartzite
32 400CMPT Campito Formation
32 400DPSP Deep Spring Formation
32 400JHNN Johnnie Formation
32 400MCCK Mc Coy Creek Group
32 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
32 400REED Reed Dolomite
32 400SRLG Stirling Quartzite
32 400WYMN Wyman Formation
32 BASEMENT Basement
32 BEDROCK Bedrock
33 000UMTL Unknown Material
33 110ALVM Alluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110AUVM Alluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110BECH Beach Deposits (Marine & Non-Marine), Quaternary
33 110BECHM Beach Deposits (Marine & Non-Marine), Quaternary
33 110CLVM Colluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110COVM Colluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110DELT Delta Deposit, Quaternary (Holocent or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110EOLN Eolian Deposits, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unk)
33 110FAN Alluvial Fan, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unk)
33 110LAKE Lake Deposit, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110LDLD Landslide, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110MRER Marine & Estuarine Deposits, Quaternary
33 110NRSR Nearshore Deposits (Marine & Non-Marine), Quaternary
33 110SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated, Quaternary
33 110SOIL Soil, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 110TLUS Talus, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
33 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
33 111BECH Beach Deposits, Marine & Non-Marine, Holocene
33 111BECHM Beach Deposits, Marine & Non-Marine, Holocene
33 111CLVM Colluvium
33 111DELT Delta Deposit, Holocene
33 111DUNE Dunes, Holocene
33 111DUNES Dunes, Holocene
33 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
33 111FAN Alluvial Fan, Holocene
33 111FILL Fill
33 111LAKE Lake Deposits
33 111LDSD Landslide, Holocene
33 111MRER Marine & Estuarine Deposits, Holocene
33 111MRIN Marine Deposits
33 111NRSR Nearshore Deposits (Marine & Non-Marine), Holocene
33 111SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated
33 111SLMR Salt-Marsh Deposits
33 111SOIL Soil
33 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
33 111TLUS Talus, Holocene
33 112ABLN Ablation Till, Pleistocene
33 112BECH Beach (Marine and Non-Marine), Pleistocene
33 112BECHM Beach (Marine and Non-Marine), Pleistocene
33 112DELT Delta Deposits
33 112DRML Drumlins
33 112DUNE Dunes, Pleistocene
33 112EKCV Esker & Crevasse Filling, Pleistocene
33 112EOLN Eolian Deposits
33 112GCFV Glacio-Fluvial, Undifferentiated, Pleistocene
33 112GLCL Glacial Deposit, Undifferentiated, Pleistocene
33 112GLCU Glacial Deposits, Undifferentiated
33 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
33 112KAME Kame, Pleistocene
33 112KMTC Kame Terrace Deposits
33 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
33 112LDGM Lodgement Till, Pleistocene
33 112MORN Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine & Drumlins, Pleistocene
33 112MORND Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
33 112MRIN Marine Deposits (May Include Estuarine Deposits)
33 112MRINE Marine Deposits (May Include Estuarine Deposits)
33 112NRSR Nearshore Deposits (Marine & Non-Marine), Pleistocene
33 112OSDL Outwash Delta Deposit, Pleistocene
33 112OTSH Outwash
33 112SOIL Soil, Pleistocene
33 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
33 112TILL Till
33 120SDMS Sediments
33 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
33 210DORT Diorite, Cretaceous
33 210MNZN Monzonite, Cretaceous
33 210SDMS Sediments, Undifferentiated
33 230IGNSE Igneous Rocks, Extrusive
33 230IGNSI Igneous Rocks, Intrusive
33 230SDMR Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
33 231EBRL East Berlin Formation
33 231HLYK Holyoke Basalt
33 231HMPD Hampden Basalt
33 231NHVN New Haven Formation
33 231PRLD Portland Formation
33 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 300CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 300CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 320CRSL Crystalline Rocks
33 320SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
33 330BRGR Binary Granite, Mississippian & Devonian
33 330CRSL Crystalline Rocks
33 330SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
33 340BGRN Biotite Granite, Devonian
33 340CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 340CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 340CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 340DORT Diorite, Devonian
33 340TNLT Tonalite, Devonian
33 350AYER Ayer Granodiorite, Silurian
33 350CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 350CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 350CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 354PRMN Perry Mountain Formation, Middle Silurian
33 357RNGL Rangeley Formation, Lower Silurian
33 360BRCK Berwick Formation, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360BRCKU Berwick Formation (Upper Part), Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360CLEF Calef Member of Eliot Formation, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 360CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 360CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 360ELOT Eliot Formation, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360GOVE Gove Member of Berwick Formation, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360KTTR Kittery Formation, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360MSBC Massabesic Gneiss Complex, Ordovician To Precambrian
33 360NBRPG Newburyport Complex (Granite), Ordovician
33 360NBRPT Newburyport Complex (Tonalite), Ordovician
33 370CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 370CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 370CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 400CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
33 400CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
33 400CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
33 410RYE Rye Formation, Precambrian
33 BASEMENT Basement
33 BEDROCK Bedrock
34 000UMTL Unknown Material
34 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
34 110QRNR Quaternary System
34 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
34 111HLCN Holocene Series
34 111HPPM Undifferentiated Holocene, Pleistocene, Pliocene, and Miocene
34 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
34 112BRDG Bridgeton Formation
34 112CPMY Cape May Formation
34 112DELC Deltaic Sand Facies
34 112DLTC Deltaic Sand Facies
34 112ESRNC Estuarine Clay Facies
34 112ESRNS Estuarine Sand Facies
34 112GCLK Glacial Lake Deposits
34 112GKMK Kame and Kame Terrace Deposits
34 112GLCD Glacial Delta Deposits
34 112HLBC Holly Beach Water-Bearing Zone
34 112MORN Moraine
34 112MRIN Marine Sand Facies
34 112MRINS Marine Sand Facies
34 112PKBG Pensauken-Bridgeton Formations
34 112PLCC Pleistocene Series-Cohansey Sand
34 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
34 112PLSCC Pleistocene Series-Cohansey Sand
34 112PNSK Pensauken Formation
34 112SFDF Stratified Drift
34 112TILL Till
34 120TRTR Tertiary System
34 121BCHL Beacon Hill Gravel
34 121CKKD Cohansey Sand-Kirkwood Formation
34 121CNSY Cohansey Sand
34 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
34 121PLCN Pliocene Series
34 122KRKD Kirkwood Formation
34 122KRKDL Kirkwood Formation, Lower Sand
34 122KRKDU Kirkwood Formation, Upper Sand
34 122MOCN Miocene Series
34 123OLGC Oligocene Series
34 124EOCN Eocene Series
34 124MNSQ Manasquan Formation
34 124MQVC Manasquan-Vincentown Formations
34 124PNPN Piney Point Formation
34 124SKRV Shark River Marl
34 125HORR Hornerstown Sand
34 125HRRS Hornerstown Sand
34 125PLCN Paleocene Series
34 125VCHR Vincetown Formation-Hornerstown Sand
34 125VNCN Vincentown Formation
34 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
34 210CRCS Cretaceous System
34 211EGLS Englishtown Formation
34 211FRNG Farrington Sand Member of Raritan Formation
34 211MCVL Merchantville Formation
34 211MGRR Magothy-Raritan Formations
34 211MGTY Magothy Formation
34 211MLRL Mount Laurel Sand
34 211MLRW Mount Laurel Sand-Wenonah Formation
34 211MRPA Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Undifferentiated
34 211MRPAL Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
34 211MRPAM Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Middle Aquifer
34 211MRPAU Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
34 211MRSL Marshalltown Formation
34 211NVSK Navesink Formation
34 211ODBG Old Bridge Sand Member of Magothy Formation
34 211RDBK Red Bank Sand
34 211RRTN Raritan Formation
34 211SRVL Sayreville Sand Member of Raritan Formation
34 211TNTN Tinton Sand
34 211WBMV Woodbury Clay-Merchantville Formation
34 211WDBR Woodbury Clay
34 211WNNH Wenonah Formation
34 217POMC Potomac Group
34 217PTMC Potomac Group
34 227BNTN Boonton Formation
34 227BRCK Brunswick Group
34 227BRCKS Brunswick Group Sedimentary
34 227BSLT Basalt
34 227CGLM Conglomerate
34 227DIBS Diabase
34 227FLVL Feltville Formation
34 227HKMN Hook Mountain Basalt
34 227NWRK Newark Supergroup
34 227ORGM Orange Mountain Basalt
34 227PRKS Preakness Basalt
34 227PSSC Passaic Formation
34 227TOWC Towaco Formation
34 230TRSC Triassic System
34 231CGLMU Unclassified Conglomerates
34 231HMCK Hammer Creek Formation
34 231LCKG Lockatong Formation
34 231LMCG Limestone Conglomerate
34 231QRCG Quartzite Formation
34 231SCKN Stockton Formation
34 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
34 300WICKG Wissahickon Gneiss
34 300WSCK Wissahickon Gneiss
34 324KTTNL Lower Kittatiny Limestone
34 324KTTNM Middle Kittatiny Limestone
34 340DVNN Devonian System
34 341SKMK Skunnemunk Conglomerate
34 344BLVL Bellvale Sandstone
34 344CRNL Cornwall Shale
34 344ESPS Esopus Formation
34 344KNUS Kanouse Sandstone
34 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
34 344ONDG Onondaga Limestone
34 347CMNS Coeymans Formation
34 347COMS Coeymans Formation
34 347DEPU Depue Limestone Member of Coeymans Formation
34 347DNVL Duttonville Member of Rondout Formation
34 347FBKV Flatbrookville Member of New Scotland Formation
34 347KKBG Kalkberg Limestone
34 347MAKZ Maskenozha Member
34 347MNSK Minisink Limestone
34 347MPCG Mashipacong Member of Rondout Formation
34 347MSKZ Maskenozha Member
34 347NESC New Scotland Formation
34 347NSCD New Scotland Formation
34 347ORSK Oriskany Formation
34 347PREN Port Ewen Shale
34 347PRVL Peters Valley Member of Coeymans Formation
34 347RNDT Rondout Formation
34 347RVEN Ravena Member of Coeymans Limestone
34 347SILD Shawnee Island Member of Coeymans Formation
34 347SMVL Stormville Member of Coeymans Formation
34 347TCKR Thacker Member of Manlius Limestone
34 347WTPR Whiteport Dolomite Member of Rondout Formation
34 350GRPD Green Pond Conglomerate
34 350HGFL High Falls Formation
34 350SLRN Silurian System
34 351BDVL Bossardville Limestone
34 351BODV Bossardville Limestone
34 351CVBK Clove Brook Member of Decker Formation
34 351DCKR Decker Formation
34 351LNGD Longwood Shale
34 351PXID Poxono Island Formation
34 351WPKC Wallpack Center Member of Decker Formation
34 354SNGK Shawangunk Formation
34 360KTTN Kittatinny Limestone
34 360ODVC Ordovician System
34 361BSKL Bushkill Member of Martinsburg Shale
34 361BUKL Bushkill Member of Martinsburg Shale
34 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
34 361PAGL Pen Argyl Member of Martinsburg Shale
34 361RMBG Ramseyburg Member of Martinsburg Shale
34 364JAKB Jacksonburg Limestone
34 364JKBG Jacksonburg Limestone
34 367EPLR Epler Formation
34 367KTTNU Upper Kittatiny Limestone
34 367RCKB Rickenbach Dolomite
34 367RIKB Rickenbach Dolomite
34 370CMBR Cambrian System
34 371ALNN Allentown Dolomite
34 374LSVL Leithsville Formation
34 377HRDS Hardyston Quartzite
34 400BLMR Baltimore Gneiss
34 400FRKL Franklin Limestone
34 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
34 BASEMENT Basement
34 BEDROCK Bedrock
35 000EXRV Extrusive Rocks
35 000ICRC Incarnacion Granite
35 000IRSV Intrusive Rocks
35 000UMTL Unknown Material
35 100LFVR Las Feveras Formation
35 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
35 110AVMB Alluvium, Bolson Deposits and Other Surface Deposits
35 110BLSN Bolson Fill
35 110CHCO Chico Phonolites
35 110CLTN Clayton Basalts
35 110CNJL Canjilon Till
35 110CNNS Canones Andesite
35 110GTUN Gatuna Formation
35 110JRND Jornadan Series
35 110LOBT Lobato Basaltic Lavas
35 110NTGU Naha and Tsegi alluvium deposits, undifferentiated
35 110OPTOD Pediment, Terrace, and Other Deposits of Gravel, Sand, and Caliche
35 110PLMS Palomasan Series
35 110PTOD Pediment, Terrace, and Other Deposits of Gravel, Sand and Caliche
35 110PTODC Pediment, Terrace, and Other Deposits of Gravel, Sand and Caliche
35 110RDMN Red Mountain Dacites
35 110SCLR Santa Clara Pumice Bed
35 110SLGL Slagle Trachyte
35 110TRKM Turkey Mountain Andesite
35 110TURT Tuerto Gravel of Santa Fe Group
35 110UVRS University Beds
35 110VLCT Vallecito Basalt
35 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
35 111CPLN Capulin Basalts
35 111CRMS Covered/Reclaimed Mine Spoil
35 111CRMSA Covered/Reclaimed Mine Spoil and Ash
35 111CRZZ Carrizozo Lava Flow
35 111GMRC Gamerco Formation
35 111LBKP Little Black Peak Basalt Flow
35 111MCCR Mc Cartys Basalt Flow
35 111MCLR Mescalero Sands
35 111MSOV Mined and Subsided Overburden
35 111NKBT Nakaibito Formation
35 111SPOL Spoil
35 111ZNCN Zuni Canyon Basalt Flow
35 112ANCH Ancha Formation, Upper Part of Santa Fe Group
35 112BDLR Bandelier Rhyolite Tuff of Tewa Group
35 112BKBK Broken Back Basalt Flow
35 112BLSP Battleship Rock Flow
35 112BLTR Blue Water Basalt Flow
35 112BNCB Banco Bonito Flows
35 112CLVS Clovis Beds
35 112CRRB Cerro Rubio Quartz Latite of Tewa Group
35 112CTLD Cerro Toledo Rhyolite of Tewa Group
35 112CURB Cuerbio Basalt
35 112ELCJ El Cajete Flow
35 112GUJE Guaje Member of Bandelier Tuff of Tewa Group
35 112LGUN Laguna Basalt Flow
35 112OTOW Otowi Member of Bandelier Tuff of Tewo Group
35 112PLMS Palomas Gravel
35 112SNDC Sand Canyon Formation
35 112SNJN San Jon Formation
35 112SNTF Santa Fe Group
35 112SNTFU Santa Fe Group, Upper Part
35 112SUWN Suwanee Basalt Flow
35 112TEWA Tewa Group
35 112TSRG Tshirege Member of Bandelier Tuff of Tewa Group
35 112VLLS Valles Rhyolite of Tewa Group
35 112WLND Wheatland Formation
35 120ABQQ Albuquerque Marl
35 120AMLI Amalia Formation
35 120ARBN Arriban Series
35 120BRLM Bearwallow Mountain Andesite
35 120CBBC Caballo Blanco Rhyolite Tuff
35 120CGLB Cieneguilla Limburgite
35 120CGLM Conglomerate of Tertiary Age
35 120CNJS Conejos Quartz Latite (Potosi Volcanic Series)
35 120CONY Cooney Quartz Latite
35 120CRNK Cranktown Sandstone
35 120CRSN Carson Conglomerate
35 120CRSNU Carson Conglomerate, Upper Part
35 120DDGC Deadwood Gulch Rhyolite Tuff
35 120DEZA Deza Formation
35 120DGGC Dog Gulch Formation
35 120DTIL Datil Formation
35 120DTILB Datil Formation (Latite Breccias, Flow-Banded Latite, Andesite, Rhyoli
35 120DTILC Datil Formation (Clastic Rocks of Volcanic Fragments)
35 120DTILD Datil Formation (Boulder Beds and Coarse Clastic Rocks, Mostly Volcani
35 120DTILP Datil Formation (Pumiceous Tuff and Breccia)
35 120DTILW Datil Formation (Welded and Crystal Rhyolite Tuffs, Flows and Breccias
35 120ELRT El Rito Formation
35 120ESPS Espinosa Volcanics
35 120FNNY Fanney Rhyolite
35 120HSTN Houston Andesite
35 120LFKN Lufkin Rhyolite
35 120LOBO Lobo Formation
35 120LRPK Latir Peak Latite
35 120LSCC Last Chance Andesite
35 120LVRC Love Ranch Formation of Kottlowski and Others
35 120MAYA Maya Conglomerate
35 120MBPK Mimbres Peak Formation
35 120MCHO Macho Pyroxene Andesites
35 120MCRE Mc Rae Formation
35 120MGLN Mogollon Andesite
35 120MLCK Mineral Creek Andesite
35 120MNGS Mangas Quartzite
35 120MNMN Monument Andesite
35 120PCFC Pacific Quartz Latite
35 120PLCK Pollack Quartz Latite
35 120POTS Potosi Volcanic Series
35 120PUYE Puye Conglomerate, Upper Part of Santa Fe Group
35 120RGRD Rio Grande Gravels
35 120RZBK Razorback Formation
35 120SBLC Sierra Blanca Volcanics
35 120SGMP Sugarlump Tuffs
35 120SLDN Selden Basalt Tongue
35 120WMVL Wimsattville Formation
35 120WRCK Whitewater Creek Rhyolite
35 121BDHC Bidahochi Formation
35 121BDHCL Bidahochi Formation, Lower
35 121BDHCM Bidahochi Formation, Middle
35 121BDHCU Bidahochi Formation, Upper
35 121BGTB Bridge Timber Gravel
35 121CHSK Chuska Sandstone
35 121CRDT Cordito Member of Los Pinos Formation
35 121CSRS Cisneros Basalt
35 121DORD Dorado Basalt
35 121EGLN Eagle Nest Formation
35 121GILA Gila Conglomerate (Group)
35 121JRIT Jarita Basalt of Las Pinas Formation
35 121LSPS Los Pinos Gravel Member of Hinsdale Formation
35 121MMBR Mimbres Conglomerate
35 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
35 121PLCT Placita Marl
35 121PUYEF Puye Conglomerate, Fanglomerate Member
35 121SRNG Sierra Negra Basalt
35 121TCCM Tschicoma Formation
35 121TOTV Totavi Lentil of Puye Conglomerate
35 121TSUQ Tesuque Formation, Undifferentiated Unit
35 122ABQU Abiquiu Tuff, Lower Part of Santa Fe Group
35 122BLTP Bell Top Formation
35 122BPLG Bishops Lodge Member of Tesuque Formation
35 122CHAM Chama Clays
35 122CMSM Chamisa Mesa Member of Santa Fe Formation
35 122HLSM Hells Mesa Member of Datil Formation
35 122KLGN Kneeling Nun Rhyolite Tuff
35 122LCKB Lucky Bill Formation
35 122LJPK La Jara Peak Member of Datil Formation
35 122PCRS Picuris Tuff
35 122PICR Picuris Tuff
35 122PPTS Popotosa Formation
35 122RTTO Ritito Conglomerate
35 122RUBO Rubio Peak Formation
35 122SNTFL Santa Fe Group, Lower Part
35 122SPRS Spears Member of Datil Formation
35 122TRMN Thurman Formation
35 122UVAS Uvas Basalt
35 123BLCB Blanco Basin Formation
35 123GLST Galisteo Formation
35 123PMPK Palm Park Formation
35 123SLDD Soledad Rhyolite
35 124ALMG Almagre Beds
35 124ANMS Animas Formation
35 124BACA Baca Formation
35 124CBMN Cub Mountain Formation
35 124CHCO Chaco Marl
35 124CLRG Canyon Largo Sandstone
35 124CUEV Cueva Rhyolite
35 124HUTN Houten Sandstone
35 124LLVS Llaves Member of San Jose Formation
35 124LRGO Largo Facies
35 124ORJN Orejon Andesite
35 124PNMS Pinyon Mesa Group
35 124PSNC Poison Canyon Formation
35 124RGIN Regina Member of San Jose Formation
35 124SNJS San Jose Formation
35 124TPCS Tapicitos Member of San Jose Formation
35 124TRJN Torrejon Formation
35 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
35 124YGCN Yegua Canyon Facies
35 124ZIA Zia Marl
35 125NCMN Nacimiento Formation
35 125NCMNS Nacimiento Formation, Sandy Shale Facies
35 125PURC Puerco Formation
35 125RTON Raton Formation
35 200RVLT Revuelto Shale
35 210CRCS Cretaceous System
35 210GLNS Gallinas Shale
35 210MCDK Mancos Shale, Lower Part, and Dakota Sandstone, Undivided
35 210MNCS Mancos Shale
35 210MORA Mora Sandstone
35 210PRMD Pyramid Shale
35 210SNST Sanastee Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale
35 210TCTO Tacito Sandstone Lentil of Mancos Shale
35 210TRHM Tres Hermanos Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale
35 211ACUL Archuleta Shale
35 211ALSN Allison Member of Menefee Formation of Mesaverde Group
35 211ARCL Archuleta Shale
35 211ATRQ Atarque Member of Mesaverde Formation
35 211BCTD Beechatuda Tongue of Cliff House Sandstone
35 211BLMN Bell Mountain Sandstone Member of Miguel Formation
35 211BRLB Bartlett Barren Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation
35 211CANO Cano Member of Mesaverde Formation
35 211CHCR Chacra Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Formation
35 211CLCN Cholla Canyon Tongue of Cliff House Sandstone
35 211CLFH Cliff House Sandstone (Includes La Ventana Tongues In Nw Sandoval Co)
35 211CLFHV Cliff House Sandstone (Includes La Ventana Tongues In Nw Sandoval Co)
35 211CLRDH Colorado Shale
35 211CLRDN Colorado Formation, Shale Member
35 211CLRDS Colorado Formation, Sandstone Member
35 211CLRYC Cleary Coal Member
35 211CRLL Carlile Shale
35 211CRVC Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
35 211DCRS D-Cross Tongue of Mancos Shale of Mesaverde Group
35 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
35 211DLCO Dilco Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
35 211DLCOC Dilco Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
35 211DLTN Dalton Sandstone Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Grp
35 211FRHS Fort Hays Limestone Member of Niobrara Formation
35 211FRLD Fruitland Formation
35 211FRMG Farmington Sandstone Member of Kirtland Shale
35 211FRSN Fort Stanton Shale
35 211GBSNC Gibson Coal Member of Crevasse Canyon Formation of Mesaverde Group
35 211GLLG Gallego Sandstone Member of Gallup Sandstone
35 211GLLP Gallup Sandstone
35 211GRRG Greenhorn and Graneros Formations
35 211GRRS Graneros Shale
35 211HNVR Hanover Granodiorite Porphyry
35 211HOST Hosta Tongue of Point Lookout Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
35 211HRSD Horsehead Tongue of Pike, Mancos Shale
35 211JLPZ Juan Lopez Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
35 211JULP Juana Lopez Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
35 211KRLD Kirtland Shale
35 211KRLDL Kirtland Shale, Lower Shale Member
35 211KRLDU Kirtland Shale, Upper Shale Member
35 211LAJR La Jara Shale
35 211LCZP La Cruz Peak Formation
35 211LVNN La Ventana Tongue of Cliff House Sandstone
35 211LWIS Lewis Shale
35 211MCDM Mcdermott Member of Animas Formation
35 211MENF Menefee Formation
35 211MGUL Miguel Formation
35 211MLTT Mulatto Tongue
35 211MORD Madrid Formation
35 211MULT Mulatto Tongue
35 211MVRD Mesaverde Group
35 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
35 211NHBK North Hogback Tongue of Point Lookout Sandstone
35 211OJAM Ojo Alamo Sandstone
35 211PCCF Pictured Cliffs Sandstone
35 211PIRR Pierre Shale
35 211PLCM Placer Mountain Group
35 211PNLK Point Lookout Sandstone
35 211PNMS Punta De La Mesa Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Formation
35 211PNVS Pina Vititos Sandstone
35 211PRIT Prieta Sandstone
35 211PRMD Pyramid Conglomerate
35 211PSCD Pescado Tongue of Mancos Shale
35 211RLCN Rail Canyon Sandstone Member of Vermejo Formation
35 211SATN Satan Tongue of Mancos Shale
35 211SMKH Smoky Hill Marl Member
35 211SNTR Santa Rita Granodiorite Porphyry
35 211SOKH Smoky Hill Marl Member
35 211SRTN Sarten Sandstone
35 211THTC Tohachi Formation
35 211TLLS Twowells Sandstone Lentil of Pike of Dakota Sandstone
35 211UTCN Ute Canyon Tongue of Cliff House Sandstone
35 211VEJT Vermejo Formation and Trinidad Sandstone, Undivided
35 211VRDN Virden Formation
35 211VRMJ Vermejo Formation and Trinidad Sandstone, Undivided
35 211WMHL Whim Hill Breccia
35 217BKJG Broken Jug Limestone of Bisbee Group
35 217CRBT Corbett Sandstone of Bisbee Group
35 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Rocks, Undivided
35 217HDLG Hidalgo Volcanics of Bisbee Group
35 217HDLGS Hidalgo Volcanics, Sedimentary Member, of Bisbee Group
35 217HLFS Hell To Finish Formation
35 217HRDG Howells Ridge Formation of Bisbee Group
35 217HRDGL Howells Ridge Formation, Top Limestone Member
35 217HRDGV Howells Ridge Formation, Volcanic Member
35 217MOJD Mojado Formation of Zeller
35 217PJRT Pajarito Shale Member of Dakota Sandstone
35 217PLPK Playas Peak Formation
35 217PRGR Purgatoire Formation
35 217PRTC Puertocito Formation
35 217RNGB Ringbone Shale of Bisbee Group
35 217RNGBV Ringbone Shale, Volcanic Members, of Bisbee Group
35 217ROCKL Lower Cretaceous Rocks, Undivided
35 217SKKR Skunk Ranch Conglomerate of Bisbee Group
35 217SKKRV Skunk Ranch Conglomerate, Volcanic Member
35 217SPRF Suprareef Limestone Member of U-Bar Formation
35 217UBAR U-Bar Formation
35 218BISB Bisbee Group
35 218BRTT Beartooth Quartzite
35 218DKCK Duck Creek Formation
35 218KIAW Kiawa Mountain Formation
35 218KMCH Kiamichi Formation
35 218MSRC Mesa Rica Sandstone
35 218TCMC Tucumcari Shale
35 219GRRT Garrett Conglomerate
35 220AMRL Amarillo Sandstone
35 220ENRD Entrada Sandstone
35 220GLNC Glen Canyon Group
35 220JRSC Jurassic
35 220JURC Jurassic
35 220NAVJ Navajo Sandstone
35 220NVJO Navajo Sandstone
35 221AGZC Agua Zarca Sandstone Member of Sierra Naciemiento
35 221BLFF Bluff Sandstone of Morrison Formation
35 221BLRC Bell Ranch Formation of San Rafael Group
35 221BLUF Bluff Sandstone of Morrison Formation
35 221BRSB Brushy Basin Shale Member of Morrison Formation
35 221CHQQ Chaquaqua Shale
35 221CHVZ Chavez Member of Morrison Formation
35 221COSP Cow Springs Sandstone of Morrison Formation
35 221CRML Carmel Formation of San Rafael Group
35 221CSPG Cow Springs Sandstone of Morrison Formation
35 221ENRD Entrada Sandstone, Upper Sandy Member, of San Rafael Group
35 221ERADU Entrada Sandstone of San Rafael Group, Upper
35 221MRSN Morrison Formation
35 221PRTT Prewitt Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
35 221RCPR Recapture Shale Member of Morrison Formation
35 221SLWS Salt Wash Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
35 221SMVL Summerville Formation of San Rafael Group
35 221SRFL San Rafael Group
35 221SRFLL San Rafael Group, Lower Part
35 221TDLT Todilto Limestone of Morrison Formation of San Rafael Group
35 221THRU Thoreau Formation
35 221WHIT White Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
35 221WNKH Wanakah Formation
35 221WSRC Westwater Canyon Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
35 221ZUNI Zuni Shale
35 221ZUNIS Zuni Sandstone
35 224OCTE Ocate Sandstone
35 224TDLT Todilto Limestone Member of Wanakah Formation
35 224TRVR Travester Shale
35 230BLDH Baldy Hill Formation
35 230CPSP Camp Springs Conglomerate of Dockum Group
35 230ENDE Endee Shale
35 230HSKN Hoskinnini Member of Moenkopi Formation
35 230MNKP Moenkopi Formation
35 230NRNJ Naranjo Formation
35 231CHNL Chinle Formation
35 231CORR Correo Sandstone Member of Chinle Formation
35 231DCKM Dockum Group
35 231KYNT Kayenta Formation
35 231LKCK Lukachukai Member of Wingate Sandstone
35 231ORCK Owl Rock Member of Chinle Formation
35 231PFDF Petrified Forest Member, Upper Part, of Chinle Formation
35 231PFDFU Petrified Forest Member, Upper, of Chinle Formation
35 231POLO Poleo Sandstone Lentil of Chinle Formation
35 231RCKP Rock Point Member of Wingate Sandstone
35 231RDND Redonda Formation
35 231SLNC Sloan Canyon Formation of Dockum Group
35 231SLRL Salitral Shale Tongue of Chinle Formation
35 231SNRS Santa Rosa Sandstone
35 231SNRT Senorito Sandstone Lentil of Chinle Formation
35 231SNSL Sonsela Sandstone Bed of Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
35 231SPPN Sheep Pen Sandstone
35 231SRMP Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation
35 231TCVS Tecovas Formation of Dockum Group
35 231WNGT Wingate Sandstone
35 310AQTR Aqua Torres Formation
35 310BLTR Bluewater Formation
35 310BRLL Bernalillo Shale
35 310CDRM Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
35 310CHRC Chiricahua Limestone, Upper Part
35 310CHVS Chaves Shale
35 310CJGL Ceja Glorieta Sandstone
35 310CTLR Cutler Formation
35 310DCLL De Chelly Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
35 310EARP Earp Formation
35 310EDDY Eddy Sandstone
35 310FRNR Forty-Niner Member of Rustler Formation
35 310FRRO Fierro Limestone
35 310GLOR Glorieta Sandstone Member of San Andres Formation of Manzano Group
35 310GLRT Glorieta Sandstone Member of San Andres Formation of Manzano Group
35 310GYM Gym Limestone
35 310HALG Halgaito Member of Cutler Formation
35 310HKTL Honaker Trail Formation of Hermosa Group
35 310HLGT Halgaito Member of Cutler Formation
35 310HOND Hondo Sandstone Member of San Andres Limestone
35 310HRMT Hermit Shale
35 310JCRL Jicarilla Monzonite
35 310KIBB Kaibab Limestone
35 310LSVL Los Vallos Member of Yeso Formation
35 310MBLC Meseta Blanca Sandstone Member of Yeso Formation
35 310MGNT Magenta Member of Rustler Formation
35 310MNZN Manzano Group
35 310NOGL Nogal Formation
35 310OGRK Organ Rock Member of Cutler Formation
35 310PCOS Pecos Formation
35 310PCSC Pecos Canyon Sandstone
35 310RICO Rico Formation
35 310RNVL Rainvalley Formation of Naco Group
35 310SGRC Sangre De Cristo Formation
35 310SUPIE Supai Formation, Evaporite Member
35 310SUPIL Supai Formation, Lower
35 310SYDR San Ysidro Member of Yeso Formation
35 310TRNC Torrance Shale
35 310TRRS Torres Member of Yeso Formation
35 310WTRM White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
35 310YESO Yeso Formation, Manzano Group
35 310YESOG Yeso Formation, Manzano Group
35 312CLBR Culebra Dolomite Member of Rustler Formation
35 312CSTL Castile Formation
35 312DYLK Dewey Lake Redbeds
35 312OCHO Ochoan Series
35 312RSLR Rustler Formation
35 312RSLRL Rustler Formation, Unnamed Lower Member
35 312SLDO Salado Formation
35 312TMRK Tamarisk Member of Rustler Formation
35 313ARTS Artesia Group
35 313AZOT Azotea Tongue of Seven Rivers Formation
35 313BLCN Bell Canyon Formation
35 313BRNL Bernal Formation of Artesia Group
35 313BRSC Brushy Canyon Formation of Delaware Mountain Group
35 313BRUC Brushy Canyon Formation of Delaware Mountain Group
35 313BRWN Brown Limestone Member of U-Bar Formation
35 313CABD Carlsbad Group
35 313CKBF Chalk Bluff Formation
35 313CLBD Carlsbad Limestone
35 313CLBDI Carlsbad Limestone
35 313CNCH Concha Limestone of Naco Group
35 313CPTN Capitan Limestone
35 313CRCN Cherry Canyon Formation
35 313CTFF Cutoff Shaly Member of Bone Spring Limestone
35 313DGCN Dog Canyon Limestone
35 313DLRM Delaware Mountain Group
35 313GDLP Guadalupian Series
35 313GOSP Goat Seep Dolomite
35 313GRBG Grayburg Formation of Artesia Group
35 313GTSP Goat Seep Dolomite
35 313LMSN Limestone Aquifer
35 313LVNG Lovington Sandstone Member of San Andres Formation
35 313OCTL Ocotillo Silt Member
35 313QUEN Queen Formation
35 313SADG San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone
35 313SADR San Andres Limestone
35 313SADRL San Andres Limestone, Lower Cherty Member
35 313SADRU San Andres Limestone, Upper Clastic Member
35 313SADY San Andres Limestone and Yeso Formation, Undivided
35 313STCK Shattuck Member of Queen Formation
35 313SVRV Seven Rivers Formation
35 313TNSL Tansill Formation
35 313TRTS Three Twins Member of Chalk Bluff Formation
35 313YATS Yates Formation, Guadalupe Group
35 313YTES Yates Formation, Guadalupe Group
35 317ABYS Abo and Yeso, Undifferentiated
35 317OTRO Otero Formation
35 318ABO L Abo Sandstone (Lower Tongue)
35 318ABO U Abo Sandstone (Upper Tongue)
35 318BSPG Bone Spring Limestone
35 318CANS Canas Gypsum Member of Yeso Formation
35 318CCNN Cocinino Sandstone
35 318CMRN Cimarron Formation
35 318CPDR Chupadera Formation
35 318EPTP Epitaph Dolomite of Naco Group
35 318JOYT Joyita Sandstone Member of Yeso Formation
35 318KIBB Kaibab Formation
35 318SCRR Scherrer Formation
35 318VCPK Victorio Peak Limestone
35 318YESO Yeso Formation
35 319BRSM Bursum Formation and Equivalent Rocks
35 319COLN Colina Limestone
35 319CTLRL Lower Cutler Group
35 319ELPC Elephant Canyon Formation
35 319HUCO Hueco Limestone
35 319PNDJ Pendejo Tongue of Hueco Formation
35 319PUBL Pueblo Quartzite
35 319PUEB Pueblo Quartzite
35 319SNAN Santa Ana Member of Santa Fe Formation
35 320ALMT Alamito Shale
35 320ANTN Antonito Limestone
35 320ARSD Atrasado Member of Madera Formation
35 320BARB Bar B Formation
35 320BLNG Bullington Member of Magdalena Formation
35 320CRTD Cortado Formation
35 320DON Don Limestone
35 320GRMS Gray Mesa Member of Madera Formation
35 320HMBD Humboldt Formation
35 320HRQLL Horquilla Limestone, Lower Part
35 320HRQLU Horquilla Limestone, Upper Part
35 320HSPG Hot Springs Formation
35 320ICRC Incarnacion Fire Clay
35 320MNHM Mountain Home Shale
35 320MNTS Montosa Limestone
35 320MOLS Molas Formation
35 320MOSC Mosca Limestone
35 320NACO Naco Group
35 320NAKY Nakaye Formation
35 320OSCR Oscuro Limestone
35 320OSLD Oswaldo Formation
35 320RDHS Red House Formation
35 320RDTK Red Tanks Member of Madera Formation
35 320SNDI Sandia Formation
35 320SYRN Syrena Formation
35 320TLLR Tellera Limestone
35 320WRMG Warmington Limestone Member of Elephant Butte Formation
35 321SGDC Sangre De Cristo Formation
35 322BRTN Bruton Formation
35 322DLCR Del Cuerto Formation
35 322FRSL Fresnal Group
35 322HLDR Holder Formation of Magdalena Group
35 322MOYA Moya Formation
35 322PRSP Panther Seep Formation
35 323ADOB Adobe Formation
35 323BEMN Beeman Formation of Magdalena Group
35 323BRRG Burrego Formation
35 323CONE Coane Formation
35 323CSPG Council Spring Limestone
35 323HBRG Hansonburg Group
35 323STRY Story Formation
35 323VRDS Veredas Group
35 324HRMS Hermosa Formation
35 325ARMD Armendaris Group
35 325BGSF Bug Scuffle Limestone Member of Gobbler Formation
35 325BLDR Bolander Group
35 325CNGL Cieneguilla Formation
35 325COYT Coyote Sandstone Member of Madera Limestone
35 325GBLR Gobbler Formation of Magdalena Group
35 325GRCI Garcia Formation
35 325MDER Madera Limestone
35 325MDERL Madera Limestone, Lower Gray Limestone Member
35 325MDERU Madera Limestone, Upper Arkosic Limestone Member
35 325WSKC Whiskey Canyon Limestone
35 326APDC Apodaca Formation
35 326ARRY Arrey Formation
35 326CCNG Cuchillo Negro Formation
35 326FCBL Fra Cristobal Formation
35 326GRNC Green Canyon Group
35 326MGDL Magdalena Group
35 326MSPG Mud Springs Group
35 327LGSP Log Springs Formation
35 330CLOS Caloso Formation
35 330CLRD Chloride Formation
35 330HLMS Helms Formation
35 330PRCH Percha Shale
35 330SIRR Sierra Limestone
35 330TRRR Tererro Formation
35 331LDVL Leadville Limestone
35 332PRDS Paradise Formation
35 333ARPC Arroyo Penasco Formation
35 333LCRC Las Cruces Formation
35 333RNCR Rancheria Formation
35 337BELL Bella Shale
35 337CWLS Cowles Member of Terrero Formation
35 337HNVR Hanover Limestone
35 337MCHO Macho Member of Terroro Formation
35 337MNLS Manuelitas Member of Terroro Formation
35 337RDYP Ready Pay Member of Percha Shale
35 337SLVR Silver Shale
35 338ADRC Andrecito Member of Lake Valley Limestone
35 338AMGD Alamgordo Member of Lake Valley Limestone
35 338ARCN Arcente Member of Lake Valley Limestone
35 338DNAN Dona Ana Member of Lake Valley Limestone
35 338GRND Grande Limestone
35 338KLLY Kelley Limestone
35 338LKVL Lake Valley Limestone
35 338NUNN Nunn Member of Lake Valley Limestone
35 338TBLC Tierra Blanca Member of Lake Valley Formation
35 339CBLR Caballero Formation
35 339ECBR Escabraso Limestone
35 340EPRS Espiritu Santo Formation
35 341BOX Box Member of Percha Shale Formation
35 341BRND Berenda Limestone
35 341CNDR Contadero Formation
35 341ELBR Elbert Formation
35 341SLGP Sly Gap Formation
35 344BSPG Bear Springs Basalt
35 344ONTE Onate Formation
35 344SNTR Santa Rita Limestone
35 350CBOL Cibola Limestone
35 350NAID Naiad Limestone
35 354FSLM Fusselman Dolomite
35 360ARMD Armendaris Limestone
35 360CRBL Cristobal Limestone
35 360FRDS Frondosa Limestone
35 361ALMN Aleman Formation
35 361CBLC Cable Canyon Sandstone
35 361CTTR Cutter Formation of Montoya Dolomite
35 361JRND Jornada Limestone
35 361MNTY Montoya Dolomite Group
35 361PRVL Par Value Member of Montoya Dolomite
35 361RVEN Raven Member of Montoya Dolomite
35 361SCDV Second Value Member of Montoya Dolomite
35 361UPHM Upham Dolomite
35 361VLMN Valmont Dolomite
35 367BTCV Bat Cave Limestone
35 367ELPA El Paso Limestone or Group
35 367ELPS El Paso Limestone or Group
35 367SRRT Sierrite Limestone
35 370BURR Burro Quartzite
35 370DRGN Dragoonan Series
35 370HKNS Hawkins Limestone
35 371BLSS Bliss Sandstone
35 371CRSC Carrasco Limestone
35 371SNDN Shandon Quartzite
35 372IGNC Ignacio Quartzite
35 400AGCL Agua Caliente Gabbro
35 400ANTN Antonio Slate
35 400BDTO Badito Quartzite Member of Hopewell Series
35 400BGRK Big Rock Conglomerate of Kiawa Mountain Formation
35 400BRDM Burned Mountain Metarhyolite
35 400BSPG Blue Springs Muscovite Schist
35 400CBRS Cabresto Metaquartzite
35 400CBRSQ Cabresto Quartzite
35 400CSTL Costilla Granite
35 400CVGC Cleveland Gulch Quartzite Member of Hopewell Series
35 400DXON Dixon Granite
35 400EMBD Embudo Granite
35 400GRNN Garnuan Series
35 400GRPC Graphic Lavas
35 400HOND Hondo Slate
35 400HPLL Hopewell Series
35 400ICRC Incarnacion Granite
35 400JWBN Jawbone Conglomerate of Kiawa Mountain Formation
35 400LCRC Lacorocah Meta-Andesite Tuff Member of Greenstone Complex
35 400MPPN Moppin Metavolcanic Series
35 400MQNT Maquinita Granodiorite
35 400NNOS Ninos Schist
35 400ORTG Ortega Quartzite
35 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
35 400PCRS Picuris Basalt
35 400PETC Petaca Schist
35 400PILR Pilar Phyllite Member of Ortega Formation
35 400PNSC Penasco Quartzite
35 400PRST Priest Granite
35 400ROCD Rociada Limestone
35 400SAIS Sais Quartzite
35 400SDVL Sandoval Granite
35 400SERN Serna Schist
35 400SLTR Solitario Slate
35 400SPLL Sapello Quartzite
35 400SVLT Sevilleta Rhyolite
35 400TJRS Tijeras Quartzite
35 400TRCS Truchas Slate
35 400TUSS Tusas Granite
35 400VDTO Vadito Formation
35 400VLCS Vallecitos Rhyolite
35 400WRDG White Ridge Quartzite
35 400YSDR Ysidro Shale
35 BASEMENT Basement
35 BEDROCK Bedrock
36 000UMTL Unknown Material
36 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
36 110QRNR Quaternary System
36 111AFCF Artificial Fill
36 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
36 111BBTM Bay-Bottom Deposits
36 111BECH Beach Deposits
36 111DUNE Dune (Aeolian) Deposits
36 111DUNED Dune Deposits
36 111FILL Fill
36 111HLCN Holocene Series
36 111LAKE Lake Deposits
36 111SLMR Salt-Marsh Deposits
36 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
36 11220CL 20-foot Clay
36 112GLCD Glacial Delta Deposits
36 112GLCLU Glacial Aquifer, Upper
36 112GRDR Gardiners Clay
36 112HBHD Harbor Hill Drift
36 112HBHO Harbor Hill Outwash
36 112HBHT Harbor Hill Till
36 112HHGM Harbor Hill Ground Moraine
36 112HHTM Harbor Hill Terminal Moraine
36 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
36 112ICNC Ice-Contact Deposits
36 112JMCO Jameco Aquifer
36 112KMTC Kame Terrace Deposits
36 112LAKE Lake Deposits
36 112NTSR North Shore Aquifer
36 112NTSRC North Confining Unit
36 112OTSH Outwash
36 112PGFG Port Washington Confining Unit
36 112PGQF Port Washington Aquifer
36 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
36 112RKGM Ronkonkoma Ground Moraine
36 112RKKD Ronkonkoma Drift
36 112RKKO Ronkonkoma Outwash
36 112RKKT Ronkonkoma Till
36 112RKTM Ronkonkoma Terminal Moraine
36 112SAND Sand
36 112SDGV Sand and Gravel
36 112SMTN Smithtown Clay
36 112TILL Till
36 121MNNT Mannetto Gravel
36 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
36 210CRCS Cretaceous System
36 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
36 211LLYD Lloyd Aquifer
36 211MAGT Magothy Aquifer
36 211MGTY Magothy Aquifer
36 211MMGD Monmouth Greensand
36 211MNMG Matawan Group-Magothy Formation
36 211MNMT Monmouth Group
36 211MONM Monmouth Group
36 211MTWN Matawan Formation
36 211RCNF Raritan Confining Unit
36 211RRTN Raritan Formation
36 230TRSC Triassic System
36 231BRCK Brunswick Formation
36 231NWRK Newark Group
36 231PLSD Palisade Diabase
36 231STCN Stockton Formation
36 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
36 300CLSC Clastic Rocks
36 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
36 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
36 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
36 330MSSP Mississippian System
36 337POCN Pocono Group
36 337POCO Pocono Group
36 340DVNN Devonian System
36 341CAND Canadaway Group
36 341CNDY Canadaway Group
36 341CNNG Conewango Group
36 341CNNT Conneaut Group
36 341CONT Conneaut Group
36 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
36 341GENS Genesee Formation
36 341JVWF Java-West Falls Formation
36 341SONY Sonyea Formation
36 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
36 344ESPS Esopus Formation
36 344HMLN Hamilton Group
36 344ONDG Onondaga Limestone
36 344TLLY Tully Limestone
36 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
36 347HDBG Helderberg Group
36 347ORSK Oriskany Formation
36 350GRPD Green Pond Conglomerate
36 350SLRN Silurian System
36 351ACBB Akron-Coblesville-Bertie Formations, Undifferentiated
36 351AKRN Akron Dolomite
36 351BNTR Binnewater Sandstone
36 351BRTI Bertie Limestone
36 351CBLK Cobleskill Limestone
36 351CMLS Camillus Shale
36 351ERMS Eromosa Dolomite of Lockport Group
36 351GILD Goat Island Dolomite of Lockport Group
36 351GLPH Guelph Dolomite of Lockport Group
36 351LCKP Lockport Dolomite
36 351LNGD Longwood Shale
36 351SALN Salina Group
36 351SLIN Salina Group
36 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
36 351SRCS Syracuse Salt
36 351VRNN Vernon Shale
36 354CLIN Clinton Group
36 354CLNN Clinton Group
36 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
36 354SNGK Shawangunk Formation
36 355LCKP Lockport Dolomite
36 357ALBN Albion Group
36 357CLIN Clinton Group
36 357DECW Decew Dolomite of Clinton Group
36 357GAPR Gasport Dolomite of Lockport Group
36 357GRMB Grimsby Formation of Medina Group
36 357IRDQ Irondequoit Limestone of Clinton Group
36 357MDIN Medina Group
36 357NEHG Neahga Shale of Clinton Group
36 357RNLS Reynales Limestone of Clinton Group
36 357ROCR Rochester Shale of Clinton Group
36 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
36 357TRLD Thorold Sandstone of Medina Group
36 357WRLP Whirlpool Sandstone of Medina Group
36 360ODVC Ordovician System
36 361LRRN Lorraine Shale
36 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
36 361OSWG Oswego Sandstone
36 361QNSN Queenston Shale
36 361UTIC Utica Shale
36 364BRKR Berkshire Schist
36 364CHZY Chazy Group
36 364CNJR Canajoharie Shale
36 364NMKL Normanskill Formation
36 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
36 364SKHL Snake Hill Formation
36 364TBRV Trenton-Black River Group
36 364TREN Trenton Group
36 364TRNN Trenton Group
36 364WLMC Walloomsac Slate
36 367BKMN Beekmantown Group
36 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
36 367PLTN Poultney Slate
36 367TBHL Tribes Hill Limestone
36 370CMBR Cambrian System
36 371CMBRM Middle Cambrian Series
36 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
36 371LLFL Little Falls Dolomite
36 371PSDM Potsdam Sandstone
36 371TCSQ Taconic Sequence
36 371THRS Theresa Dolomite
36 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
36 374SKBG Stockbridge Group
36 377BULL Bull Slate
36 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
36 377DLTN Dalton Formation
36 377EZVB Elizaville and Berkshire Formations
36 377NSSU Nassau Formation
36 377PGQY Poughquay Quartzite
36 377SCCK Schodack Formation
36 377SSNG Stissing Dolomite
36 400BCPX Basement Complex
36 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
36 BASEMENT Basement
36 BEDROCK Bedrock
37 000SPRL Saprolite
37 000UMTL Unknown Material
37 100BDRK Bedrock Undifferentiated
37 100CZMZ Cenozoic-Mesozoic Erathems
37 100RGLT Regolith
37 100TRNS Transition Zone
37 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
37 110QPLC Post Miocene (Quaternary + Pliocene) Rocks
37 110QRNR Quaternary System
37 110SPRL Saprolite
37 111FVDP Fluvial Deposits
37 111MRIN Marine Deposits
37 111SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
37 112FVDP Fluvial Deposits
37 112MRIN Marine Deposits
37 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
37 120TRTR Tertiary Upper Aq Unit (Yorktown & Pungo River Fms)
37 120TRTRL Tertiary Lower Aq Unit (Castle Hayne Limestone &beaufort Fms)
37 120TRTRU Tertiary Upper Aq Unit (Yorktown & Pungo River Fms)
37 122MCEC Miocene-Eocene Series
37 122MCEP Miocene-Eocene-Paleocene Series
37 122MOCN Miocene Series
37 122PGRV Pungo River Formation
37 122YRKN Yorktown Formation
37 122YRKNQ Yorktown Aquifer
37 122YRKNT Yorktown Aquitard
37 123OLGC Oligocene Series
37 124CSLH Castle Hayne Limestone
37 124CSLHL Lower Castle Hayne Aquifer
37 124CSLHU Upper Castle Hayne Aquifer
37 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
37 124EOCN Eocene Series
37 125BFRT Beaufort Formation
37 125BFRTQ Beaufort Aquifer
37 125BFRTT Beaufort Aquitard
37 125PLCN Paleocene Series
37 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
37 210CRTSL Cretaceous Lower Aq Unit (Lower Part Cape Fear Fm Sediments)
37 210CRTSM Cretaceous Middle Aq Unit (Black Creek &cape Fear Fms)
37 210CRTSU Cretaceous Upper Aq Unit (Mostly Peedee Formation)
37 211BAKC Black Creek Aquifer
37 211BAKCL Black Creek Aquifer, Lower
37 211BAKCM Black Creek Aquifer, Middle
37 211BAKCU Black Creek Aquifer, Upper
37 211BKCK Black Creek Aquifer
37 211BKCKL Black Creek Aquifer, Lower
37 211BKCKM Black Creek Aquifer, Middle
37 211BKCKU Black Creek Aquifer, Upper
37 211CPFRL Lower Cape Fear Aquifer
37 211CPFRU Upper Cape Fear Aquifer
37 211CRAQU Upper Cretaceous Aquifer System
37 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
37 211PEED Peedee Formation
37 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
37 217SDMS Lower Cretaceous Sediments Undifferentiated
37 220MIVI Mafic Intrusive Igneous Rock
37 230SDMR Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
37 300GRNT Granite
37 300IMMG Intermediate Metaigneous Rock
37 300MCGS Mica Gneiss
37 300MFMG Mafic Metaigneous Rock
37 300MGNS Metaigneous Rocks
37 300MMPC Metamorphic Rocks
37 300PZPB Paleozoic-Precambrian Erathems
37 300SCST Schist
37 300SLTE Slate
37 310CPBM Coastal Plain Basement
37 310FCMG Felsic Metaigneous Rock
37 310FIVI Felsic Intrusive Igneous Rock
37 330MFCG Mafic Gneiss
37 360IIVI Intermediate Intrusive Igneous Rock
37 370ARGL Argillite
37 370EPMV Epiclastic Metavolcanic Rock
37 370FCMV Felsic Metavolcanic Rock
37 370FLCG Felsic Gneiss
37 370IMMV Intermediate Metavolcanic Rock
37 370MFMV Mafic Metavolcanic Rock
37 370MVCC Metavolcanic Rock Undifferentiated
37 370PLLT Phyllite
37 370QRTZ Quartzite
37 370SCST Schist
37 400SCST Schist
37 410MRBL Marble
37 410SLTE Slate
37 BASEMENT Basement
37 BEDROCK Bedrock
38 000UMTL unknown material
38 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
38 110BNPR Bennie Peer Aquifer
38 110LLMR Little Missouri Aquifer
38 110QRNR Quaternary System
38 110YLMR Yellowstone-Missouri Aquifer
38 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
38 111HLCN Holocene Series
38 112ADRN Adrian Aquifer
38 112ALCK Antler Creek Aquifer
38 112APCK Antelope Creek Aquifer
38 112APCKL Apple Creek Aquifer, Lower
38 112APCKU Apple Creek Aquifer, Upper
38 112BANL Bantel Aquifer
38 112BCK Bald Hill Creek Aquifer
38 112BDCK Braddock Aquifer
38 112BDVL Buried Valley Deposits
38 112BECH Beach Deposits
38 112BFCK Buffalo Creek Aquifer
38 112BGCL Big Coulee Aquifer
38 112BGFV Buried Glaciofluvial Deposits
38 112BLCK Brule Creek
38 112BLMN Belmont Aquifer
38 112BMCK Bismarck Aquifer
38 112BRCK Burnt Creek Aquifer
38 112BRDO Buried Outwash Deposits
38 112BRGD Brightwood Aquifer
38 112BRLG Burlington Aquifer
38 112BRMP Brampton Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112BUTT Butte Aquifer
38 112BVCK Beaver Creek Aquifer
38 112BVLK Beaver Lake Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112CBKC Cutbank Creek Aquifer
38 112CECK Cherry Creek Aquifer
38 112CLED Central Eddy Aquifer
38 112CLFX Colfax Aquifer
38 112CLMB Columbus Aquifer
38 112COMB Columbus Aquifer
38 112CRCK Cherry Creek Aquifer
38 112CRLK Cherry Lake Aquifer
38 112CRNB Charbonneau Aquifer
38 112CRNG Carrington Aquifer
38 112CRSB Crosby Aquifer
38 112CRTN Courtnay Aquifer
38 112CRUS Crevasse Deposits
38 112CTHY Cathay Aquifer
38 112CTTL Cat Tail Aquifer
38 112DCKY Dickey Aquifer
38 112DELT Delta Deposits
38 112DGLS Douglas Aquifer
38 112DNBH Denbigh Aquifer
38 112DRLK Deer Lake Aquifer
38 112DUNE Dune Deposits
38 112DUNED Dune Deposits
38 112DYLK Dry Lake Aquifer - Pleistocene
38 112ECLK Eric Lake Aquifer
38 112EDBG Edinburg Aquifer
38 112EDGL Edgeley Aquifer
38 112EDRL Enderlin Aquifer
38 112EGLV Englevale Aquifer
38 112ELDL Ellendale Aquifer
38 112ELKV Elk Valley Aquifer
38 112ELLT Elliot Aquifer, Pleistoecene
38 112EMCK Elm Creek Aquifer
38 112EMRD Emerado Aquifer
38 112ESKR Esker Deposits
38 112ESKRD Esker Deposits
38 112ESMD Esmond Aquifer
38 112ESMN Eastman Aquifer
38 112FDVL Fordville Aquifer
38 112FRGO Fargo Aquifer
38 112FRMD Fort Mandan Aquifer
38 112FRMN Fairmount Aquifer
38 112FRRV Forest River Aquifer
38 112GBSG Glacial Buried Sand and/or Gravel
38 112GCDF Glacial Drift, Undifferentiated - Pleistocene
38 112GDFK Grand Forks Aquifer
38 112GECC Glenco Channel Aquifer
38 112GLBG Galesburg Aquifer
38 112GLCC Glenco Channel Aquifer
38 112GLCL Glacial Deposits, Undifferentiated - Pleistocene
38 112GLCU Glacial Deposits, Undifferentiated
38 112GLNB Glenburn Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112GLNV Glenview Aquifer
38 112GLON Goldwin Aquifer
38 112GLPH Guelph Aquifer
38 112GMCK Goodman Creek Aquifer
38 112GRNR Grenora Aquifer
38 112GRSN Garrison Aquifer
38 112GSSG Glacial Surficial Sand and/or Gravel
38 112GWNR Gwinner Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112HAMR Hamar Aquifer
38 112HBRG Hillsburg Aquifer System, Pleistocene
38 112HDLK Hiddenwood Lake Aquifer
38 112HFLD Hofflund Aquifer
38 112HLBR Hillsboro Aquifer
38 112HMLN Hamilton Aquifer
38 112HNKS Hankinson Aquifer
38 112HOMR Homer Aquifer
38 112HRVL Horseshoe Valley Aquifer
38 112HSNB Horse Nose Butte Aquifer
38 112HTRV Heart River Aquifer
38 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
38 112ICDC Icelandic Aquifer
38 112IKSR Inkster Aquifer
38 112JMRV James River Aquifer
38 112JMSN Jamestown Aquifer
38 112JNLK Juanita Lake Aquifer
38 112JSLK Johnson Lake Aquifer
38 112KAME Kame Deposits
38 112KAMED Kame Deposits
38 112KDRC Kidder County Aquifer
38 112KFRV Knife River Aquifer
38 112KLDR Killdeer Aquifer
38 112KLGR Kilgore Aquifer
38 112KLRH Karlsruhe Aquifer
38 112KMTC Kame Terrace Deposits
38 112KNMR Kenmare Aquifer
38 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
38 112LEDS Leeds Aquifer
38 112LGLK Long Lake Aquifer
38 112LGNC Lignite City Aquifer
38 112LKFV Little Knife River Valley Aquifer
38 112LKNT Lake Nettie Aquifer System
38 112LKNTL Lake Nettie Aquifer System, Lower
38 112LKNTU Lake Nettie Aquifer System, Upper
38 112LKSO Lake Souris Aquifer
38 112LLMD Little Muddy Aquifer
38 112LMUR Lamoure Aquifer
38 112LRSR Lower Souris Aquifer
38 112LSLK Lost Lake Aquifer
38 112LTHR Little Heart Aquifer
38 112MCKZ Mc Kenzie Aquifer
38 112MCNS Mcintosh Aquifer - Pleistocene
38 112MCVL Mc Ville Aquifer
38 112MDCK Maddock Aquifer
38 112MDFD Medford Aquifer
38 112MDIN Medina Aquifer
38 112MDWY Midway Aquifer
38 112MFRD Manfred Aquifer
38 112MIRV Missouri River
38 112MLCL Milnor Channel Aquifer
38 112MMPL Marstonmoor Plain Aquifer
38 112MNCH Munich Aquifer
38 112MNKN Minnewaukan Aquifer
38 112MNMR Mount Moriah Aquifer
38 112MNOT Minot Aquifer
38 112MPLR Montpelier Aquifer
38 112MRCR Mercer Aquifer
38 112MRTN Martin Aquifer System
38 112NBDC Northwest Buried Channel Aquifer
38 112NBLG North Burleigh Aquifer
38 112NPLN Napoleon Aquifer
38 112NRED Northwest Eddy Aquifer
38 112NRHL North Hill Aquifer
38 112NRKF New Rockford Aquifer
38 112NRVL Nortonville Aquifer
38 112NWTN New Town Aquifer
38 112OBRN Oberon Aquifer
38 112OKES Oakes Aquifer
38 112OTRL Ottertail Aquifer
38 112OTSH Outwash
38 112PAGE Page Aquifer
38 112PLLK Pleasant Lake Aquifer
38 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
38 112PMBD Pembina Delta Aquifer
38 112PMBR Pembina River Aquifer
38 112PPCK Pipestem Creek Aquifer
38 112PPLR Poplar Aquifer
38 112PWCK Painted Woods Creek Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112PWLK Painted Woods Lake Aquifer, Plesitocene
38 112RAY Ray Aquifer
38 112RCKR Rocky Run Aquifer
38 112RFLD Rosefield Aquifer
38 112RGBY Rugby Aquifer
38 112RLLK Russel Lake Aquifer
38 112RMCK Random Creek Aquifer
38 112ROLL Rolla Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112RSLD Rusland Aquifer
38 112RVDL Riverdale Aquifer
38 112RYDR Ryder Aquifer
38 112SBLC Sibley Channel Aquifer
38 112SBLK Strawberry Lake Aquifer
38 112SBRG Strasburg Aquifer
38 112SCNL Soo Channel Aquifer
38 112SDBC Sundre Buried Channel Aquifer
38 112SDPR Sand Prairie Aquifer
38 112SFSD South Fessenden Aquifer
38 112SIMS Sims Aquifer
38 112SJMS St. James Aquifer
38 112SKCK Snake Creek Aquifer
38 112SKJL Skjermo Lake Aquifer
38 112SLCK Shell Creek Aquifer System
38 112SLDS Shields Aquifer
38 112SLVL Shell Valley Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112SNCL Sheyenne Channel Aquifer
38 112SNDL Sheyenne Delta Aquifer
38 112SONA Sonora Aquifer
38 112SORV Souris Valley Aquifer
38 112SPCK Spring Creek Aquifer
38 112SPRD Spiritwood Aquifer
38 112SQBC Square Butte Creek Aquifer
38 112SRKH Starkweather Aquifer
38 112SSLG Stoney Slough Aquifer
38 112STHL South Hill Aquifer
38 112STRR Streeter Aquifer
38 112SVLG Sheyenne Village Aquifer
38 112SVMC Seven Mile Coulee Aquifer
38 112SYDN Sydney Aquifer
38 112TAPN Tappen Aquifer
38 112TBCG Tobacco Garden Aquifer
38 112TILL Till Deposits
38 112TILLD Till Deposits
38 112TLGN Tolgen Aquifer
38 112TLLK Turtle Lake Aquifer System
38 112TMPS Thompson Aquifer
38 112TOKO Tokio Aquifer
38 112TRCT Tower City Aquifer
38 112TRNN Trenton Aquifer
38 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
38 112UBCK Upper Buffalo Creek Aquifer
38 112VANG Vang Aquifer
38 112VLCT Valley City Aquifer
38 112VLTRA Voltaire Aquifer
38 112WDSR Windsor Aquifer
38 112WFCK Wolf Creek Aquifer
38 112WFRG West Fargo Aquifer
38 112WGCL Wing Channel Aquifer
38 112WGPR Wagonsport Aquifer
38 112WIDR Windsor Aquifer
38 112WLDR Wildrose Aquifer
38 112WLSG Weller Slough Aquifer
38 112WMBD Wimbledon Aquifer
38 112WNOA Winona Aquifer
38 112WPTN Wahpeton Aquifer
38 112WRCK Warwick Aquifer
38 112WSHK Wishek Aquifer System - Pleistocene
38 112WSLD White Shield Aquifer
38 112WWLD West Wildrose Aquifer
38 112YKCK Yanktonai Creek Aquifer
38 112YPSL Ypsilanti Aquifer, Pleistocene
38 112ZLND Zeeland Aquifer - Pleistocene
38 120TRTR Tertiary System
38 122MOCN Miocene Series
38 123WRVR White River Formation
38 124GLDV Golden Valley Formation
38 124GVSB Golden Vally Formation (Eocne-Paleocene) Butte Mem of Fort Union Form
38 125CBLD Cannonball-Ludlow Members of Fort Union Formation
38 125CLCI Coal Lake Coulee Interval
38 125CLKC Coal Lake Coulee Bed
38 125CNBL Cannonball Member of Fort Union Formation
38 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
38 125HGEL Hagel Bed
38 125HGIV Hagel Interval
38 125HRMN Harmon Lignite Aquifer, Paleocene
38 125HSLR Hensler Bed
38 125KCIV Kinneman Creek Interval
38 125LDLW Ludlow Member of Fort Union Formation
38 125LHCK Ludlow Member of Fort Union Formation-Hell Creek Formation
38 125SBLG Sentinel Butte Lignite Aquifer, Paleocene
38 125SBTR Sentinel Butte-Tongue River Members of Fort Union Formation
38 125SNLB Sentinel Butte Member of Fort Union Formation
38 125TGRV Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation
38 125TGRVL Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation, Lower
38 125TGRVS Tongue River Spoils Piles
38 125TRVC Tongue River-Cannonball Members of Fort Union Formation Paleocene
38 125TRVL Tongue River-Ludlow Members of Fort Union Formation
38 125TVCI Travis Creek Interval
38 125TVCK Travis Creek Bed
38 125UDDB Underwood B Bed
38 125UDDC Underwood C Bed
38 125UDDS Underwood Sheet Sand
38 125UDRD Underwood Sand
38 125WLSG Weller Slough Bed
38 125WSIV Weller Slough Interval
38 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
38 210CRCS Cretaceous System
38 211BLFC Belle Fourche Formation
38 211CLRD Colorado Group
38 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
38 211CRLL Carlile Shale
38 211EAGL Eagle Formation
38 211EGLE Eagle Formation
38 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
38 211GRNR Greenhorn Formation
38 211GRRS Graneros Shale
38 211HCFH Hell Creek Formation-Fox Hills Sandstone
38 211HLCK Hell Creek Formation
38 211JDRV Judith River Formation
38 211JURV Judith River Formation
38 211MNTN Montana Group
38 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
38 211PIRR Pierre Shale
38 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
38 217DKOT Dakota Group or Formation or Aquifer
38 217FLRV Fall River Formation
38 217LKOT Lakota Formation
38 217MWRY Mowry Shale
38 217NCSL Newcastle Sandstone
38 217SKCK Skull Creek Shale
38 220JRSC Jurassic System
38 220RDBD Jurassic Red Beds
38 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
38 221MRSN Morrison Formation
38 221RRDN Rierdon Formation
38 221SNDC Sundance Formation
38 221SWFT Swift Formation
38 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
38 224PIPR Piper Formation
38 230SPRF Spearfish Formation (Triassic-Permian)
38 230TRSC Triassic System
38 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
38 310MNKT Minnekahta Limestone
38 310MNLS Minnelusa Formation (Permian andPennsylvanian)
38 310PRMN Permian System
38 317OPCH Opeche Shale
38 320AMSD Amsden Formation
38 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
38 320TYLR Tyler Formation
38 330BKKN Bakken Formation (Mississippian and Devonian)
38 330MSSP Mississippian System
38 331BGSN Big Snowy Group
38 331CRLS Charles Formation
38 331HETH Heath Formation or Shale of Big Snowy Group
38 331KBBY Kibbey Sandstone
38 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
38 331MSNC Mission Canyon Limestone
38 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
38 331OTTR Otter Formation of Big Snowy Group
38 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone of Madison Group
38 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
38 340DVNN Devonian System
38 341BRDB Birdbear Formation
38 341DUPR Duperow Formation
38 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
38 341JFRS Jefferson Group
38 341SRRV Souris River Formation
38 341TRFK Three Forks Shale
38 344DDNB Dawson Bay Formation
38 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
38 344ELKP Elk Point Group
38 344PRIR Prairie Formation
38 344WPGS Winnipegosis Formation
38 347BRTB Beartooth Butte Formation
38 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
38 350IRLK Interlake Formation
38 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
38 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
38 360DDWD Deadwood Formation
38 360ODUC Ordovician System
38 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
38 361RDRV Red River Formation
38 361SNMN Stony Mountain Formation
38 361STNL Stonewall Formation
38 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
38 364WNPG Winnipeg Formation
38 370CMBR Cambrian System
38 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
38 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
38 400PCMBG Precambrian Granite
38 BASEMENT Basement
38 BEDROCK Bedrock
39 000UMTL Unknown Material
39 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
39 110QRNR Quaternary System
39 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
39 111CLVM Colluvium
39 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
39 112LAKE Lake Deposits
39 112OTSH Outwash
39 112TILL Till
39 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
39 310PRMN Permian System
39 317GREN Greene Formation
39 317WSNG Washington Formation
39 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
39 321CNMG Conemaugh Formation
39 321MNGL Monongahela Formation
39 324ALGN Allegheny Formation
39 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
39 327SHRN Sharon Formation
39 327SHRNC Sharon Conglomerate
39 330BDFD Bedford Shale
39 330BERE Berea Sandstone
39 330CYHG Cuyahoga Formation
39 330MSSP Mississippian System
39 330MSSPD Mississippian-Devonian Systems
39 330SNBR Sunbury Shale
39 331LOGN Logan Formation
39 331MXVL Maxville Limestone
39 337CSSG Cussewago Sandstone
39 337CUSG Cussewago Sandstone
39 340DVNN Devonian System
39 341BDFD Bedford Shale
39 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
39 341OHIO Ohio Shale
39 341OLNG Olentangy Shale
39 344AMBG Amherstburg Formation
39 344CLMB Columbus Limestone
39 344DLWR Delaware Limestone
39 344DRVR Detroit River Group
39 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
39 344LUCA Lucas Limestone
39 344LUCS Lucas Limestone
39 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
39 344NIAG Niagara Dolomite
39 347HLBR Hillsboro Sandstone
39 347ORIS Oriskany Sandstone
39 347ORSK Oriskany Sandstone
39 350SLRN Silurian System
39 351BILD Bass Islands Dolomite
39 351BILDG Bass Islands Group
39 351GFLD Greenfield Dolomite
39 351PINB Put-In-Bay Dolomite
39 351RRVR Raisin River Dolomite
39 351SLIN Salina Formation
39 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
39 351TMCT Tymochtee Formation
39 354CDVL Cedarville Dolomite
39 354DYTN Dayton Limestone
39 354EPHM Euphemia Dolomite
39 354OSGD Osgood Formation
39 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
39 354SPGF Springfield Limestone
39 355LCKP Lockport Dolomite
39 355NIGR Niagara Dolomite
39 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone
39 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
39 360ODVC Ordovician System
39 361ARNM Arnheim Shale
39 361EDEN Eden Group
39 361ELKR Elkhorn Formation
39 361FLTN Fulton Shale
39 361FRVW Fairview Formation
39 361KOPE Kope Formation
39 361LBRT Liberty Formation
39 361LTON Latonia Shale
39 361MCML Mc Millan Formation
39 361MSVL Maysville Group
39 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
39 361RCMD Richmond Group
39 361UTIC Utica Shale
39 361WSVL Waynesville Shale
39 361WTTR Whitewater Formation
39 364GLND Glenwood Shale Member of Platteville Formation
39 364PPLS Point Pleasant Formation
39 364SNPR Saint Peter Sandstone
39 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
39 365BKRV Black River Formation
39 370CMBR Cambrian System
39 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
39 BASEMENT Basement
39 BEDROCK Bedrock
40 000UMTL Unknown Material
40 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
40 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
40 110CMTA Cimarron Terrace and Alluvial Aquifer
40 110EFRT Elm Fork Red River Terrace Aquifer
40 110EFTA Elm Fork Red River Terrace & Alluvial Aquifer
40 110LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
40 110NFDA North Fork Red River Dune Sand and Alluvial
40 110NFDT North Fork Red River Dune Sand & Terrace Aquifer
40 110NFRD North Fork Red River Dune Sand Aquifer
40 110NFRT North Fork Red River Terrace Aquifer
40 110NFTA North Fork Red River Terrace & Alluvial Aquifer
40 110QRNR Quaternary System
40 110RRTA Red River Terrace and Alluvial Aquifer
40 110RRVT Red River Terrace Aquifer
40 110SFRT Salt Fork Red River Terrace Aquifer
40 110SFTA Salt Fork Red River Terrace & Alluvial Aquifer
40 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
40 110TRRCL Terrace, Low, Deposits
40 111EFRR Elm Fork Red River Alluvial Aquifer
40 111NFRR North Fork Red River Alluvial Aquifer
40 111RRVA Red River Alluvial Aquifer
40 111SFRR Salt Fork Red River Alluvial Aquifer
40 112DUNE Dune Sand
40 112DUNES Dune Sand
40 112ODEE Odee Formation
40 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
40 112TRRCH Terrace, High, Deposits
40 120TRTR Tertiary System
40 121LVRN Laverne Formation
40 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
40 121PLCN Pliocene Series
40 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
40 210CRCS Cretaceous System
40 211DKCN Dakota Formation-Cheyenne Sandstone
40 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
40 211EAGF Eagle Ford Formation
40 211EGFD Eagle Ford Formation
40 211GRNR Greenhorn Formation
40 211GRRS Graneros Shale
40 212BRNS Brownstown Marl
40 212CLRD Colorado Formation
40 212GLFN Gulfian Series
40 212OZAN Ozan Formation
40 212TOKO Tokio Formation
40 212WDBN Woodbine Formation
40 217CENN Cheyenne Sandstone
40 217CYNN Cheyenne Sandstone
40 217KIOW Kiowa Shale
40 217PRGR Purgatoire Formation
40 218ALRS Antlers Sandstone
40 218BKCT Bokchito Formation
40 218BNNG Bennington Limestone
40 218CDDO Caddo Limestone
40 218CMNC Comanchean Series
40 218DKCK Duck Creek Formation
40 218DNTN Denton Clay
40 218DQUN De Queen Limestone
40 218FKBG Fredericksburg Group
40 218FRWR Fort Worth Limestone
40 218GDLD Goodland Limestone
40 218GRSN Grayson Formation
40 218HLCK Holly Creek Formation
40 218KMCH Kiamichi Formation
40 218PLXY Paluxy Sand
40 218PWPW Pawpaw Formation
40 218TRNT Trinity Group
40 218WENO Weno Limestone
40 218WLNT Walnut Clay
40 218WSHT Washita Group
40 220JRSC Jurassic System
40 221EXTR Exeter Sandstone
40 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
40 221MDKM Morrison-Dockum Formations
40 221MRSN Morrison Formation
40 230TRSC Triassic System
40 231DCKM Dockum Group
40 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
40 281HLCK Holly Creek Formation
40 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
40 300PMPV Permian and Pennsylvanian Systems Undifferentiated
40 310GLRT Glorieta Sandstone
40 310NLNS Nolans Limestone of the Chase Group
40 310NOLS Nolans Limestone of the Chase Group
40 310PRMN Permian System
40 310WLNG Wellington Formation
40 310WTRS Whitehorse Sandstone or Group
40 311CDCF Cloud Chief Formation
40 311DACK Day Creek Dolomite Member of Cloud Chief Formation
40 311DCRK Day Creek Dolomite Member of Cloud Chief Formation
40 311MCCK Moccasin Creek Gypsum Member of Cloud Chief Formation
40 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
40 311WRFD Weatherford Member of Cloud Chief Formation
40 312DOXY Doxey Member of Quartermaster Formation
40 312ELKC Elk City Member of Quartermaster Formation
40 312OCHO Ochoan Series
40 312QRRM Quartermaster Formation
40 313ACME Acme Dolomite Member of Blaine Formation
40 313BLIN Blaine Gypsum
40 313CDRP Cedartop Gypsum Member of Blaine Formation
40 313CLGR Collingsworth Gypsum Member of Blaine Formation
40 313CRET Creta Dolomite Member of Blaine Formation
40 313DCKB Dog Creek Shale and Blaine Gypsum Aquifer
40 313DCRL Doe Creek Lentil of Marlow Formation
40 313DGCK Dog Creek Shale
40 313ELRN El Reno Group
40 313EMFK Elm Fork Member of Blaine Formation
40 313EMNL Emanuel Dolomite Bed of Marlow Formation
40 313FLRP Flowerpot Shale
40 313GDLP Guadalupian Series
40 313GPCK Gypsum Creek Dolomite Bed (Unformal Usage) of Blaine Fm
40 313GRCM Gracemont Shale Bed of Marlow Formation
40 313GTHR Guthrie Bed (Informal Usage) of Dog Creek Formation
40 313HLLS Hollis Bed (Informal Usage) of Dog Creek Formation
40 313HSCK Haystack Gypsum Member of Blaine Formation
40 313JSTR Jester Dolomite Member of Blaine Formation
40 313MCQN Mcqueen Bed (Informal Usage)of Dog Creek Formation
40 313MNGM Mangum Dolomite Member of Blaine Formation
40 313MRLW Marlow Formation
40 313OLDC Old Crow Bed of Rush Springs Formation
40 313RLCK Relay Creek Dolomite Beds of Marlow Formation
40 313RSPG Rush Springs Formation
40 313STRD Southard Dolomite Bed of Dog Creek Shale
40 313VRDN Verden Sandstone Member of Marlow Formation
40 313VVCR Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR1 Gypsum Bed 1 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR2 Gypsum Bed 2 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR3 Gypsum Bed 3 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR4 Gypsum Bed 4 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR5 Gypsum Bed 5 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313VVCR6 Gypsum Bed 6 of Van Vacter Member of Blaine Formation
40 313WRFD Weatherford Gypsum Bed of Rush Springs Formation
40 313WTNG Watonga Dolomite Bed of Dog Creek Shale
40 317ADMR Admire Group
40 317BRNS Barneston Limestone
40 317CCKS Chickasha Formation of the El Reno Group
40 317CMRN Cimarronian Stage
40 317FORL Fort Riley Limestone Member of the Chase Group
40 317FRRL Fort Riley Limestone Member of the Chase Group
40 317GBWG Garber-Wellington Aquifer
40 317HERG Herington Limestone Member of the Chase Group
40 317HRNG Herington Limestone Member of the Chase Group
40 317WFLD Winfield Limestone
40 317WRFD Wreford Limestone
40 318BSON Bison Banded Member of Hennessey Shale
40 318CCGA Chase, Council Grove, and Admire Groups (undifferentiated)
40 318CDHL Cedar Hills Sandstone Member of Hennessey Shale
40 318CLFK Clear Fork Group
40 318FRMN Fairmont Shale Member of Hennessey Shale
40 318GRBR Garber Sandstone
40 318HNSS Hennessey Shale
40 318KIGM Kingman Sandstone Member of Harper Siltstone
40 318KNGM Kingman Sandstone Member of Harper Siltstone
40 318LERD Leonard Formation
40 318LNRD Leonard Formation
40 318OSCR Oscar Sandstone
40 318PRCL Purcell Sandstone Lens In Hennessey Shale
40 318PSOK Post Oak Conglomerate Member of Wichita Formation
40 318SLPL Salt Plain Formation
40 318WCHT Wichita Group
40 318WICT Wichita Group
40 319ADMR Admire Group
40 319CCGV Council Grove Group
40 319CHSE Chase Group
40 319FRKR Foraker Limestone
40 319GRNL Grenola Limestone
40 319PNTC Pontotoc Group
40 319WFMP Wolfcamp Formation
40 319WOFP Wolfcamp Formation
40 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
40 321CSCO Cisco Group
40 321TRNT Toronto Limestone Member of Oread Limestone
40 322ADA Ada Formation
40 322CGRC Collings Ranch Conglomerate
40 322DGLS Douglas Group
40 322DRCK Deer Creek Limestone
40 322ELGN Elgin Sandstone Member of Vamoosa Formation
40 322ORED Oread Limestone
40 322SHWN Shawnee Group
40 322STRN Strawn Group
40 322TOPK Topeka Limestone
40 322VMOS Vamoosa Formation
40 322VNSS Vanoss Formation
40 322VRGL Virgilian Series
40 322WBNS Wabaunsee Group
40 323BRDL Barnsdall Formation
40 323CCKB Checkerboard Limestone
40 323CFVL Coffeyville Formation
40 323CHNT Chanute Formation of Ochelata Group
40 323DEWY Dewey Limestone
40 323FRCS Francis Formation
40 323HGSR Hogshooter Limestone
40 323HXBR Hoxbar Formation
40 323IOLA Iola Limestone
40 323KSSC Kansas City Group
40 323LNSG Lansing Group
40 323MSSR Missourian Series
40 323NLBL Nellie Bly Formation
40 323NOXI Noxie Sandstone Member of Chanute Formation
40 323NOXIE Noxie Sandstone Member of Chanute Formation
40 323PLSN Pleasanton Group
40 323SMNL Seminole Formation
40 323TLNT Tallant Formation
40 323TRPD Torpedo Sandstone Member of Wann Formation
40 323WANN Wann Formation
40 324BLCT Belle City Limestone
40 324FRKS Franks Conglomerate
40 324HLTP Hilltop Formation
40 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
40 325ALMN Altamont Limestone
40 325BGGY Boggy Shale
40 325BJCK Bluejacket Sandstone Member of Boggy Shale
40 325BNDR Bandera Shale
40 325CBNS Cabaniss Subgroup
40 325CHLS Chelsea Sandstone Member of Senora Formation
40 325CHRK Cherokee Group
40 325CLVN Calvin Sandstone
40 325DEES Deese Formation
40 325DSMS Des Moinesian Series
40 325FRSC Fort Scott Limestone
40 325HLDV Holdenville Shale
40 325HRSR Hartshorne Sandstone
40 325KRBS Krebs Group
40 325LBTT Labette Shale
40 325LNPH Lenapah Limestone
40 325MCAL McAlester Shale
40 325MRMN Marmaton Group
40 325NOWT Nowata Shale
40 325OLGH Oologah Limestone
40 325PWNE Pawnee Limestone
40 325SNOR Senora Formation
40 325STRT Stuart Shale
40 325SVNN Savanna Sandstone
40 325TRMN Thurman Sandstone
40 325WTMK Wetumka Shale
40 325WWOK Wewoka Formation
40 326ATOK Atoka Formation
40 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
40 327UNVL Union Valley Formation
40 328BLYD Bloyd Shale
40 328CCKC Chickachoc Chert
40 328DCKH Dornick Hills Formation
40 328HALE Hale Formation
40 328JKFK Jackfork Sandstone
40 328JSVL Johns Valley Shale
40 328MRRN Morrowan Series
40 328SPRG Springer Group
40 328WPCK Wapanucka Limestone
40 330MSSP Mississippian System
40 330STNL Stanley Shale
40 331BOON Boone Formation
40 331HDVL Hindsville Limestone
40 331MFLD Moorefield Formation
40 331PTKN Pitkin Limestone
40 332BSVL Batesville Sandstone
40 332CKCK Chickasaw Creek Formation
40 332CSTR Chesterian Series
40 332FTVL Fayetteville Shale
40 332GDRD Goddard Shale Member of Springer Formation
40 332MYRS Moyers Formation
40 332TMCK Tenmile Creek Formation
40 333DLCK Delaware Creek Member of Caney Shale
40 333MRMC Meramecian Series
40 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
40 333SPRG Spergen Formation
40 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
40 333WRSW Warsaw Formation
40 337STJO St Joe Limestone Member of Boone Formation
40 338FRGL Fern Glen Limestone
40 338KKUK Keokuk Limestone
40 338OGKK Osagean-Kinderhookian Series
40 338OSGN Osagean Series
40 338RSPG Reeds Spring Limestone
40 338SCMR Sycamore Limestone
40 338SOCK Short Creek Oolite Member of Boone Formation
40 338SRCK Short Creek Oolite Member of Boone Formation
40 339KDRK Kinderhookian Series
40 339KKCQ Kinderhookian-Chautauquan Series
40 339NRTV Northview Shale
40 340DVNN Devonian System
40 340HNTN Hunton Group
40 340MSNR Misener Sandstone Member of Chattanooga Shale
40 341ARKS Arkansas Novaculite
40 341CTNG Chattanooga Shale
40 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
40 341WDFD Woodford Chert
40 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
40 350BLCK Blaylock Sandstone
40 350MSRM Missouri Mountain Slate
40 350SCLR St Clair Limestone
40 350SLRN Silurian System
40 352CYGN Cayugan Series
40 357CMNL Chimney Hill Dolomite
40 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
40 360ODVC Ordovician System
40 361FRVL Fernvale Limestone
40 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
40 361PKCK Polk Creek Shale
40 361SLVN Sylvan Shale
40 361VIOL Viola Limestone
40 361WMBL Womble Formation
40 364BGFK Bigfork Chert
40 364BRGN Burgen Sandstone
40 364BRMD Bromide Formation
40 364EVRN Everton Formation
40 364JONS Joins Formation
40 364MCLS McLish Formation
40 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
40 364OLCK Oil Creek Formation
40 364SMPS Simpson Group
40 364TPCK Tulip Creek Formation
40 364TYNR Tyner Formation
40 367ABCK Arbuckle Group
40 367ABCKU Arbuckle Limestone, Upper
40 367BLKL Blakely Sandstone
40 367CLCK Cool Creek Formation
40 367CRLM Crystal Mountain Sandstone
40 367CTJF Cotter-Jefferson City Dolomites
40 367CTTR Cotter Dolomite
40 367GNTR Gunter Sandstone Member of Gasconade Dolomite
40 367GSCD Gasconade Dolomite
40 367GSCDL Gasconade Dolomite, Lower
40 367GSCDU Gasconade Dolomite, Upper
40 367KDBD Kindblade Formation
40 367MKZH Mckenzie Hill Formation
40 367MZRN Mazarn Shale
40 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
40 367RBDX Roubidoux Formation
40 367WSCK West Spring Creek Formation
40 368CNDN Canadian Series
40 368JFRC Jefferson City Dolomite
40 368PWLL Powell Dolomite
40 368SACK Swan Creek Sandstone (Informal Unit At Base of Cotter Dolomite)
40 368SCRK Swan Creek Sandstone (Informal Unit At Base of Cotter Dolomite)
40 370CLLR Collier Shale
40 370CMBR Cambrian System
40 371ABCKL Arbuckle Formation, Lower
40 371BNTR Bonneterre Dolomite
40 371BTRL Butterly Dolomite
40 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
40 371CMGR Upper Cambrian Granite Wash
40 371DBDR Derby-Doerun Dolomites
40 371EMNC Eminence Dolomite
40 371EMPT Eminence-Potosi Dolomites
40 371FRSL Fort Sill Limestone
40 371LKFT Lukfata Sandstone
40 371LMTT Lamotte Sandstone
40 371POTS Potosi Dolomite
40 371REGN Reagan Sandstone
40 371ROYR Royer Dolomite
40 371SGLM Signal Mountain Formation
40 371TMBH Timbered Hills Group
40 400PCGR Precambrian Granite
40 400PCMB Precambrian Undivided
40 400PCMBV Precambrian Undivided
40 BASEMENT Basement
40 BEDROCK Bedrock
41 000UMTL Unknown Material
41 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
41 100VLFL Valley Fill
41 110ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
41 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
41 110ALVMO Alluvium, Older
41 110ALVMY Alluvium, Younger
41 110BSLT Basalt
41 110CLVM Colluvium
41 110DUNE Dune Sand
41 110LOSS Loess
41 110QRNR Quaternary System
41 110VLCC Volcanic Rocks
41 110VLCCT Volcanic Rocks
41 110VLFL Valley Fill
41 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
41 111ALVMY Alluvium, Younger
41 111DUNE Dune Sand
41 111HLCN Holocene Series
41 111MAZM Mazama Pumice
41 111MRSD Marine Sand
41 112ADSCP Andesitic Lava
41 112ALVM Alluvium
41 112ALVMO Alluvium, Older
41 112BRNG Boring Lava
41 112BRNGP Boring Lava
41 112CGLM Conglomerate
41 112FLVC Fluviolacustrine Deposits
41 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
41 112MRIN Marine Deposits
41 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
41 112PDMN Piedmont Deposits
41 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
41 112PLUS Palouse Formation
41 112PULNP Paulina Basalt
41 112SGMF Sand and Gravel of Missoula Flood Deposits
41 112SPIG Springwater Formation
41 112SPRG Springwater Formation
41 112TCHT Touchet Beds
41 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
41 112WLMT Willamette Silt
41 120FLVC Fluviolacustrine Deposits
41 121ALKC Alkali Canyon Formation of Dalles Group
41 121BSLT Basalt
41 121CHNT Chenoweth Formation of Dalles Group
41 121DLLS Dalles Group
41 121DNFT Danforth Formation
41 121DSCS Deschutes Formation of Dalles Group
41 121FGLM Fanglomerate Deposits
41 121FRCK Fort Rock Formation
41 121HSBT Haynes Butte Basalt
41 121MCKY Mckay Formation of Dalles Group
41 121PCRK Picture Rock Basalt
41 121PIRK Picture Rock Basalt
41 121SDRV Sandy River Mudstone
41 121SRBR Strawberry Volcanics
41 121TFBC Tuff and Breccia
41 121TGVL Tygh Valley Formation of Dalles Group
41 121TRDL Troutdale Formation
41 121VPSM Volcanic Pyroclastic and Sedimentary Rocks
41 121YONN Yonna Formation
41 122ARMG Armstrong Canyon Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122ASTR Astoria Formation
41 122BARC Basalt Andesite and Rhyodacite
41 122CBRV Columbia River Basalt Group
41 122DDGE Basalt of Dodge of Eckler Mtn Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122DNYG Downey Gulch Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122EGCK Eagle Creek Formation
41 122EKLR Eckler Mountain Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122ELBG Ellensburg Formation
41 122ELPM Elephant Mountain Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122FDSP Field Springs Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122FRDG Fern Ridge Tuff of Sardine Formation
41 122FSPG Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
41 122GDRD Grande Ronde Basalt Formation
41 122GNKG Basalt of Ginkgo of Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122GRCK Grouse Creek Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122GRSC Grouse Creek Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122ICHB Ice Harbor Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122IMNH Imnaha Basalt of Columbia River Basalt Group
41 122JNDY John Day Formation
41 122LKGS Basalt of Lookingglass of Eckler Mountain Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122LOLO Basalt of Lolo of Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122LRML Lower Monumental Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122LTLBO Little Butte Volcanic Series
41 122LVEY Levey Interbed (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
41 122LYFY Basalt of Lyons Ferry of Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122MBTN Mabton Member (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
41 122MOCN Miocene Series
41 122MRDL Basalt of Martindale of Ice Harbor Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122MRINE Marine Sediments
41 122MSCL Mascall Formation
41 122ORTL Ortley Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122PCGG Picture Gorge Basalt of Columbia River Basalt Group
41 122PDRV Powder River Volcanics
41 122POMN Pomona Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122PRPD Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
41 122RKRG Rattlesnake Ridge Member (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
41 122RLSK Rattlesnake Formation
41 122ROZA Roza Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
41 122RSLA Basalt of Rosalia of Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122SDHW Basalt of Sand Hollow of Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122SDLM Saddle Mountains Basalt Formation
41 122SELH Selah Member (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
41 122SGMF Sand and Gravel of Missoula Flood Deposits
41 122SLKC Slack Canyon Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122SLSI Basalt of Sillusi of Umatilla Member of Saddle Mtns Basalt
41 122SQCK Squaw Creek Diatomite Bed of Ellensburg Formation
41 122SRDN Sardine Formation
41 122STLB Sentinel Bluffs Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122STLG Basalt of Sentinel Gap of Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122SVFL Basalt of Silver Falls of Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt
41 122TCHT Touchet Beds
41 122UMTL Umatilla Member of Saddle Mountains Basalt
41 122UMUM Basalt of Umatilla of Umatilla Member of Saddle Mtns Basalt
41 122UTNM Umtanum Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122VNTG Vantage Member of Ellensburg Formation
41 122WNPM Wanapum Basalt Formation
41 122WPSL Wapshilla Ridge Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122WTRW Winter Water Unit of Grande Ronde Basalt
41 122YKIM Yakima Basalt Subgroup of Columbia River Basalt Group
41 123EOCN Eocene Series
41 123EUGNE Eugen Formation
41 123FSHRE Fisher Formation
41 123KESY Keasey Formation
41 123MRINO Marine Rocks, Older
41 123OGCE Oligocene-Eocene Series
41 123OLGC Oligocene Series
41 123ROXY Roxy Formation
41 123YQUN Yaquina Formation
41 124BSLT Basalt
41 124CLRN Clarno Formation
41 124CLSN Colestin Formation
41 124COLD Coaledo Formation
41 124EOCN Eocene Series
41 124NMSM Nonmarine Sedimentary Rocks
41 124NSTC Nestucca Formation
41 124SPCR Spencer Formation
41 124SZRV Siletz River Volcanic Series
41 124TMKV Tillamook Volcanic Series
41 124TYEE Tyee Formation
41 124UMPQ Umpqua Formation
41 124VLCC Volcanic Rocks
41 124YMHL Yamhill Formation
41 200MEZC Mesozoic Rocks
41 200SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
41 200SERP Serpentine
41 200SRPN Serpentine
41 200VLCC Volcanic Rocks
41 211HRBK Hornbrook Formation
41 217GCIVJ Granitic Intrusive Rocks
41 217GRDR Granodiorite
41 217QRZD Quartz Diorite
41 220DTHN Dothan Formation
41 221GLIC Galice Formation
41 221UFIV Ultramafic Intrusive Rocks
41 231APLG Applegate Group
41 231FDCK Fields Creek Formation of Aldrich Mountains Group
41 231LCCK Laycock Graywacke of Aldrich Mountains Group
41 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
41 311CNNM Canyon Mountain Complex
41 BASEMENT Basement
41 BEDROCK Bedrock
42 000AMPB Amphibolite
42 000ANRS Anorthosite
42 000GBBR Gabbro and Gabbroic Gneiss
42 000GRDR Granodiorite
42 000GRGS Granite Gneiss
42 000GRNS Greenstone Schist
42 000GRNT Granite
42 000GRPC Graphitic Gneiss
42 000HBLD Hornblende Gneiss
42 000MBSL Metabasalt
42 000MDBS Metadiabase
42 000MFCG Mafic Gneiss
42 000MFCGH Mafic Gneiss, Hornblende-Bearing
42 000MFCGP Mafic Gneiss, Pyroxene-Bearing
42 000MGBR Metagabbro
42 000MTRL Metarhyolite
42 000PGMT Pegmatite
42 000QZMZ Quartz Monzonite
42 000SRPN Serpentinite
42 000UMTL Unknown Material
42 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
42 110BECH Beach Deposits
42 110QRNR Quaternary System
42 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
42 111BECH Beach Deposits
42 111CLVM Colluvium
42 111FILL Fill
42 111HLCN Holocene Series
42 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
42 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
42 112ALVM Alluvium
42 112BECH Beach Deposits
42 112CLVM Colluvium
42 112CMCL Carmichaels Formation
42 112DRFT Drift
42 112DRML Drumlins
42 112ESKR Eskers
42 112FLVL Fluvial Deposits
42 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
42 112KAME Kame Deposits
42 112KAMED Kame Deposits
42 112KMTC Kame Terrace Deposits
42 112LAKE Lake Deposits
42 112LOSS Loess
42 112MORN Moraine
42 112OTSH Outwash
42 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
42 112PNSK Pensauken Formation
42 112SFDF Stratified Drift
42 112TILL Till
42 112TMLM Terminal Moraine Deposits
42 112TMRP Trenton-Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System
42 112TREN Trenton Gravel
42 112TRNN Trenton Gravel
42 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
42 120TRTR Tertiary System
42 121BRMR Bryn Mawr Formation
42 121PLCN Pliocene Series
42 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
42 210CRCS Cretaceous System
42 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
42 211MGTY Magothy Formation
42 211MRPA Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Undifferentiated
42 211MRPAL Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
42 211MRPAM Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Middle Aquifer
42 211MRPAU Magothy-Raritan-Potomac Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
42 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
42 217PPSC Patapsco Formation
42 230TRSC Triassic System
42 231BRCK Brunswick Formation
42 231BRCKF Brunswick, Limestone Fanglomerate
42 231BRCKQ Brunswick, Quartz Fanglomerate
42 231BSLT Basalt
42 231DIBS Diabase Dikes and Sills
42 231GBRG Gettysburg Shale
42 231GBRGL Gettysburg Shale, Lower Member
42 231GBRGU Gettysburg Shale, Upper Member
42 231HDBG Heidlersburg Member
42 231HMCK Hammer Creek Formation
42 231LCKG Lockatong Formation
42 231NOXF New Oxford Formation
42 231SCKN Stockton Formation
42 231SCKNL Stockton Formation, Lower Member
42 231SCKNM Stockton Formation, Middle Member
42 231SCKNU Stockton Formation, Upper Member
42 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
42 300BLDR Boulder Gneiss of Wissahickon Formation
42 300CCKV Cockeysville Marble
42 300GLRM Glenarm Series
42 300MABG Marburg Schist
42 300MCGM Metaconglomerate of Wissahickon Formation
42 300MGCK Metagraywacke of Wissahickon Formation
42 300MRBG Marburg Schist
42 300OCRR Octararo Phyllite
42 300PLTCL Pelitic Schist, Lower, of Wissahickon Formation
42 300PLTCU Pelitic Schist, Upper, of Wissahickon Formation
42 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
42 300PLZCL Paleozoic Erathem, Lower
42 300PRCK Peters Creek Schist
42 300STRS Setters Formation
42 300WKFD Wakefield Marble
42 300WSCK Wissahickon Formation
42 300WSCK1 Wissahickon Formation, Informal Subunit Was-1
42 300WSCK2 Wissahickon Formation, Informal Subunit Was-2
42 300WSCK3 Wissahickon Formation, Informal Subunit Was-3
42 300WSCK4 Wissahickon Formation, Informal Subunit Was-4
42 300WSCK5 Wissahickon Formation, Informal Subunit Was-5
42 300WSCKA Wissahickon Formation, Albite Chlorite Schist
42 300WSCKO Wissahickon Formation, Oligoclase Mica Schist
42 300WSCKV Wissahickon Formation, Metavolcanics
42 310PRMN Permian System
42 317CSVL Cassville Shale Member
42 317DKRD Dunkard Group
42 317GREN Greene Formation
42 317JLTN Jollytown Coal
42 317LLWG Little Washington Coal
42 317NNVHN Nineveh Limestone Member
42 317NNVHS Nineveh Sandstone Member
42 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
42 317TNML Ten Mile Coal
42 317WBRG Waynesburg Formation
42 317WBRGA Waynesburg A Coal
42 317WBRGB Waynesburg B Coal
42 317WBRGC Waynesburg Coal
42 317WBRGL Waynesburg Formation, Lower Member
42 317WBRGM Waynesburg Formation, Middle Member
42 317WBRGU Waynesburg Formation, Upper Member
42 317WSNG Washington Formation
42 317WSNGC Washington Coal
42 317WSNGL Washington Formation, Lower Member
42 317WSNGM Washington Formation, Middle Member
42 317WSNGU Washington Formation, Upper Member
42 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
42 321ADBG Arnoldsburg Sandstone
42 321ALBG Albright Limestone
42 321AMES Ames Coal
42 321AMESN Ames Limestone
42 321BFFL Buffalo Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 321BKRSL Bakerstown Coal, Lower
42 321BMGM Birmingham Redbed
42 321BNWD Benwood Limestone
42 321BRCK Brush Creek Limestone
42 321BRCKC Brush Creek Coal
42 321BRTN Barton Limestone
42 321BRTNC Barton Coal
42 321CKBG Clarksburg Limestone
42 321CLVL Connellsville Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 321CLVLC Clarysville Coal
42 321CMBG Cambridge Limestone
42 321CNMG Conemaugh Formation
42 321CRNT Corinth Sandstone
42 321CSLM Casselman Formation
42 321DQSN Duquesne Coal
42 321EWNG Ewing Limestone
42 321FDLH Federal Hill Coal
42 321FDVL Friendsville Shale
42 321FRKL Franklin Coal
42 321FSPT Fishpot Member of Pittsburgh Formation
42 321FSPTC Fishpot Coal
42 321FSPTN Fishpot Limestone
42 321GLBY Gilboy Sandstone
42 321GLNS Glenshaw Formation
42 321GRFN Grafton Sandstone
42 321HFMN Hoffman Coal Group
42 321HMBR Humbert Coal
42 321IRDL Irondale Limestone
42 321LLLN Llewellyn Formation
42 321LNCG Lonaconing Coal
42 321LPBG Little Pittsburgh Coal
42 321LVVL Lavansville Limestone
42 321LWBG Little Waynesburg Coal
42 321MNGL Monongahela Group
42 321MNNG Mahoning Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 321MNNGC Mahoning Coal
42 321MNNGL Mahoning Sandstone, Lower Member
42 321MNNGR Mahoning Redbed
42 321MNNGU Mahoning Sandstone, Upper Member
42 321MOGL Monongahela Group
42 321MRDL Meyersdale Redbed
42 321MRGN Morgantown Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 321MRGNC Morgantown Coal
42 321NVRN Niverton Shale
42 321PBRG Pittsburgh Formation
42 321PBRGC Pittsburgh Coal
42 321PBRGL Pittsburgh Formation, Lower Member
42 321PBRGN Pittsburg Limestone, Lower
42 321PBRGR Pittsburgh Redbed
42 321PBRGS Pittsburgh Sandstone
42 321PBRGU Pittsburgh Formation, Upper Member
42 321PCRK Pine Creek Limestone
42 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
42 321RDSN Redstone Member of Pittsburgh Formation
42 321RDSNC Redstone Coal
42 321RDSNN Redstone Limestone
42 321SCKL Sewickley Member
42 321SCKLC Sewickley Coal
42 321SCKLS Sewickley Sandstone
42 321SLBG Saltsburg Sandstone
42 321SMRL Summerhill Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 321THMS Thomas Clay
42 321TRNN Thornton Clay
42 321UFNG Uffington Shale
42 321UNNN Uniontown Formation
42 321UNNNC Uniontown Coal
42 321UNNNL Uniontown Formation, Lower Member
42 321UNNNN Uniontown Limestone
42 321UNNNS Uniontown Sandstone
42 321UNNNU Uniontown Formation, Upper Member
42 321UPBK Upper Bakerstown Coal
42 321WDSR Woods Run Limestone
42 321WLBG Wellersburg Limestone
42 321WLBGC Wellersburg Coal
42 321WLMR Wilmore Sandstone Member of Conemaugh Formation
42 324ALEG Allegheny Group
42 324ALGN Allegheny Group
42 324ALPV Allegheny and Pottsville Groups, Indiff.
42 324BKVL Brookville Coal
42 324BLVR Bolivar Clay
42 324BTLR Butler Sandstone
42 324CFCK Clearfield Creek Formation
42 324CLMB Columbiana Shale
42 324CLRN Clarion Formation
42 324CLRNL Clarion Coal, Lower
42 324CLRNS Clarion Sandstone Member
42 324CLRNU Clarion Coal, Upper
42 324CRVL Curwensville Formation
42 324FRPR Freeport Formation
42 324FRPRA Freeport Coal, Upper
42 324FRPRB Freeport Coal, Middle
42 324FRPRC Freeport Coal, Lower
42 324FRPRL Freeport Limestone
42 324FRPRS Freeport Sandstone
42 324GLRC Glen Richey Formation
42 324HMWD Homewood Formation
42 324HMWDS Homewood Sandstone Member
42 324JNSN Johnstown Limestone
42 324KNNG Kittanning Formation
42 324KNNGA Kittanning Coal Group, Upper
42 324KNNGB Kittanning Coal Group, Middle
42 324KNNGC Kittanning Coal Group, Lower
42 324KNNGL Kittanning Formation or Member, Lower
42 324KNNGM Kittanning Formation or Member, Middle
42 324KNNGN Kittanning Limestone
42 324KNNGS Kittanning Sandstone Member of Allegheny Formation
42 324KNNGU Kittanning Formation or Member, Upper
42 324LRLR Laurel Run Formation
42 324MLSR Millstone Run Formation
42 324MRCR Mercer Formation
42 324MRCRC Mercer Coal Group
42 324MSPG Mineral Springs Formation
42 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
42 324PSVL Pottsville Formation
42 324SCBG Scrubgrass Coal
42 324SRPM Sharp Mountain
42 324VNPR Vanport Limestone Member of Allegheny Formation
42 324WGVL Washingtonville Shale
42 324WRNGL Worthington Sandstone Member, Lower
42 324WRNGU Worthington Sandstone Member, Upper
42 324WRPR Westernport Sandstone
42 327CQSG Connoquenessing Formation
42 327CQSGL Connoquenessing Formation, Lower Member
42 327CQSGM Connoquenessing Formation, Middle Member
42 327CQSGU Connoquenessing Formation, Upper Member
42 327ELPK Elliot Park Formation
42 327MCCK Mauch Chunk Formation
42 327MCCKU Mauch Chunk Formation, Upper Member
42 327NRVR New River Formation
42 327OLEN Olean Sandstone Member of Pottsville Formation
42 327PNVL Pineville Sandstone Member of New River Formation
42 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
42 327QKRN Quakertown Member of Connoquenessing Formation
42 327QKRNC Quakertown Coal
42 327SCLK Schuylkill Member of Pottsville Formation
42 327SHRN Sharon Formation
42 327SHRNC Sharon Conglomerate
42 327TBGR Tumbling Run Member of Pottsville Formation
42 330MSSP Mississippian System
42 331DRVL Deer Valley Limestone
42 331GRBR Greenbrier Limestone
42 331MCCK Mauch Chunk Formation
42 331MCCKL Mauch Chunk Formation, Lower Member
42 331MCCKM Mauch Chunk Formation, Middle Member
42 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
42 331TGCK Trough Creek Limestone
42 331WPGP Wymps Gap Limestone
42 337BBCR Berea, Bedford, Cussewago, and Riceville Fm., Undiff.
42 337BCKV Beckville Member
42 337BCRV Berea, Bedford, Cussewago, Riceville, and Venango Fm., Undiff.
42 337BDFD Bedford Shale
42 337BERE Berea Sandstone
42 337BGIJ Big Injun Sand
42 337BRGN Burgoon Member of Pocono Formation
42 337CBCR Corry, Bedford, Cussewago, and Riceville Fm., Undiff.
42 337CRRY Corry Formation
42 337CSSG Cussewago Formation
42 337CYHG Cuyahoga Group
42 337HMPF Hempfield Shale
42 337HNLM Huntley Mountain Formation
42 337KNPP Knapp Formation
42 337LLNN Loyalhanna Limestone
42 337MCRB Mount Carbon Member of Pocono Formation
42 337MDVL Meadville Formation
42 337MRVL Murrysville Formation
42 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
42 337MYRS Myers Shale
42 337OGVL Orangeville Shale or Formation
42 337PNKR Pinkerton Sandstone
42 337POCN Pocono Formation
42 337PTTN Patton Shale
42 337RCKL Rockwell Formation
42 337RDBG Riddlesburg Shale Member of Pocono Formation
42 337SLMH Shellhammer Hollow Formation
42 337SNNG Shenango Formation
42 337SNNGL Shenango Formation, Lower Member
42 337SNNGU Shenango Formation, Upper Member
42 337SPKP Spechty Kopf Formation
42 337SPVL Sharpsville Formation
42 337SQUW Squaw Sand
42 340DVNN Devonian System
42 341ALGP Allegrippis Sandstone Member of Chemung Formation
42 341AMTY Amity Shale
42 341BDSR Buddys Run Member of Catskill Formation
42 341BLHL Brallier, Harrel Formations Undifferentiated
42 341BRKT Burkett Member of Rush Formation
42 341BRLR Brallier Formation
42 341BRRN Berry Run Member of Catskill Formation
42 341BRSR Berry Run and Sawmill Run Mbrs of Catskill Formation, Undivided
42 341BVMR Beaverdam Run Member of Catskill Formation
42 341CDKN Chadakoin Formation
42 341CLKF Clarks Ferry
42 341CMNG Chemung Formation
42 341CMNGB Chemung Formation, Marine Beds
42 341CMNGR Marine Beds of Chemung Formation
42 341CNDY Canadaway Formation
42 341CNNG Conewango Group
42 341CNNT Conneaut Formation
42 341CRDG Cherry Ridge Formation or Member
42 341CRGS Cattaraugus Formation
42 341CSKL Catskill Formation
42 341CSKLL Catskill Formation, Lower Redbeds Member
42 341CSKLS Catskill Formation, Upper Sandstone Member
42 341CSKLU Catskill Formation, Upper Redbeds Member
42 341DKRK Dunkirk Formation
42 341DLRV Delaware River Formation
42 341DNCN Duncannon Member of Catskill Formation
42 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
42 341FKLD Franklindale Limestone Member of Chemung Formation
42 341FLCK Fall Creek Conglomerate Member of Chemung Formation
42 341FRKB Foreknobs Formation
42 341GRDU Gardeau Formation
42 341GRRD Girard Formation
42 341HMPR Hampshire Formation
42 341HRRL Harrell Shale
42 341HSDL Honesdale Formation or Member of Catskill Formation
42 341IRVL Irish Valley Member of Catskill Formation
42 341JNGS Jennings Formation
42 341KGML Kings Mill Member of Catskill Formation
42 341LCKX Lackawaxen Formation
42 341LKHV Lock Haven Formation
42 341LNGR Long Run Member of Catskill Formation
42 341LRBW Long Run, Beaverdam Run, Walckville Mbrs of Catskill Fm, Undivided
42 341MDLX Middlesex Formation
42 341MLRF Millrift Formation
42 341MPLS Mount Pleasant Formation
42 341NMFD New Milford Formation
42 341NRTS Northeast Shale
42 341NUND Nunda Formation
42 341OSWY Oswayo Formation
42 341PCKR Packerton Member of Catskill Formation
42 341PGPK Poplar Gap and Packerton Mbrs of Catskill Formation, Undivided
42 341PLGP Poplar Gap Member of Catskill Formation
42 341PPCK Pipe Creek Formation
42 341PRDG Piney Ridge Sandstone Memeber of Chemung Formation
42 341RCVL Riceville Formation
42 341RNSR Rhinestreet Formation
42 341RUSH Rush Formation
42 341SCRR Scherr Formation
42 341SHHL Shohola Formation
42 341SLBK Sloat Brook Formation
42 341SLMC Salamanca Formation
42 341SMCK Sherman Creek Member of Catskill Formation
42 341SMLR Sawmill Run Member of Catskill Formation
42 341SNFS Sunfish Formation
42 341SONY Sonyea Formation
42 341SSQN Susquehanna Group
42 341SXTN Saxton Conglomerate Member of Chemung Formation
42 341TMRK Trimmers Rock Formation
42 341TMSG Towamensing Member of Catskill Formation
42 341TRKH Trimmers Rock and Harrell Formations, Undifferentiated
42 341TWND Towanda Formation
42 341VNNG Venango Formation
42 341WCKV Walcksville Member of Catskill Formation
42 341WDMN Woodmont Formation
42 341WLTN Walton Group
42 341WSCY Wiscoy Formation
42 344BMKF Buttermilk Falls Formation
42 344BVDM Beaver Dam Black Shale Member of Needmore Shale
42 344CFLD Centerfield Zone
42 344DLMT Dalmatia Member
42 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
42 344ESPS Esopus Formation
42 344FCRG Fischer Ridge Member
42 344HMLN Hamilton Group
42 344KNKL Kunkeltown Zone
42 344LLGP Little Gap Zone
42 344MNBL Montebello Sandstone Member of Mahantango Formation
42 344MNNG Mahantango Formation
42 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
42 344NDMR Needmore Shale
42 344NSHL Nis Hollow Member
42 344ODOP Onondaga, Old Port Formations Undifferentiated
42 344ONDG Onondaga Limestone
42 344RMNY Romney Shale
42 344ROMN Romney Shale
42 344SCEP Schoharie and Esopus Formations, Undifferentiated
42 344SLGV Selinsgrove Member or Limestone of Onondaga Limestone
42 344SMRG Sherman Ridge Formation or Member of Mahantango Formation
42 344SPRB Sparrow Bush Formation
42 344TKRG Turkey Ridge Member of Marcellus Shale
42 344TLLY Tully Limestone
42 347ADRS Andreas Red Beds
42 347BCRF Becraft Limestone
42 347CMNS Coeymans Limestone
42 347DEPU Depue Limestone Member of Coeymans Formation
42 347DNVL Duttonville Member of Rondout Formation
42 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
42 347FBKV Flatbrookville Member of New Scotland Formation
42 347HDBG Helderberg Group
42 347KKBG Kalkberg Limestone
42 347KRTL Keyser, Tonoloway Formations Undifferentiated
42 347KTWC Keyser, Tonoloway, Wills Creek, Bloomsburg, Mifflintown Fms and Clinto
42 347KTWM Keyser, Tonoloway, Wills Creek, Bloomsburg, Mifflintown Formations, Un
42 347KYSR Keyser Limestone
42 347MNDT Mandata Member of Helderberg Formation
42 347MNLS Manlius Formation
42 347MNSK Minisink Limestone
42 347MPCG Mashipacong Member of Rondout Formation
42 347MSKZ Maskenozha Member of New Scotland Formation
42 347NSCD New Scotland Limestone
42 347OLDP Old Port Formation
42 347ORIS Oriskany Sandstone
42 347ORSK Oriskany Sandstone
42 347PLMR Palmerton Formation
42 347PREN Port Ewen Shale
42 347PRVL Peters Valley Member of Coeymans Formation
42 347RDGL Ridgeley Sandstone
42 347RNDT Rondout Formation
42 347SCHR Schoharie Formation
42 347SILD Shawnee Island Member of Coeymans Formation
42 347SMVL Stormville Member of Coeymans Formation
42 347SRVR Shriver Chert
42 347WTPR Whiteport Dolomite Member of Rondout Formation
42 350SLRN Silurian System
42 351BBGM Bloomsburg, Mifflintown Formations Undifferentiated
42 351BDGP Bridgeport Member of Bloomsburg Formation
42 351BDVL Bossardville Formation
42 351BMBG Bloomsburg Formation
42 351CYUG Cayuga Group
42 351DCKR Decker Formation
42 351PXID Poxono Island Formation
42 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
42 351TNLY Tonoloway Limestone
42 351WLCK Wills Creek Formation
42 351WLCKL Wills Creek Formation, Lower Member
42 351WLCKU Wills Creek Formation, Upper Member
42 351WPKC Wallpack Center Member of Decker Formation
42 354CBHL Cabin Hill Member of Rose Hill Formation
42 354CLNN Clinton Formation
42 354CNTR Center Member of Rose Hill Formation
42 354KEFR Keefer Sandstone Member of Clinton Formation
42 354MCKZ Mc Kenzie Formation
42 354MFLN Mifflintown Formation
42 354RCSR Rochester Member of Mufflintown Formation
42 354RSHL Rose Hill Formation
42 354RSHLL Rose Hill Formation, Lower Member
42 354RSHLM Rose Hill Formation, Middle Member
42 354RSHLU Rose Hill Formation, Upper Member
42 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
42 354SNGK Shawangunk Formation
42 354SNGKM Shawangunk Formation, Middle Member
42 354SNGKU Shawangunk Formation, Upper Member
42 357CSTN Castanea Member of Tuscarora Formation
42 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
42 357SNGKL Shawangunk Formation, Lower Member
42 357TCRR Tuscarora Sandstone
42 360CRDF Cardiff Metaconglomerate
42 360PCBM Peach Bottom Slate
42 361BDEG Bald Eagle Formation
42 361BSKL Bushkill Member of Martinsburg Formation
42 361CCLC Cocalico Formation
42 361CCLCP Cocalico Phyllite
42 361JBEG Juniata and Bald Eagle Formations
42 361JUNT Juniata Formation
42 361LSRN Lost Run Member of Bald Eagle Formation
42 361MLHL Mill Hill Slate Formation
42 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
42 361MRBGA Martinsburg Shale, A Unit
42 361MRBGB Martinsburg Shale, B Unit
42 361MRBGC Martinsburg Shale, C Unit
42 361MRBGD Martinsburg Shale, D Unit
42 361MRBGE Martinsburg Shale, E Unit
42 361MRBGF Martinsburg Shale, F Unit
42 361MRBGG Martinsburg Shale, G Unit
42 361MRBGH Martinsburg Shale, H Unit
42 361MRBGL Martinsburg Shale, Lower Member
42 361MRBGM Martinsburg Shale, Middle Member
42 361MRBGN Martinsburg Formation, Basal Limestone
42 361MRBGU Martinsburg Shale, Upper Member
42 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
42 361PAGL Pen Argyl Member of Martinsburg Shale
42 361RDVL Reedsville Formation
42 361RMBG Ramseyburg Member of Martinsburg Shale
42 361SCRY Shochary Sandstone
42 361SHLE Shale
42 364ANTS Antes Formation
42 364ANVL Annville Formation
42 364BKMN Beekmantown Group
42 364BNNR Benner Formation
42 364BSHL Benner, Snyder, Hatter, Loysburg Formations Undifferentiated
42 364CBBG Chambersburg Formation
42 364CBRN Coburn Formation
42 364CBSN Coburn, Salona, Nealmont Formations Undifferentiated
42 364CRHL Center Hall Member of Nealmont Formation
42 364CRTN Curtin Formation
42 364CSNL Coburn, Salona, Nealmont, Benner, Snyder, Hatter, Loysburg Fms.
42 364EYER Eyer Member of Hatter Formation
42 364GRZR Grazier Member of Hatter Formation
42 364HMBG Hamburg Sequence
42 364HMBG1 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 1
42 364HMBG2 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 2
42 364HMBG3 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 3
42 364HMBG4 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 4
42 364HMBG5 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 5
42 364HMBG6 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 6
42 364HMBG7 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 7
42 364HMBG8 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 8
42 364HMBG9 Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 9
42 364HMBGA Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 2a
42 364HMBGB Hamburg Sequence, Subunit 2b
42 364HNTR Hunter Formation
42 364HRMA Hershey-Myerstown-Annville Aquifer
42 364HRMR Hershey and Myerstown Formations, Undifferentiated
42 364HRSY Hershey Formation
42 364HSLR Hostler Member of Hatter Formation
42 364HTTR Hatter Formation
42 364JKBG Jacksonburg Formation
42 364JKBGC Jacksonburg Formation, Cement Limestone
42 364JKBGR Jacksonburg Formation, Cement Rock
42 364LDHL Linden Hall Formation
42 364LVLL Lowville Formation
42 364MRSN Myerstown Formation
42 364NLMN Nealmont Formation
42 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
42 364OKHL Oak Hall Member of Nealmont Formation
42 364ONLN Ontelaunee Formation
42 364RDMN Rodman Limestone or Member of Nealmont Formation
42 364SLON Salona Formation
42 364SNDR Snyder Member of Benner Formation
42 364STPL St Paul Group
42 364STVR Stover Member of Benner Formation
42 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
42 364VLLV Valley View Member of Curtin Formation
42 364VLNN Valentine Member of Curtin Formation
42 365BKRV Black River Formation
42 367AXMN Axemann Formation
42 367BFAX Axemann, Bellefonte Formations
42 367BLFN Bellefonte Formation
42 367CALM Carlim Limestone
42 367CLVR Clover Member of Loysburg Formation
42 367CNSG Conestoga Formation
42 367CRLM Carlim Formation
42 367EPLR Epler Formation
42 367LBRG Loysburg Formation
42 367LRKE Larke Formation
42 367MLRY Milroy Member of Loysburg Formation
42 367NNLK Nittany Larke Formations
42 367NTTN Nittany Formation
42 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
42 367PBGS Pinesburg Station Dolomite
42 367RCKB Rickenbach Formation
42 367RCKR Rockdale Run Formation
42 367SFRS Stoufferstown Formation
42 367SNNG Stonehenge Formation
42 367TGSP Tiger-Striped Member
42 370CMBR Cambrian System
42 371ALNN Allentown Formation
42 371CCCG Conococheague Group
42 371CCCGG Conococheague Group
42 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
42 371ELBK Elbrook Formation
42 371GBRG Gatesburg Formation
42 371GBRGL Gatesburg Formation, Lower Sandy Member
42 371GBRGU Gatesburg Formation, Upper Sandy Member
42 371LMPR Limeport Formation
42 371MDCK Maiden Creek Member of Allentown Formation
42 371MINS Mines Formation or Member of Gatesburg Formation
42 371MLBC Milbach Formation
42 371MLBG Muhlenberg Member of Allentown Formation
42 371ORHL Ore Hill Member of Gatesburg Formation
42 371PSDM Potsdam Sandstone
42 371RCLD Richland Formation
42 371SCFR Schaefferstown Formation
42 371SDGV Shadygrove Formation
42 371STCY Stacy Member of Gatesburg Formation
42 371SZCK Snitz Creek Formation
42 371TCKR Tuckerton Member of Allentown Formation
42 371WRRR Warrior Formation
42 371ZLGR Zullinger Formation
42 374BSPG Buffalo Springs Formation
42 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
42 374LSVL Leithsville Formation
42 374PLHL Pleasant Hill Formation
42 374ZKCR Zooks Corner Formation
42 377AMHP Antietam, Harpers Formation
42 377ANTM Antietam Formation
42 377CCKS Chickies Formation
42 377CHLH Chilhowee Group
42 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
42 377HLLM Hellam Member of Chickies Formation
42 377HRDS Hardyston Quartzite
42 377HRPR Harpers Formation
42 377KZRS Kinzers Formation
42 377LDGR Ledger Formation
42 377LUDN Loudoun Formation
42 377MNTL Montalto Member of Harpers Formation
42 377TMSN Tomstown Dolomite
42 377VNTG Vintage Formation
42 377WSBR Waynesboro Formation
42 377WVRN Weverton Formation
42 400AMPB Amphibolite
42 400ANRS Anorthosite
42 400BLMR Baltimore Gneiss
42 400BMFGA Banded Mafic Gneiss, Amphibolite Facies
42 400BYRM Byram Gneiss
42 400FCIGA Felsic and Intermediate Gneiss, Amphibolite Facies
42 400FLCG Felsic Gneiss
42 400FLCGA Felsic Gneiss, Amphibolite Facies
42 400FLCGG Felsic Gneiss, Granulite Facies
42 400FLCGH Felsic Gneiss, Hornblende-Bearing
42 400FLCGP Felsic Gneiss, Pyroxene-Bearing
42 400FMFG Felsic and Mafic Gneiss
42 400FRKL Franklin Limestone
42 400GPCGA Graphitic Gneiss, Amphibolite Facies
42 400GPCGG Graphitic Gneiss, Granulite Facies
42 400GRCG Granitic Gneiss
42 400GRLGB Granulite Gneiss, Mafic
42 400GRLGF Granulite Gneiss, Felsic
42 400LOSE Losee Diorite Gneiss
42 400MFCG Mafic Gneiss
42 400MFCGG Mafic Gneiss, Granulite Facies
42 400MFCGH Mafic Gneiss, Hornblende-Bearing
42 400MFCGP Mafic Gneiss, Pyroxene-Bearing
42 400MRVN Moravian Heights Formation
42 400PCCK Pochuck Gneiss
42 400PCKG Pickering Gneiss
42 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
42 400SPGF Springfield Granodiorite
42 BASEMENT Basement
42 BEDROCK Bedrock
44 000UMTL Unknown Material
44 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
44 111BECH Beach Deposits
44 111CLVM Colluvium
44 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
44 111FILL Fill
44 111MRIN Marine Deposits
44 111SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated
44 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
44 112DELT Delta Deposits
44 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
44 112ICCCE Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
44 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
44 112MORN Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
44 112MORND Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
44 112MRIN Marine Deposits
44 112OTSH Outwash
44 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
44 112TILL Till
44 120SDMS Sediments
44 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
44 210SDMS Sediments, Undifferentiated
44 230IGNSE Igneous Rocks, Extrusive
44 230IGNSI Igneous Rocks, Intrusive
44 230SDMR Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
44 231EBRL East Berlin Formation
44 231HLYK Holyoke Basalt
44 231HMPD Hampden Basalt
44 231NHVN New Haven Formation
44 231PRLD Portland Formation
44 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 300CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 300CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 320CRSL Crystalline Rocks
44 320SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
44 330CRSL Crystalline Rocks
44 330SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
44 340CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 340CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 340CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 350CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 350CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 350CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 360CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 360CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 360CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 370CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 370CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 370CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 400CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
44 400CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
44 400CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
44 BASEMENT Basement
44 BEDROCK Bedrock
45 000UMTL Unknown Material
45 100CLTC Coastal Terrace Deposits
45 100RGLT Regolith
45 100TRNS Transition Zone
45 110QRNR Quaternary System
45 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
45 111HLCN Holocene Series
45 111SAND Sand Deposits
45 111SANDD Sand Deposits
45 112CNPC Canepatch Formation
45 112LDSN Ladson Formation
45 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
45 112PMLC Pamlico Formation
45 112PNLY Penholoway Formation
45 112SAND Sand Deposits
45 112SANDD Sand Deposits
45 112SVBF Silver Bluff Formation
45 112TMLH Ten Mile Hill Beds (Informal)
45 112WNDO Wando Formation
45 120FDDB Floridan, Millers Pond, and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 120FDMP Floridan, and Millers Pond Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 120FDMV Floridan, Millers Pond, Dublin and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 120FLRD Floridan Aquifer System
45 120FLRDM Middle Floridan Aquifer
45 120FLRDU Upper Floridan Aquifer
45 120TRSD Tertiary Sand Aquifer
45 120TRTR Tertiary System
45 121BBLF Bear Bluff Formation
45 121GCRK Goose Creek Limestone
45 121PLCN Pliocene Series
45 121RYSR Raysor Formation
45 121WCCM Waccamaw Formation
45 121YRKN Yorktown Formation
45 122CSTC Coosawhatchie Clay Member of Hawthorn Formation
45 122DPLN Duplin Formation
45 122EDST Edisto Formation
45 122HTRN Hawthorn Formation
45 122MKHD Marks Head Formation
45 122MOCN Miocene Series
45 122TAMP Tampa Limestone
45 123ASLY Ashley Formation of Cooper Group
45 123CDBG Chandler Bridge Formation
45 123COOP Cooper Marl Group
45 123COPR Cooper Marl Group
45 123FLRV Flint River Formation
45 123OLGC Oligocene Series
45 124AIKN Aiken Formation
45 124BKMG Black Mingo Formation
45 124BMBG Bamberg Formation
45 124BRNL Barnwell Formation
45 124CNGR Congaree Formation
45 124CRSS Cross, Member of Santee Limestone
45 124CSLH Castle Hayne Limestone
45 124EOCN Eocene Series
45 124FSBR Fishburne Formation
45 124GDDB Gordon, Millers Pond, and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 124GDMP Gordon and Millers Pond Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 124GDMV Gordon, Millers Pond, Dublin and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 124GRDN Gordon Aquifer System
45 124HLVL Harleyville Formation of Cooper Group
45 124HUBR Huber Formation
45 124MCBN Mc Bean Formation
45 124MLTR Moultrie Member of Santee Limestone
45 124NESS Neeses Formation
45 124OCAL Ocala Limestone
45 124OGBG Orangeburg Group
45 124PRKF Parkers Ferry Formation of Cooper Group
45 124SNTE Santee Limestone
45 124UPTR Upper Three Runs Aquifer
45 124WLHL Warley Hill Marl
45 125BFRT Beaufort Formation
45 125BKMG Black Mingo Formation
45 125BRFR Browns Ferry Member of Rhems Formation
45 125CHCR Chicora Member of Williamsburg Formation
45 125DBLN Dublin Aquifer System
45 125DBLNL Dublin Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
45 125DBLNU Dublin Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
45 125DBMV Dublin-Midville Aquifer System
45 125ELNN Ellenton Formation
45 125LDBG Lower Bridge Member of Williamsburg Formation
45 125LNGS Lang Syne Member of Rhems Formation
45 125MPDB Millers Pond and Dublin Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 125MPMV Millers Pond, Dublin, and Midville Aquifers (Multiaquifer)
45 125MRBC Meyers Branch Confining System
45 125MSPD Millers Pond Aquifer
45 125PKMS Perkins Bluff Member of Rhems Formation
45 125PLCN Paleocene Series
45 125RHMS Rhems Formation
45 125SDLG Sawdust Landing Member of Rhems Formation
45 125WMBG Williamsburg Formation
45 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
45 210CRCS Cretaceous System
45 211BKCK Black Creek Formation
45 211CCHB Crouch Branch Aquifer
45 211CHRL Charleston Aquifer
45 211CPFR Cape Fear Formation
45 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
45 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
45 211GMLG Gramling Aquifer
45 211MCQB McQueen Branch Aquifer
45 211MDDF Middendorf Formation
45 211MDVL Midville Aquifer System
45 211MDVLL Midville Aquifer System, Lower Aquifer
45 211MDVLU Midville Aquifer System, Upper Aquifer
45 211PEED Peedee Formation
45 211SNHL Snow Hill Marl Member of Black Creek Formation
45 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
45 217CRAQL Lower Cretaceous Aquifer System, Undifferentiated
45 220JRSC Jurassic System
45 230TRSC Triassic System
45 231NWRK Newark Group
45 300AGGS Augen Gneiss
45 300ALSK Alaskite
45 300AMPB Amphibolite
45 300ANDS Andesite
45 300APIB Amphibolite
45 300ARGL Argillite
45 300BRCC Breccia
45 300BSLT Basalt
45 300CGLM Conglomerate
45 300DCIT Dacite
45 300DIBS Diabase
45 300DLMT Dolomite
45 300DLRT Dolerite (Diabase)
45 300DORT Diorite
45 300DUNT Dunite
45 300GBBR Gabbro
45 300GNSS Gneiss
45 300GRCK Graywacke
45 300GRDR Granodiorite
45 300GRGS Granite Gneiss
45 300GRNT Granite
45 300HBDG Hornblende Gneiss
45 300MCGS Mica Gneiss
45 300MCSC Mica Schist
45 300MGRK Metaigneous
45 300MMRK Metasedimentary Rocks
45 300MNZN Monzonite
45 300MPRK Metamorphic Rocks
45 300MRBL Marble
45 300MVRK Metavolcanic Rocks
45 300PEGM Pegmatite
45 300PGMT Pegmatite
45 300PLLT Phyllite
45 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
45 300PZPB Paleozoic-Precambrian Erathems
45 300QRTZ Quartzite
45 300RYLT Rhyolite
45 300SCST Schist
45 300SHLE Shale
45 300SLSN Siltstone
45 300SLTE Slate
45 300SNDS Sandstone
45 300SYNT Syenite
45 300TRCT Trachyte
45 300TUFF Tuff
45 310PRMV Permian System
45 310YKVL Yorkville Quartz Monzonite
45 400AGGS Augen Gneiss
45 400ALSK Alaskite
45 400AMPB Amphibolite
45 400ANDS Andesite
45 400ARGL Argillite
45 400BRCC Breccia
45 400BSLT Basalt
45 400CGLM Conglomerate
45 400DCIT Dacite
45 400DLMT Dolomite
45 400DLRT Dolerite (Diabase)
45 400DORT Diorite
45 400DUNT Dunite
45 400GBBR Gabbro
45 400GNSS Gneiss
45 400GRCK Graywacke
45 400GRDR Granodiorite
45 400GRGS Granite Gneiss
45 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
45 400HBDG Hornblende
45 400MCGS Mica Gneiss
45 400MCSC Mica Schist
45 400MGRK Metaigneous Rocks
45 400MMRK Metasedimentary Rocks
45 400MNZN Monzonite
45 400MPRK Metamorphic Rocks
45 400MRBL Marble
45 400MVRK Metavolcanic Rocks
45 400PGMT Pegmatite
45 400PLLT Phyllite
45 400QRTZ Quartzite
45 400RYLT Rhyolite
45 400SCST Schist
45 400SHLE Shale
45 400SLSN Siltstone
45 400SLTE Slate
45 400SNDS Sandstone
45 400SYNT Syenite
45 400TRCT Trachyte
45 400TUFF Tuff
45 BASEMENT Basement
45 BEDROCK Bedrock
46 000UMTL Unknown Material
46 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
46 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
46 110AVTN Alluvium, Terrace, Non-Glacial
46 110QRNR Quaternary System
46 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
46 112ALMN Altamont Aquifer
46 112ALMNL Altamont Aquifer 3
46 112ALMNM Altamont Aquifer 2
46 112ALMNU Altamont Aquifer 1
46 112ALPV Antelope Valley
46 112AURR Aurora Aquifer
46 112BCRK Battle Creek Aquifer
46 112BDCN Bad Cheyenne
46 112BGSX Big Sioux Aquifer
46 112BLCK Brule Creek
46 112BRND Brandon Aquifer
46 112BVCK Beaver Creek Aquifer
46 112BWDL Bowdle Aquifer
46 112CCRK Cow Creek
46 112CHTU Choteau Aquifer
46 112CLKS Coteau-Lakes Aquifer
46 112CLTN Colton Aquifer
46 112COBB Cobb Aquifer
46 112COLK Crow Lake Aquifer
46 112COTU Coteau Aquifer
46 112CPCK Chapelle Creek
46 112CRCK Crow Creek Aquifer
46 112CRLK Crow Lake Aquifer
46 112CRSC Corsica Aquifer
46 112DELM Delmont Aquifer
46 112DLTN Dolton
46 112DRCT Dry Choteau Aquifer
46 112EDEN Eden Aquifer
46 112ELM Elm Aquifer
46 112EMCK Elm Creek Aquifer
46 112ETHN Ethan Aquifer
46 112FICK Firesteel Creek Aquifer
46 112FLCK Firesteel Creek Aquifer
46 112FLYD Floyd Aquifer
46 112FMCK Four Mile Creek Aquifer
46 112FRMN Fairmount Aquifer
46 112GARY Gary Aquifer
46 112GEDS Geddes Aquifer
46 112GENO Greenwood Aquifer
46 112GRGS Gray Goose
46 112GRND Grand Aquifer
46 112HBMX Hubonmix Aquifer
46 112HDWD Hidewood Aquifer
46 112HGMB Highmore Blunt
46 112HGMR Highmore Aquifer
46 112HLSV Hillsview
46 112HRBG Harrisburg
46 112HWRD Howard
46 112IRMD Intermediate
46 112JAVA Java Aquifer
46 112JMES James Aquifer
46 112JMESD James Aquifer, Deep
46 112JMESM James Aquifer, Middle
46 112JMMRL Lower James Missouri
46 112LGLK Long Lake Aquifer
46 112LKDK Lake Dakota Aquifer
46 112LNNX Lennox
46 112LRVL Lesterville
46 112MORU Moreau Gravels
46 112MRDY Marday Aquifer
46 112MSSR Missouri
46 112NHLS Newton Hills
46 112NORD North Andes Aquifer
46 112NSKC North Skunk Creek Aquifer
46 112OBJC Okobojo Creek
46 112ONAK Onaka
46 112ORTN Orton Gravels
46 112OTSH Outwash
46 112PCRK Pipestone Creek Aquifer
46 112PESE Pease Aquifer
46 112PKCV Parker Centerville
46 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
46 112PLTT Platte Aquifer
46 112PMCK Plum Creek Aquifer
46 112PRRC Prairie Coteau Aquifer
46 112PRRCL Prairie Coteau Aquifer 3
46 112PRRCM Prairie Coteau Aquifer 2
46 112PRRCU Prairie Coteau Aquifer 1
46 112RLND Rutland Aquifer
46 112RMON Ramona Aquifer
46 112RSLN Roslyn Aquifer
46 112RVLL Revillo
46 112SDLR Shindler
46 112SKKC Skunk Creek
46 112SLBY Selby Aquifer
46 112SLGR Slaughter Aquifer
46 112SPCK Spring Creek Aquifer
46 112SPRG Spring Aquifer
46 112SUCK Slip Up Creek Aquifer
46 112TDLC Tyndall-Scotland Aquifer
46 112TKRC Turkey Ridge Creek
46 112TKRG Turkey Ridge
46 112TNLS Twin Lakes Aquifer
46 112TOWR Tower Aquifer
46 112TULR Tulare Aquifer
46 112VBLN Veblen Aquifer
46 112VEFK Vermillion East Fork
46 112VLTRA Voltaire Aquifer
46 112VMLMU Upper Vermillion Missouri
46 112VRML Lower Vermillion-Missouri Aquifer
46 112VSPG Valley Springs Aquifer
46 112VWFK Vermillion West Fork
46 112WILM Wilmot
46 112WKND Wakonda Aquifer
46 112WLLK Wall Lake
46 112WLMT Wilmot
46 112WMLK Wilmarth Lake Aquifer
46 112WNFK Whetstone North Fork
46 112WRRN Warren Aquifer
46 112WSFK Whetstone South Fork
46 112WSPG Wessington Springs Aquifer
46 112WTLK White Lake Aquifer
46 112WTSN Whetstone
46 120IBKH Igneous Rocks of Black Hills
46 120TRTR Tertiary System
46 121ASHL Ash Hollow Formation
46 121BJOU Bijou Formation
46 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
46 121PLCN Pliocene Series
46 121VLNN Valentine Formation
46 122ARKR Arikaree Formation
46 122HRSN Harrison Sandstone
46 122MLLT Mellette Formation
46 122MOCN Miocene Series
46 122MRCK Monroe Creek Formation
46 122RCKF Rockyford Ash Member of Sharps Formation
46 122RSBD Rosebud Formation
46 122SRPS Sharps Formation
46 123AHRN Ahearn Member of Chadron Formation
46 123BRUL Brule Formation of White River Group
46 123CRDN Chadron Formation
46 123CRZJ Crazy Johnson Member of Chadron Formation
46 123OLGC Oligocene Series
46 123PLSD Poleslide Member of Brule Formation
46 123PNPK Peanut Peak Member of Chadron Formation
46 123REE Ree Beds
46 123SCNC Scenic Member of Brule Formation
46 123SLMB Slim Buttes Formation
46 123WIRV White River Formation or Group
46 123WRVR White River Group or Formation
46 125CNBL Cannonball Member of Fort Union Formation
46 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
46 125LDLW Ludlow Member of Fort Union Formation
46 125PLCN Paleocene Series
46 125SCCP Scotch Cap Sandstone
46 125TGRV Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation
46 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
46 210CRCS Cretaceous System
46 211ARDM Ardmore Bentonite Bed of Pierre Shale
46 211BEFC Belle Fourche Shale
46 211BLFC Belle Fourche Shale
46 211BLLD Bullhead Lithofacies of Iron Lightning Member of Fox Hills Formation
46 211BRIN Breien Member of Hell Creek Formation
46 211CDLL Codell Sandstone Member of Carlile Shale
46 211CLGT Colgate Lithofacies of Iron Lightning Member of Fox Hills Formation
46 211CLRD Colorado Group
46 211COLG Colgate Lithofacies of Iron Lightning Member of Fox Hills Formation
46 211CRCK Crow Creek Member of Pierre Shale
46 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
46 211CRLL Carlile Shale
46 211DGRY Degrey Member of Pierre Shale
46 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
46 211EKBU Elk Butte Member of Pierre Shale
46 211ELKB Elk Butte Member of Pierre Shale
46 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
46 211GMMN Gammon Ferruginous Member of Pierre Shale
46 211GRER Greenhorn Limestone
46 211GRGR Gregory Member of Pierre Shale
46 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone or Formation
46 211GROT Groat Sandstone Bed of Gammon Ferruginous Member of Pierre Shale
46 211GRRS Graneros Shale
46 211HLCK Hell Creek Formation
46 211IBLF Isabel-Firesteel Coal Member of Hell Creek Formation
46 211IRLG Iron Lightning Member of the Fox Hills Formation
46 211MBDG Mobridge Member of Pierre Shale
46 211MMHL Monument Hill Bentonitic Member of Pierre Shale
46 211MNTN Montana Group
46 211MTTN Mitten Black Shale Member of Pierre Shale
46 211NBCD Aquifer In Niobrara Formation & Codell Sandstone Member Carlile Shale
46 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
46 211OMLK Orman Lake Limestone Member of Greenhorn Formation
46 211PIRR Pierre Shale
46 211PLCK Pool Creek Shale Member of Carlile Shale
46 211RDBD Red Bird Silty Member of Pierre Shale
46 211SGBK Sage Breaks Shale Member of Carlile Shale
46 211SNVL Stoneville Member of Fox Hills Sandstone
46 211SRKC Split Rock Creek
46 211SSPG Sharon Springs Member of Pierre Shale
46 211TBLK Timber Lake Member of the Fox Hills Formation
46 211TRLC Trail City Member of the Fox Hills Formation
46 211TRNR Turner Sandy Member of Carlile Shale
46 211VGCK Virgin Creek Member of Pierre Shale
46 211VRDR Verendrye Member of Pierre Shale
46 217CLSN Chilson Member of Lakota Formation
46 217CLSP Clay Spur Bentonite Bed of Mowry Shale
46 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
46 217D D Sand
46 217DNSN Dynneson Sandstone Member of Mowry Shale
46 217FLRV Fall River Formation
46 217FUSN Fuson Member of Lakota Formation
46 217INKR Inyan Kara Group
46 217J J Sand
46 217KYHL Keyhole Sandstone Member of Fall River Formation
46 217LKOT Lakota Formation
46 217MNST Minnewaste Limestone Member of Lakota Formation
46 217MWRY Mowry Shale
46 217NCSL Newcastle Sandstone
46 217SKCK Skull Creek Shale
46 220JRSC Jurassic System
46 221CSPGS Canyon Springs Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
46 221HLTT Hulett Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
46 221ILAK Lak Member of Sundance Formation
46 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
46 221LAK Lak Member of Sundance Formation
46 221MRSN Morrison Formation
46 221RDTR Redwater Shale Member of Sundance Formation
46 221SKBV Stockade Beaver Shale Member of Sundance Formation
46 221SNDC Sundance Formation
46 221UKPP Unkpapa Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation
46 224GPSP Gypsum Spring Formation
46 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
46 224PIPR Piper Formation
46 230PNSL Pine Salt Member of Spearfish Formation (Triassic-Permian)
46 230SPRF Spearfish Formation (Triassic-Permian)
46 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
46 310BMCK Broom Creek Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 310CASS Cassa Member of Minnelusa
46 310MNKT Minnekahta Limestone
46 310MNLS Minnelusa Formation (Permian andPennsylvanian)
46 310OLCN Owl Canyon Formation
46 310PRMN Permian System
46 317OPCH Opeche Shale
46 322WVMK Wendover-Meek Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 325HYDN Hayden Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 326RCLM Reclamation Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 326RNDP Roundtop Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 328FRBK Fairbank Member of Minnelusa Formation
46 330BKKN Bakken Formation (Mississippian and Devonian)
46 330EGED Englewood Formation (Mississippian and Devonian)
46 330EGLD Englewood Formation (Mississippian and Devonian)
46 330MSSP Mississippian System
46 331BGSN Big Snowy Group
46 331CRLS Charles Formation
46 331KBBY Kibbey Sandstone
46 331MDSM Madison Group
46 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
46 331MSNC Mission Canyon Limestone
46 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
46 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone of Madison Group
46 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
46 337PHSP Pahasapa Limestone
46 340DVNN Devonian System
46 341BRDB Birdbear Formation
46 341DPRW Duperow Formation
46 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
46 341JFRS Jefferson Group
46 341SRRV Souris River Formation
46 341TRFK Three Forks Shale
46 344ASRN Ashern Formation
46 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
46 350IRLK Interlake Formation
46 360DDWD Deadwood Formation
46 360ODVC Ordovician System
46 361BGRN Bighorn Dolomite
46 361GNTN Gunton Member of Stony Mountain Formation
46 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
46 361PNNR Penitentiary Member of Stony Mountain Format
46 361RDRV Red River Formation
46 361SNMN Stony Mountain Formation
46 361STGN Stoughton Member of Stony Mountain Formation
46 361STNL Stonewall Formation
46 361WHTD Whitewood Dolomite
46 364ALDN Aladdin Sandstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
46 364ICBX Icebox Shale Member of Winnipeg Formation
46 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
46 364RGCK Roughlock Siltstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
46 364ROGK Roughlock Siltstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
46 364WGSL Winnipeg Shale of Winnipeg Formation
46 364WGSS Winnipeg Sandstone of Winnipeg Formation
46 364WNPG Winnipeg Formation
46 364WPGS Winnipeg Silt of Winnipeg Formation
46 371DDWD Deadwood Formation (Outcrop)
46 400BGTN Bugtown Formation
46 400CROW Crow Formation
46 400MAYO Mayo Formation
46 400MBGW Milbank Granite Wash
46 400MLBK Milbank Granite
46 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
46 400SOUX Sioux Quartzite
46 400SXWS Sioux Quartzite Wash Aquifer
46 BASEMENT Basement
46 BEDROCK Bedrock
47 000UMTL Unknown Material
47 100ALVM Alluvium
47 100CLVM Colluvium
47 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
47 100FILL Fill
47 100RGLT Regolith
47 100RSDM Residuum
47 100SPRL Saprolite
47 110QRNR Quaternary System
47 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
47 111HLCN Holocene Series
47 112LOSS Loess
47 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
47 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
47 120TRTR Tertiary System
47 12405MP 500-foot Sand (Memphis Aquifer)
47 12414MP 1400-foot Sand of Memphis Area
47 124CCKFJ Cockfield Through Jackson, Undivided
47 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
47 124CLBR Claiborne Group
47 124EOCN Eocene Series
47 124EOCNU Eocene Series, Upper
47 124FLID Flour Island Formation of Wilcox Group
47 124FRPL Fort Pillow Sand of Wilcox Group
47 124JCKS Jackson Group
47 124MMPS Memphis Sand
47 124ODBK Old Breastworks Formation
47 124SPRT Sparta Sand
47 124WLCX Wilcox Group
47 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
47 125CLTN Clayton Formation
47 125MDWY Midway Group
47 125PLCN Paleocene Series
47 125PRCK Porters Creek Clay
47 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
47 210CRCS Cretaceous System
47 211CCRK Coon Creek Tongue of Ripley Formation
47 211COCK Coon Creek Formation
47 211COFF Coffee Sand
47 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
47 211DEMP Demopolis Formation
47 211DMPL Demopolis Formation
47 211EUTW Eutaw Formation
47 211MCNR McNairy Formation
47 211OLCK Owl Creek Formation
47 211RPLY Ripley Formation
47 211SRDS Sardis Formation
47 211TSCL Tuscaloosa Formation
47 224CCKFJ Cockfield-Jackson Formations
47 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
47 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
47 324CRSM Cross Mountain Group
47 324GVGP Graves Gap Group
47 324IDBF Indian Bluff Group
47 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
47 324RDKM Redoak Mountain Group
47 324SLSN Slatestone Group
47 324VLMN Vowell Mountain Group
47 327BRML Burnt Mill Shale
47 327CBOM Crab Orchard Mountains Formation
47 327CKFK Crooked Fork Group
47 327CLFD Coalfield Sandstone
47 327CRVL Crossville Sandstone
47 327DRTN Dorton Shale
47 327FNRS Fentress Formation
47 327GLMR Glenmary Shale
47 327GZRD Gizzard Formation
47 327NWTN Newton Sandstone
47 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
47 327RCKC Rockcastle Conglomerate
47 327RCNM Raccoon Mountain Member of Gizzard Formation
47 327SEWN Sewanee Conglomerate
47 327SGLP Signal Point Shale
47 327VDVR Vandever Member of Lee Formation
47 327WRBG Wartburg Sandstone
47 327WRNP Warren Point Sandstone Member of Lee Formation
47 327WTLL Whitwell Shale
47 330CTNG Chattanooga Shale
47 330GRGR Grainger Formation
47 330MSSP Mississippian System
47 330NWMN Newman Limestone
47 331BNGR Bangor Limestone
47 331HRSL Hartselle Sandstone
47 331MNGL Monteagle Limestone
47 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
47 331PNNG Pennington Formation
47 333SGVV Ste. Genevieve Limestone
47 333STLS St. Louis Limestone
47 333WRSW Warsaw Formation
47 337FRPN Fort Payne Chert/formation
47 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
47 337MURY Maury Formation
47 340DVNN Devonian System
47 344CMDN Camden Chert
47 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
47 344PGRM Pegram Formation
47 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
47 347FLGP Flat Gap Limestone
47 347HRMN Harriman Formation
47 347ROSS Ross Formation
47 350SLRN Silurian System
47 354BROP Brownsport Group
47 354BRPR Brownsport Group
47 354CLNC Clinch Sandstone
47 354DCTR Decatur Limestone
47 354RCKD Rockwood Formation
47 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
47 354WYNE Wayne Group
47 357BFLD Brassfield Limestone
47 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
47 360ODVC Ordovician System
47 361CKMG Chickamauga Limestone
47 361EDEN Eden Group
47 361JUNT Juniata Formation
47 361LPIC Leipers-Inman-Catheys Formations Undifferentiated
47 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
47 361MSVL Maysville Group
47 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
47 361RCMD Richmond Group
47 361SQTC Sequatchie Formation
47 364ATNS Athens Shale
47 364BAYS Bays Formation
47 364BGBC Bigby and Cannon Limestones
47 364CRRS Carters Limestone
47 364HLSN Holston Formation
47 364HRMG Hermitage Formation
47 364LBNN Lebanon Limestone
47 364LNOR Lenoir Limestone
47 364MRFB Murfreesboro Limestone
47 364NSVL Nashville Group
47 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
47 364OTTS Ottosee Shale
47 364PIRC Pierce Limestone
47 364RDLY Ridley Limestone
47 364SRVR Stones River Group
47 364SVIR Sevier Shale
47 367CPPC Chepultepec Dolomite
47 367JSBR Jonesboro Limestone
47 367KGPR Kingsport Formation
47 367KNOX Knox Dolomite
47 367LNGV Longview Dolomite
47 367LOGV Longview Dolomite
47 367MSCT Mascot Dolomite
47 367NEWL Newala Formation
47 367NEWLF Newala Formation
47 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
47 367WLCK Wells Creek Formation
47 370CMBR Cambrian System
47 371CCCG Conococheague Limestone
47 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
47 371CNSG Conasauga Group
47 371CONG Conococheague Limestone
47 371COSG Conasauga Group
47 371CPRG Copper Ridge Dolomite
47 371MDVL Maynardville Limestone
47 371NCCK Nolichucky Shale
47 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
47 374HNKR Honaker Dolomite
47 374MRVL Maryville Limestone
47 374PPKV Pumpkin Valley Shale
47 374RGVL Rogersville Shale
47 374RLDG Rutledge Limestone
47 377CHLH Chilhowee Group
47 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
47 377ERWN Erwin Formation
47 377HESS Hesse Sandstone
47 377HMPN Hampton Shale or Formation
47 377MRRY Murray Shale
47 377NCLS Nichols Shale
47 377NEBO Nebo Sandstone
47 377ROME Rome Formation
47 377SHDY Shady Dolomite
47 377UNCO Unicoi Formation
47 400BECH Beech Granite
47 400BKVL Bakersville Gabbro
47 400CDES Cades Sandstone
47 400CRBR Cranberry Granite
47 400GSMK Great Smoky Group
47 400IVIG Intrusive Rocks
47 400MRGR Mount Rogers Volcanic Group
47 400OCOE Ocoee Series
47 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
47 400RCBT Rich Butt Sandstone
47 400ROAN Roan Gneiss
47 400SBRD Snowbird Group
47 400SDCK Sandsuck Formation
47 400WDCK Walden Creek Group
47 BASEMENT Basement
47 BEDROCK Bedrock
48 000UMTL Unknown Material
48 100ALVM Alluvium
48 100AVSR Alluvium and Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
48 100PCOS Pecosian Series
48 110ABDC Alluvial Channel and Plain Deposits, Ogallala Formation, and Dockum Gr
48 110ACOD Alluvial, Channel and Plain Deposits, Ogallala Formation and Dockum Gr
48 110ACPA Alluvial Channel and Plain Deposits, and Artesia Group
48 110ACPD Alluvial Channel and Plain Deposits, and Dockum Group
48 110ACPO Alluvial Channel and Plain Deposits, and Ochoa Series
48 110ACSR Alluvium, Cretaceous Rocks and Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 110ADCB Alluvial Terrace and Channel Deposits, Dog Creek Shale, Blaine Gypsum
48 110AFTA Alluvium, Fluvial Terrace Deposits, and Artesia Group
48 110AFTP Alluvium, Fluvial Terrace Deposits, and Pease River Group
48 110AHTP Alluvium and High Terrace Plain Deposits
48 110AHTW Alluvium, High Terrace Deposits, and Whitehorse Group
48 110ALRS Allurosa Aquifer
48 110ALTC Alluvium, Low Terrace and Channel Fill Deposits
48 110ALTD Alluvium, Low Terrace and Channel Fill Deposits, and Dune Sand
48 110ALTO Alluvium, Low Terrace and Channel Fill Deposits, and Ogallala Formatio
48 110ALTW Alluvium, Low Terrace and Channel Fill Deposits, and Whitehorse Group
48 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
48 110ALVP Alluvial Plain Deposits
48 110ALWX Alluvium, Leona Formation, and Wilcox Group
48 110ASCF Alluvium, Terrace Deposits and Seymour Formation, and Clear Creek Grou
48 110ASCR Alluvium, Cretaceous Rocks, and Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 110ASRR Alluvium, Cretaceous Rocks, Santa Rosa Sandstone, and Rustler Formatio
48 110ASSA Alluvium, Terrace Deposits and Seymour Formation, and San Angelo Ss.
48 110ATCF Alluvial Terrace and Channel Deposits, and Flowerpot Shale
48 110ATCO Alluvial Terrace and Channel Deposits, and Ogallala Formation
48 110ATCW Alluvial Terrace and Channel Deposits, and Whitehorse Group
48 110ATSB Alluvium, Terrace Deposits and Seymour Formation, and Blaine Formation
48 110ATSF Alluvium, Terrace Deposits and Seymour Formation, and Flowerpot Shale
48 110AVBT Alluvium, Beach Sand and Terrace Deposits
48 110AVCC Alluvium and Cretaceous Rocks
48 110AVCF Alluvium and Clear Fork Group
48 110AVCM Alluvium and Cook Mountain Formation
48 110AVCP Alluvial Channel and Plain Deposits
48 110AVEL Alluvial, Eolian, and Littoral Deposits
48 110AVEV Alluvium and Evangeline Aquifer
48 110AVFP Alluvium, Flood Plain
48 110AVFV Alluvium and Fluviatile Terrace Deposits
48 110AVJK Alluvium and Jackson Group
48 110AVLA Alluvium, Leona Formation, and Austin Chalk
48 110AVMA Alluvium and Artesia Group
48 110AVMC Alluvium and Chinle Formation Equivalent
48 110AVME Alluvium and Edwards and Associated Limestones
48 110AVML Alluvium and Leona Formation
48 110AVMT Alluvium and Triassic System
48 110AVMW Alluvium and Wichita Group
48 110AVOG Alluvium and Ogallala Formation
48 110AVOV Alluvium and Oakville Sandstone
48 110AVPR Alluvium and Pease River Group
48 110AVPW Alluvial Plain Deposits and Whitehorse Group
48 110AVPX Alluvium and Paluxy Sand
48 110AVSR Alluvium and Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 110AVTC Alluvial Terrace and Channel Deposits
48 110AVTR Alluvium and Trinity Sand
48 110AVTS Alluvium, Terrace Deposits, and Seymour Formation
48 110AVYG Alluvium and Yegua Formation
48 110BIBC Barrier Island and Beach Deposits
48 110BILD Barrier Island Deposits
48 110DOGL Dune Sand and Ogallala Formation
48 110DUNE Dune Sand
48 110GRVL Gravel
48 110KKRN Kokernot Formation
48 110MNNS Monahans Formation
48 110QODV Quaternary-Ordovician Systems
48 110QRNR Quaternary System
48 110STEP South Texas Eolian Plain Deposits
48 110TBLC Terra Blanca Formation
48 110TRRC Terrace Deposits
48 111ABZR Alluvium, Brazos River
48 111AGHC Alluvial Deposits, Glen Rose Limestone, Hensell and Cow Creek Members
48 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
48 111AVBD Alluvium, Beach and Dune Sand
48 111AVCR Alluvium, Colorado River
48 111AVFP Alluvium, Flood Plain
48 111AVMT Alluvium and Terrace Deposits
48 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
48 111FPTC Flood-Plain and Terrace Deposits
48 111HLCN Holocene Series
48 111HPPA Holocene, Pleistocene, and Pliocene? Alluvial Deposits
48 111IGLD Ingleside Formation
48 111NCRV Nueces River Alluvium
48 111PCRV Pecos River Alluvium
48 111RDRV Red River Alluvium
48 111RGRD Rio Grande Alluvium
48 111STGV Stream and Terrace Gravel
48 111TRRV Trinity River Alluvium
48 112ALLM Alta Loma Sand
48 112BMLG Beaumont Clay, Lissie Formation and Goliad Sand
48 112BMLS Beaumont Clay and Lissie Formation
48 112BMNT Beaumont Clay
48 112BNTL Bentley Formation
48 112CEVG Chicot and Evangeline Aquifers
48 112CHCT Chicot Aquifer
48 112CHCTL Chicot Aquifer, Lower
48 112CHCTM Chicot Aquifer, Middle
48 112CHCTU Chicot Aquifer, Upper
48 112CLEV Chicot Aquifer and Lower Unit of Evangeline Aquifer
48 112DVLL Deweyville Formation
48 112GDLG Goliad and Younger Rocks, and Lagarto Clay
48 112GLFC Gulf Coast Aquifer
48 112GOLD Goliad and Younger Rocks, Undifferentiated
48 112HCBL Hueco Bolson Deposits
48 112LACC Leona Formation and Anacacho Limestone
48 112LBLG Leona Formation and Bullwagon Dolomite
48 112LEDD Leona Formation and Edwards and Associated Limestones
48 112LEGF Leona Formation and Eagle Ford Shale
48 112LEON Leona Formation
48 112LFSV Linn-Faysville Aquifer
48 112LGLD Lissie Formation and Goliad Sand
48 112LGLR Leona Formation and Glen Rose Limestone
48 112LISS Lissie Formation
48 112LMBL La Mesa Bolson Deposits
48 112LNAS Leona Formation and Austin Chalk
48 112LNBD Leona Formation and Buda Limestone
48 112LNBL Leona Formation and Blaine Gypsum
48 112LNCZ Leona Formation and Choza Formation
48 112LNID Leona Formation and Indio Formation
48 112LNTR Leona Formation and Trinity Group
48 112LRGD Lower Rio Grande Aquifer
48 112LSRP Leona Formation and Serpentine
48 112LWCX Leona Formation and Wilcox Formation
48 112LWGD Lissie Formation, Willis Sand and Goliad Sand
48 112MCSB Mercedes-Sebastian Aquifer
48 112MGMR Montgomery Formation
48 112MSBL Mesilla Bolson Aquifer
48 112MTGM Montgomery Formation
48 112PCPC Pleistocene-Pliocene Series
48 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
48 112PRIR Prairie Formation
48 112SACZ San Angelo Sandstone and Choza Formation
48 112SANF Santa Fe Formation
48 112SCFK Seymour Formation and Clear Fork Group
48 112SNTF Santa Fe Formation
48 112SYMR Seymour Formation
48 112THOK Tahoka Clay
48 112TRCL Terrace Gravel, Including Leona Formation
48 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
48 112TULE Tule Formation
48 112WLLN Williana Formation
48 112WLLS Willis Sand
48 120BLSN Bolson Deposits
48 120BSLT Basalt
48 120CSPG Cottonwood Spring Basalt
48 120DUFF Duff Formation
48 120GDNG Goodnight Formation
48 120IGNS Igneous Rocks
48 120IRSV Intrusive Rocks
48 120IVIG Intrusive Rocks
48 120MCCC Mccutcheon Volcanic Series
48 120MCLM Mitchell Mesa Rhyolite
48 120PRTT Pruett Formation
48 120PTHL Potato Hill Andesite
48 120SNDS Sandstone
48 120SPCN Sheep Canyon Basalt
48 120SRPN Serpentine
48 120TRTR Tertiary System
48 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
48 121BLCC Blanco Canyon Beds
48 121BLCK Blounts Creek Member of Fleming Formation
48 121BLNC Blanco Formation
48 121BOCK Blounts Creek Member of Fleming Formation
48 121CLRD Clarendon Beds
48 121COTS Coetas Formation
48 121EVBV Evangeline Aquifer and Burkeville Aquiclude
48 121EVGL Evangeline Aquifer
48 121EVJP Evangeline and Jasper Aquifers
48 121EVJPU Evangeline Aquifer and Upper Unit of Jasper Aquifer
48 121FOLY Foley Formation
48 121GDLG Goliad Sand and Lagarto Clay
48 121GDYG Goliad and Younger Rocks, Undifferentiated
48 121GOLD Goliad Sand
48 121HVPP Heavily-Pumped Layer
48 121LAPR Lapara Sand Member of the Goliad Sand
48 121LBHI Labahia Member of the Goliad Sand
48 121OGDK Ogallala Formation and Dockum Group
48 121OGDO Ogallala Formation and Dockum Group
48 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
48 121OGLW Ogallala Formation and Whitehorse Group
48 121PLCN Pliocene Series
48 121PLDR Palo Duro Beds
48 121UVDA Uvalde Gravel and Austin Chalk
48 121UVLD Uvalde Gravel
48 122BKVL Burkeville Aquiclude
48 122CHUS Chusa Tuff Member of Catahoula Formation
48 122CJCK Catahoula Tuff and Jackson Group
48 122CRCK Castor Creek Member of Fleming Formation
48 122CRNB Carnahan Bayou Member of Fleming Formation
48 122CTHL Catahoula Formation
48 122DGHL Dough Hills Member of Fleming Formation
48 122FANT Fant Tuff Member of Catahoula Formation
48 122FBKV Fleming Formation and Burkeville Aquiclude
48 122FLMG Fleming Formation
48 122JBKV Jasper Aquifer and Burkeville Aquiclude
48 122JPCL Jasper Aquifer and Catahoula Sandstone
48 122JPJK Jasper Aquifer and Jackson Group
48 122JSPR Jasper Aquifer
48 122JSPRL Jasper Aquifer, Lower Unit
48 122JSPRU Jasper Aquifer, Upper Unit
48 122LENA Lena Member of Fleming Formation
48 122LGRT Lagarto Clay
48 122LOKV Lagarto Clay and Oakville Sandstone
48 122LOVC Lagarto Clay, Oakville Sandstone, and Catahoula Formation
48 122MOCN Miocene Series
48 122OKVC Oakville Sandstone and Catahoula Tuff
48 122OKVL Oakville Sandstone
48 122OVCJ Oakville Sandstone, Catahoula Tuff and Jackson Group
48 122RWLS Rawls Basalt
48 122SLDD Soledad Volcanic Conglomerate Member of Catahoula Formation
48 122WMCK Williamson Creek Member of Fleming Formation
48 123ANHC Anahuac Formation
48 123FRIO Frio Clay
48 123OLGC Oligocene Series
48 123TSCL Tascotal Formation
48 123VKBG Vicksburg Group
48 124ARP Arp Sand Member of Reklaw Formation
48 124BGDF Bigford Formation of Claiborne Group
48 124BGFD Bigford Formation Claiborne Group
48 124CCKF Cockfield Formation of Claiborne Group
48 124CDLL Cadell Formation
48 124CKMN Cook Mountain Formation
48 124CKMS Cook Mountain Formation and Sparta Sand
48 124CLBR Claiborne Group
48 124CLLM Callaham Sand
48 124CPRS Cypress Aquifer
48 124CRRZ Carrizo Sand
48 124CRSN Crosson Trachyte
48 124CRVR Cane River Formation
48 124CZRK Carrizo Sand and Reklaw Formation
48 124CZSB Carrizo Sand and Simsboro Sand Member of Rockdale Formation
48 124CZSP Carrizo Sand and Sparta Sand
48 124CZWX Carrizo Sand and Wilcox Group, Undifferentiated
48 124CZWXA Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer
48 124DBLL Diboll Member of Jackson Formation
48 124DLRT Dillworth Sand
48 124DUBS Dubose Sands and Clays
48 124ELPC El Pico Clay
48 124EOCN Eocene Series
48 124FSNG Fashing Clay
48 124GPSH Glen Rose (Lower), Pearsall (Hensell, Cow Creek Mbrs), Sligo, Hosston
48 124IDEC Indio Formation and Escondido Formation
48 124INDO Indio Formation
48 124JCKS Jackson Group
48 124JKYG Jackson Group and Yegua Formation
48 124LRDO Laredo Formation
48 124MCEL Mc Elroy Formation
48 124MNNG Manning Formation of Jackson Group
48 124MRQZ Marquez Shale Member of Reklaw Formation
48 124NWBY Newby Glauconitic Sand Member of Reklaw Formation
48 124OLMS Olmos Sand
48 124OMEN Omen Member of Mount Selman Formation
48 124PBGF Post-Bigford Beds of Mount Selman Formation
48 124QCCW Queen City Sand, Carrizo Sand and Wilcox Group
48 124QCCZ Queen City Sand and Carrizo Sand
48 124QCSP Queen City Sand and Sparta Sand
48 124QNCT Queen City Sand of Claiborne Group
48 124RCKD Rockdale Formation
48 124RKCZ Reklaw Formation and Carrizo Sand
48 124RKLW Reklaw Formation of Claiborne Group
48 124SBNN Sabinetown Formation
48 124SGUN Seguin Formation
48 124SMBR Simsboro Sand Member of Rockdale Formation
48 124SNSC Stone Switch Sand
48 124SPLR Spiller Sand Member of Cook Mountain Formation
48 124SPQC Sparta Sand and Queen City Sand
48 124SPRT Sparta Sand
48 124SPSP Sparta Sand and Spiller Sand Member of Cook Mountain Formation
48 124TRLL Therrill Clay Member of Weches Formation
48 124TYLR Tyler Greensand Member of Sparta Sand
48 124WCHS Weches Formation of Claiborne Group
48 124WLBR Wellborn Sandstone
48 124WLCX Wilcox Group
48 124WLCXG Wilcox Group
48 124WTST Whitsett Formation
48 124WXSB Wilcox Group and Simsboro Sand Member of Rockdale Formation
48 124YCMS Yegua Formation, Cook Mountain Formation and Sparta Sand
48 124YEGU Yegua Formation
48 124YGJK Yegua Formation and Jackson Group
48 124YGSP Yegua Formation and Sparta Sand
48 125KNCD Kincaid Formation
48 125KRNS Kerens Member of Wills Point Formation
48 125LTTG Littig Glauconitic Member of Kincaid Formation
48 125MDWY Midway Group
48 125MEXI Mexia Member of Wills Point Formation
48 125PLCN Paleocene Series
48 125PSGH Pisgah Member of Kincaid Formation
48 125THCN Tehuacana Member of Kincaid Formation
48 125WLSP Wills Point Formation
48 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
48 210CCSR Cretaceous Rocks and Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 210CRCS Cretaceous System
48 211ACCE Anacacho Limestone and Escondido Formation
48 211AEDD Austin Chalk and Edwards and Associated Limestones
48 211AEFB Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford Shale and Buda Limestone
48 211AGUJ Aguja Formation
48 211ANCC Anacacho Limestone
48 211ANNN Annona Chalk
48 211ASTN Austin Chalk
48 211BEGF Buda Limestone and Eagle Ford Shale
48 211BLSM Blossom Sand
48 211BNHM Bonham Marl
48 211BQLS Boquillas Formation
48 211BUDA Buda Limestone
48 211CHSS Chisos Volcanics
48 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
48 211CRSC Corsicana Marl
48 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
48 211DLRO Del Rio Clay
48 211DRNG Durango Sand Member of Taylor Marl
48 211DXTR Dexter Member of Woodbine Sand
48 211ECDD Escondido Formation
48 211ECTR Ector Tongue of Austin Chalk
48 211EFSP Eagle Ford Shale and Serpentine
48 211EGFA Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalk
48 211EGFD Eagle Ford Shale
48 211ELSS Euless Member of Woodbine Sand
48 211GOBR Gober Tongue of Austin Chalk
48 211GRRS Graneros Shale
48 211GRSN Grayson Shale
48 211KEMP Kemp Clay
48 211LSVL Lewisville Member of Woodbine Sand
48 211NCTC Nacatoch Sand
48 211NLDV Neylandville Marl
48 211NVRR Navarro Group
48 211PCGP Pecan Gap Chalk Member of Taylor Marl
48 211PPPR Pepper Shale
48 211RDBC Red Branch Member of Woodbine Sand
48 211SCRL San Carlos Formation
48 211SMGL San Miguel Formation
48 211TMPL Templeton Member of Woodbine Sand
48 211TRLG Terlingua Clay
48 211TRNL Tornillo Clay
48 211TYLR Taylor Marl
48 211UPSN Upson Clay
48 211VIEJ Vieja Series
48 211WLFC Wolfe City Sand Member of Taylor Marl
48 212BRNS Brownstown Marl
48 212GLFN Gulfian Series
48 212OLMS Olmos Formation
48 212WDBN Woodbine Sand
48 212WDBT Woodbine Sand and Trinity Group
48 212WODB Woodbine Sand
48 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
48 217HSTN Hosston Formation
48 217PRGR Purgatoire Formation
48 217SLGO Sligo Formation
48 218ALER Antlers Sand
48 218ALRS Antlers Sand
48 218CCRK Cow Creek Limestone
48 218CMNC Comanchean Series
48 218CMPK Comanche Peak Limestone
48 218COX Cox Sandstone
48 218DKCK Duck Creek Limestone
48 218DLCM Del Carmen Limestone
48 218DNTN Denton Clay
48 218DUKC Duck Creek Limestone
48 218DVRV Devils River Limestone
48 218EBEF Edwards and Associated Limestones, Buda Limestone, and Eagle Ford Shal
48 218EDDH Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Hosston Formation
48 218EDDT Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Trinity Group
48 218EDGR Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Glen Rose Limestone
48 218EDGRU Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Upper Member of Glen Rose Ls.
48 218EDPM Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Permian System
48 218EDRD Edwards Limestone
48 218EDRDA Edwards and Associated Limestones
48 218EEGF Edwards and Associated Limestones, and Eagle Ford Shale
48 218FKBG Fredericksburg Group
48 218FKBT Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups
48 218FKBW Limestones of Fredericksburg and Washita Groups
48 218FNLY Finlay Limestone
48 218FRWR Fort Worth Limestone
48 218FWGR Limestone of Fredericksburg and Washita Groups and Glen Rose Ls (Upper
48 218GDLD Goodland Limestone
48 218GLRH Glen Rose Limestone and Hensell Member of Pearsall Foramtion
48 218GLRP Glen Rose Limestone and Pearsall Formation
48 218GLRS Glen Rose Limestone
48 218GLRSL Glen Rose Limestone, Lower Member
48 218GLRSU Glen Rose Limestone, Upper Member
48 218GPSH Glen Rose (Lower), Pearsall (Hensell, Cow Creek Mbrs), Sligo & Hosston
48 218GRGN Georgetown Limestone
48 218GRHC Glen Rose Ls. and Hensell Sh and Cow Creek Ls Members of Pearsall Fm
48 218GRHCU Glen Rose Ls, Upper Mbr, Hensell Mbr and Cow Creek Ls Mbr of Pearsall
48 218GRHCV Glen Rose Ls, and Upper, Hensell Sh, and Cow Creek Ls Mbrs of Pearsall
48 218GRLH Glen Rose Ls, and Lower and Hensell Sh Members of Pearsall Formation
48 218GRUH Glen Rose Ls, and Upper and Hensell Shale Members of Pearsall Formatio
48 218HCSH Hensell and Cow Creek Mbrs of Pearsall Fm, and Sligo and Hosston Fms
48 218HMMT Hammett Shale
48 218HNSL Hensell Sand Member of Travis Peak Formation
48 218KMCH Kiamichi Formation
48 218MCKG Mc Knight Beds
48 218MNSR Main Street Limestone
48 218MXON Maxon Sandstone
48 218PILD Pine Island Shale
48 218PLXY Paluxy Sand
48 218PRSL Pearsall Formation
48 218PSGH Pearsall, Sligo, and Hosston Formations
48 218PTPH Paluxy Sand, Travis Peak and Hosston Formations
48 218PWPW Pawpaw Formation
48 218PXGR Paluxy Sand and Glen Rose Limestone
48 218SCMR Sycamore Sand Member of Travis Peak Formation
48 218SNEL Santa Elena Limestone
48 218TGHC Trinity Sand, Graham Formation and Home Creek Limestone
48 218THCK Trinity Sand and Home Creek Limestone
48 218TNMS Twin Mountains Formation
48 218TPLX Trinity and Paluxy Sand
48 218TPPX Travis Peak Formation and Paluxy Sand
48 218TRBL Trinity Group and Blaine Gypsum
48 218TRCL Trinity Sand and Chinle Formation Equivalent
48 218TRGM Trinity Sand and Graham Formation
48 218TRNT Trinity Group
48 218TVPH Travis Peak and Hosston Formations
48 218TVPK Travis Peak Formation
48 218WENO Weno Limestone
48 218WLNT Walnut Clay
48 218WSHT Washita Group
48 219CHUL Coahuilan Series
48 219SLGH Sligo and Hosston Formations
48 220JRSC Jurassic System
48 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
48 221MLON Malone Formation
48 230BSST Bissett Conglomerate
48 230CAPS Camp Springs Conglomerate
48 230CHNLE Chinle Formation Equivalent
48 230CPSP Camp Springs Conglomerate
48 230DCKO Dockum Group and Ochoa Series
48 230PRCC Pierce Canyon Redbeds
48 230TRJL Trujillo Formation
48 230TRSC Triassic System
48 231CHNL Chinle Formation
48 231CHNLE Chinle Formation Equivalent
48 231DCKM Dockum Group
48 231SNRS Santa Rosa Sandstone
48 231SRSA Santa Rosa Sandstone and San Andres Limestone
48 231TCVS Tecovas Formation
48 231TECV Tecovas Formation
48 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
48 300PLZCL Paleozoic Erathem, Lower
48 300PLZCU Paleozoic Erathem, Upper
48 300PVMD Pennsylvanian-Mississippian-Devonian Systems
48 310GLRT Glorieta Sandstone
48 310PRMN Permian System
48 310QRMW Quartermaster Formation and Whitehorse Group
48 310QRRM Quartermaster Formation
48 311ALBS Alibates Dolomite
48 312CASL Castile Gypsum
48 312CSTL Castile Gypsum
48 312DYLK Dewey Lake Redbeds
48 312OCAR Ochoan Series and Artesia Group
48 312OCHO Ochoan Series
48 312RSLR Rustler Formation
48 312SLDO Salado Formation
48 312TSSY Tessey Limestone
48 313ALBS Alibates Dolomite Lentil of Quartermaster Formation
48 313ALTD Altuda Formation
48 313ARTS Artesia Group
48 313BLCN Bell Canyon Formation
48 313BLIN Blaine Gypsum
48 313BRSC Brushy Canyon Formation
48 313BSAG Blaine Gypsum and San Angelo Sandstone
48 313CLBD Carlsbad Limestone
48 313CLDR Childress Dolomite Member of Grayburg Formation
48 313CPTN Capitan Limestone
48 313CRCN Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313CRCX Capitan Reef Complex and Associated Limestones
48 313DBLM Double Mountain Group
48 313DCBF Dog Creek Shale, Blaine Gypsum and Flowerpot Shale
48 313DCKB Dog Creek Shale and Blaine Gypsum
48 313DELM Delaware Mountain Formation or Group
48 313DGCK Dog Creek Shale
48 313DLRM Delaware Mountain Formation or Group
48 313DOCB Dog Creek Shale and Blaine Gypsum
48 313DOZR Dozier Sandstone Member of Rush Springs Formation
48 313FLRP Flowerpot Shale
48 313FPSA Flowerpot Shale and San Angelo Sandstone
48 313GABG Grayburg Formation
48 313GDLP Guadalupian Series
48 313GLLM Gilliam Limestone
48 313GLLMT Gilliam Thin-Bedded Member of Capitan Limestone
48 313GRBG Grayburg Formation
48 313GTSP Goat Seep Limestone
48 313GTWY Getaway Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313HGLR Hegler Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313LAMR Lamar Limestone Member of Bell Canyon Formation
48 313MCMB Mc Combs Limestone Member of Bell Canyon
48 313MNZN Manzanita Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313PNRY Pinery Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313QUEN Queen Formation
48 313RDER Rader Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313SADR San Andres Limestone
48 313SDLR Saddlehorse Gypsum Lintel of Quartermaster Formation
48 313SVRV Seven Rivers Formation
48 313SWLS South Wells Limestone Member of Cherry Canyon Formation
48 313TNSL Tansill Formation
48 313VDRO Vidrio Limestone Member of Word Formation
48 313WDCB Whitehorse, Dog Creek and Blaine Formations
48 313WORD Word Formation
48 313YTES Yates Formation
48 318ACME Acme Dolomite
48 318ADML Admiral Formation
48 318ARRY Arroyo Formation
48 318BLGN Bullwagon Dolomite Member of Vale Formation
48 318BLPL Belle Plains Formation
48 318BSPG Bone Spring Limestone
48 318BSVP Bone Spring and Victoria Peak Limestones
48 318CDLM Cathedral Mountain Formation
48 318CHOZ Choza Formation
48 318CLFK Clear Fork Group
48 318CLGR Collingsworth Gypsum Member of Blaine Formation
48 318CLYD Clyde Formation
48 318CTFF Cutoff Shaly Member of Bone Spring Limestone
48 318HESS Hess Limestone Member of Leonard Formation
48 318LDRS Lueders Limestone
48 318LNRD Leonardian Series
48 318MRKL Merkel Dolomite Member of Choza Formation
48 318PRVR Pease River Group
48 318RINY Rainey Limestone Member of Arroyo Formation
48 318SAGL San Angelo Sandstone
48 318SDPP Standpipe Limestone Member of Arroy Formation
48 318VALE Vale Formation
48 318VCPK Victorio Peak Limestone
48 318WCCC Wichita and Cisco Groups
48 318WCHT Wichita Formation or Group
48 319CMJC Coleman Junction Limestone Member of Putnam Formation
48 319HUCO Hueco Limestone
48 319MORN Moran Formation
48 319PTNM Putnam Formation
48 319PUBL Pueblo Formation
48 319WFMP Wolfcamp Formation
48 319WOFP Wolfcamp Formation
48 320BEND Bend Group
48 320DMPL Dimple Limestone
48 320MBLF Marble Falls Limestone
48 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
48 320SMCK Smithwick Shale
48 321CCRP Colony Creek Shale, Ranger Limestone and Placid Shale
48 321CLCK Colony Creek Shale
48 321CNYN Canyon Group
48 321CSCO Cisco Group
48 321GPNK Gaptank Formation
48 321GRFD Grayford Formation
48 321GRHM Graham Formation
48 321HMCK Home Creek Limestone
48 321HPVL Harpersville Formation
48 321PLCD Placid Shale
48 321PLPN Palo Pinto Limestone
48 321PSDN Posideon Shale
48 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
48 321PWWM Placid Shale, Winchell Limestone, and Wolf Mountain Shale
48 321RNGR Ranger Limestone
48 321TFGM Thrifty and Graham Formations
48 321TRFT Thrifty Formation
48 321WFMP Wolf Mountain Shale and Posideon Shale
48 321WLFM Wolf Mountain Shale
48 321WMPP Wolf Mountain Shale, Posideon Shale, and Palo Pinto Limestone
48 321WNCL Winchell Limestone
48 324BZRVL Brazos River Conglomerate Member, Lower Part of Garner Formation
48 324BZRVU Brazos River Conglomerate Member, Upper Part of Garner Formation
48 324ESMN East Mountain Shale Member of Mineral Wells Formation
48 324GRNR Garner Formation
48 324LKPN Lake Pinto Sandstone Member of Mineral Wells Formation
48 324MLWL Mineral Wells Formation
48 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
48 324STRN Strawn Group
48 327HMND Haymond Formation
48 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
48 327TSNS Tesnus Formation
48 330BRNT Barnett Shale
48 330CPPL Chappel Formation
48 330HLMS Helms Formation
48 330MSSP Mississippian System
48 340CBLS Caballos Novaculite
48 340DVNN Devonian System
48 350SLRN Silurian System
48 354FSLM Fusselman Dolomite
48 360ODVC Ordovician System
48 361BRNM Burnam Limestone
48 361MNTY Montoya Limestone
48 361MONT Montoya Limestone
48 361MRVL Maravillas Chert
48 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
48 364FRPM Fort Pena Formation and Marathon Limestone
48 364FRPN Fort Pena Formation
48 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
48 364WDHL Woods Hollow Shale
48 367ALST Alstate Shale
48 367EBPH Ellenburger Group and Post-Hickory Sandstone Cambrian Rocks
48 367EBSS Ellenburger Group and San Saba Aquifer
48 367ELBG Ellenburger Group
48 367ELPS El Paso Limestone
48 367GRMN Gorman Formation
48 367HNCT Honeycut Formation
48 367MRTN Marathon Limestone
48 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
48 367SDBC Staendebach Member of Tanyard Formation
48 367TDGL Threadgill Member of Tanyard Formation
48 367TNRD Tanyard Formation
48 370CMBR Cambrian System
48 371BLSS Bliss Sandstone
48 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
48 371CPMN Cap Mountain Limestone Member of Riley Formation
48 371DGFL Dagger Flat Sandstone
48 371GRNT Granite Wash
48 371HCKR Hickory Sandstone
48 371LNMN Lion Mountain Sandstone
48 371MGCK Morgan Creek Limestone Member of Wilberns Formation
48 371PHCK Post-Hickory Sandstone Rocks
48 371PNPK Point Peak Shale Member of Wilberns Formation
48 371RESH Rocks Between Ellenberger-San Saba Aquifer and Hickory Ss Mbr Riley Fm
48 371RILY Riley Formation
48 371SNSB San Saba Limestone
48 371WELG Welge Sandstone
48 371WLBR Wilberns Formation
48 400ALMR Allamoore Limestone
48 400CRZM Carrizo Mountain Schist
48 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
48 400HZEL Hazel Sandstone
48 400LLNO Llano Series
48 400PCKD Packsaddle Schist
48 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
48 400VNHR Van Horn Sandstone
48 400VSPG Valley Spring Gneiss
48 BASEMENT Basement
48 BEDROCK Bedrock
49 000UMTL Unknown Material
49 100ALVF Alluvial Fan Deposits
49 100ALVM Alluvium
49 100VLFL Valley Fill
49 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
49 110BSLT Basalt
49 110CLVM Colluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
49 110COVM Colluvium, Quaternary (Holocene or Pleistocene, Unknown)
49 110PTOD Pediment, Terrace, and Other Deposits of Gravel and Sand
49 110QRNR Quaternary System
49 110TRRCL Terrace, Low, Deposits
49 110UCDD Unconsolidated Deposits
49 110VLFL Valley Fill
49 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
49 111BVRB Beaver Basin Formation (Holocene-Pleistocene)
49 111CLVM Colluvium
49 111GLDB Gold Basin Formation
49 111HLCN Holocene Series
49 111ISPG Ice Springs Craters Flow
49 111LDLD Landslide Deposits
49 112ALPN Alpine Formation
49 112ALVM Alluvium
49 112AXTL Axtell Formation
49 112BNVL Bonneville Formation of Lake Bonneville Group
49 112DRPR Draper Formation of Lake Bonneville Group
49 112EGML Eight Mile Dacite (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
49 112FMLB Fumarole Butte Basalt
49 112HPLM Harpole Mesa Formation
49 112LAKE Lake Deposits
49 112LKBV Lake Bonneville Group
49 112LLCD Little Cottonwood Formation of Lake Bonneville Group
49 112OTSH Outwash
49 112PCCK Placer Creek Formation
49 112PLCN Pleistocene Series
49 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
49 112PROV Provo Formation of Lake Bonneville Group
49 112PVNT Pavant Flow
49 112SALK Salt Creek Fanglomerate
49 112SLCK Salt Creek Fanglomerate
49 112SVRV Sevier River Formation (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
49 112TBCL Tabernacle Flow
49 120BVHL Beaver Hill Tuff of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120CBCK Crab Creek Formation
49 120CCHL Crescent Hill Rhyolite of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120CVMN Cove Mountain Formation
49 120FLPM Flattop Mountain Suite
49 120GLDM Gold Mountain Tuff of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120GRHL Gray Hills Arkose of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120HSLV Horn Silver Andesite
49 120IDHL Indian Hollow Rhyolite of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120IRSV Intrusive Rocks
49 120JDCK Judd Creek Latite
49 120KGMN Keg Mountain Ignimbrites
49 120KGSP Keg Spring Andesite, Latite
49 120KMBL Kimberly Rhyolite of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120KOLB Kolob Latite
49 120MAFC Mafic Rocks
49 120MBKP Mount Belknap Rhyolite of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120MFCV Mafic Rocks
49 120MORN Moroni Formation
49 120MPRG Maple Ridge Porphyry
49 120PNVL Pine Valley Latite
49 120RLCN Raul Canyon Basalt
49 120RNCR Rencher Formation
49 120SLCK Shoal Creek Breccia
49 120STLY Staley Pasture Tuff of Mount Belknap Volcanic Group
49 120TBBL Tibble Formation
49 120TPZM Topaz Mountain Rhyolite
49 120TRTR Tertiary System
49 120VLCC Volcanic Rocks
49 121BRPK Browns Park Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121CCVL Cache Valley Group (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121CMPW Camp Williams Unit of Salt Lake Formation
49 121CNDC Cottonwood Canyon Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121CODC Cottonwood Canyon Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121DRHL Dry Hollow Formation
49 121GRPK Geyser Peak Fanglomerate
49 121HRKR Harkers Fanglomerate Member of Salt Lake Formation
49 121HSVL Huntsville Fanglomerate
49 121JLTT Joe Lott Tuff
49 121MDCK Muddy Creek Formation
49 121MKCK Mink Creek Conglomerate of Salt Lake Formation
49 121PATT Payette Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121PLCN Pliocene Series
49 121PRNP Parunuweap Formation
49 121PYTT Payette Formation (Pliocene-Miocene)
49 121RGPK Roger Peak Basaltic Breccia
49 121SLLK Salt Lake Formation
49 121TPZM Topaz Mountain Tuff
49 122AXTL Axtell Formation (Pleistocene-Pliocene)
49 122BLNC Bullion Canyon Volcanics
49 122BRHD Brian Head Formation
49 122BRVL Bear Valley Formation
49 122DLPK Delano Peak Latite Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics
49 122JRDN Jordan Narrows Unit of Salt Lake Formation (Miocene-Oligocene)
49 122MOCN Miocene Series
49 122PGRC Page Ranch Formation (Miocene-Oligocene)
49 122RCKC Rock Candy Agglomerate and Latite of Bullion Canyon Volcanics
49 122TRVR Traverse Volcanics of Salt Lake Formation (Miocene-Oligocene)
49 123BLDK Bald Knoll Formation
49 123BLDL Baldhills Member of Isom Formation
49 123CKCK Chicken Creek Tuff (Oligocene-Eocene)
49 123CZHL Crazy Hollow Formation
49 123DCRV Duchesne River Formation
49 123FLCK Fool Creek Conglomerate
49 123ISOM Isom Formation
49 123NDRG Needles Range Formation
49 123NRWD Norwood Tuff of Salt Lake Formation
49 123OLGC Oligocene Series
49 123PEOA Peoa Tuff
49 123PRKC Park City Volcanics
49 123QCHP Quichapa Formation
49 123RSCN Rose Canyon Latite-Andesite Volcanics
49 123SMNN South Mountain Andesite Flows
49 123WRDS Wanrhodes Volcanics
49 124APEX Apex Conglomerate
49 124CLAR Claron Limestone or Formation
49 124CLRN Claron Limestone or Formation
49 124CLTN Colton Formation
49 124DGCK Douglas Creek Member of Green River Formation
49 124DPGV Dipping Vat Formation
49 124EGLH Eagle Hill Rhyolite
49 124EOCN Eocene Series
49 124FCVC Felsic Volcanic Rocks
49 124FLGF Flagstaff Limestone (Eocene-Paleocene)
49 124FRNW Fernow Quartz Latite
49 124GDGC Garden Gulch Member of Green River Formation
49 124GDRC Goldens Ranch Formation
49 124GRRV Green River Formation
49 124HRBC Horse Bench Sandstone Bed of Uinta Formation
49 124LGUN Laguna Latite
49 124PCCK Parachute Creek Member of Green River Formation
49 124PCKO Packard Quartz Latite
49 124SGPK Shaggy Peak Rhyolite
49 124TCKV Tickville Rhyolite
49 124TPTN Tipton Shale Member of Green River Formation
49 124UINT Uinta Formation
49 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
49 124WTSG White Sage Formation
49 125CDBK Cedar Breaks Formation
49 125EVAS Evanston Formation (Paleocene-Upper Cretaceous)
49 125EVNS Evanston Formation (Paleocene-Upper Cretaceous)
49 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
49 125NRHR North Horn Formation (Paleocene-Upper Cretaceous)
49 125PLCN Paleocene Series
49 200BCKT Beckwith Formation
49 200MNCS Mancos Shale
49 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
49 200SGCF Straight Cliffs Sandstone
49 210CRCS Cretaceous System
49 210DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation or Group
49 210TSHR Tushar Conglomerate
49 211ABRD Aberdeen Sandstone Member of Blackhawk Formation
49 211ACRM Anchor Mine Tongue of Mancos Shale
49 211ALVL Allen Valley Shale of Indianola Group
49 211APRG Asphalt Ridge Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
49 211BCKK Blackhawk Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211BCRK Bennion Creek Formation
49 211BLCL Bluecastle Sandstone Member
49 211BLGT Blue Gate Shale Member of Mancos Shale
49 211BLIR Blair Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211BUCK Buck Tongue of Mancos Shale
49 211CSLG Castlegate Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
49 211CTCK Currant Creek Formation
49 211ECCN Echo Canyon Conglomerate
49 211EMRY Emery Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale
49 211ERCS Ericson Sandstone or Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211FKVL Funk Valley Formation of Indianola Group
49 211FRNR Frontier Formation
49 211FRRN Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale
49 211FRRR Farrer Formation
49 211GRLC Garley Canyon Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale
49 211HLRD Hilliard Shale or Formation
49 211HNFR Henefer Formation
49 211ISPG Iron Springs Formation
49 211KPRS Kaiparowits Formation
49 211MSUK Masuk Member of Mancos Shale
49 211MVRD Mesaverde Group
49 211NSLN Neslen Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211PCRV Price River Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211RKSP Rock Springs Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211SEGO Sego Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
49 211SNPT Sanpete Formation of Indianola Group
49 211SRPN Star Point Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
49 211SXMC Sixmile Canyon Formation of Indianola Group
49 211TNNK Tununk Shale Member of Mancos Shale
49 211TRPC Tropic Shale or Formation
49 211TSCR Tuscher Formation of Mesaverde Group
49 211WHWP Wahweap Sandstone
49 211WNSP Wanship Formation
49 217ASPE Aspen Shale Member of Mancos Shale
49 217ASPN Aspen Shale Member of Mancos Shale
49 217BCKR Buckhorn Conglomerate Member of Cedar Mountain Formation
49 217BRCN Burro Canyon Formation
49 217BRRV Bear River Formation
49 217CDRM Cedar Mountain Formation
49 217CLVL Cloverly Formation
49 217KLVN Kelvin Formation
49 217MWRY Mowry Shale
49 220GLEC Glen Canyon Formation or Group (Jurassic-Triassic)
49 220GLNC Glen Canyon Formation or Group (Jurassic-Triassic)
49 220JRSC Jurassic System
49 220NVJO Navajo Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
49 221ARPN Arapien Shale
49 221BLFF Bluff Sandstone of San Rafael Group
49 221BLUFS Bluff Sandstone of San Rafael Group
49 221BRSB Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation
49 221BRUB Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation
49 221CRML Carmel Formation of San Rafael Group
49 221CRTS Curtis Formation of San Rafael Group
49 221CSPG Cow Springs Sandstone
49 221DBDG Dewey Bridge Member of Entrada Sandstone
49 221ENRD Entrada Sandstone of San Rafael Group
49 221ERAD Entrada Sandstone of San Rafael Group
49 221JCCK Junction Creek Sandstone of San Rafael Group
49 221MRSN Morrison Formation
49 221PRSS Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds
49 221RCPR Recapture Member of Morrison Formation
49 221RECP Recapture Member of Morrison Formation
49 221SALW Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation
49 221SLWS Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation
49 221SMVL Summerville Formation of San Rafael Group
49 221SRFL San Rafael Group
49 221STMP Stump Sandstone
49 221TCRK Twin Creek Limestone or Formation
49 221TGLC Twist Gulch Member of Arapien Shale
49 221TVMC Twelvemile Canyon Member of Arapien Shale
49 221WERC Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison Formation
49 221WNSR Winsor Formation of San Rafael Group
49 221WSRC Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison Formation
49 227GLNC Glen Canyon Group (Jurassic)
49 227NGGT Nugget Sandstone
49 227NVJO Navajo Sandstone (Jurassic)
49 230HSKN Hoskinnini Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 230MNKP Moenkopi Formation
49 230TDRF Tenderfoot Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 230TRSC Triassic System
49 231ANKR Ankareh Shale, Formation, or Redbeds
49 231CCRK Church Rock Member of Chinle Formation
49 231CDRC Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation
49 231CHNL Chinle Formation
49 231DSCR Dinosaur Canyon Member of Moenave Formation
49 231DSRC Dinosaur Canyon Sandstone Member of Moenave Formation
49 231GRTR Gartra Member of Chinle Formation
49 231KAYN Kayenta Formation of Glen Canyon Group
49 231KYNT Kayenta Formation of Glen Canyon Group
49 231LKCK Lukachukai Member of Wingate Sandstone
49 231MBCK Moss Back Member of Chinle Formation
49 231MNRB Monitor Butte Member of Chinle Formation
49 231MONV Moenave Formation of Glen Canyon Group
49 231PFDF Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
49 231SBKB Shnabkaib Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 231SPGD Springdale Sandstone Member of Moenave Formation
49 231SRMP Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation
49 231SUCD Suicide Grit of Ankareh Formation
49 231TMPM Temple Mountain Member of Chinle Formation
49 231WIGT Wingate Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
49 231WMRP Whitmore Point Member of Moenave Formation
49 231WNGT Wingate Sandstone of Glen Canyon Group
49 234PRTT Pariott Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 234SWMP Sewemup Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 237AGTL Agathla Sandstone
49 237ALBB Ali Baba Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 237DNDY Dinwoody Formation
49 237HRNG Harrington Formation
49 237MGNY Mahogany Formation
49 237SNBD Sinbad Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 237TMPP Timpoweap Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 237TYNS Thaynes Limestone, Formation or Group
49 237VRGN Virgin Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation
49 237WDSD Woodside Formation, Siltstone and/or Redbeds
49 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
49 300DVCK Dove Creek Formation or Group
49 300MOLS Molas Formation (Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
49 300RICO Rico Formation
49 300SUPI Supai Formation of Aubrey Group (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 300WLLS Wells Formation (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 310ABRY Aubrey Group (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 310ARCR Arcturus Limestone or Formation
49 310ARCU Arcturus Limestone or Formation
49 310BSPG Bird Spring Formation (Permian-Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 310CCNN Coconino Sandstone of Aubrey Group
49 310CDRM Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
49 310CLVL Callville Limestone (Permian-Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 310COCNA Coconino Sandstone of Aubrey Group
49 310CTLR Cutler Formation
49 310DCLL De Chelly Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
49 310DMCK Diamond Creek Sandstone
49 310GERR Gerster Formation
49 310GRSR Gerster Formation or Limestone of Park City Group
49 310HERM Hermit Shale of Aubrey Group
49 310HLGT Halgaito Tongue or Member of Cutler Formation
49 310HLGTC Halgaito Tongue or Member of Cutler Formation
49 310HRMT Hermit Shale of Aubrey Group
49 310INDC Indian Canyon Formation of Park City Group
49 310KIBB Kaibab Limestone
49 310KRKM Kirkman Limestone
49 310LORY Loray Formation
49 310OARKC Organ Rock Tongue or Member of Cutler Formation
49 310OGRK Organ Rock Tongue or Member of Cutler Formation
49 310OQRR Oquirrh Group (Permian-Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 310PKON Pakoon Limestone
49 310PLMP Plympton Formation of Park City Group
49 310PRKC Park City Formation or Group
49 310PRMN Permian System
49 310PSPR Phosphoria Formation
49 310PYMP Plympton Formation of Park City Group
49 310RICO Rico Formation (Permian-Upper Pennsylvanian)
49 310RIPS Riepe Spring Limestone
49 310RPSP Riepe Spring Limestone
49 310RPTN Riepetown Sandstone
49 310SUPI Supai Formation of Aubrey Group (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 310TORP Toroweap Formation of Aubrey Group
49 310TRWP Toroweap Formation of Aubrey Group
49 310WEBR Weber Quartzite or Sandstone (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 310WLLS Wells Formation (Permian-Pennsylvanian)
49 310WTRM White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
49 317QNTP Queantoweap Sandstone
49 319ELPC Elephant Canyon Formation
49 320ELPN Elephant Limestone
49 320ELY Ely Limestone
49 320MNGC Manning Canyon Shale (Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 320MOLS Molas Formation (Pennsylvanian-Mississippian)
49 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
49 320TLDN Tilden Limestone Lentil
49 320TLSM Talisman Quartzite
49 321BGMM Bingham Mine Formation of Oquirrh Group
49 321HKTL Honaker Trail Member of Hermosa Formation
49 321KLRC Kessler Canyon Formation of Oquirrh Group
49 324ERDA Erda Formation of Oquirrh Group
49 324HOGN Hogan Formation
49 324HRMS Hermosa Formation
49 324MRGN Morgan Formation
49 324PRDX Paradox Member of Hermosa Formation
49 327LKPN Lake Point Limestone of Oquirrh Group
49 327PKRT Pinkerton Trail Limestone Member of Hermosa Formation
49 327WSCN West Canyon Limestone of Oquirrh Group
49 330BRZR Brazer Limestone or Dolomite
49 330DSRT Deseret Limestone
49 330LDVL Leadville Limestone
49 330MDSN Madison Group
49 330MSSP Mississippian System
49 330RDLL Redwall Limestone
49 330SSBR Stansbury Formation (Mississippian-Devonian)
49 330TPCH Topache Limestone (Mississippian-Devonian)
49 331CFDR Chesterfield Range Group
49 331CNMN Chainman Shale
49 331DGNT Doughnut Formation
49 331DMPK Diamond Peak Formation
49 331GRBL Great Blue Limestone or Formation
49 331GRRV Green Ravine Formation
49 331HMBG Humbug Formation
49 331OCRM Ochre Mountain Limestone
49 331WDMN Woodman Formation
49 337FCVL Fitchville Formation
49 337GRDS Gardison Limestone
49 337JOAN Joana Limestone
49 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone of Madison Group
49 337LTHM Leatham Formation
49 337NRCN Narrow Canyon Limestone (Lower Mississippian-Upper Devonian)
49 337PILT Pilot Shale (Lower Mississippian-Upper Devonian)
49 337PLOT Pilot Shale (Lower Mississippian-Upper Devonian)
49 337PNPK Pinyon Peak Limestone (Lower Mississippian-Upper Devonian)
49 340BLBL Bluebell Dolomite (Devonian-Silurian-Ordovician)
49 340DVNN Devonian System
49 340KGSC Kings Canyon Dolomite
49 340RDWR Red Warrior Limestone (Devonian-Silurian-Ordovician)
49 341ANTH Aneth Formation
49 341BRDN Beirdneau Formation
49 341CVFR Cove Fort Quartzite
49 341EGLM Engelmann Formation (Upper-Middle Devonian)
49 341ELBR Elbert Formation
49 341GLMT Guilmette Formation
49 341GLSN Gilson Dolomite
49 341GSHT Goshoot Formation
49 341HNUR Hanauer Formation
49 341HYRM Hyrm Dolomite (Upper-Middle Devonian)
49 341JEFF Jefferson Limestone, Dolomite, Formation or Group
49 341JFRS Jefferson Limestone, Dolomite or Formation
49 341MWTZ Mowitza Shale
49 341OURY Ouray Limestone
49 341VCTR Victoria Formation
49 344MDPK Muddy Peak Limestone
49 344SEVY Sevy Dolomite (Lower Devonian-Upper Silurian)
49 344SMNS Simonson Dolomite
49 347SEVY Sevy Dolomite (Lower Devonian-Upper Silurian)
49 350BVLK Beaver Lake Dolomite (Silurian-Upper Ordovician)
49 350DCTN Decathon Dolomite
49 350FLRD Floride Dolomite
49 350JCKV Jack Valley Formation
49 350LMMN Lime Mountain Dolomite
49 350LNMN Lone Mountain Dolomite
49 350SLRN Silurian System
49 354BLHL Bell Hill Dolomite
49 354HRST Harrisite Dolomite
49 354LSSP Lost Sheep Dolomite
49 354RBRM Roberts Mountain Formation or Limestone
49 354ROBM Roberts Mountain Formation or Limestone
49 354TRSD Thursday Dolomite
49 360CKCR Chokecherry Dolomite (Ordovician-Upper Cambrian)
49 360GRMP Grampian Limestone (Ordovician-Cambrian)
49 360HOUS House Limestone of Pogonip Group (Ordovician-Cambrian)
49 360ODVC Ordovician System
49 360PGNP Pogonip Group (Ordovician-Cambrian)
49 361EURK Eureka Quartzite
49 361FSHV Fish Haven Dolomite
49 364GADC Garden City Formation or Limestone (Middle-Lower Ordovician)
49 364GRDC Garden City Formation or Limestone (Middle-Lower Ordovician)
49 364KNSH Kanosh Shale of Pogonip Group
49 364LHMN Lehman Formation of Pogonip Group
49 364SNPK Swan Peak Formation
49 367FLMR Fillmore Limestone of Pogonip Group
49 367JUAB Juab Limestone of Pogonip Group
49 367OPNG Opohonga Limestone
49 367WHWH Wahwah Limestone of Pogonip Group
49 370CMBR Cambrian System
49 370MRHS Morehouse Quartzite
49 370NUNN Nounan Limestone (Upper-Middle Cambrian)
49 370PNVL Pine Valley Quartzite
49 371AJAX Ajax Dolomite
49 371CSPG Corset Spring Shale
49 371DDBG Dunderburg Shale
49 371DGRG Dugway Ridge Dolomite
49 371FERA Fera Limestone
49 371HCKS Hicks Formation
49 371LAMB Lamb Dolomite (Upper-Middle Cambrian)
49 371LODR Lodore Formation or Shale
49 371LYNC Lynch Dolomite (Upper-Middle Cambrian)
49 371NCPK Notch Peak Limestone
49 371NUNN Nounan Limestone (Upper-Middle Cambrian)
49 371OPEX Opex Formation
49 371ORR Orr Formation
49 371SCRL St Charles Limestone
49 371SRGC Straight Canyon Formation
49 374ABMB Abercrombie Formation
49 374BCKM Blacksmith Dolomite or Limestone
49 374BIGM Brigham Quartzite (Middle Cambrian-Upper Precambrian)
49 374BLBD Bluebird Dolomite
49 374BLMG Bloomington Formation
49 374BRGM Brigham Quartzite (Middle Cambrian-Upper Precambrian)
49 374BWMN Bowman Limestone
49 374CLCN Cole Canyon Dolomite
49 374CSLM Chisholm Shale
49 374DGMR Dagmar Dolomite
49 374DOME Dome Limestone
49 374FDGL Fandangle Limestone
49 374HRKM Herkimer Limestone
49 374HRMN Hartmann Limestone
49 374HWLL Howell Formation
49 374LNDN Lyndon Limestone
49 374LNGS Langston Limestone
49 374MRJM Marjum Limestone
49 374MXFD Maxfield Limestone
49 374OPHR Ophir Formation or Shale
49 374PIOC Pioche Shale (Middle-Lower Cambrian)
49 374POCH Pioche Shale (Middle-Lower Cambrian)
49 374SDCL Shadscale Formation
49 374SWSY Swasey Formation
49 374TNTC Tintic Quartzite (Middle-Lower Cambrian)
49 374TRLR Trailer Limestone
49 374TRPP Trippe Limestone
49 374TTNC Teutonic Limestone
49 374UTE Ute Limestone
49 374WEKS Weeks Limestone (Upper-Middle Cambrian)
49 374WHLR Wheeler Formation
49 374WRLD Whirlwind Formation
49 374YGPK Young Peak Dolomite
49 377BSBY Busby Quartzite
49 377CBIN Cabin Shale
49 377POPM Prospect Mountain Quartzite (Lower Cambrian-Upper Precambrian)
49 377PPCM Prospect Mountain Quartzite (Lower Cambrian-Upper Precambrian)
49 400ABRG Albion Range Group
49 400ASCN Auts Canyon Formation of Sheeprock Group
49 400BGCD Big Cottonwood Formation
49 400BLDM Bald Mountain Formation
49 400CRCK Green Creek Complex
49 400EKKR Ekker Formation of Sheeprock Group
49 400FMGC Farmington Canyon Complex
49 400GECK Green Creek Complex
49 400HRSC Horse Canyon Formation
49 400LLWL Little Willow Series
49 400MCCK Mc Coy Creek Group
49 400MLFK Mineral Fork Tillite
49 400MUTL Mutual Formation
49 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
49 400RDCK Red Creek Quartzite
49 400RDPN Red Pine Shale of Uinta Mountain Group
49 400SPCK Sheeprock Group or Series
49 400UNMN Uinta Mountain Group
49 400WLDC Wildhorse Canyon Series
49 BASEMENT Basement
49 BEDROCK Bedrock
50 000UMTL Unknown Material
50 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
50 111BECH Beach Deposits
50 111CLVM Colluvium
50 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
50 111FILL Fill
50 111MRIN Marine Deposits
50 111SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated
50 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
50 112DELT Delta Deposits
50 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
50 112ICCCE Ice-Contact Deposits, Including Eskers and Kames
50 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
50 112MORN Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
50 112MORND Moraine Deposits, Except Ground Moraine and Drumlins
50 112MRIN Marine Deposits
50 112OTSH Outwash
50 112SRFD Stratified Deposits, Undifferentiated
50 112TILL Till
50 120SDMS Sediments
50 200CRSL Crystalline Rocks
50 210SDMS Sediments, Undifferentiated
50 230IGNSE Igneous Rocks, Extrusive
50 230IGNSI Igneous Rocks, Intrusive
50 230SDMR Triassic Sedimentary Rocks
50 231EBRL East Berlin Formation
50 231HLYK Holyoke Basalt
50 231HMPD Hampden Basalt
50 231NHVN New Haven Formation
50 231PRLD Portland Formation
50 300CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 300CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 300CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 320CRSL Crystalline Rocks
50 320SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
50 330CRSL Crystalline Rocks
50 330SDMR Sedimentary Rocks
50 340CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 340CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 340CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 350CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 350CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 350CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 360CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 360CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 360CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 370CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 370CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 370CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 400CRSL Crystalline Rocks, Undifferentiated
50 400CRSLC Crystalline Rocks, Carbonate
50 400CRSLN Crystalline Rocks, Noncarbonate
50 BASEMENT Basement
50 BEDROCK Bedrock
51 000AARF Amphibolite and Amphibolite Rich Foliats
51 000CLMB Columbia Granite
51 000EVRN Everona Limestone
51 000GHBG Granite and Hornblend Gneiss
51 000GRGS Granite Gneiss
51 000GRNT Granite
51 000GVCC Greenstone Volcanics
51 000HGGT Hornblend Gabbro and Gneiss Talc
51 000IRSV Intrusive Rocks
51 000LMMB Limestone and Marble
51 000MMPS Metamorphosed Sedimentary Rocks
51 000MPVS Metamorphosed Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks
51 000QRZD Quartz Diorite
51 000SAND Sand (Unknown Age)
51 000UMTL Unknown Material
51 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
51 110QRNR Quaternary System
51 111DMMP Dismal Swamp Peat
51 111HLCN Holocene Series
51 111SDMN Sediments, Undifferentiated
51 111SFCL Surficial Aquifer
51 112BCCL Bacons Castle Formation
51 112CLMB Columbia Group or Aquifer
51 112GBDG Great Bridge Formation
51 112KILD Kent Island Formation
51 112KPVL Kempsville Formation
51 112LDBG Londonbridge Formation
51 112MORG Moorings Unit
51 112NFLK Norfolk Formation
51 112OMAR Omar Formation
51 112PLCLC Paleochannel Confining Unit
51 112PLCLL Paleochannel Lower Aquifer
51 112PLCLU Paleochannel Upper Aquifer
51 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
51 112SDBG Sandbridge Formation
51 112SDLY Sedley Formation
51 112WDSR Windsor Formation
51 120TRTR Tertiary System
51 121CLCV Cornwallis Cave Aquifer
51 121CLCVC Cornwallis Cave Confining Unit
51 121CSPKU Upper Chesapeake Group
51 121PCMC Pliocene-Miocene Series
51 121PLCN Pliocene Series
51 121YEVCM Yorktown-Eastover Middle Confining Unit
51 121YEVCU Yorktown-Eastover Upper Confining Unit
51 121YKEV Yorktown Eastover Aquifer
51 121YKEVM Yorktown-Eastover Middle Aquifer
51 121YKEVU Yorktown-Eastover Upper Aquifer
51 121YRKNC Yorktown Confining Zone
51 122CLVR Calvert Formation
51 122CLVRC Calvert Confining Unit
51 122CPNK Choptank Formation
51 122CSPK Chesapeake Group
51 122CSPKL Lower Chesapeake Group
51 122ESVR Eastover Formation
51 122EVCVC Eastover-Calvert Confining Unit
51 122MOCN Miocene Series
51 122OCNC Ocean City Aquifer
51 122PNPN Piney Point Aquifer
51 122SMRS St. Marys Formation or Aquifer
51 122SMRSC St. Marys Confining Unit
51 122YEVCL Yorktown-Eastover Lower Confining Unit
51 122YKEVL Yorktown-Eastover Lower Aquifer
51 122YRKN Yorktown Formation
51 123OLGC Oligocene Series
51 124CCKM Chickahominy Formation
51 124CCKMC Chickahominy Confining Unit
51 124ECPC Eocene-Paleocene Series
51 124EOCN Eocene Series
51 124EXMRC Exmore Clast Confining Unit
51 124EXMXC Exmore Matrix Confining Unit
51 124MRLB Marlboro Clay
51 124NJMBC Nanjemoy-Marlboro Confining Unit
51 124NNJM Nanjemoy Formation
51 124PMNK Pamunkey Group
51 124PTMC Potomac Aquifer Megablock Beds
51 124PTMCC Potomac Confining Zone Megablock Beds
51 125AQUI Aquia Formation or Aquifer
51 125BRGS Brightseat Formation
51 125MTPN Mattaponi Formation
51 125PEEDC Peedee Confining Zone
51 125PLCN Paleocene Series
51 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
51 210CNMCU Upper Cenomanian Confining Unit
51 210CRCS Cretaceous System
51 210PEED Peedee Aquifer
51 210VGBC Virginia Beach Aquifer
51 210VGBCC Virginia Beach Confining Zone
51 211CRAQU Upper Cretaceous Aquifer System
51 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
51 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
51 217POMC Potomac Group
51 217PPSC Patapsco Formation
51 217PTMC Potomac Group or Aquifer
51 217PTMCC Potomac Confining Zone
51 217PTXN Patuxent Formation
51 220JRSC Jurassic System
51 230CDRF Cedar Forest Formation
51 230DRFK Dry Fork Formation
51 230IGNS Igneous Rocks
51 230LKVL Leaksville Formation
51 230TRSC Triassic System
51 231BLBF Balls Bluff Formation
51 231BLRN Bull Run Formation
51 231MNSS Manassas Formation
51 231NWRK Newark Group
51 231ORDL Otterdale Sandstone
51 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
51 231VINT Vinta Formation
51 300AGBK Alligator Back Formation, Finely Laminated Gneiss (Main Part)
51 300AGBKS Alligator Back Formation, Mica Schist
51 300AGRKA Alligator Back Formation, Amphibolite and Greenstone
51 300ARCH Arch Marble
51 300BGVL Big Valley Formation
51 300CCKV Cockeysville Marble
51 300CDLR Candler Formation
51 300CPMC Chopawamsic Formation
51 300EVNG Evington Group
51 300JSHU Joshua Schist
51 300MNAS Mount Athos Formation
51 300PLIR Pelier Schist
51 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
51 300PRBG Petersburg Granite
51 300PZPB Paleozoic-Precambrian Erathems
51 300SNGP Stoney Gap Sandstone Member of Hinton Formation
51 300SPCK Slippery Creek Greenstone
51 300UFRK Ultramafic Rock, Clorite-Tremolite, Magnetite Schist
51 300WICKS Wissahickon Schist
51 300WSCK Wissahickon Schist
51 310PRMN Permian System
51 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
51 324GDVN Gladeville Sandstone and Norton Formation
51 324GLDV Gladeville Sandstone
51 324HRLN Harlan Group
51 324NRTN Norton Formation
51 324PRBG Petersburg Formation
51 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
51 324WISE Wise Formation
51 327LEE Lee Formation
51 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
51 330CVCK Cove Creek Limestone
51 330GRGR Grainger Formation
51 330MCCD Maccrady Shale
51 330MCCP Mac Crady and Price Formation
51 330MSSP Mississippian System
51 330NWMN Newman Limestone
51 330PRIC Price Formation
51 331BFGB Bluefield Formation and Greenbrier Limestone
51 331BLFD Bluefield Formation
51 331BLPR Bluestone and Princeton Formations
51 331BLSN Bluestone Formation
51 331FIDO Fido Sandstone
51 331GRBR Greenbrier Limestone
51 331HNTN Hinton Formation
51 331LLVL Little Valley Limestone
51 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
51 331PENG Pennington Group
51 331PNNG Pennington Group
51 331PRNS Prinston Formation
51 337MPDV Mississippian-Devonian System
51 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
51 337POCN Pocono Formation
51 340DVNN Devonian System
51 340HRVL Hunterville Chert
51 341BRLR Brallier Formation
51 341CMNG Chemung Formation
51 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
51 341GENS Genesee Formation
51 341HMPR Hampshire Formation
51 341MLBR Millboro Shale
51 344DVNML Middle-Lower Devonian Series
51 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
51 344HAML Hamilton Formation
51 344HMLN Hamilton Formation
51 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
51 344NDMR Needmore Shale
51 344ONDG Onondaga Limestone
51 347BCRF Becraft Limestone
51 347CMNS Coeymans Limestone
51 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
51 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
51 347HDBG Helderberg Group
51 347KYSR Keyser Limestone
51 347LKCK Licking Creek Limestone
51 347NSCD New Scotland Limestone
51 347RDGL Ridgeley Sandstone
51 350SLRN Silurian System
51 350SOVC Silurian-Ordovician Systems
51 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
51 351TNLY Tonoloway Limestone
51 351WLCK Wills Creek Formation
51 352BMBG Bloomsburg Formation
51 352CYUG Cayuga Group
51 352HCCK Hancock Dolomite
51 354CLNC Clinch Sandstone
51 354CLNN Clinton Formation
51 354CLTC Clinton and Tuscarora Formations
51 354MCKZ Mc Kenzie Formation
51 354MSNN Massanutten Sandstone
51 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
51 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
51 357TCRR Tuscarora Sandstone
51 360ODVC Ordovician System
51 361ARVN Arvonia Formation
51 361JUNT Juniata Formation
51 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
51 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
51 361ODVUM Upper-Middle Ordovician Series
51 361OSWG Oswego Sandstone
51 361QNTC Quantico Slate
51 361SQTC Sequatchie Formation
51 364BCKF Blackford Formation
51 364BNBL Benbolt Limestone
51 364BNHR Ben Hur Limestone
51 364BOWN Bowen Limestone
51 364CLRS Collierstown Limestone
51 364DOT Dot Limestone
51 364EDBG Edinburg Formation
51 364EFFN Effna Limestone
51 364EGLS Eggleston Formation
51 364ELWY Elway Limestone
51 364FVOK Five Oak Limestone
51 364GRTN Gratton Limestone
51 364HCBG Hurricane Bridge Limestone
51 364HDCK Hardy Creek Limestone
51 364LCLR Lincolnshire Formation
51 364LRCH Lurich Formation
51 364MCGL Mc Glone Formation
51 364MCSN Moccasin Formation
51 364MRCK Martin Creek Limestone
51 364NMRK New Market Limestone
51 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
51 364ORND Oranda Formation
51 364POTT Poteet Formation
51 364RBCP Rob Camp Limestone
51 364RCKD Rockdell Limestone
51 364RYCV Rye Cove Formation
51 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
51 364WDWY Woodway Limestone
51 364WLCK Whistlecreek Limestone
51 364WRDL Wardell Limestone
51 364WTTN Witten Limestone
51 367BKCP Beekmantown and Chepultepec Formations
51 367BKMN Beekmantown Group
51 367BLFN Bellefonte Formation
51 367CPPC Chepultepec Dolomite
51 367KNOX Knox Dolomite
51 367MKLV Mascot, Kingsport and Longview Formations
51 367NTTN Nittany Formation
51 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
51 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
51 370CMBR Cambrian System
51 370CNSG Coansauga Group
51 371CBBRU Upper Cambrian Series
51 371CCCG Conococheague Formation
51 371CCCGC Onococheague Group
51 371CCCGG Conococheague Group
51 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
51 371CNSG Conasauga Group
51 371COSG Conasauga Group
51 371CPRG Copper Ridge Dolomite
51 371ELBK Elbrook Formation
51 371MADV Maynardville Formation
51 371MDVL Maynardville Formation
51 371NCCK Nolichucky Shale
51 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
51 374HNKR Honaker Dolomite
51 374MRVL Maryville Limestone
51 374PPKV Pumpkin Valley Shale
51 374RGVL Rogersville Shale
51 374RLDG Rutledge Limestone
51 377CHLH Chilhowee Group
51 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
51 377ERWN Erwin Formation
51 377FDCK Frederick Limestone
51 377HMPN Hampton Shale or Formation
51 377LUDN Loudoun Formation
51 377ROME Rome Formation
51 377SHDY Shady Dolomite
51 377UNCO Unicoi Formation
51 377WVRN Weverton Formation
51 400ALUM Alum Phillite
51 400ASHE Ashe Formation, Thinly Layered Gneiss (Main Part)
51 400ASHEA Ashe Formation, Amphibolite
51 400BVCK Beaverdam Creek Augen Gneiss
51 400CLVL Charlottesville Formation
51 400CMRS Comers Granite Gneiss
51 400CRVL Carsonville Granite
51 400CTCN Catoctin Formation
51 400CTRN Cattron Gneiss
51 400GRAS Grayson Granodiorite Gneiss
51 400GRGS Granite Gneiss
51 400GRSN Grayson Granodiorite Gneiss
51 400LCBG Lynchburg Formation
51 400LLRV Little River Gneiss of Dietrich, of Elk Park Plutonic Group
51 400LTRD Leatherwood Granite
51 400LVGS Lovingston Formation
51 400MLRS Melrose Granite
51 400MMRV Mechums River Formation
51 400MONT Moneta Gneiss
51 400MRGR Mount Rogers Volcanic Group
51 400MRHL Marshall Formation
51 400ODRG Old Rag Formation
51 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
51 400PDLR Pedlar Formation
51 400RBRV Robertson River Formation
51 400RCKF Rockfish Conglomerate
51 400RDOK Redoak Granite
51 400RSLD Roseland Anorthosite
51 400SDDL Saddle Gneiss
51 400SFRN Swift Run Formation
51 400SHOL Shoal Gneiss
51 400SLTN Shelton Granite Gneiss
51 400SPRK Striped Rock Granite
51 400VGBG Virginia Blueridge Complex
51 400VRGL Virgilina Group
51 400WLLS Willis Phyllite
51 BASEMENT Basement
51 BEDROCK Bedrock
53 000FILL Unclassified Fill
53 000HKNS Hawkins Formation
53 000LCHR Leecher Metamorphics
53 000MNSR Mount Stuart Granodiorite
53 000MTHW Methow Gneiss
53 000NWKM Newaukum Series
53 000ORCS Orcas Group
53 000OVBD Unclassified Overburden
53 000PSSN Peshastin Formation
53 000SPCK Sheep Creek Conglomerate
53 000TLBK Turtleback Complex
53 000UMTL Unknown Material
53 100GVWWO Gravel of Walla Walla, Older
53 100PRPH Plio-Pleistocene, Post-Ringold-Pre-Hanford Formations
53 110ALVM Quaternary Alluvium
53 110BSLT Basalt
53 110CLVM Colluvium
53 110DGHD Dogs Head Andesites
53 110DRML Drumheller Silts
53 110DUNE Dune Sand
53 110GCPK Glacier Peak Volcanics
53 110GRCK Goat Rock Pyroclastic Deposits
53 110LOSS Loess
53 110MBKR Mount Baker Lava
53 110MNRR Mount Rainier Lavas
53 110MSHS Mount St Helens Lavas
53 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
53 111CLWD Colwood Formation
53 111DUNE Dune Sand
53 111ELCR Electron Mudflow
53 111OSCL Osceola Mudflow
53 112ADML Admiralty Drift or Clay
53 112ALVM Alluvium
53 112ARLG Arlington Gravel Member of Vashon Drift
53 112BRNG Boring Lava
53 112CLVM Colluvium
53 112CLVS Colvos Sand
53 112COLV Colvos Sand
53 112CRSN Carson Lava
53 112CWCH Cowiche Gravel
53 112EPRC Esperance Sand Member of Vashon Drift
53 112EVCK Evans Creek Drift of Fraser Glaciation
53 112EVRS Everson Interstade of Fraser Glaciation
53 112FLVC Fluviolacustrine Deposits
53 112GALE Gale Sand
53 112GLCV Glacio-Fluviatile
53 112KTSP Kitsap Formation
53 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
53 112LGHL Logan Hill Formation
53 112LLCK Lily Creek Formation
53 112LWTN Lawton Clay Member of Vashon Drift
53 112MDLD Midland Sand
53 112MNRR Mount Rainier Volcanics
53 112MRIN Marine Deposits
53 112MRVL Marysville Sand Member of Vashon Drift
53 112NPLM Nespelem Silt
53 112OKNG Okanogan Till
53 112ORNG Orting Drift or Glaciation
53 112PCCK Pilchuck Clay Member of Vashon Drift
53 112PICK Pilchuck Clay Member of Vashon Drift
53 112PLLP Puyallup Formation or Interglaciation
53 112PLUS Palouse Formation
53 112PSCO Pasco Gravels
53 112QUTS Queets Beds
53 112RGLD Ringold Formation
53 112SASP Salmon Springs Drift
53 112SCBD Scabland Flood Deposits
53 112SKKM Skokomish Gravel
53 112SLCM Steilacoom Gravel
53 112SLGM Stillaguamish Sand Member of Vashon Drift
53 112SSPG Salmon Springs Drift
53 112STCK Stuck Drift
53 112STSP Satsop Formation
53 112SUMS Sumas Drift of Fraser Glaciation
53 112TCHT Touchet Beds
53 112TFLS Tiflis Member of Wahluke Formation
53 112THLH Taholah Formation
53 112TILL Till
53 112TRHL Trout Hill Lava Flows
53 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
53 112TTON Tieton Andesite
53 112VSHN Vashon Drift of Fraser Glaciation
53 112WGHL Wingate Hill Drift
53 112WHLK Wahluke Formation
53 112WLLP Willapa Clays
53 120CAMS Camas Basalt
53 120CDRL Cathedral Granite
53 120CLDP Cloudy Pass Diorite
53 120KRGR Kruger Alkaline Syenites
53 120PLLK Phalen Lake Volcanics
53 120PLMR Palmer Volcanics
53 120RSLD Rossland Group
53 120SDCK Soleduck Formation
53 120SPRD Sheppard Granite
53 120TIGR Tiger Formation
53 120TSSR Twin Sisters Dunite
53 120UDRD Underwood Lava
53 121BVRL Beverly Member of Ellensburg Formation
53 121ELPM Elephant Mountain Flow
53 121HARO Haro Formation
53 121HOKO Hoko Formation
53 121HWSN Howson Andesite
53 121MNSN Montesano Formation
53 121QLLT Quillayute Formation
53 121QNLT Quinault Formation
53 121RFRV Raft River Formation
53 121RGLD Undifferentiated Ringold Formation
53 121RGLDB Basal Part of Ringold Formation
53 121RGLDL Lower Part of Ringold Formation
53 121RGLDM Middle Part of Ringold Formation
53 121RGLDU Upper Part of Ringold Formation
53 121SELH Selah Tuff Member of Ellensburg Formation
53 121SGLF Sugarloaf Andesite
53 121SLBT Selah Butte Flow
53 121SMMT Summit Conglomerate
53 121SNPS Snipes Conglomerates
53 121SQLM Snoqualmie Granodiorite
53 121TRDL Troutdale Formation
53 121UDDM Underwood Mountain Lava
53 122BRNP Browns Point Formation
53 122CBRV Columbia River Basalt Group
53 122CLLM Clallam Formation
53 122DGLC Douglas Canyon Formation
53 122EGCK Eagle Creek Formation
53 122ELBG Ellensburg Formation
53 122EMCL Enumclaw Volcanic Series
53 122FFPK Fifes Peak Formation
53 122FSPG Frenchman Springs Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
53 122GDRD Grande Ronde Basalt Formation
53 122HMBF Hammer Bluff Formation
53 122HOH Hoh Formation
53 122HWRD Howard Arkose
53 122IMNH Imnaha Basalt of Columbia River Basalt Group
53 122LATH Latah Formation
53 122LCCK Lincoln Creek Formation
53 122LKVG Lake Vantage Lavas
53 122MBTN Mabton Member (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
53 122MSHL Mashel Formation
53 122OCDP Orchard Point Conglomerate of Blakeley Formation
53 122PCGG Picture Gorge Basalt of Columbia River Basalt Group
53 122PDOV Pend Oreille Valley Andesite
53 122PRPD Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
53 122QNCY Quincy Diatomite Bed of Priest Rapids Mbr of Yakima Basalt
53 122ROZA Roza Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
53 122RSRP Restoration Point Member of Blakeley Formation
53 122SDLM Saddle Mountains Basalt Formation
53 122SELH Selah Member (Informal Usage) of Ellensburg Formation
53 122SKMN Skamania Volcanic Series
53 122SLVS Silver Star Granodiorite
53 122SQCK Squaw Creek Diatomite Bed of Ellensburg Formation
53 122SVRG Steves Ridge Formation
53 122TNUM Taneum Andesite
53 122VNTG Vantage Member of Ellensburg Formation
53 122WIDX West Index Andesitic Series
53 122WNPM Wanapum Basalt Formation
53 122YKIM Yakima Basalt Subgroup of Columbia River Basalt Group
53 123BLKL Blakeley Formation
53 123GROM Gerome Volcanics
53 123GRRC Gries Ranch Formation
53 123KDKM Klondike Mountain Formation
53 123LNCL Lincoln Formation
53 123MRSN Marrowstone Shale
53 123OPCS Ohanapecosh Formation
53 123PRTR Porter Shale
53 123PUGT Puget Group
53 123QMPR Quimper Sandstone
53 123RNTN Renton Formation of Puget Group
53 123RSRP Restoration Point Horizon
53 123SKCK Skate Creek Laharic Breccia
53 123STTL Seattle Formation
53 123TKWL Tukwila Formation of Puget Group
53 123TMTB Tom Thumb Tuff Member of Klondike Mountain Formation
53 123TNSD Townsend Shale
53 123TRVR Twin River Formation
53 123TUTL Toutle Formation
53 123WKKM Wahkiakum Formation
53 124BLGM Bellingham Beds
53 124BNDR Boundary Shale
53 124BYNE Bayne Series
53 124CBRV Carbon River Coal Series
53 124CCKN Chuckanut Formation
53 124CHLS Chehalis Sandstone
53 124CLTZ Cowlitz Formation
53 124CRBD Carbonado Formation of Puget Group
53 124CRSC Crescent Formation
53 124EVCK Evans Creek Coal Series
53 124FRFX Fairfax Coal Bearing Rocks
53 124FRKL Franklin Sandstone
53 124FRKLS Franklin Series
53 124GUYE Guye Formation
53 124KBHL Knob Hill Andestie
53 124KCSS Kachess Rhyolite
53 124KMMR Kummer Series
53 124KMMRF Kummer Formation
53 124LYRE Lyre Formation
53 124MCIS Mc Intosh Formation
53 124MCSN Metchosin Volcanic Series
53 124MLMN Melmont Coal Bearing Rocks
53 124MNSS Manastash Formation
53 124NCHS Naches Formation
53 124NRCF Northcraft Formation of Puget Group
53 124NTPC Natapoc Formation
53 124OBCK Obrien Creek Formation
53 124OLQU Olequa Formation
53 124OQCK Olequa Creek Member of Cowlitz Formation
53 124PELL Pe Ell Volcanics Member of Cowlitz Formation
53 124PPNC Pipestone Canyon Formation
53 124PUYR Puyer Formation
53 124RGRV Raging River Formation
53 124RSLN Roslyn Formation
53 124SCCK Scatter Creek Rhyodacite or Formation
53 124SKKK Skookumchuck Formation
53 124SLCK Stillwater Creek Member of Cowlitz Formation
53 124SNPL Sanpoil Volcanics
53 124SPKN Spiketon Formation of Puget Group
53 124SPRR South Prairie Formation
53 124SUMS Sumas Shale In Chuckanut Formation
53 124SWUK Swauk Formation
53 124TGRM Tiger Mountain Formation of Puget Group
53 124TNWY Teanaway Basalt
53 124WLKS Wilkeson Coal Series
53 125EGLE Eagle Greenschist
53 125ESTN Easton Schist
53 200JUMB Jumbo Volcanics
53 200KRGM Kruger Mountain Malignite
53 200OSYS Osoyoos Granodiorite
53 200WSKM Whiskey Mountain Granodiorite
53 210BGCL Bogachiel Formation
53 210CLEM Cle Elum Formation
53 210LCRV Leech River Group
53 210LNLK Loon Lake Granite
53 210VGRG Virginian Ridge Formation
53 211MGPK Midnight Peak Formation
53 211WNRP Winthrop Sandstone
53 217PSTN Pasayten Formation
53 217SPDN Spieden Formation
53 220EGCF Eagle Cliff Porphyrite
53 220INDX Index Granodiorite
53 220NWBY Newby Formation
53 220RMML Remmel Granodiorite
53 220TYE Tye Granite
53 221CHLN Chelan Granodiorite
53 221MTOR Meteor Granodiorite
53 221SKSN Shuksan Formation
53 230COVD Covada Group
53 230FDLG Fidalgo Formation
53 230VNTR Ventura Formation
53 300CLGS Clugston Limestone
53 300DRLK Deer Lake Argillite
53 300EGLM Eagle Mountain Quartzite
53 300FCRK Fish Creek Argillite
53 300LDPN Lead Point Argillite
53 300SNJN San Juan Series
53 310GRFL Granite Falls Limestone
53 320CHPKB Chopaka Basic Intrusives
53 320CHPKS Chopaka Schist
53 320GNPK Gunn Peak Formation
53 320HZMN Hozomeen Series
53 320KRGR Kruger Schist
53 330CLVL Colville Quartzite
53 331CHLH Chewelah Argillite
53 350SVNS Stevens Series
53 360LDBR Ledbetter Slate
53 360MLNY Maloney Metamorphic Series
53 370BCKK Buckskin Schist
53 370BNDR Boundary Argillite
53 370CDCK Cedar Creek Argillite
53 370CHKM Chiwaukum Schist
53 370DPLK Deep Lake Argillite
53 370FRNW Fernow Gneiss
53 370GYPS Gypsy Quartzite
53 370REVS Reeves Limestone Member of Maitlen Phyllite
53 370SWKN Swakane Biotite Gneiss
53 370TONG Tonga Formation
53 374MSSN Mission Argillite
53 374MTLN Metaline Limestone or Formation
53 374NRPR Northport Limestone
53 374RBCK Republican Creek Limestone
53 374RDTP Red Top Limestone
53 377ADDY Addy Quartzite
53 377MTLN Maitlen Phyllite
53 377ODDM Old Dominion Limestone
53 400BDLK Bead Lake Formation
53 400BFHP Buffalo Hump Formation of Deer Trail Group
53 400DRTL Deer Trail Group
53 400EDNA Edna Dolomite of Deer Trail Group
53 400HCKB Huckleberry Formation
53 400LEOL Leola Volcanics
53 400MCHL Mc Hale Slate of Deer Trail Group
53 400MNHL Moon Hill Quartzite Member of Skookum Formation
53 400MRDG Martin Ridge Schist
53 400MRSL Marshall Diorite
53 400NONM No Name Argillite
53 400NPRT Newport Group
53 400ORNT Orient Gneiss
53 400RBBN Ribbon Gneiss
53 400SDRF Shedroof Conglomerate
53 400SKKM Skookum Formation
53 400SSGR Stensgar Dolomite of Deer Trail Group
53 400TOGO Togo Formation of Deer Trail Group
53 BASEMENT Basement
53 BEDROCK Bedrock
54 000UMTL Unknown Material
54 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
54 110QRNR Quaternary System
54 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
54 111HLCN Holocene Series
54 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
54 230IRSV Intrusive Rocks
54 230TRSC Triassic System
54 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
54 310PRMN Permian System
54 317DKRD Dunkard Group
54 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
54 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
54 321CNMG Conemaugh Formation
54 321MNGL Monongahela Formation
54 321PSLVU Upper Pennsylvanian Series
54 324ALGN Allegheny Formation
54 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
54 327KNWH Kanawha Formation
54 327NEWR New River Formation
54 327PCNS Pocahontas Formation
54 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
54 327PSVL Pottsville Formation
54 330MSSP Mississippian System
54 330PRIC Price Formation
54 331BLFD Bluefield Formation
54 331BLPR Bluestone and Princeton Formations
54 331BLSN Bluestone Formation
54 331HNTN Hinton Formation
54 331MCCK Mauch Chunk Formation
54 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
54 332ALDR Alderson Limestone of Greenbrier Group
54 332DNMR Denmar Formation of Greenbrier Group
54 332GRVL Greenville Shale of Greenbrier Group
54 332PCKY Pickaway Limestone of Greenbrier Group
54 332TGRD Taggard Formation of Greenbrier Group
54 332UNON Union Limestone of Greenbrier Group
54 333HLDL Hillsdale Limestone of Greenbrier Group
54 334GRBR Greenbrier Limestone
54 337MCCD Maccrady Shale
54 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
54 337POCN Pocono Formation
54 340DVNN Devonian System
54 341BRLR Brallier Formation
54 341CMNG Chemung Formation
54 341DVNUM Upper-Middle Devonian Series
54 341HMPR Hampshire Formation
54 341HRRL Harrell Shale
54 341MRCL Marcellus Shale
54 344HUNT Huntersville Chert
54 344MNMR Mahantango and Marcellus Formations
54 344MNNG Mahantango Formation
54 344MRCL Marcellus Shale
54 344NDMR Needmore Shale
54 344NHNN Needmore and Huntersville and Onondaga and Onesquethaw Formations
54 344ONDG Onondaga Limestone
54 344SQTW Onesquethaw Formation
54 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
54 347HDBG Helderberg Group
54 347NSCD New Scotland Limestone
54 347NWCK New Creek Formation
54 347ORSK Oriskany Formation
54 347SRVR Shriver Chert
54 350SLRN Silurian System
54 351SLRNU Silurian, Upper
54 351TNLY Tonoloway Limestone
54 351TNWL Tonoloway and Wills Creek Formations
54 351WLCK Wills Creek Formation
54 351WLMP Williamsport Sandstone
54 354CLNN Clinton Formation
54 354MCKZ Mc Kenzie Formation
54 354RKRH Rochester and Keefer and Rose Hill Formations
54 354RSHL Rose Hill Formation
54 354SLRNM Silurian, Middle
54 357SLRNL Silurian, Lower
54 357TCRR Tuscarora Sandstone
54 360ODVC Ordovician System
54 361JOSG Juniata and Oswego
54 361JUNT Juniata Formation
54 361MRBG Martinsburg Shale
54 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
54 364CABB Chambersburg Limestone
54 364CBBG Chambersburg Limestone (used By Maryland)
54 364NMRK New Market Limestone
54 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
54 364STPL St Paul Group
54 364TRNN Trenton Limestone
54 365BKRV Black River Formation
54 367BKMN Beekmantown Group
54 367KNOX Knox Dolomite
54 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
54 367PBGS Pinesburg Station Dolomite
54 367RCKR Rockdale Run Formation
54 367SNNG Stonehenge Formation
54 370CMBR Cambrian System
54 371CCCG Conococheague Group
54 371CCCGG Conococheague Group
54 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
54 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
54 374ELBK Elbrook Formation
54 377ANTM Antietam Formation
54 377CHLH Chilhowee Group
54 377CMBRL Lower Cambrian Series
54 377CTSW Catoctin and Swift Run Formations
54 377HRWV Harpers and Weverton Formations
54 377TMSN Tomstown Dolomite
54 377WSBR Waynesboro Formation
54 400CTCN Catoctin Formation
54 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
54 400SWFT Swift Run Formation
54 BASEMENT Basement
54 BEDROCK Bedrock
55 000UMTL Unknown Material
55 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
55 100SDGV Sand and Gravel Aquifer
55 110CLAY Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110EOLI Eolian Deposits
55 110EOLN Eolian Deposits
55 110GRAV Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110GRVL Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110GVCL Gravel and Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110HRDP Hardpan (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110MARL Marl (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110PEAT Peat (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110QRNR Quaternary System
55 110SAND Sand (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SANDP Sand (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SDCL Sand Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SDGV Sand and Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SDGVP Sand and Gravel (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SGVC Sand, Gravel, and Clay (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 110SILT Silt (Holocene and/or Pleistocene)
55 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
55 111FILL Fill
55 111HLCN Holocene Series
55 111SOIL Soil
55 112BDCL Buried Channel Deposits
55 112BDWD Buried Waterlaid Deposits
55 112BUDC Buried Channel Deposits
55 112DFUD Drift, Unsorted
55 112ICCC Ice-Contact Deposits, Pleistocene
55 112LCSR Lacustrine Deposits
55 112OTSH Outwash
55 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
55 112TILL Till
55 112VLTR Valley Trains, Pleistocene
55 300NEDA Neda Formation
55 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
55 300SDSL Sandstone-Silurian Dolomite Aquifer
55 300SNDS Sandstone Aquifer
55 300SNDSA Sandstone Aquifer
55 300SODV Silurian-Ordovician Systems
55 340DVNN Devonian System
55 341ANRM Antrim Shale
55 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
55 341KNWD Kenwood Formation
55 344DVNNM Devonian, Middle
55 344LKCC Lake Church Formation
55 344MLWK Milwaukee Formation
55 344TSVL Thiensville Formation
55 347DVSL Devonian-Silurian Systems
55 350SLDL Silurian Dolomite Aquifer
55 350SLRN Silurian System
55 352CYGN Cayugan Series
55 352WUBK Waubakee Formation
55 354WKSA Waukesha Formation
55 355BBLF Burnt Bluff Group
55 355BYRN Byron Dolomite
55 355CRDL Cordell Dolomite
55 355HDCK Hendricks Dolomite
55 355MASQ Manistique Formation
55 355MNSQ Manistique Dolomite
55 355NGRN Niagaran Series
55 355RCIN Racine Formation
55 355SCCF Schoolcraft Dolomite
55 358ALXD Alexandrian Series
55 358MVLL Mayville Limestone
55 360ODVC Ordovician System
55 362BRAD Brainard Member of Maquoketa Shale
55 362BRRD Brainard Member of Maquoketa Shale
55 362CNCN Cincinnatian Series
55 362FOAK Fort Atkinson Limestone Member of Maquoketa Shale
55 362FRAK Fort Atkinson Limestone Member of Maquoketa Shale
55 362MQKS Maquoketa Shale
55 362MQKT Maquoketa Group
55 362MQKTG Maquoketa Group
55 362SCLS Scales Member of Maquoketa Shale
55 365ANCL Ancell Group
55 365CMPL Champlainian Series
55 365DCRH Decorah Formation
55 365DNLT Dunleith Member of Galena Dolomite
55 365DUBQ Dubuque Member of Galena Dolomite
55 365DUNL Dunleith Member of Galena Dolomite
55 365GAPV Galena-Platteville Aquifer
55 365GBRG Guttenberg Limestone Member of Decorah Formation
55 365GLEN Galena Formation
55 365GLND Glenwood Formation
55 365GLPV Galena-Platteville Aquifer
55 365GUBG Guttenberg Limestone Member of Decorah Formation
55 365MCGG Mcgregor Member of Platteville Formation
55 365PCNC Pecatonica Dolomite Member of Platteville Formation
55 365PLVL Platteville Formation
55 365QMBM Quimbys Mill Member of Platteville Formation
55 365QUBM Quimbys Mill Member of Platteville Formation
55 365RDSN Readstown Member of St. Peter Sandstone
55 365SNNP Sinnipee Group
55 365SPCF Spechts Ferry Shale Member of Decorah Formation
55 365SPEF Spechts Ferry Shale Member of Decorah Formation
55 365STPR St. Peter Sandstone
55 365TONT Tonti Member of St. Peter Sandstone
55 365WILK Wise Lake Member of Galena Dolomite
55 365WSLK Wise Lake Member of Galena Dolomite
55 367KNKK Kankakee Formation
55 367OVCB Ordovician-Cambrian Systems
55 368CNDN Canadian Series
55 368GENO Genoa Member of Oneota Dolomite
55 368HKRG Hickory Ridge Member of Oneota Dolomite
55 368MDRG Mound Ridge Member of Oneota Dolomite
55 368NERM New Richmond Member of Shakopee Formation
55 368NRCM New Richmond Member of Shakopee Formation
55 368ONOT Oneota Dolomite
55 368PRDC Prairie Du Chien Group
55 368SDRD Stoddard Member of Oneota Dolomite
55 368SHKP Shakopee Formation
55 368WLRV Willow River Dolomite Member of Shakopee Formation
55 370CMBR Cambrian System
55 372BCKE Black Earth Member of St. Lawrence Formation
55 372BRKM Birkmose Member of Lone Rock Formation
55 372CNVL Coon Valley Member of the Jordan Formation
55 372DRBC Dresbach Group
55 372ECLR Eau Claire Formation
55 372EKMD Elk Mound Group
55 372FRAC Franconia Sandstone
55 372FRNC Franconia Sandstone
55 372GALV Galesville Member of Wonewoc Formation
55 372GLVL Galesville Member of Wonewoc Formation
55 372IRNN Ironton Member of Wonewoc Formation
55 372JRDN Jordan Sandstone
55 372LODI Lodi Member of St. Lawrence Formation
55 372LRCK Lone Rock Formation
55 372MNSN Mount Simon Sandstone
55 372MZMN Mazomanie Formation
55 372NRLK Norwalk Member of Jordan Formation
55 372RENO Reno Member of Mazomanie Formation
55 372SCRX St. Croixan Series
55 372SLRC St. Lawrence Formation
55 372SNSP Sunset Point Member of Jordan Formation
55 372TMPL Trempealeau Group
55 372TNLC Tunnel City Group
55 372TOMH Tomah Member of Mazomanie Formation
55 372TRMP Trempealeau Formation
55 372VOSR Van Oser Member of Jordan Formation
55 372WNWC Wonewoc Formation
55 372WUKN Waukon Member of the Jordan Formation
55 400ALDZ Altered or Weathered Zone
55 400BCPX Basement Complex Aquifer
55 400BCPXA Basement Complex Aquifer
55 400BRBO Baraboo Formation
55 400CGLM Conglomerate
55 400DORT Diorite
55 400EXIG Extrusive Igneous Rock
55 400FLSC Felsic Rocks
55 400GBBR Gabbro
55 400GNSS Gneiss
55 400GRNS Greenstone
55 400GRNT Precambrian Granite
55 400GRSC Greenstone Schist
55 400IRON Iron-Formation
55 400MFIC Mafic Rocks
55 400MIVI Metamorphic or Intrusive Igneous Rock
55 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
55 400PFGL Parfrey's Glen Formation
55 400QRTZ Quartzite
55 400RYLT Rhyolite
55 400SLTE Slate
55 400SMMM Sedimentary or Metasedimentary Rocks
55 420 Precambrian Precambrian Y
55 420BFLD Bayfield Group
55 420CEQG Chequamegon Formation of Bayfield Group
55 420CPHB Copper Harbor Conglomerate
55 420CQMG Chequamegon Sandstone
55 420DEVI Devils Island Formation of Bayfield Group
55 420DVID Devils Island Sandstone
55 420FRDA Freda Formation of Oronto Group
55 420FRED Freda Sandstone
55 420KWNN Keweenawan Supergroup
55 420LASS Lake Superior Sedimentary Rock
55 420LKSS Lake Superior Sandstone Aquifer
55 420LVFL Lava Flow Aquifer
55 420NNSC Nonesuch Shale
55 420NOSC Nonesuch Formation of Oronto Group
55 420ORNT Orienta Formation
55 420ORON Oronto Group
55 BASEMENT Basement
55 BEDROCK Bedrock
56 000UMTL Unknown Material
56 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
56 110QRNR Quaternary System
56 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
56 111EOLN Eolian Deposits
56 111FILL Fill
56 111HLCN Holocene Series
56 111HTML Hydrothermal Deposits
56 111KYCE Kaycee Formation
56 111LCTN Lacustrine Deposits
56 111LDLD Landslide Deposits
56 111LGNG Lighting Formation
56 111SNDD Sand Dune Deposits
56 111SPOL Spoil
56 111TRRC Terrace Deposits
56 111UCRS Ucross Formation
56 112ARVD Arvada Formation
56 112BLKO Bull Lake Outwash
56 112BLLK Bull Lake Drift
56 112BSLT Basalt
56 112BVUC Bivouac Formation
56 112CDRG Cedar Ridge Till
56 112DDLK Dinwoody Lake Till
56 112EOLN Eolian Deposits
56 112FNPS Fenton Pass Formation
56 112GCLO Glacial Outwash
56 112GLCL Glacial Deposits
56 112LIDY Leidy Formation
56 112LVCK Lava Creek Tuff
56 112PDLO Pinedale Outwash
56 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
56 112PNDL Pinedale Drift
56 112RYLT Rhyolite Flows
56 112SCGR Sacagewea Ridge Till
56 112SDRY Sedimentary Rocks
56 112TRRC Terrace Deposits
56 112YLSN Yellowstone Group
56 120BSLT Basalt
56 120EXTV Extrusive Rock
56 120INTV Intrusive Rock
56 120IRSV Intrusive Rocks
56 120TRTR Tertiary System
56 121BGLC Burnt Gulch Conglomerate
56 121BRPK Browns Park Formation
56 121CCRK Conant Creek Tuff
56 121CNYN Canyon Basalt
56 121CPDV Camp Davis Formation
56 121FWKS Fowkes Formation
56 121GLCL Glacial Deposits
56 121GSBR Gooseberry Member of Fowkes Formation
56 121HKBR Huckleberry Ridge Tuff
56 121MNSN Moonstone Formation
56 121NRPK North Park Formation
56 121OGLL Ogallala Formation
56 121PLCN Pliocene Series
56 121SGIR Shooting Iron Formation
56 121SLLK Salt Lake Formation
56 121SPNB Spoon Butte Beds
56 121TWNT Teewinot Formation
56 122ARKR Arikaree Formation
56 122BRPK Browns Park Formation
56 122BSHP Bishop Conglomerate
56 122CLDC Caldwell Canyon Volcanics
56 122CLTR Colter Formation
56 122CPDV Camp Davis Formation
56 122MNSN Moonstone Formation
56 122MOCN Miocene Series
56 122NRPK North Park Formation
56 122SRMN Sherman Diorite
56 122TWNT Teewinot Formation
56 123BGSD Big Sand Draw Sandstone Lentil of White River Formation
56 123BRUL Brule Formation of White River Group
56 123BSHP Bishop Conglomerate
56 123BVDV Beaver Divide Conglomerate Member of White River Formation
56 123CDRN Chadron Formation of White River Group
56 123CLDC Caldwell Canyon Volcanics
56 123HCRK Hat Creek Beds
56 123OLGC Oligocene Series
56 123STTR Sweetwater Member of White River Formation
56 123TMNM Tateman Mountain Gravel
56 123WGNS Wiggins Formation
56 123WIRV White River Formation or Group
56 123WRVR White River Formation or Group
56 123YODR Yoder Formation
56 124ABRK Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup
56 124ACRS Aycross Formation
56 124AKCK Alkali Creek Stratum of Wind River Formation
56 124AKCT Alkali Creek Tongue of Wasatch Formation
56 124ANGL Angelo Member of Green River Formation
56 124BDGH Bulldog Hollow Member of Fowkes Formation
56 124BKFK Blacks Fork Member of Bridger Formation
56 124BKRK Black Rock Coal Group
56 124BLPN Bullpen Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124BRDG Bridger Formation
56 124BRFK Burnt Fork White Layer
56 124BSHL Bates Hole Formation
56 124BSPG Battle Spring Formation
56 124CDBF Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of Wasatch Formation
56 124CDDR Cottonwood Draw Banded Layers of Wind River Formation
56 124CHPP Chappo Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124CKGP Crooks Gap Conglomerate
56 124CLCK Clear Creek Gravels
56 124CLMN Coalmont Formation
56 124CLPK Continental Peak Formation
56 124CNDW Cottonwood White Layers
56 124EOCN Eocene Series
56 124FNNL Fontenelle Member of Green River Formation
56 124FRSO Farson Sandstone Member of Green River Formation
56 124FSLB Fossil Butte Member of Green River Formation
56 124FWKS Fowkes Formation
56 124GRCV Green Cove Beds
56 124GRNN Greenian Series
56 124GRRV Green River Formation
56 124HANN Hanna Formation
56 124HBCK Hoback Formation
56 124HRRC Henry Ranch Member of Tepee Trail Formation
56 124HWTH Hiawatha Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124KGBR Kingsbury Conglomerate Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124LBRG La Barge Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124LNEY Laney Shale Member of Green River Formation
56 124LSCB Lost Cabin Member of Wind River Formation
56 124LTGC Lone Tree Gulch Ash
56 124LUMN Luman Tongue of Green River Formation
56 124LYST Lysite Member of Wind River Formation
56 124MCRF Moncrief Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124NBRG Newberger Sand (Subsurface)
56 124NFRK New Fork Tongue of Wasatch Formation
56 124NLND Niland Tongue of Wasatch Formation
56 124PCFK Pitchfork Formation
56 124PSPK Pass Peak Conglomerate
56 124RDDR Red Desert Tongue of Wasatch Formation
56 124RMSR Ramshorn Volcanic Series
56 124SLLM Sillem Member of Fowkes Formation
56 124TNBS Twin Buttes Member of Bridger Formation
56 124TPTL Tepee Trail Formation
56 124TPTN Tipton Shale Member of Green River Formation
56 124TTMN Tatman Formation
56 124TUNP Tunp Member of Wasatch Formation
56 124UINT Uinta Formation
56 124ULM Ulm Coal Group of Wasatch Formation
56 124WDRV Wind River Formation
56 124WGBD Wagon Bed Formation
56 124WGND Wagonhound Member of Uinta Formation
56 124WGNS Wiggins Formation
56 124WKPK Wilkins Peak Member of Green River Formation
56 124WLSN Wilson Sand
56 124WLWD Willwood Formation
56 124WSHK Washakie Formation
56 124WSTC Wasatch Formation
56 125EVNS Evanston Formation
56 125FRRS Ferris Formation
56 125FRUN Fort Union Formation
56 125HBCK Hoback Formation
56 125HMFK Hams Fork Conglomerate Member of Evanston Formation
56 125LEBO Lebo Member of Fort Union Formation
56 125MNTU Mantua Lentil of Polecat Bench Formation
56 125PCBC Polecat Bench Formation
56 125PLCN Paleocene Series
56 125PNYN Pinyon Conglomerate
56 125RKBQ Rock Bench Quarry Beds of Polecat Bench Formation
56 125SLVC Silver Coulee Beds of Polecat Bench Formation
56 125STGN Shotgun Member of Fort Union Formation
56 125TGRV Tongue River Member of Fort Union Formation
56 125TULK Tullock Member of Fort Union Formation
56 125WLMN Waltman Shale Member of Fort Union Formation
56 200MSZC Mesozoic Erathem
56 210CRCS Cretaceous System
56 210SOHR Sohare Formation
56 211ADVL Adaville Formation
56 211ALMD Almond Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211ARDG Allen Ridge Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211ASPN Aspen Shale
56 211BCKB Black Buttes Coal Group
56 211BCRG Bacon Ridge Sandstone
56 211BEFCS Belle Fourche Shale Member of Graneros Shale
56 211BLDB Blind Bull Formation
56 211BLFC Belle Fourche Shale
56 211BLIR Blair Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211BOW Bow Formation or Group
56 211BSIN Basin Shale
56 211BXTR Baxter Shale
56 211CLGG Claggett Shale of the Montana Group
56 211CLSP Clay Spur Bentonite Bed of Mowry Shale
56 211CMRK Chimney Rock Tongue of Blair Formation
56 211CODY Cody Shale
56 211CRCSU Upper Cretaceous Series
56 211CRLL Carlile Shale
56 211DKOT Dakota Sandstone or Formation
56 211EGLE Eagle Sandstone
56 211ELKB Elk Basin Sandstone Member of Telegraph Creek Formation
56 211ERCS Ericson Sandstone or Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211EVRS Everts Formation
56 211FRNR Frontier Formation
56 211FTZG Fitzhugh Sand (Subsurface)
56 211FXHL Fox Hills Formation
56 211GMMN Gammon Ferruginous Member of Pierre Shale
56 211GRER Greenhorn Limestone
56 211GRNR Greenhorn Limestone
56 211GRRS Graneros Shale
56 211HCKM Haystack Mountains Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211HILY Hailey Shale
56 211HLRD Hilliard Shale or Formation
56 211HMFK Hams Fork Conglomerate Member of Evanston Formation
56 211HRBL Harebell Formation
56 211HYGN Hygiene Sandstone Member of Pierre Shale
56 211ILES Iles Formation
56 211KARA Kara Bentonitic Member of Pierre Shale
56 211KBCK Knobs-Cherokee Coal Group
56 211KMBL Kimball Sand (Subsurface)
56 211LDCK Landslide Creek Formation
56 211LNCE Lance Formation
56 211LRMI Laramie Formation
56 211LWIS Lewis Shale
56 211LZRT Lazeart Sandstone Member of Adaville Formation
56 211MDCB Medicine Bow Formation
56 211MEVD Mesaverde Formation or Group
56 211MMHL Monument Hill Bentonitic Member of Pierre Shale
56 211MNCS Mancos Shale
56 211MTTN Mitten Black Shale Member of Pierre Shale
56 211MTTS Meeteetse Formation
56 211MVRD Mesaverde Formation or Group
56 211MWRY Mowry Shale
56 211NBRR Niobrara Formation
56 211OCTL Octh Louie Sand (Subsurface)
56 211ORDG Oyster Ridge Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
56 211PDRO Pedro Bentonite Bed of Pierre Shale
56 211PEAY Peay Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
56 211PINY Piney Formation
56 211PIRR Pierre Shale
56 211PLCK Pool Creek Shale Member of Carlile Shale
56 211PRDG Pine Ridge Sandstone of Mesaverde Group
56 211PRKM Parkman Sandstone of Montana Group
56 211QULY Quealy Formation
56 211RDBD Red Bird Silty Member of Pierre Shale
56 211RKSP Rock Springs Formation of Mesaverde Group
56 211RLNS Rawlins Sandstone
56 211SNNN Shannon Sandstone Member of Cody Shale
56 211SSSX Sussex Sandstone Member of Cody Shale
56 211STEL Steele Shale
56 211TCLG Torchlight Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
56 211TPCK Telegraph Creek Formation
56 211TPOT Teapot Sandstone Member of Mesaverde Formation
56 211TRNG Torrington Member of Lance Formation
56 211TRNR Turner Sandy Member of Carlile Shale
56 211WLCK Wall Creek Sandstone Member of Frontier Formation
56 217ASPN Aspen Shale or Formation
56 217BCLR Bechler Conglomerate
56 217BECL Bechler Conglomerate of Gannett Group
56 217BRDD Birdhead Sandstone Member of Cloverly Formation
56 217BRRT Barrett Shale
56 217BRRV Bear River Formation
56 217CKVL Cokeville Formation
56 217CLSN Chilson Member of Lakota Formation
56 217CLSP Clay Spur Bentonite Bed of Mowry Shale
56 217CLVL Cloverly Formation
56 217CRCSL Lower Cretaceous Series
56 217DRNY Draney Limestone of Gannett Group
56 217EPRM Ephraim Conglomerate of Gannett Group
56 217FLRV Fall River Formation
56 217FUSN Fuson Member of Lakota Formation
56 217GNNT Gannett Group
56 217GRBL Greybull Sandstone Member of Cloverly Formation
56 217HCRK Hay Creek Formation
56 217INKR Inyan Kara Group
56 217KYHL Keyhole Sandstone Member of Fall River Formation
56 217LKOT Lakota Formation
56 217MDDY Muddy Sandstone Member of Thermopolis Shale
56 217MNST Minnewaste Limestone Member of Lakota Formation
56 217MWRY Mowry Shale
56 217NCSL Newcastle Sandstone
56 217PRSN Peterson Limestone of Gannett Group
56 217QULY Quealy Formation
56 217SBLT Sublette Formation
56 217SGJC Sage Junction Formation
56 217SKCK Skull Creek Shale
56 217SMTS Smiths Formation
56 217TMFK Thomas Fork Formation
56 217TMPL Thermopolis Shale
56 220JRSC Jurassic System
56 221CRML Carmel Formation of San Rafael Group
56 221CRTS Curtis Formation of San Rafael Group
56 221CSPGS Canyon Springs Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
56 221GPSP Gypsum Spring Formation
56 221HLTT Hulett Sandstone Member of Sundance Formation
56 221JRSCU Upper Jurassic Series
56 221LAK Lak Member of Sundance Formation
56 221MRSN Morrison Formation
56 221PRSS Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds
56 221RRDN Rierdon Formation
56 221SKBV Stockade Beaver Shale Member of Sundance Formation
56 221SNDC Sundance Formation
56 221STMP Stump Sandstone
56 221SWFT Swift Formation of Ellis Group
56 221SWIF Swift Formation of Ellis Group
56 221TCRK Twin Creek Limestone or Formation
56 224GPSP Gypsum Spring Formation
56 224JRSCM Middle Jurassic Series
56 224PRSS Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds
56 224RRDN Rierdon Formation of Ellis Group
56 224STTH Sawtooth Formation of Ellis Group
56 224TCRK Twin Creek Formation
56 227JRSCL Lower Jurassic Series
56 227NGGT Nugget Sandstone
56 230ALCV Alcova Limestone Member of Chugwater Formation
56 230CGTRG Chugwater Formation or Group
56 230CRMN Crow Mountain Sandstone Member of Chugwater Formation
56 230GSEG Goose Egg Formation
56 230RDPK Red Peak Member of Chugwater Formation
56 230TRSC Triassic System
56 231ALCV Alcova Limestone
56 231ANKR Ankareh Shale, Formation, or Redbeds
56 231CGTR Chugwater Formation or Group
56 231CRMN Crow Mountain Sandstone Member of Chugwater Formation
56 231JELM Jelm Formation
56 231PPAG Popo Agie Member of Chugwater Formation
56 231TRSCU Upper Triassic Series
56 231WYOP Wyopo Formation
56 237DNDY Dinwoody Formation
56 237ERVY Ervay Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 237FRZT Freezeout Shale Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 237GSEG Goose Egg Formation
56 237LMDC Little Medicine Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 237RDPK Red Peak Formation
56 237SPRF Spearfish Formation
56 237TRSCL Lower Triassic Series
56 237TYNS Thaynes Limestone, Formation or Group
56 237WDSD Woodside Formation, Siltstone and/or Redbeds
56 300PLZC Paleozoic Erathem
56 310FRNS Franson Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
56 310GPKC Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
56 310GRADP Grandeur Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
56 310MDPK Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 310MNKT Minnekahta Limestone
56 310MNLS Minnelusa Formation (Permian andPennsylvanian)
56 310PRKC Park City Formation or Group
56 310PRMN Permian System
56 310PSPR Phosphoria Formation
56 310REX Retort Phosphatic Shale Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 310RPHP Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 310RXCR Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 310RXPP Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 310SDRN Shedhorn Sandstone
56 310TOSI Tosi Chert Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 311DFCL Difficulty Shale Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 311FRLL Forelle Limestone
56 311FRNS Franson Member or Tongue of Park City Formation
56 311FRZT Freezeout Tongue of Chugwater Formation
56 311GLED Glendo Shale Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 311GLND Glendo Shale Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 311GRDR Grandeur Member of Park City Formation
56 311MDPK Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 311PRKC Park City Formation
56 311PRMNU Upper Permian Series
56 311PSPR Phosphoria Formation
56 311RTRT Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 311RXCR Rex Chert Member of Phosphoria Formation
56 311SDRN Shedhorn Sandstone
56 311TOSI Tosi Chert Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 317CSPR Casper Formation
56 317CVRS Converse Sandstone Bed of Hartville Formation
56 317FNTN Fountain Formation
56 317FRLL Forelle Limestone Member of Goose Egg Formation
56 317HRVL Hartville Formation
56 317IGLD Ingleside Formation
56 317MNKT Minnekahta Limestone
56 317MNLS Minnelusa Formation
56 317MRON Maroon Formation
56 317OPCH Opeche Shale
56 317PPSP Pope Springs Sandstone
56 317PRMNL Lower Permian Series
56 317SBLL Sybille Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 317STNK Satanka Shale
56 317TOSI Tosi Chert Member or Tongue of Phosphoria Formation
56 317TSLP Tensleep Sandstone
56 317WLLS Wells Formation
56 320AMSD Amsden Formation
56 320DRWN Darwin Sandstone Member of Amsden Formation
56 320PSLV Pennsylvanian System
56 320QDRN Quadrant Quartzite or Formation
56 324MRGN Morgan Formation
56 324PSLVM Middle Pennsylvanian Series
56 327AMSD Amsden Formation
56 327BELL Bell Sand (Subsurface)
56 327DRWN Darwin Sandstone Member of Amsden Formation
56 327FRBK Fairbank Formation
56 327PSLVL Lower Pennsylvanian Series
56 327QDRN Quadrant Quartzite or Formation
56 327RDVL Round Valley Limestone
56 330EGED Englewood Formation (Mississippian and Devonian)
56 330MSSP Mississippian System
56 331MDSN Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian)
56 331MSNC Mission Canyon Limestone
56 331MSSPU Mississippian, Upper
56 337GRNS Guernsey Formation
56 337LDGP Lodgepole Limestone
56 337LOGP Lodgepole Limestone
56 337MSSPL Mississippian, Lower
56 337PHSP Pahasapa Limestone
56 340DVNN Devonian System
56 341DRBY Darby Formation
56 341DVNNU Devonian, Upper
56 341JFRS Jefferson Formation
56 341TRFK Three Forks Shale
56 344BRTB Beartooth Butte Formation
56 344JEFR Jefferson Formation
56 347BRTB Beartooth Butte Formation
56 347DVNNL Devonian, Lower
56 350LKTN Laketown Dolomite
56 360DDWD Deadwood Formation
56 360ODVC Ordovician System
56 361BGRN Bighorn Dolomite
56 361LIGH Leigh Dolomite Member of Bighorn Dolomite
56 361LNDR Lander Sandstone Member of Bighorn Dolomite
56 361ODVCU Ordovician, Upper
56 361RDRV Red River Formation
56 361SNMN Stony Mountain Formation
56 361WHTD Whitewood Dolomite
56 364ALDN Aladdin Sandstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
56 364ICBX Icebox Shale Member of Winnipeg Formation
56 364ODVCM Ordovician, Middle
56 364ROGK Roughlock Siltstone Member of Winnipeg Formation
56 364WNPG Winnipeg Formation
56 367DDWD Deadwood Formation
56 367ODVCL Ordovician, Lower
56 370BKSP Buck Spring Formation
56 370CMBR Cambrian System
56 371BKSP Buck Spring Formation
56 371BYSN Boysen Formation
56 371CMBRU Cambrian, Upper
56 371GLTN Gallatin Limestone or Formation
56 371GRVR Gros Ventre Formation
56 371OPDR Open Door Limestone
56 371PLGM Pilgrim Limestone
56 371SNRG Snowy Range Formation
56 374CMBRM Cambrian, Middle
56 374DCNN Death Canyon Member of Gros Ventre Formation
56 374DPSS Depass Formation
56 374FLTD Flathead Quartzite or Sandstone
56 374GRVR Gros Ventre Formation
56 374MGHR Meagher Limestone
56 374PARK Park Shale
56 374WLSY Wolsey Shale or Formation
56 400PCMB Precambrian Erathem
56 BASEMENT Basement
56 BEDROCK Bedrock
60 000UMTL Unknown Material
60 100CLRB Coralline Rubble Deposits
60 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
60 100LMSN Limestone
60 110QRNR Quaternary System
60 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
60 111ALVT Alluvial and Talus Deposits
60 111AUNU Aunuu Tuff
60 111BECH Beach Deposits
60 111CSRB Calcareous Sand and Rubble Deposits
60 111LEON Leone Volcanics, Undifferentiated
60 111LNAS Leone Volcanics, Ash Deposits
60 111LNCC Leone Volcanics, Cinder Cones
60 111LNLF Leone Volcanics, Lava Flows
60 111LNTF Leone Volcanics, Tuff Deposits
60 111OFTF Ofu Volcanic Rocks, Tuff Deposits
60 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
60 111TULF Tua Volcanic Rocks, Lava Flows
60 111TUTF Tua Volcanic Rocks, Tuff Deposits
60 112AFON Afono Trachyte
60 112LEIL Leila Trachyte
60 112LFLF Lefulufulua Trachyte
60 112MTFO Matafao Trachyte
60 112OFLF Ofu Volcanic Rock, Lava Flows
60 112OGLF Olosega Volcanic Rock, Lava Flows
60 112PIOA Pioa Trachyte
60 112PLSC Pleistocene Series
60 112PPTL Papatele Trachyte
60 112TAU Tau Trachyte
60 112VATI Vatia Trachyte
60 120TRTR Tertiary System
60 121ALFU Alofau Volcanics, Undifferentiated
60 121MSFU Masefau Dike Complex
60 121OLMN Olomoana Volcanics, Undifferentiated
60 121PAGOE Pago Volcanic Series, Extra-Caldera Volcanics, Undifferentiated
60 121PAGOI Pago Volcanic Series, Intra-Caldera Volcanics, Undifferentiated
60 121PLCN Pliocene Series
60 121TPTP Taputapu Volcanics, Undifferentiated, Lava Flows, Tuff and Cinder Cone
60 BASEMENT Basement
60 BEDROCK Bedrock
66 000UMTL Unknown Material
66 100LMSN Limestone
66 100VLCC Volcanic Rocks
68 100CLRB Coralline Rubble Deposits
71 000UMTL Unknown Material
71 100CLRB Coralline Rubble Deposits
71 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
71 100LMSN Limestone
71 111BECH Beach Deposits
71 BASEMENT Basement
71 BEDROCK Bedrock
72 000UMTL Unknown Material
72 100ALVT Alluvium and Talus
72 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
72 110CEBP Coastal Embayment Aquifers, Puerto Rico
72 110CGJV Caguas-Juncos Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 110CYVL Cayey Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 110EPRZ Esperanza Alluvial Aquifer
72 110GUNC Guanica Alluvial Aquifer
72 110GYNL Guayanilla Alluvial Aquifer
72 110HNGB Humacao-Naguabo Alluvial Aquifer
72 110LJVL Lajas Vallay
72 110MUNB Maunabo Alluvial Aquifer
72 110QRNR Quaternary System
72 110RCBV Rio Culebrinas Valley Aquifer
72 110RGAV Rio Grande De Anasco Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 110RGJV Rio Guanajibo Valley Aquifer
72 110RSRD Rio Espiritu Santo To Rio Demajagua Alluvial Valley Aquifers
72 110RYZV Rio Yaguez Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 110SCPL South Coastal Plain Alluvial Aquifer
72 110TLLB Tallaboa Alluvial Aquifer
72 110YBCV Yabucoa Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 110YCVL Yauco Valley Alluvial Aquifer
72 111AVMC Alluvium, Coastal
72 111AVMV Alluvium, Valley
72 111HLCN Holocene Series
72 111VLAV Valley Alluvium
72 120TRTR Tertiary System
72 122AGUD Aguada Limestone
72 122ALMS Almirante Sur Sand Lentil of Cibao Formation
72 122AMMN Aymamon Limestone
72 122CIBO Cibao Formation
72 122CMUY Camuy Limestone
72 122GJTC Guajataca Member of Cibao Formation
72 122ISLM Isla Mona Dolomite (Mono Island)
72 122JNDZ Juana Diaz Formation
72 122LIRO Lirio Limestone (Mono Island)
72 122MCOG Miocene-Oligocene Series
72 122MCRB Mucarabones Sand
72 122MNBL Montebello Limestone Member of Cibao Formation
72 122MOCN Miocene Series
72 122NRCSL North Coast Limestone Aquifer, Lower
72 122NRCSU North Coast Limestone Aquifer, Upper
72 122PONC Ponce Limestone
72 122QBDA Quebrada Arenas Limestone Member of Cibao Formation
72 122RIND Rio Indio Limestone Member of Cibao Formation
72 122UPPR Upper Member of Cibao Formation
72 123LRES Lares Limestone of Rio Guatemala Group
72 123OLGC Oligocene Series
72 123SSBS San Sabastian Formation of Rio Guatemala Group
72 124EOCN Eocene Series
72 124PLNC Plutonic Rocks, Including Dioritic Rocks and Intrusives
72 124RPDR Rio Piedras Siltstone
72 124VLCC Volcanic Rocks, Including Limestone and Detrital Material
72 124VOLCD Volcanic Rocks, Including Limestone and Detrital Material
72 210BJUR Bajura Limestone Aquifer
72 210VLCC Volcanic Rocks Aquifer
72 BASEMENT Basement
72 BEDROCK Bedrock
75 000UMTL Unknown Material
75 100ALVT Alluvium and Talus
75 100BECH Beach Deposits
75 100CNZC Cenozoic Erathem
75 100LMSN Limestone
75 100PRLF Pre-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Lava Flows
75 100PRPY Pre-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Pyroclastic Deposits
75 100PRVC Pre-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Undifferentiated
75 100PSLF Post-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Lava Flows
75 100PSPY Post-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Pyroclastic Deposits
75 100PSVC Post-Caldera Volcanic Rocks, Undifferentiated
75 100RFID Reef-Island Limestone
75 100RGLT Regolith
75 100RRFB Raised Reef and Beach Deposits
75 100VCLF Volcanic Rocks, Lava Flows, Undifferentiated
75 100VCSM Volcanic Rock, Pyroclastic Deposits and Associated Sedimentary Deposit
75 100VLCC Volcanic Rocks
75 110QRNR Quaternary System
75 111AFCF Artificial Fill
75 111ALVM Holocene Alluvium
75 111BECH Beach Deposits
75 111EMGL Emerged Limesands
75 111HLCN Holocene Series
75 111MRSH Marsh Deposits
75 111MRZO Merizo Limestone
75 111PLLU Peleliu Limestone
75 111SAND Sand Deposits (Elevated or Inland From Present Beaches)
75 111SANDE Sand Deposits (Elevated or Inland From Present Beaches)
75 111SWMP Swamp Deposits
75 111SWSP Salt-Water Swamp Deposits
75 112AGAN Agana Argillaceous Member of Mariana Limestone
75 112ANYT Alluvium, Mass-Wasting Deposits and Younger Terrace Deposits
75 112LTRT Laterite
75 112MARN Mariana Limestone, Undifferentiated